How to argue against this?

People are convincing others to vote democrat because Trump is “fucking up social security”.. does anyone brain hard enough to find rebuttals against any desire to vote democrat?

Sorry for such a slidey type thread. Figured it’s important anyways. I see little productivity on Zig Forums for a few days. Also I’m on phone and my meme pics on here have the weird file names like that one user told us to look out for so fuck off before implying implications.

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Other urls found in this thread:>>12254914

And what are the rest of the traitors in government doing by importing foreign shitskins? Is that not "fucking up social security"? Whites are the only ones paying into that shit in the first place.

This thread doesn't deserve to exist.
That said:
Do you have ANY evidence that they're proving successful in that attempt as regards anyone who was ever open to supporting Trump to begin with?

Yeah but how can I actually deflect whatever trump is doing to SS (I actually don’t know what he’s doing so that’d help too). My family has never voted democrat and this rich asshole is convincing them just by this

What exactly is trump doing to social security? It’s been fucked for years and everybody knows it. The coffers have been raided already and that money was spent before he even announced his candidacy.

Also this shitskins don’t pay into taxes.

Maybe you should make this thread on the Fox News forums.

Also, this.
Well, sort of.

Non-Whites don't really get much in the way of Social Security either, as they don't make much money in life, so the end result in terms of what they're given is shit…

… but that doesn't matter, because they're usually on so many other programs throughout the course of their life, getting free money, food, housing, medical aid, etc, that even if their SS income is a pittance, the cost to White workers throughout the course of one nigger's lifetime is enormous, especially if its a sheboon.

Boomers user. Also a majority of our flakey population. I think serious arguing points despite their lack of political intrigue is still a completely necessary thing

No sweetie I have to to get my court stuff in order

You ladies can feel free to visit

Can you please fuck up a thread with no point instead of mine. And sage too unless you’re an agent of chaos

I don't know or care what Trump is doing. The people you want to argue against don't want to argue with you, anyway. They believe everything negative they hear about trump with zero verification. They're drones. Fuck 'em.

As for voting, it probably doesn't hurt to vote for the lesser evil, but I doubt it helps to actually secure an exist for your people and a future for white children. Gonna have to do more than vote Republican, I'm afraid.

I asked you for evidence. Not trying to be a dick, but I need to be convinced this actually works before viewing it as a legitimate argumentative strategy by the enemy.

Mostly right, however, that first part is inaccurate.

Social Security was already fucked up long before Trump arrived. It was practically screwed up from the start and got worse when it became a pyramid scheme.

If anything, most social welfare should get scrapped and the only social welfare that we should have would be a negative income tax that pays half the difference between annual income and a cutoff level.

Also, old people shouldn't be living that long anyway since it diverts too much resources that would have gone into producing children.


Let them walk into that trap after having been fucked sideways for lying through their kike mouths.

Just another lying Democrat.

Bullshit. Trump may be ineffective, and possibly a release valve for white identity politics, but he did the greatest thing a president has done in any living person's lifetime: he shined a light on the corruption of the propaganda arm of the establishment. I can think of nothing else of equal note from any president of the past hundred years.

The two parties are demonstrably not equal in their shittiness. Republican is far and away the most white of the two mainline parties, but as whites on the whole are in a state of confusion and weakness currently, it's a weak party that succumbs to the will of it's opposition.

This is retarded. How is a strong economy and low unemployment fucking up social security?
The dem agenda, immigration and welfare, fuck up social security.

Trump is doing nothing but expanding ✡social security✡. Everything they say is a lie.

Social Security has been Fucked for years.
Minorities empty the Social Security coffers by claiming Social Security Disability Insurance, which they receive more money through that than if they claimed their Social Security benefits at age 65.
Also, Democrats, through poor financial management, have emptied the Social Security coffers over the years, using those monies to fund their little pet projects.
Conservatives are fiscally more responsible than the liberals. It is a fact.

Oh, I guess it's time to believe the employment numbers.

Yes. This too. Maintaining the idea that the minority must rely on government gibs, Democrats have even further plunged the U.S. into debt.

Believe them or don't, but don't argue Trump's economic policies lead to less employment than dem policy has and would.

Then again, OP may be a reporter….

Wouldn't it be great if all them niggers got off the democrat plantation and then they had lots of jobs where they could interact with your daughter? And access to education where they could interact with your daughter? Fuck you nigger lovers are cancerous.
It's prime parody. You can almost hear the Reagan campaign buttons clacking together.

Trump's economic policies are the Washington Consensus that have arrived us at this point.

Allowing China to exploit us?
Exporting our manufacturing industries?


Social Security has always been about the old taking from the young. That bullshit about a trust fund has always been a lie – the government is logically incapable of saving money. Since money is backed by "the full faith and credit of the United States" – that is, our debt – Social Security can no more become solvent with a trust fund than you can get rich hoarding your own IOUs.

Pic related is the demographic tower of the United States. In order for a pyramid scheme like SS to work, only a minority of people can live long enough to claim it, and it's best if they die before getting back as much as they paid in. To keep it going, each generation has to be substantially bigger during its peak working/taxpaying years (ages 35-65) than the retired generation collecting benefits.

As you can see, Baby Boomers forgot to have kids. While they're retiring, the peak-earning cohort behind them just isn't big enough to bear the burden. Even with help from lower-earning Millennials, taxes have to go way up to pay the entitlements of the elderly.

Worse, half of the demographic expansion of Generations Y and Z (35 and under) is immigrants, half of whom are from Mexico. These retarded spics earn far less than Anglos, produce little that isn't a baby needing welfare and free public education, and always vote Democrat. Something like 90% of first-generation Spicmericans, and 80% of their huge broods of second-generation automatic-citizen children, vote for Chavez-style gibsmedatseniors every chance they get. They're Tocqueville's fucking nightmare sprung to life.

Worst of all, without their marginal to nonexistent contributions they do pay into Social Security because of how it's structured. Most of them just haven't gotten old enough to claim it yet, the demographic base would be much worse – like, Italy-tier bad for future growth.

Tl;dr: Fucking Boomers voted themselves rich with promises from their own small generation of children. To make up the shortfall, they adopted policies that have swamped white America with little brown turds who breed like bacteria, but who will be gobbling up Social Security in their turn. No biggie for the Boomers though – they'll all be dead before America is 90% spic, half as productive as it was in the 1980s, and full of septuagenarian beaners demanding monthly checks written in Spanish.

This is why simply deporting taco isn't nearly enough. We must breed 1.1 white children for every spic we kick. Otherwise, we're in demographic Valhalla by 2040.

Attached: American_Demographics.gif (1782x842, 316.86K)

Trump was a major campaigner and donor to Ronald Reagan, who put NAFTA into motion years before Clinton put the finishing touches on it [and got it through a Republican dominated Congress].
Trump has been explicit in his China demands: open your markets to us. He is not mad that China is exploiting the American population or that Americans have been put out of work. He is upset that China does not allow reciprocal exploitation of THEIR population at jewish hands. Trump and proxies like Bannon say it over and over and over again and people pretend they don't hear it. They want open access to China's FINANCIAL MARKETS. They don't even hide it. They do not care about bringing manufacturing back here. If China won't cooperate and their attempts to choke its economy fail, they'll migrate to India.

You can filter all you want, what I'm saying will be for other anons.

Not exactly.

Partly true. China's financial sector is like a protected game reserve, and the Jews want to poach what they can from it. Don't take this too seriously though. The debt systems of the U.S. and China are fundamentally incompatible, since they're working toward fundamentally different goals. American finance is geared toward maximizing profits from low-labor/high-capital investments, while China's system is oriented kek toward full employment.

In other words, to get a loan in the U.S., Britain, or other non-dog eating countries, you have to write a prospectus and convince some Jews you can turn a profit and pay back their shekels with interest. To get the same loan in China, all you have to do is bribe party member Ching Chao Wu Schlong, and tell him you promise to hire 1,000 people. It doesn't matter what your business is. You could be printing rolls of paper and tossing them in the incinerator, for all they care. The important thing is to hire workers and keep them employed at all costs.

This has to be paid for, of course. So the businesses doing the hiring finance their work with loans, 80-90% of which come from just four banks. Those banks finance their 5% loans by selling bonds to each other on a controlled market only they have access to. Those bonds pay around 3%. So. . . Chinese workers get paychecks from unprofitable companies that borrow with state guarantees from banks whose business model is to lend each other money at subsidized rates. There's no input into the system apart from the outrageously high demand for manufactured goods from the United States and EU.

And now the United States is waging a trade war over those exports and demanding access to China's protected capital markets. Guess what the plan is, user.

Every kike in Creation is going to take out absolutely earth-wrecking loans that are denominated in RMB, then convert the cash into a safe currency like the USD. After China fucking explodes, which will be around five years, they can repay their billion-dollar borrowing for pennies on the dollar and bank 90% pure profit.

Don't sweat China.


Sounds like you're denigrating full employment as an economic priority. Want to clarify? You sound jewish.

He's not actually doing anything to social security. This is another fantasy libs made up like him killing trannies or deporting blacks.

As with all leftist claims, they can be easily defeated by asking for credible proof.

Avenge him or be a nigger to the jew

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Full employment is great, provided it's based on something genuinely productive. Circlejerk economic policy that's funded by limitless debt is just an elaborate way of building the house of cards and burning through resources. Giving people jobs, just so they'll have them, is different from turning low-valued resources into high-value applications and products.

Commies have always been really big on full employment. It's temporarily pleasing to the masses to think there are a lot of jobs, but when it's all financed with smoke and mirrors, people's paychecks eventually become worthless and there are no goods to buy in the shops. The Chinese economy is the equivalent of plugging a power strip into itself and wondering why the lights are still not on.

You're definitely jewish.

Extremely weak. Back up and try again, newfag.

Attached: Jew_Art_Commentary.png (1267x517, 587.6K)

Here's your dead giveaway

Fucking filtered. You deserve a gore post for that.

Attached: Gore_107.jpg (3000x2000, 772.5K)

No, that's the bog standard line jews and jew servants use to discredit the NSDAP and justify their aggression towards it. It's the same line used against the Soviet Union when Western capitalists conspired with the jewish mafia to wage an economic war and dismantle it.

The annual net contribution of blacks and latinos to the USA is approximately -$750,000,000,000. That means that after all their taxes are paid, and after all their welfare and social services are paid, blacks and latinos together cost the USA 750 billion dollars. In other words they are the annual budget deficit. America could be breaking even or running a surplus without them.

People talk about America's giant military wasting money but America spends more on spics and niggers than it does on its military. We will not have social security if we keep importing people who are a net drain and keep subsidizing the reproduction of the parasites already here.

Spics and niggers are the reason you won't have social security when you're old, because that money will be needed to pay for useless lazy parasitic mud-skin races with 80 IQs.

Social security i.e. insurance are mostly bullshit.

True wealth lies in property.

National Socialism is nothing like Chinese communism, you fucking fool. German economic policy was to finance actual development of infrastructure with Reichsmarks, which were based on units of productivity, rather than gold or debt. It wasn't possible for the Chinese or American systems to grow up in Nazi Germany, because German currency was pegged to the nation's GDP, not frowsy bullshit. German employment policy was also to expel foreign interlopers and incentivize women to get the fuck married and home, where they belonged. This naturally created full employment and rising wages for the men, who were also given national service for two years, seed capital and really relaxed lending terms for their home loans to get them started on a family, rather than importing hordes of Poles to scrub floors for German companies.

Jews retroactively described this as unsound economic policy, even though it turned the poorest big country in Europe into a powerhouse that global communism and capitalism had to combine to crush.

You have a lot to learn, stooge.

I just realized I forgot to filter you when I said I would. Whoops. Fixed it.

GDP IS frowsy bullshit.

Wealth has always been the per capita wage average, in compared with good prices.

The correct way to argue this is to list SPECIFIC social welfares you think that should be appliable, not to say that the CONCEPT of social weflare is good or bad (this is how jews argue, HURR IT'S ALWAYS BLACK AND WHITE).

Show them this:

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No, fact.


Problem is, he didn't do that - we did that. He just bungled along doing whatever his jewish advisors told him to do, and as a result, conditions were inadvertently - in many cases - created which allowed US, the White men of America, to expose that corruption.
Even as he engaged in corruption of his own.

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Thanks for playing. Nice reddit spacing btw.

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Present an argument first and I will present mine.




I did.

You're being very disingenuous and unusefully autistic.

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Which motivates me more to vote.


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See I keep hearing it
and it has this weird echo on it…

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Also this. Don't cede any ground.

Vote democrat for accelerationism. You morons didn't listen to us when we told you that Blumpstein was controlled opp who would take the wind out of the sails of white anger.



It's the votecuck spammer who spergs out in every thread. Total sodomite. He thinks magic jew votes for the jew system are going to lead to aryan salvation.

You know, like Hitler did.

inb4 Weimar was secretely redpilled.

And there's that reddit-spacing again.

A total cop-out, basically saying that whatever negative aspects of the GOP exist can be merely attributed to the weakness of Whites, meanwhile, you ignore the reality: Whites are still the majority and make up 70%+ of the voting demographic… Yet, Democrats and Republicans both appeal to every other racial group, and even non-racial group (see: fags), EXPLICITLY, except Whites.

Jeez, I don't know, maybe gun rights, immigration reform, better economy, less money for niggers and jews.

Jeez, I just don't know, user.

Germany wasn't 50 shitskin you politically illiterate imbecile.

It was never there.

They've always been "the white party" user. Tell me you aren't being fooled by this pre-midterms ploy of suddenly talking about White people, and more specifically demographics, in the most indirect terms possible. Are you?

Its not - Whites in the whole of America are FULLY PREPARED to be appealed to in explicit terms.
GOP leaders are not prepared to turn their backs on israeli corporate leaders and american jewish financiers.

Millions of people are watching Jewtube on the reg my man, are listening to right-wing anti-semitic podcasts and the like. Its a fact.

So, what you're saying is, because of your annecdotal evidence, wherein you claim to know a whole bunch of Whites who acknowledge the demographic circumstances, recognize it as a problem, and cannot accept jewish influence, I should believe that the Republican party is weak because its trying to appeal to their weakness, and not because they're afraid of appealing to Whites because they'll lose jewish investment?

Its not though, as I just addressed - that's your smokescreen to cover for it.
The issue is not the weakness of Whites, the issue is the COMPLETE UNWILLINGNESS of the overwhelmingly-White-supported wing of the facade two-party system to engage their White demographics as Whites. Because if they do, their jewish masters will be mad at them. Period.

You think you're smart, but you're a fucking idiot.
See how little impact that represents?

Your WHOLE FUCKING ARGUMENT is "Its not the GOP's fault for being massive Ziocuck traitors - its the White populations fault for being massive Ziocuck traitors!" and that simply doesn't follow user.
Face it: You're a shill for the status quo, too cowardly to recognize the reality before you, even as you decry others for such behavior in other contexts (something you try to use against them and to shroud your aims). Pitiful.

Protip: That's probably the mod that sperged out on the votefag shit the other day. Gay as fuck.

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See? Every times.

Also, Germany had about 2 millions jew at the time.

What value does that serve in a non-White country? None.
Point me to someone addressing "immigration reform" outside the vein of illegals.
Show me someone legitimately calling for large-scale reductionin immigration from non-White countries.
Show me someone in the GOP legitimately addressing the demographic issue in the context of the people who are already here.
I'll wait.
Smoke and mirrors, jews filling their pockets. A lie told to the common man.
Better yet, show me someone legit calling for less money to niggers and jews AND not pushing for MORE MONEY into military contracts with jewish armament corporations so we can launch another war in the Middle East.
I'll wait.

Checked for gonna be waiting awhile.

What the fuck is this narrative?
Hitler was working with a 90% White German population.
We are not.
Do you disagree? If you do, you're a lying shill faggot.
Further, do you disagree with the suggestion that having an overwhelmingly-majority White nation makes something like what Hitler did MUCH MUCH MUCH easier than when you have a 50% White nation and 40% of the world's Jewish population?

So that's, like, what?
At best, like 20% of the world's Jews?

Probably, same neuroticism evident.
Screeching redditor, hidden vaginus
lulwut who said anything about Weimar being redpilled?
Ah yes, that's identical to Germny being 50% nigger.

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Believe what you want, you wordy dumbass. We both agree voting republican isn't gonna fix the problem, but you're the one here adamantly telling people to abandon the only demographically representative party with a chance in office as if that's gonna fix anything.


I agree, except for the whole "full of" thing.

Seems dubious user. You got some sauce on that?
Seems, if that's the case, Jews were much more spread out back then… Maybe it has something to do with Israel not really having jumped off yet?

But it didn't. Don't you know anything?

More guns is better for everyone, white or non-white.

The point being, of course…

Even with a 90%+ White population, Hitler didn't win electorally.

Now, tell me, yes or no: Would it be easier to carry out what Hitler carried out in 1930s 90%+ White-German Germany with a large jewish population than in 2020's ~50% White-European United States of America?

"It was real in my mind"
Top kekkers, yeah that's exactly what a bunch of gaslit nogs are going to do, vote for nazis. Give me a break you autistic reddit fuck.

There were full of communist back then, they staged actual armed rebellion, not like today.
There were about 16 millions jews in 1939, jews in Weimar was 2-3 million, so about 10-20% of the world.
In short, it's still voting that gives him in.

I didn't ask your permission, you assmad cuckold.

user, its not that it just won't fix the problem, its that ITS PART OF THE PROBLEM.
So why would you keep doing it?

Yeah, well, you're the one here adamantly telling people to embrace the most zionist-friendly party with a chance in office - noting, of course, that the only limitation of getting into office via your reasoning is whether or not you tow the line within one of the two lines of jewish thought that are presented as nominally acceptable - as if that's gonna fix anything.

Voting not only won't help, it is representative of you continuing to engage the system as though its legitimate. Tell me I'm wrong.

So it's not real? Weimar jewish government was not real?

inb4 this nigger was redpilled

Attached: black nazi.jpg (513x600, 44.94K)

All I see is:
You think these are Zig Forumsacks telling you to not vote? Nope.

Yeah, like Hitler & Mussolini and every nationalist leader am I right?

They just LARP to the top.

They existed, sure, but what did they represent in volume?
Remember that 1932 election I mentioned, that Hitler lost?
Well guess who the third major party was? If you said "The Communists", congrats!
And guess what? They got a mere 10% of the vote, 3.7 million votes.
Hitler got 37%, with 13.4 million votes, with Hindenburg taking 53% at 19.3 million.

So, "full of"? I don't think so user.
The US is "full of" Communists - in fact, they won the popular vote in 2016.
Really makes you think…

Yeah, so, I was right about percentage, but I didn't ask you about that, I asked you about the "#2 in the world" thing. Sorry if you got confused.

Its not though. Voting failed to give him in. He was appointed because influential people - White elites - supported him.

And here we are, wherein our White elites are loath to do anything of the sort.
It. really. makes. you. think.

Mussolini said that he was going to march on the government with 50,000 armed men and bullied them into handing over the government, but I'm sure someone has told (((you))) that before, right, paid (((GOP))) shill? :^)

So germans are not redpilled, nice?

Sure, I also told that someone the fact he had 50,000 armed men in the first place is because he created his own party and participated in elections.

Right, (((jew)))?

And what of the votes of the liberals? eh?
That's deliberate lying, you separate communists from liberals in Weimar, yet didn't do so for current America.
Well, Trump got in because the white elites also supported him.

Objectively false.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1806x377, 41.96K)

Dunno about Mussolini off hand, but Hitler wasn't elected bro. Its a fact.
You can deal with it or keep pouting, but it will remain a fact.

Hitler was put in power by White elites petitioning the person who defeated him to put him into some position of power because the shitty parliamentary government couldn't get anything done without some kind of alliance between components.


Moving goalpost.
Moving goalpost.
Yes, more money = bad. Moving goalpost.
Words mean nothing.
Actions mean everything.

tl;dr: keep moving that goalpost, faggot.

Weird, last time I heard you told us to not PARTICIPATE IN DA SYSTEM AT ALL, GOYIM.

Hitler was elected to be leader of the party who won the election.

Thus, he won the votes.

Where? In Germany?
53% to Hindenburg, 37% to Hitler, 10% to Commies = 100% bruv.
The "liberals" all either voted for the pinkos or the civnat.

They were seperate in Weimar. They aren't in the modern US.
Case in point:
Notice how that breaks down?

Not quite lad.

read siege

Thus they are commies too, and they amount to much more.
Yeah, no, they fucking aren't. Liberals and communists are the same shit, and you are lying by separating them.
I'm seeing 63% for the commies and 37% for Hitler.
Seems like Trump is better supported.
Nah, plenty of white industry leaders are behind him, some kikes too, but dumb kikes play both sides.

Point out that Obama and a democrat majority congress, which had the political power to push through Obamacare without a single republican vote, didn't to shit to fix social security.

This is reading from the Unabomber.

They didn't accomplish shit.

Read Meditation by Marcus Aurelius.
Read the Prince by Machievelli.

Forgot my pic


I'll take this seriously when you put down the goal posts and respond to my unedited question on that last bit lad. You know, the one you purposefully edited to leave out the part that invalidated what you presented?

Yes, in many cases, that is in fact the case.
Its not good just to have money user, its how you wind up spending that money that matters.
If the money is going into peoples hands to be spent on worthless novelty shit and distractionary jewish media, then yeah, that's not actually any sort of meaningful improvement to their lives - you're holding up the fact that they aren't hungry as proof that the bread in "bread and circuses" is actually equivalent to an improvement in their lives, which is a lie.

Pic related.

I repeat:

Attached: Jews - Trump, Israel.jpg (1947x3981 2.87 MB, 1.89M)

In short, moving goalpost.

Keep moving that goalpost, faggot.