University of Washington site to report rapes anonymously

Attached: uw rape site.png (760x716, 100K)

Other urls found in this thread:…allows-for-anonymous-sex-assault-accusations/…allows-for-anonymous-sex-assault-accusations/

and here is their justification

Does anyone has a full list of the UW staffers? I'm sure they'll be thrilled to recieve hundreds of sexual allegations agaonst themselves that happened 20-30 years ago and cannot be corroborated.
But lisen and belive, rigth?

Attached: 6afc3be45732c30decbec23e3e0fc2ac[1].jpg (1280x719, 109.09K)

You know we have to report the gender studies prof as a rapist now right?


well pol looks like we are going to have to track who made this website

which one do you think has actually done it?

It could be a student

I don't support false accusations/raiding/spamming

Just find a course number, or their syllabi online with their course information and accuse anonymously - it will be more believable than a shitpost. Also, if you're going to only target one, make it a Jew that isn't already accused in a believable manner.

And it's completely obvious if everyone goes doing it all at once - but I expect that retarded behavior. Or antyfags pre-emptively doing it to protect precious Jewry.

Jews could also be targeted by finding jewish attendees on twitter or faceberg.

In other words, the site is retarded; but why would I complain? Am I being 'extremist' just by 'knowing too much'?

You know what to do, Zig Forums. Poison the data well.
this bitch sounds like she did it look at her interests

Hivemind! See

Amazing it's like we already had this failed fucking thread.

Carefully check out the fucking white males.

if you start mass reporting women studies professors then the sites admin will know something is up

a much better course of action would be to find antifa/male feminist cucks at uw and report them. those would look like legit reports and possibly throw those groups into pure chaos

No, if you're going to report something report it to the motherfucking authorities, cunt.

Time to report all the jews on campus for rape

Was thinking the same, also it would make sense to report people from other faculties as well, since having 10 000 reports on women's studies but only 5 on something like economics will make it fairly obvious.

we should report 6 people 4 of them our ennimes and 2 randos just this way we hurt more of our ennimes and have the support of normies who see there friends being thorwn under the bus for no reason

THIS, so what if some white males get their lives ruined?
We need to win the PR war for the midterms! We cannot afford to lose!

Don't injure our kin without cause

The obvious thing to do, is to write shit about the dean and other top cunts.

1. egg police to investigate and accusers to take the crimes against them seriously by co-operating
2. turns out every woman crying rape was lying
3. no one believes any woman crying rape anymore
4. ???

what i never understood was why would you report a rape to the university instead of police?

Attached: hate crime hoax.png (651x148 310.61 KB, 93.05K)

a sacrifice we need to take.

For anyone in the area who might have been sexually harassed, I suggest familiarizing yourself with the administration. It might be a little triggering to remember who exactly assaulted you, but if it was someone in a position of power, that's all the more reason to report it. You don't have to hide in the shadows anymore.

This is ripe for a class-action libel/slander lawsuit.

That is very simple, user, and Kavanaugh is a great exemple:
If you're a self-righeous lunatic who (in your mind) can do no wrong and you're figthing against a entire country of nazis, what benefits you the most? A legal trial where there will be proof examination, due process, etc, or a public trial where paid protestors (some do it for free) yell, scream and cry bloody murder?

The accused is summarily publicly disgraced to a slightly lower level than tarring and feathering. The accused does not receive the presumption of innocence and gets handed a much quicker sentence that fucks up their life. No penalty for false accusations.

U of Washington must be run by Democrats since they don't want to prosecute real crime, just make up fake crime stories.

Could you be anymore fucking see through.

Every male feminist professor will be fired for rape with no proof
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Thanks feminists. #Metoo hurts the left more than the right for a reason.

They collect the accuser's email.

I'm sure their database isn't full of security holes and has all the latest patches. Right?

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