Continuing conversation from old thread before mods killed it. Also, fuck the mods.
Last Mason thread got shoah'd
Replying to self and for other interested parties: here's my credentials.
It's true that jabulon sucks mad cocks, isn't it?
That's Thelemites. We're not Thelemites.
Mirth can tongue my taint, then.
Same order nigger.
Fuck. Off. Thelemites are wannabes.
This is a PRO-masonic thread? No, fuck you faggots. I figured it had to be anti-masonic in this place.
Drop it now.
Last warning
Struck a nerve, eh?
It CAN be anti-masonic, if you want it to be. The last thread was sorta. There was this dude who claimed to be a Mason and was willing to give up the goods. Now he vanished and the thread got shoah'd. Do you want the goods or not?
I can't read the secretary's name. What's it say?
You're right about the degenerate west coast. Many only join to sell pot.
pic related are rosy cross and look down on their "brothers" BTW, but you have to get to the brass before they will actually do something.
t. recently had a detachment commander transferred because he was letting masons sell drugs
spill some beans nigger
Shriners/Jesters are a bunch of sick fucks.
The Crowley seat has read this thread and is pissed.
There are others above you in rank here, faggot.
This is a corrective operation.
Fix it.
Let's be clear: what you're going to hear you're going to not believe because it's too boring.
Masonry. It's the "Handshake Club". It's all who you know about town and how. You join a club in your hometown. They know each other. They know each other's dirty laundry. Some of it bad. Most of it stupid.
Scottish Rite. The True Cucks. "We like to watch" TM.
York Rite. "We like to LARP" TM.
Shriners. "We're fucking degenerates." TM.
Prove it, faggot!
Why do you denounce Jesus Christ as your savior?
What relic do the masons guard?
Who is the two of three groups that are against you and fight for control?
You'll nigger forgetting jabulon and mrith.
Is it true that freemasonry is controlled by the jester order? If so, was it always like that or was it introduced with the scottish rite?
Jesters worship Mrith, the child looking mud baby.
All masons worship an insect god that they must deny.
a.) I posted creds at beginning of thread.
b.) Nobody denounces Jesus. Most of the people in this club wouldn't know who he was if they ran across him in a grocery store.
c.) Nothing. It's a neighborhood club.
d.) The John Birch society.
Jabulon is a holdover from Aleister Crowley's OTO rites. And that's not Masonry. It's just some dude's own cult. And that's okay, too.
No. Shriner's do not control Masonry. They are popular but they are considered the wild younger brother of Masonry.
nigger you and i both know that it's much older than some pedo opium addict's cult
Then by all means, spill those beans, bro.
We like it when people put efforts into their OPs. We also like proof of grandiose claims. And we don't like larping faggots who skirt around specifics and avoid uncomfortable questions.
you're the expert
Subway is a trade house. There are no guidelines about what occurs there. Basic neutral ground for all factions.
I'm 32 and York. You need a Shriner to answer those questions. No kid diddling in these groups.
I posted my creds at beginning of post. Figure the rest out.
Check and you're right. OP's a faggot
No, not fuck the mods, fuck you.
There are no "goods", pro Mason or anti Mason this thread is shit. They have no real power anymore at least as an institution, all it is is distraction from the Jews.
Masonry is just a pyramid scheme that uses promises of secrets and power to draw you in instead of money, and they have esoteric bullshit rituals that have little actually significance but are entanged in meaningless symbolism to make them seem more important than they are.
Again, fuck you, fuck Masons and fuck anti Masons. They are irrelevant.
Tell me what the earth is shaped like you fucking space nigger mason hippy and why did aliester crowley fuck that alien?
Why then are you faggots letting them get away with it? Complicit much?
how much satanism and or paganism is there today?
The kid diddling occurs with the more esoteric groups. The Moloch crowd. These are the beast system types.
Excellent summary, everything single Mason posting here ever.
Jesus is God. You deny this. Therefore you denounce him.
Masons are habitual liars: their whole organization is built on each degree lying to the ones below them. Frankly, I won't listen to someone who lies, and you're a sucker if you do.
Does Christianity still exist? Then there will be Jews and Satanists. And you will call everyone a pagan who doesn't follow your El god who sacrificed his child for your sins.
What's your motive OP. Frankly you have no secrets that are relevant to us. We know who you are, have for awhile. Now you are upset with formal affiliations you'd made that let you down and want another replacement here? /thread if ever, if not OP, your desperate attention seeking traitorous ways betray you enough for me to say unequivocally kys.
He sacrificed himself for our sins, because that is the essence of forgiveness: choosing to pay the price yourself when someone wrongs you.
so still heaps, got it
what made you get disenfranchised and call it quits? surely having such seniority in a closed, influential group and networking advantages is worth a bit of bullshit.
Thelemites can get bent.
To be honest, there's absolutely no feasible way to know without becoming a Shriner how much of a debacle the Shrine is (or has become). And as someone with zero interest in children, I can say I am not at all interested in finding out. You can become one and let me know.
Very little. I'm a buddhist.
Can answer specifics but none have been asked other than the profane shit.
What secrets could I reveal that would benefit you? "The sacred is the profane" to borrow the words from the heathen Thelemites.
Incorrect, the traveling men do not lie about this stuff. If they are asked something they can answer they simply don’t answer or change the subject. They get punished for lying, ask me how I know and you’ll get silence. They are typically referenced to as Kings or Lucifers.
Can’t answer
damn son you reading this shit?
denounce a man as a heathen but acknowledge him
How many licks to the center of your lolipop soul?
You gettin' all this, mothafucka?!
Christianity is Baal worship. It subconsciously encourages persecution of righteous people.
You heard him.
Simon says you're full of shit.
I fucking posted creds at beginning of post. What the fuck more you need?
Why did you even make a thread here? It's not political, it has nothing to do with nationalism. Nothing interesting has ever been posted in these threads, and yet you still come back because you're an attention seeking faggot. You said yourself that Masons are mostly uninteresting old men's clubs, so why do you think some gay old men's club deserves a thread? Post it on /b/ or /x/, but not here.