Social Security has always been about the old taking from the young. That bullshit about a trust fund has always been a lie – the government is logically incapable of saving money. Since money is backed by "the full faith and credit of the United States" – that is, our debt – Social Security can no more become solvent with a trust fund than you can get rich hoarding your own IOUs.
Pic related is the demographic tower of the United States. In order for a pyramid scheme like SS to work, only a minority of people can live long enough to claim it, and it's best if they die before getting back as much as they paid in. To keep it going, each generation has to be substantially bigger during its peak working/taxpaying years (ages 35-65) than the retired generation collecting benefits.
As you can see, Baby Boomers forgot to have kids. While they're retiring, the peak-earning cohort behind them just isn't big enough to bear the burden. Even with help from lower-earning Millennials, taxes have to go way up to pay the entitlements of the elderly.
Worse, half of the demographic expansion of Generations Y and Z (35 and under) is immigrants, half of whom are from Mexico. These retarded spics earn far less than Anglos, produce little that isn't a baby needing welfare and free public education, and always vote Democrat. Something like 90% of first-generation Spicmericans, and 80% of their huge broods of second-generation automatic-citizen children, vote for Chavez-style gibsmedatseniors every chance they get. They're Tocqueville's fucking nightmare sprung to life.
Worst of all, without their marginal to nonexistent contributions they do pay into Social Security because of how it's structured. Most of them just haven't gotten old enough to claim it yet, the demographic base would be much worse – like, Italy-tier bad for future growth.
Tl;dr: Fucking Boomers voted themselves rich with promises from their own small generation of children. To make up the shortfall, they adopted policies that have swamped white America with little brown turds who breed like bacteria, but who will be gobbling up Social Security in their turn. No biggie for the Boomers though – they'll all be dead before America is 90% spic, half as productive as it was in the 1980s, and full of septuagenarian beaners demanding monthly checks written in Spanish.
This is why simply deporting taco isn't nearly enough. We must breed 1.1 white children for every spic we kick. Otherwise, we're in demographic Valhalla by 2040.
Attached: American_Demographics.gif (1782x842, 316.86K)