I think he could be a shill, either that or he's a dishonest faggot, but what's the difference? I've written my explanation in the form of in infographic (image related).
The text pastebinned in below archive, it's TL;DR so you may want to put it into a text-to-speech reader if you're a lazy faggot. >archive.is/yj9FS
Some basic shit, but with all of the newfags around these days, I figured I may as well include them:
It's a sound argument and one I am inclined to agree with. He's another level of gatekeeping for people that can't be contained with Alex Jones/Bircher type shit.
Hunter Carter
Typical kike tactic: hold the enemy to higher moral standards so that they may not use the methods available to them to win. Fuck off. Honor exists between honorable opponents only. Kikes get no fucking honor from me.
Thomas Howard
I would like to say Henry Ford and Adolf Hitler were controlled opposition.
Ford used to praise the craftiness of jews a lot in his books and Hitler was funded by rothschilds and brainwashed by 19th century paranoid hymie racialist scholars.
Hitler absolutely was funded by the Rothschilds and Henry Ford helped out the Soviets with (look it up yourself) developing new tractors as part of a business deal. Both of these men were very much (((capitalists))) either by trade or by heart.
Josiah Hall
You believe both of these things, do you?
Now this is a crafty kike, here. Totally misrepresenting my point to project his filthiest qualities onto me.
Nice try, jew. I'm not staggered by your tired tricks.
Logan King
You picked one line out of an entire mini essay instead of actually addressing the core argument, and all you've done is screech about >muh gike tricks DDD:< You have a room temperature IQ and should be banned for being stupid. Begone, newfag.
Holy shit, how autistic or a dishonest of a jew are you? This is the simple equation to ask yourself if someone is legit or not: Is the information said person is writing about/talking about good or bad for the jews? If you think CoC is in any way, shape, or form good for the jew, you should kill yourself.
Your argument about the publishing house is mute, since academic writings from a publishing house that is publishing loads of books is not going to get much scrutiny. They look at his credentials and publish. That his theory is more evolutionary biology doesn't matter either, because that book is a god damn treasure trove of jewish subversion in America.
Samuel James
Address specific points raised instead of sperging like a woman on heat. No it isn't, you're cope posting total nonsense, you smelly redditor. Publishers don't publish any old shit without reading it, do you know anything about the publishing process or are you just making this up as you go along?
Asher Perez
Nope. It is not that simple. MacDonald is connected to the alt-kike. He is running interference against any real Folkish awakening. He is connected to Spencer and the faggots pretending to be pagan. He is connected to Red Ice. He is connected to SHILLS.
Brody Lopez
The core of the argument is that Kevin is a kike shill for suggesting jews do something we should do if we want to protect ourselves from jews like you. If that means not dealing with you like a respected equal then so be it. Fuck yourself, kike. Anyone who's paying attention can see clearly that you're just pushing whites to die with their principles.
Ayden Gutierrez
Christopher Williams
I actually do intimately know how the publishing industry works. Think about it, though. He had published multiple books before and probably had one editor, who I don't know is jew or non-jew, and yes, they generally publish after such a reputation is established, especially obscure academia.
The only logical case you have is that MacDonald's theory as to why the jew acts as it does is too tame, but the overwhelming historical expose makes CoC one of the best books ever written about jewish behavior.
Colton Ross
Lol you guys are missing the point. Hes calling some of the most ardent jew namers in history out as shills to exploit Zig Forums's willingness to accept that literally everybody is a jew shill. You guys fell for it.
Nicholas Baker
Just go read the book reviews on Amazon for it. The takeaway for all those reviewers can resoundingly be paraphrased as, "Shit, those jews are up to no good." Not to mention how the SPLC tirelessly tried to get him out of his tenured position and the smear campaign of him in the media.
You think they allowed all that, that concise, incredibly researched exposition on how jews affect American culture and politics, just because he didn't conclude they are satan spawn and said, being an evolutionary psychologist, they did it all because it's in their best interest for survival? Give me a break, user.
Connor Williams
If he's a shill he's the worst shill ever. More likely he realized jewish hubris would blind them to the death blow he was delivering them.
Adam Walker
>He hasn't read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and he doesn't understand the functions of (((gatekeepers))). Come back when you're educated, youngster. Next you'll be telling me that Kike Enoch and president Blumpfstein is based because the ADL kvetched at them.
His alt kike connections are a whole world of their own; isn't it funny that all of these alt kike e-celebs claim that (((CofC))), a book that paints the jews - a race of vile, pedophilic, criminal scum - out to be ubermensch and whites out to be hapless in comparison, was their grand awakening? No agenda there, goyim, keep snoozing.
Alex Jones is a gatekeeper. Rush Limbaugh is a gatekeeper. Those that name the jew are almost never gatekeepers because that's the ultimate taboo and the truth of true power in the modern world. You're a disingenuous autist or alphabet. I already know Zig Forums has been astroturfed to discredit anyone in the real world naming the jew.
Isaac Myers
Btw we call him by his real name around here - William Pierce
/ Thread
Gas the kikes race war now
Read the culture of Critique
No Sage because of OP's Get and nice links
Nathaniel Jones
how does the kike benefit from promoting their own legend of Machiavelian conspiring and deep pemetration and subversion of all media, politics, finance, education, charity, publishing and entertainment? i have seen far to many of /ourguys/ confirmed for sure turn out to be creations of kikes to discount it as cohencidence.
perhaps there is another layer to the kike's subterfuge and perhaps they benefit from spreading the mystique of their own protocols being real.
if everyone believes the kikes rule the world and that millions of sayanim sleepers are spying on you goy and that Mossad assassins are everywhere ready to whack you if you reveal your powerlevel, then perhaps this fear of retaliation from the kike is one big ass feint to trick the goy in "ALL IS DOOMED" blackpill despair so that you won't get up from your shit poasting station and lock and load your 57 AR15's and do something about it and paint your local synagogue's walls red.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
I'm not sure if this is esoteric shitposting or what.
You morons pop up like mushrooms. Read the books of that time, not just some idiot's list of business transactions which he made into a book to swindle money from the post-war WW2 book craze.
You'll feel embarrassed after you learn the truth that he wasn't what that unfounded claim makes out to be.
Jaxon Campbell
You should really take a long bath with a hairdryer faggot
Kevin MacDonald has a jewish voice. I've always disliked his intent of making us jews to compete with jews. NO! If white man ever stoops that low, global holocaust is the answer. Right now we only need to get rid of the kikes. This is priority.
Ian Ross
It never ends with you faggots. Everyone is a shill, it's embarrassing. KMac still posts daily on Twitter about 1488 related stuff, to 3 or 4 likes. Why would Ron Unz write lengthy articles denying the Holocaust? Why does Frame Game do what he does?
One thing pic related is right about is KMac's strategy suggestion. We Aryan types will no more be Jews than Jews will be elite athletes or great artists. Our problem is simply spiritual–we've abandoned God. There's nothing that Jews hate more than Christ, and if you really adhere to that, you get rid of usury, and there goes the fucking Jew. And you didn't have put a single one of them in an urn! No one will hang for "war crimes" for ending usury.
The reason we we abandoned God is because we allowed usury, and from that we got corrupted institutions centered around power. Corrupted instutions include things like academia. The Royal Society becomes a tool for globalists and quasi-science like Darwinism gets pushed like it's absolutely irrefutable "settled science", and a lot very flawed philosophy which is fundamentally subersive to theism (i.e. useful) gets pushed as The Thing (think Kantian empiricism). Flawed philosophy forms the basis for ALL modes and disciplines of thought–economics, ethics, aesthetics, even the human condition. That's how we get shitty apologetics for usury and capitalism/free trade in economics. That's we open the door for relativism in ethics, culture. aesthetics.
This is your big redpill. The problem is spiritual, the problem is within us. You will never save European civilization with secularism, paganism, Hitlerism, or anything like that. The formula is and always has been Jesus Christ, through actual Christianity (orthodoxy). It's time for pro-whites to take the next conscious jump. 1.0, 2.0, 3.0.
Colton Ramirez
The shills are always out at night when mods and people are asleep. A guy who scientifically explains the Jewish Problem with documented and strong sources that jews wont advertise or debate except the one who got slapped by his half-hearted recent attempt in 20+ years.
Not really a strong argument other than a jew published a book. Some of his thinking is a little dated not taking into account recent events or WW2 but his position is solid. As if a jew wouldn't do something against jewish interests collectively for profit. As if jews wouldn't stab jews in the back for profit because we've never seen that.
Holy Dubs of Truth. Ignore or take with a grain of salt any thread approaching midnight eastern time. It's when shills always make multiple (stupid) threads than their are posters per hour. It's been an ongoing phenomenon for the past 2 years.
MacDonald's lowkey Semitic supremacism has always bothered me. However, everything is just as well a 'most charitable (to jews) interpretation' to prevent heightened accusations of 'unscholarly' work.
Isaiah Moore
The ancient egyptian chaos god guides us via digits to return to the Holy Church and wage a crusade upon the heathen and the perfidious Jew. What a fucking timeline!
Liam Sanders
I've been to his site and there's more infighting between euros than there is anything else. the PTB know exactly what they're doing, much better than your sense of "logic"
not very logical is it?
Nathaniel Davis
Fine then, allow me to quote from the book The house of Rothschild: volume 2 “An altogether more ruthless coalition had come to power in Germany in 1933, dominated by the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Hostility to the Rothschilds’ had been a feature of Nazi propaganda from the movement’s infancy (see introduction to volume 1) despite the fact that the Frankfurt house had been wound up when Hitler was barely twelve years old. It was a hostility that soon translated into action. At first the attacks were largely symbolic: in December 1933 the Frankfurt Rothschildallee was renamed Karolingerallee, while the Luisenplatz and Mathildenstrasse lost the plaques identifying them with members of the family. It was not until April 1938, with the “Ordinance on the Registration of Jewish Assets,” that Rothschild property came under direct attack. In the wake of the orchestrated anti- Semitic demonstrations of the following November (Reichskristallnacht), nearly all the myriad of charitable and educational foundations — of which there were around twenty — were dissolved, with the exception of the Carolinum Dental Clinic, which had become part of the Frankfurt University. The largest of these, the Baron Wilhelm Carl von Rothschild
Foundation, was “Aryanised” under pressure from the city authorities, so that all references to its founder were expunged. At the same time, the Reich Association of Jews in Germany was forced to sell the Mathilde von Rothschild Paediatric Hospital, the Georgine Sara von Rothschild Foundation for Infirm Foreign Israelites and the Rothschild residence at Grosser Wollgraben 26 to the Frankfurt municipality. The Gestapo also confiscated the A.M. von Rothschild Sanatorium for Lung Diseases in the Black Forest. At least four other Rothschild- founded institutions suffered the same fate.
Jaxon Moore
The private property of the few family members still resident in Germany was expropriated by similar methods, though there was in fact relatively little of it left by 1938. Before the process of confiscation began, Max von-Goldscmidt-Rothschild’s son Albert, Rudolf and Erich sold the family houses at the Grüneburg and Königstein and opted to emigrate (Albert to Switzerland, where he committed suicide in 1941 when faced with the threat of expulsion). But Maximilian — now 95 — was too old to leave. He stayed on in the house in the Bockenheimer Landstrasse, with the garden which his wife’s great-uncle Amschel had acquired over a century before the earliest days of Jewish emancipation in Frankfurt. Or rather he was allowed to occupy a room in the house; for in tragic fulfilment of Amschel’s nightmare — dating back to the night in 1815 when he first slept in the “free air” of the garden — Maximilian was forced to sell the property to the city of Frankfurt for just 610,000 reichsmarks (less tax). In the aftermath of Kristallnacht he was also obliged to sell his art collection to the city for 2.3 million reichsmarks (again less tax) and to donate a further 25 percent of his remaining assets to the Reich as an “atonement payment”… … Discovered, was no longer the Vienna house by the Alliance. In addition, the Witkowitz board had safeguarded against sequestration the company’s stake in the Swedish Freya ore mines as well as £200,000 in foreign currency. Louis [Nathaniel de Rothschild of Austria] therefore had a real bargaining position. When Himmler sought to ingratiate himself by sending some ornate French furniture to the prison, he was able to send it away complaining that it made his cell look like a “Cracow Bordello.” Although Louis had to hand over most of his Austrian assets to secure his own release, the family was able to insist that a price be paid for Witkowitz (albeit a discounted price). But such legal niceties were ultimately bound to be swept aside by Nazi force majeure. Eugene’s hopes of selling the ironworks to the Czechoslovak state for £10 million were dashed when Hitler bullied the Prague government into accepting partition in March 1939. With the works effectively under German control, Goring’s Commissioner Hans Kehrl, Rasche and Paul Pleiger (the Reichswerke’s general director). At the same time Fritz Kranefuss — Himmler’s adjutant and a supervisory board member of the Dresdner bank — informed Rasche on the basis of Sicherheitsdienst intelligence that the transfer abroad of the ownership of Witkowitz had been illegal under currency laws. Finally, in July 1939, it was agreed to sell the plant for £2.9 million. However, the outbreak of war gave the Germans the perfect excuse not to pay. As a result, Witkowitz joined the lengthening list of Rothschild properties confiscated without compensation by the Nazi regime. In January 1941 Goring was able to take the process a step further when 43,300 Witkowitz shares were seized from the vaults of the Paris house (though even this did not give him a technical controlling interest). (It was not until 1953 that the communist government established in Czechoslovakia in 1948 finally paid compensation to the Rothschilds — amounting to £1 millon — for the works.) Yet it was not their industrial investments which Hitler and his lackeys really coveted so much as their investments in art — the Old Masters, the Sevres, the Louis Quinze bureaus — which were the most dazzling fruits of the family’s financial success. In fleeing Austria, Alphonse had left behind one of the great European private collections; and attempts to buy it by Lord Duveen (possibly bidding on behalf of the original owners) were in vain. For the acquisition of so many old masters had given Hitler the idea of establishing a new German gallery at Linz, to give the Reich its Louvre. In 1939 he authorized Hans Posse to begin work on the project, putting the best works seized from Austrian Jews into a “Fuhrer reserve” for this purpose. …
Julian Diaz
Up until the outbreak of war in 1939, the corollary of the expropriation of the Jews was their emigration from German territory. (It was significant in this respect that the Rothschild palace in the Prinz Eugenstrasse was occupied by Adolf Eichmann’s Central Office for Jewish Emigration, which worked closely with Rafelsberger’s Asset Transactions Office.) Naturally many (though not all) German and Austrian Jews wanted to get out, while the Nazis had no objection to their leaving, provided they could be mulcted in the process. Leading German Jewish bankers — notably Max Warburg — saw little alternative but to facilitate this process. However, for Jews like the Rothschilds who remained outside the area of German control, this created a number of acute dilemmas. … The only logical solution was therefore to find some alternative territory for the Jews to go to. The Nazis themselves thought of Madagascar. Interestingly, Guy Burgess’s first assignment (when he was still a freelance intelligence agent) from MI6′s D section was — as he faithfully reported to Moscow in December 1938 — “to activate Lord Rothschild” in an attempt to “split the Jewish movement” and “create an opposition to Zionism and Dr Weitzmann [sic].” At around the same time, the Paris house [of the Rothschild family] forwarded to New Court a proposal to purchase 200,000 acres of Brazil’s Mato Grosso “for colonisation purposes”; and another to settle Jews in Sudan’s Upper Nile Valley between Malakhal and Bor — supposedly “a huge territory … with no population and where Jews might organize themselves an important colony.” Kenya, Northern Rhodesia and Guiana were also considered. Only at the eleventh hour, it seems, did the Rothschilds recognize the need to admit refugees into Britain and France. In March 1939 Edouard’s wife Germaine turned an old house at the edge of the Ferrieres estate into a hostel for around 150 refugee children. After the German invasion they were evacuated south and later dispersed, some escaping to the United States. … By 1939, of course, numerous members of the Rothschild family were themselves refugees. The German invasion of France in May 1940 increased their number substantially. Even before the fall of Paris, Robert had already reached the safety of Montreal, taking with him his wife Nelly and daughters Diane and Cecile. It was not until July, however, that his cousin and senior partner Edouard — now in his seventies — opted to leave France, finally reaching the United States after a circuitous journey through Spain and Portugal. (He too was accompanied by his wife Germaine and daughter Bethsabee, his eldest daughter Jacqueline having already settled in America with her second husband.) Their former partner Maurice also ended up in Canada, while his ex-wife Noemie and son Edmond took refuge at the estate at Pregny. The other French Rothschild of that generation, Henri, was already resident in Portugal. Finally, Alain’s pregnant wife reached the US via Spain and Brazil, while Guy’s wife Alix took the route through Argentina, though she later rejoined her husband.
Gabriel Jenkins
… Occupied France to confiscate “possessions of the Palais Rothschild,” including any which had been handed over to the French state. The following month, the Germans ordered that administrators be put in charge of the Jewish firms. The Luftwaffe and later a German general occupied the Rothschild house at 23 avenue de Marigny. Yet the Germans soon found themselves in competition with the puppet Vichy regime they themselves had called into being. Even before Keitel’s order, the Petain regime issued a decree which declared that all Frenchman who had left mainland France after May 10 had “removed themselves from the responsibilities and duties of members of the national community.” Accordingly, their assets were to be confiscated and sold, the proceeds going to the Vichy state. This was explicitly applied to Edouard, Robert and Henri. Soon after this, Petain laid claim to the Rothschild offices in the rue Laffitte for a government welfare agency and showed every sign of intending to treat other buildings belonging to the family in a similar fashion, putting them all in the hands of a new Public Property Office. In some ways, it made little difference to the Rothschilds whether it was the Germans or the Vichy regime which stole their property. The latter was motivated by anti-Semitism too, as evidenced by the decrees Petain issued on October 3, 1940 and June 2, 1941, which drastically restricted the rights of French Jews, and the constant vitriolic attacks on the Rothschilds in pro-German papers like Partis-Soir and Au Pilori. Nor can it be seriously argued that Vichy officials were somehow more lenient in their treatment of Rothschild property than the Germans would have been. Maurice Janicot, who ran Petain’s Public Property Office, is said to have prevented the Germans from clearing the cellars of Lafite, for example; but a lack of buyers seems the most likely explanation for his failure to sell Elie’s Neuilly stable of horses, Alain’s house on the rue du Cirque and Miriam’s houses in Boulogne and Paris. As can be seen from his statement to German authorities in May 1941 — to the effect that de Rothschild Freres now belonged to the Vichy state — the aim was to pre-empt the Germans, not to protect the Rothschilds. The attempt by Petain’s Commissariat for the Jewish Questions to convert the Institut de biologie physico-chimique founded by Edmond in 1927 into a laboratory for the eugenicist Alex Carrel says much about the fundamental compatibility of Vichy and the Third Reich. … If Hitler had successfully launched “Operation Sealion” in the summer of 1940, when Britain was at her most vulerable, a similar fate might have befallen the English Rothschilds and their remaining private collections — a worse fate probably, as the invasion of Britain would have made the ultimate defeat of Germany infinitately harder to achieve.“
Dominic Mitchell
A brief biography of Louis von Rothschild (1882-1955), states: “The collapse of the Creditanstalt in 1931 had an impact across Europe and caused death of a bank. Only action of the Paris and London Rothschild banks could collapse the Vienna Rothschild bank is prevented. A foreign creditor Cttee led by Lionel Rothschild / London and Lord Kindersley, the bank finally restored. But only a few years later came the final blow: 1938 Louis was arrested by the Nazis and held for a year in jail until the complicated negotiations over his release were completed. Rothschild was allowed to leave the country only if he renounced all Austrian possessions. A truly princely ransom. The war effort Vítkovice plant, which provided 30% of crude steel, 30% coal and 40% of the pig iron was in Austria, but was previously transferred to an English company, so that the Nazis could not confiscate the works simply. It was not until after the outbreak of the war Goering took over the works. (After the war, the Czech Communists confiscated the work and paid the Rothschilds in 1953, a compensation) The vast art collections (several 1000 objects) of the Rothschilds were also seized. This ended the presence of the Rothschilds on Austrian soil. The childless Louis went into exile in the United States.”
Several New York Times articles also refer to this event: “… The [Austrian Rothschild] family’s holdings were seized by the Nazis during the German Anschluss in 1938. [. . .] Their holdings had been vastly reduced, in part because of wartime destruction by the Nazis….” (“At $90 Million, Rothschild Sale Exceeds Goals.” New York Times. July 09, 1999.) “A year after the Austrian Government agreed to return about $40 million worth of art and objects that the Nazis confiscated from the Austrian branch of the Rothschild family, members of the 256-year-old banking dynasty have decided to sell the collection.” (“Austrian Rothschilds Decide to Sell; Sotheby’s in London Will Auction $40 Million in Art Seized by Nazis.” New York Times. April 10, 1999.)
Jeremiah Lee
In 1940, Reich Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels commissioned the production of a f ilm exposing the criminal historical machinations of the Rothschild f amily entitled, The Rothschilds: Shares in Waterloo. It was the first of three counter-semitic movies made in 1940 by the Nazi regime. The f ilm provided a historical account of the Rothschild f amily’s rise to fortune, set mostly in Britain during the Napoleonic wars. An indictment of Jewish intrigue and avarice, the f ilm aimed at illustrating the “Judafication” of British society at the hands of the Rothschilds, demonstrating that the Britons had become “the Jews among Aryans.”
This thread is a nice reminder that there is absolutely zero difference between trolls like Joshua Goldberg, shills from places like Zig Forums doing agree and amplify and geuine fanatic dumbasses who adopted magical thinking wrt the Jews and think everybody who hasn't tattooed a swastika on their forehead is a shill/controlled opposition/spook.
My post was not in regards to Rothschilds, dumbass.
Juan Williams
Kill yourself, nigger.
Cooper King
So let me get this straight, I made a post disproving your shitty theory and you got mad, you didn’t even attempt to disprove what I said, you just replied ”nigger”. I recommend you lurking or fucking off back to cuckchan.
Ryan Scott
Man, Banjo_Billy sure fucking destroyed the academic work of Kevin MacDonald here and totally doesn't come across like a two digit IQ spastic.
Hunter Sanchez
WTF now I hate everyone who's not literally Hitler
Nolan Gonzalez
` Oy Vey, just put a 'bad jacket' hasbara operation on any White intellectuals who see us jews
That'll fool the Goyim; - Take if from me, Beautiful Berenice
I just come here to remind myself that it's not worth coming here anymore
Carter Davis
Well, that's the thing isn't it? The Nazi meme was invented by jews. Jews are all over this board. You can't have an intelligent discussion anywhere without Jews calling everyone else jews. They created "Nazis" who hate the majority of the white peoples. They divide you by generation, national origin, "is X white?", by gender - any way they can. Even saying you're not white if you don't have blue eyes. And yes, they use their money to subvert true National Socialism.
Luis Gomez
I think you're right. In fact, if you look at the alt-right, you'll find that many of the prominent figures who are Jew-woke actually really like Jews and think they're super humans. For examples, look no further than Jared Taylor, JF Gariepy, Spencer, etc.
As to the question at hand, I personally do believe that there is something strange about Kevin MacDonald. I've read CoC a few times and can never ignore the fact that it constantly uses the old jewish trick in which they try to legitimize a falsehood by surrounding it with numerous truths/half-truths, e.g., "jews are over-represented everywhere and do indeed control everything, but it's only because they are more intelligent"
Brandon Phillips
That is part of the Protocols.
Because he thinks that whites make better hosts to parasite from than an assorted mishmash of shitskins, he's openly stated this numerous times.
Stop astroturfing and go back to >>>Zig Forums. You little faggots can't help but make everything about your cancerous, jewish religion, can you? Christianity was designed to warp the Aryan warrior spirit and prime people for corporate, financial and state slavery. The NT was written by jews. All abrahamic religion is cancer.
Join the rat race and become the jew, goy it's the only way :^)
Exactly, and where did these figures all get this theory? None other than Kevin MacDonald's books, published willingly by a bunch of jews.
This isn't really the same scenario is Nietzsche praising them once so they'd publish him while calling them wretched usurpers throughout his other works.
Pretty heretical.
Exactly, it's what the alt kike say, it's what the alt lite say, it's what ZOGbots like Alex Jones and Stefan Molyjew say, it's what the jews claim themselves.
Yes, anyone who names the Jew is controlled oppositon. All anti-Semites are actually Israeli agents. Those who write books deconstructing the subversive and destructive nature of Jews is working for the Jews. Never trust anyone and make sure to never collectivize. Remember, if you work together for pro-White causes, the Jews win. Jews are omnipotent and you can never win against them so you may as well just give up now.
Haven't read CoC or don't know much about Kevin MacDonald, but I first heard about him through Red Ice, so I didn't trust him either, and didn't bother to find out more either. I also heard about Kike Eunuch and Dicky Spencer through Red Ice. So MacDonald is in (((good company))).
Joseph Williams
That isn't a strawman, any living named anti-jew is called control-oppo on Zig Forums.
Heck, now they think George Lincoln Rockwell was control-oppo as well.
Carson Morales
Charles Morales
Like all the people named in this thread. Yeah, they do. Search the archive.
GLR was a Navy officer so now he was a spook CIA spec-op informant apparently.
Logan Evans
Moarpheus and random jews aren't Zig Forums.
Charles Cox
It's not a strawman. It's a constant theme on this board. Every fucking prominent figure who has named the jew has been accused of being controlled opposition at some point on Zig Forums. At this point all I can do is laugh at how retarded it's become. Sowing constant doubt and paranoia among Whites exactly what these goddamn kikes want and yet here we are with a large chunk of dumb fucks still buying right into it time and time again.
If Whites are to survive as a race, they're going to need to stop being so eager to condemn their own kind at the first opportunity. Lord knows that the kikes are sitting and laughing heartily whenever they witness it happen.
Christian Moore
Hint: If the guy gets whacked, he either wasn't controlled opposition, or was controlled opposition who turned on the Jews.
Aaron Jenkins
Henry Evans
In short, only way someone isn't a control-oppo if he's dead. A catch 22.
Like OP's. But searching the archive will yield that result? The fuck do you want? A screencap?
Mason Peterson
Nobody is Zig Forums nowadays. There are more jews on Zig Forums than honest posters.
Ian Phillips
Sebastian Cook
Jews will call jews jews on this board.
Justin Price
Not really, you just have to become knowledgeable enough to recognize shills. Takes a few years and a lot of learning but you should be doing that anyway.
Again, it takes no effort to say someone is a shill and repeat it.
Everybody can recognize shills, but shills will call you a shill and move on.
Lincoln Sanchez
Brody Bell
There's a difference between a reasoned, cited argument and some JIDFnigger screeching shill to derail threads.
Ethan Garcia
Except OP is straight calling out Kevin McDonald being a shill. How about stop being a whiny faggot? It's not me whining about Kevin McDonald. Also avaiable in the archive.
The kikes can type paragraphs of paragraphs of how X works for a company which is head by a jew thus a zionist jew etc and still makes no point.
Cooper Watson
You're clearly a disingenuous and illiterate faggot with no argument but screeching like a JIDFnigger.
Suggesting that Kevin MacDonald may be a shill is purely based on the observation that his work often excuses the jews' behavior by claiming that they have a higher intelligence or that they are responding to discrimination.
Joseph Ross
It's to show the goyim how powerless they are against the kike. There's two levels of control: first one is that if you criticize Jews, you're an anti-Semite, which probably a majority of people never will get over with unless it's permitted by main stream media to be an anti-Semite. The second level is that you may realize what kikes are and hate them, but exposing the kikes control may simply lead you to think it's hopeless. They'll always been in control, and they'll always be. It's like when I was a kid, I "knew" white middle aged fat men were in control of society, and it seemed like it would never change.
Remember pre-Snowden world: if you talk about how "they're" spying on everything you do, you're a cooky conspiracy theorist. Then Snowden "reveals" to everyone this is exactly what is happening, the normalfags are in shock at first, but soon accept it as the normal state of things. Nowadays normalfags don't care about surveillance at all, they buy Alexas and shit if they can afford it. Kikes revealing their control network is about the normalization and acceptance of the network. Kikes themselves have written articles on their control of Hollywood to boast about it.
The solution to this shit, I suppose, is to stop reacting to stimuli like a rat in a maze, but to start acting for yourself and your people. The topic of Trump on Zig Forums is a perfect example of this reaction-to-stimuli crap. One half of coverage of him is that he's the next Hitler, or god-emperor who's a herald to Hitler, whereas the other half is that he's just another Zionist kike shill. If you react emotionally to each individual article or act or comment from Trump, it's easy to get caught up with believing whatever the message is stating, which will lead you schizophrenic, as one time he's the next Hitler and 5 minutes later he's a kike. I don't know where his ultimate loyalties lie, but at the end of the day, I think it's better for the world that Trump won instead of Hillary.
This is how I see it: let's say that the elite consists of cannibalistic vampires who like to torture children. Candidate 1 states openly that she wants to torture children and suck their blood. Candidate 2 condemns such actions in public, even if he might be such a vampire in private. I still think it's better that the public would rather vote for candidate 2 than 1, since had they voted for the open cannibal vampire, it would demonstrate the people have completely given up, and accept their children getting tortured and killed openly, whereas candidate 2 shows that they're still willing to resist.
I guess this goes to show that the truth can be used against you when it's mixed with lies.
Juan White
Well, let me rephrase myself:
See? This is the kike calling you a kike and move on.
Parker Brown
This is what you've done the entire thread you quadnigger, you haven't posted a single argument that refutes any points raised in OP.
Easton Phillips
Remind me again, what did I call anyone a kike?
And again, if you read the actual "argument" in OP, it basically points out that you can't compare "aryan" with the kikes, and because MacDonald exposes that hypocrisy, he's suddenly a kike sympathizer.
Total hogwash.
Camden Wood
Is this a willful misunderstanding or are you just a retard?
Arguments in OP:
I got that from reading OP in two minutes. Are you braindead?
Carter Martinez
It's because you shouldn't be able to*. Kikes are way too evil for that. No. It's because he claims they are superior, and as such, out of our reach unless we emulate their behavior. We should not emulate jewish behavior. Who would we parasite? Jewish behavior is not productive. It's destructive and inefficient. It only works to shape other societies to feed them, protect them and produce for them. Who would do that for us? Asians? I don't want to hate them. I don't want to torment them.
Jason Williams
Horseshit, western men are raised with fair and equality in mind, pointing out the hypocrisy is one of the first and quickest way to redpill. Again, he advises that white men should have better in-group mentality (something white men actively lack) and adopt an ethno-centrism stance like the jews. He says this is "jewish behaviour" to point out the hypocrisy.
Did MacDonald encourage everyone to be cuttthroat backstabber? Nope.
Jaxson Smith
That's right. The jews have anyone who is a threat to them killed if they can't otherwise remove them, especially if he was controlled op that turned on them, like JFK.
Nolan Barnes
Again, does not matter, fucking Mein Kampf is still published, even by jewish publisher, kikes want money. Proof? As hypocrisy. As in ethno-centrism, which is not jewish behaviors at all. I would like you to explain how zionism is globalism even when Hitler supported actual zionists at some point. Again, he points to the hypocrisy, "why can jews do this, but white men can'.
Brody Brooks
I bought the book because Zig Forums recommended it. If this is true, then Zig Forums has a preponderance of Jews on it larping as "Nazis".
Matthew Perry
Sounds jewish. Wrong. I don't know it's in the OP, maybe read Culture of Critique. How do regurgitate jewish "we're superhumans, goy" propaganda as hypocrisy? If this was his only angle then why use jews as the model? He doesn't make them look bad, he doesn't expose their globalist doctrines, he tells people to emulate them.
Sounds like you are making a lie, point to me where MacDonald said jews are "superhuman". So again, no actual proof. Point to where he says jews are superhumans? Because jews are the only people who are allowed to be ethno-centrist next to blacks? When did he said people should be globalist? Study history, not a shitpost. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement Please specify the actual lines, I'm not reading jew shit. Read the article linked vvvvvv Again, no actual proof.
John Wilson
Josiah Gomez
>I agree entirely with this. And this last part of Sobrans comments bears directly on the topic of my talk: Is Judaism an appropriate model for survival of the West?—by which I mean not only culturally but ethnically as well. I have at times been accused of being an anti-Semite. But the reality is that I greatly admire Jews as a group that has pursued its interests over thousands of years, while retaining its ethnic coherence and intensity of group commitment. There have been ups and downs in Jewish fortunes, to be sure; but their persistence, at times in the face of long odds, and their spectacular success at the present time are surely worthy of emulation. >Taking seriously the idea of Judaism as a model for ethnic activism is a tall order indeed. What would we have to do that we are not doing now? Yet somehow some people feel that they can immediately dismiss the claim that Kevin MacDonald may in fact be a shill. Really makes you think.
Cameron Barnes
Not realizing that before they tricked you into giving them money to read their propaganda must make you feel rather angry or stupid. Alt right was always a jewish counter revolutionary measure. Co-opt nationalist sentiments fostered by their current policies, redirect them towards disaster, or if failing to do that, lead them to victory and still be in power. There is nobody significant in the alt right that isn't part of this age old charade.
Angel Wood
were those their real names?
Juan Campbell
Again, this is meant to point out their hypocrisy.
He did not say whites should become greedy backstabber.