Noticed this recently, but haven't seen anyone else comment on it. Notice how she's usually wearing gloves everywhere she goes. Notice in the picture where she's not wearing gloves she has what appears to be large bruises around common IV injection sites.
My take is that every moment she's not out in public, she's hooked up to an IV, and the bruises are from long-term IV therapy. Any one else want to corroborate? Anyone else notice other images?
What does the big red arrow point to? Is it a growth or a big wad of skin?
Lincoln Smith
They've got to get the stolen child blood into her somehow, OP. She can't just swallow it with her atrophied throat muscles and it's not like she's 250 anymore.
Christian Hall
She must hang in there until somebody open-minded enough to put a sheboon in there becomes potus!
What makes you say that? Skin redness gives it away?
Sebastian Powell
So far Trump hasn't gone a year as president where he didn't put someone on the supreme court. I'm not saying it's impossible for him to go a year in his presidency where he doesn't appoint another SCOTUS justice, but it hasn't been scientifically observed.
Zachary Torres
This could have been a decent hate thread had it not been for OP's faggotry.
She's a wealthy ancient woman. Of course she's often in hospital.
Though I'm surprised she hasn't been relieved of her post considering that she fell asleep during an official function Even were I a supporter I'd consider it a worrying sign of age related degradation. Some manner of test to ensure she's still capable of doing her job should be required.
Easton Harris
So she can inject aborted babies into her veins.
Nathan Wright
the only way to remove one is to impeach she doesn't actually have to do anything. she has minions that do everything for her, and every answer to every question is always a leftist stamp so no thinking is involved.
Robert Roberts
Has someone on the court ever been removed for old age related reasons?
Liam Young
It's not. Do an image search for 'ruth bader ginsberg sleeping'
Grayson Mitchell
Can’t really remove a Supreme Court judge. Once you’re on the bench you could go on tv and say Hiel Hitler gas kikes and nothing can be done.
Aiden Torres
brb going on the long journey to become us supreme court judge, will report back in 40 years
She's probably just cold, old ladies can get cold in air conditioned buildings. And I don't think iv sites are on the wrists. That said, she is clearly in terrible health, and this thread is cuckchan tier.
Lucas Myers
At some point they are going to start looking them up to mobile exoskeleton/life support machines just to keep their brain alive and them showing up to required appearances to keep any judge they don't like from being appointed. Pretty crazy.
We need a wall between whites (esoteric metaphor for finding our inner strengths)
Christopher Davis
Old mate on the right looks like a goddamn alien.
Gabriel Cox
And then you see Kennedy resigning who is 3 years her senior. She will cling to the post with her dying breath and leave claw marks. Like any leftist with power she has none of the honor that comes with the position.
This harpy should have resigned when she meddled in the Presidential elections.
Guess you're right, I was only aware of IVs through the arm. I never said she wasn't dying, though. Cuckchan fags always have to be so defensive of their shitty threads.
Gavin Turner
I'm pretty sure nobody has ever been removed from the supreme court for any reason. They tried to impeach one of them in the 1800s but nothing came of it.
they can be impeached, that's about it. Scalia might disagree though.
Jason Hall
You mean she is 3 years Kennedy's senior. Still pretty incredible that she's only three years older than him, she looks at least a decade old.
Noah Miller
It doesn’t matter, the bitch will be dead before 2024. But if she was on long term therapy, they would probably put a port in her. So if she got an IV, it’s probably not long term. That said, they prefer to give old people an IV in their hand. I’m not sure why, but they tend to give people with smaller veins IVs in their hands. She may not even die, but she seems very close to being unable to perform her duties.
Alexander Robinson
That makes some sense, they probably don't want old people risking bleeding out by a fucked up iv in their arm or even ripping it out because they are confused. Hell, she can't even perform her duties now. Really it's a bit sad that an old, very frail woman is "forced" to do a stressful job up until her very last breath, when she should be relaxing in a nursing home eating pudding and playing bingo, even if she is a kike. They aren't even kind to their own if they can get something out of them.
Joshua Bell
Why are her eyes all bugged out? Is she just trying to stay awake or something? In the first and second pictures, respectively. You can clearly see it here:
If I was that age, I would probably just want to sleep all the time, too. Maybe she takes something to stay awake?
Naw the kikes never run out of infant blood…that is probably part and parcel of their nigger breeding program as well. Niggers know that they can always have another one.
Nathaniel Lopez
This is true. This nigger probably couldn't make a proper thread to save its life. We should find it and put it to the test…kek
That first quote is fake. If you had your name to your post, your name would be dirt.
Ryan Price
let's hope she gets an aids babys blood
no fucking shit snopes
Jason Jones
i'll give her another year or two until she's either dead or has a medical emergency that breaks the news. she looks exceptionally bad for 85. she should have stepped down after obongo got re-elected so another witch could take her place, but kikes are known for their hubris at other's expense
Well then may be the time to make the case for physical health requirements? At the very least the ability to remain alert and aware of your surroundings for a prolonged period of time.
Nathan Johnson
I could get on board with a physical health test every couple of years
I think it is Joan du Whale rather than snopes. I talks like a big fat behemoth doesn't it? "Your name would be dirt!"
Look JOAN, it gets the point across just like the protocols of zion got the point across. That is the great thing about being an user, the potential for pseudographia, you fucking kikes know all about that, don't you? What would you do WITHOUT IT and your CONTINUOUS LIES? You know as well as I do exactly what she stands for including the interstate sex slavery trafficking of women and little children (and that shit is PUBLIC RECORD, YOU FAT BITCH). Roll your fat fucking whale ass down to the mods and complain about the fact that I am against pedophilia and child trafficking and I KNOW WHO FUCKING SPONSORS IT! Why don't you go pig out on another donut and kill yourself already, disgusting fat whore for ZOG kikes.
Nolan Moore
kek you are probably right
Alexander Adams
Levi Brown
Ian Jenkins
Yes, Joan, please fuck off; go away. You belong here like blood popsicle belongs to a woman with White gloves.
Alexander Brown
eat shit cunt and check those dubs
Alexander Martin
What is wrong with people that can't acknowledge the truth of something being wrong? Have some respect for facts and reality. The absolute state of (you).
Oliver Russell
The fat whale has a job to do for CFR doesn't it? It is the new fact checker for Zig Forums, remember? It thinks that it's lard ass is needed on Zig Forums because it doesn't have the intellectual creativity of a green bean and it can't handle metaphor, innuendo or its own penchant for obscuring truth. IDK Joan, go ask the kikes you worship they have never told the truth once in their entire existence.
CHECKED! ;) You mean eat more shit…does that think look like it eats anything other than a solid vat of lard for dinner nightly?
"You're retarded", to quote someone else, or crazy, or both. Either way, I should never have time to argue with you. Ever. It's always a waste of time. Internet special olympics. Also how do you even pretend you're not a shill. It's neverending spew.
Hudson Peterson
Rolling for a death after she falls over in public view.
Justin Morris
this isnt reddit you enormous faggot. you have to put some effort into your OP if you expect people other then r-tards to respond
Samuel Edwards
Every time
Eli Kelly
25 gallons? Bullshit
Easton Ward
Bump because you’re wrong this time.
Luke Robinson
Your third image clearly shows the bruises.
Daniel Thompson
2018 isn't over
Hunter Rodriguez
Due to their advanced age it would have to be more focused on brain issues and their ability to stay awake and alert along with their memory. Things like dozing off in the middle of a hearing or dementia aren't really conductive to the job.
Landon Gomez
The medical system that her people created is designed to farm humans for shekels, not to make someone healthy/cured. She will die because of this, literally no doctors on earth exist who can cure diseases. Dug her own grave.
Isaiah Murphy
Justice Ginsburg explained in an e-mailed statement, “Justice (Sandra Day) O’Connor said when I was having chemotherapy after colon cancer, ‘You are vulnerable now, and you’re going to receptions and shaking hands with lots of people, so you should at least wear gloves.’ This was in 1999. So, I wore gloves and liked them so much, I decided to keep wearing them.”
Hudson Jones
Oh user, don't be silly, you might need a physical exam to drive a 3,000 pound vehicle, operate heavy equipment, or be an astronaut, but a physical and mental examination should NEVER be required to drive a nation {into the ground}. Tsk, tsk you freaking Nazi. I suppose it shouldn't be required to be a fact checker as well. kek
Jeremiah Wilson
Ever seen someone wrestling a greased pig? I am imaging that was part of his future arrest record as all 25 gallons probably couldn't fit IN HIM and something that other virgins in this thread long for with the grim knowledge that even with grease, there was no volunteers to go to that final frontier.
Obama’s speech didn’t excite Ginsburg February 13, 2013
Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she was drunk when she fell asleep at the State of the Union 13 February 2015
Liberals in PANIC MODE Over Justice Ginsberg’s Health February 4, 2017 'Can she eat more kale?' Hordes of liberals want reassurance RBG's health is good February 2, 2017
Ginsburg: I’ve got at least another five years in me July 30, 2018
Jayden Young
Kale was invented to be fed to sheep. The next generation of sheep were born with retarded and stunted growth in addition to birth defects and were infertile.
Yes, get this bitch some more kale. Unfortunatly, shes getting goyim infant blood transfusions instead.