fucking BASED

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Other urls found in this thread:'s triangle.

this is a chosen post

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It's funny because you're acting like this makes him not /ourguy/ when he clearly did this to spit in the face of the Dems.


Oh HELL YEAH. First he supports The Patriot Act and Israel and now he's in favor of #BASED niggers just like us on Zig Forums!


at least we know white men have a 0% sexual misconduct(I.e rape) rate on black females.

checkmate leftist faggots.

Supreme Court is a joke anyway, the founding fathers' biggest, fattest mistake.

Are the white ones hot?

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Yes, goy. Care about the theater. Trump is you friend.

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That gross face is how you end up with fish lipped offspring.

I don't even know what based means anymore lmao


Bump because you can't hide the fact that
Brett Kavanaugh supports white genocide.

If a co-author of the patriot act is your guy, eat a bullet.

I wish you were wrong but you aren't.

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Rolling for RBG's replacement.

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Aside from that silly "all men are created equally" but, which the marxists have of course ran with and stretched into rainbow colored dildoes. While I agree that the entire concept of "interpreting the constitution" is dogshit shilling, there is a need for dispute resolution at the government level that isn't just dictatorial in nature. They were closer to "correct" with the Supreme Court than with the Bill of Rights.

You call this a demoralization?
Tough love, nigger. Blue wave got flushed due to this entire faggotry of process and this rage wont be diminished until the midterms.

You fucking retard, SCOTUS are untouchable. He doesn't need to look good at this point.

"If [as the Federalists say] “the judiciary is the last resort in relation to the other departments of the government,” … , then indeed is our Constitution a complete felo de so. … The Constitution, on this hypothesis, is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they may please. It should be remembered, as an axiom of eternal truth in politics, that whatever power in any government is independent, is absolute also; in theory only, at first, while the spirit of the people is up, but in practice, as fast as that relaxes. Independence can be trusted nowhere but with the people in mass. They are inherently independent of all but moral law…"
— Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Judge Spencer Roane, Nov. 1819


Kavanaugh is a Zig Forums loss.
Trump is a Zig Forums loss.

Fuck off.

They shouldn't have chickened out of democracy by letting a small group of elites overrule whatever they feel like. Now Congress does nothing while the Supreme Court of no accountability destroys American culture and a series of "commanders-in-chief" with no military experience spend trillions holocausting brown people overseas.


sage for double post
Zig Forums doesn't care if a brown dies.
Zig Forums has well resourced the proof that only whites are people. Only white are human. (((you))) don't belong here. Try >>>Zig Forums

No one is ever good enough for Zig Forums. Everyone is either controlled op, a kike, or a puppet as if it’s possible to navigate the political landscape and ascend its summit in [current year] while being openly WN.
People are losing jobs / scholarships all because of wrong think. The issue isn’t the politicians the issue is the people who elect them. The landscape of what it’s socially acceptable to say and do are dictated by the consensus of the population. Until you can even talk about far right ideologies in the public domain absolutely nothing will change.

No, you just aren't one of us and don't know what we believe.
Yeah, and? You'll never do anything to stop it.

You so fit in.


People thought that he would swing more right wing because of the rape hoax, but I told these people that they do not understand the cuckold psychology. These closet fag types like Kavanaugh do not fight back against persecution. They supplicate and appease their enemies.

kegger at kavs after the deliberation … trains and kegs boyzzzzz

judicial supremacy.

how can white people lose, we part the best and we still win in all important aspects


what about the memes?

You seem assblasted, kikeshill. It looks like it's a very bad case. You must kill yourself to cure it.

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without the supreme court there pretty much wouldnt be a nation.

Theres no way to have a single body without having a single law, a single law enforcement (feds) and a single process to produce order.

Without the supreme court there is no reason to have the FBI because every state can just say. "nono thats ok in our state" and who would the FBI prosecute the crime.

How would the state of California be the court to try a crime in Texas if Texas is breaking a californian law but Texas is all good with it.

That does make sense. You need a national level court and national level enforcement. Or you think that every state should be a nation.

dont be a retard think a little

Is that a slogan? You mind if I use it?
Sounds really catchy.

pls beliv me

I hope that job isn't vitally important to the nation. I hope he's ready for more allegations and lawsuits. Dumbass.

No, you need an undivided government with all authority placed in a fuhrer/king. Division of government is inherently degenerate.

lol. only days ago i predicted his first move would be to bend over backward for the enemy to prove he is "fair and unbiased." looks like i was right.

anyone wanna bet at just how fast this backfires??

That's almost exactly what I think. There isn't any reason not to at this point. Maybe a hundred years ago but now there isn't. None of us even pretend to like each other.

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agree as long as Im king

I think he did it because he really enjoys raping women

That would be a good thing. The FBI doesn't prosecute any of the important crimes, just goes after low hanging fruit and protects the top criminals in government.

That's fine.
Why would Texas care what California has to say?

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its just an example of our states being part of a nation and either you want america to be a nation of 50 states or you want it to not be one nation

but if you want the former we need a court and law enforcement that presides over all the states.

Either that or you really dont care what mexicans california lets in because its not your border.

Literally never happened, but it surely will if he didn't hire a bunch of niggers. Kill yourself fam.

E Pluribus Unum was a mistake.
Exactly. The way it works now is, California votes for open borders on Texas (metaphorically).

This is purely 4D chess surely Trump nominated him so Kavanaugh would hire all these blacks so he could execute them one by one, it's purely all going to plan.

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this is why i go to places with little to no trace of left wing garbage contents these days, sure this board got less shitty after the albanian turknigger got gassed, but it hardly makes up for all these incessant kikeniggers shitting and running all over the place like fucking roaches

You mean the guy that helped keep it from being worse than what it is? Kill yourself.


It's a JIDF's D&C tactic. They criticize everyone.

The tactic backfires though - what you have to be if you hang out on Zig Forums is a person who makes up his own damn mind and is comfortable liking someone that other people say is a crypto-jew or whatever. The fact that we remain here and have opinions in spite of there never being a consensus makes each of us, as individuals, stronger in our beliefs.

Pic-related is from a famous psychology experiment. In it, a test subject is forced, through peer pressure, to tell a lie. He can see that line C is the same length as the line on the left, but since everyone else (confederates) says line B is the same length, he ends up going with the crowd. If you want to look this up, it's the Solomon Asch study.

Most people are susceptible to that kind of pressure. The average lefty on reddit, or wherever, they couldn't maintain their own individual opinions if the crowd goes against them. They're herd animals.

But on Zig Forums we are literally being trained by the JIDF shills, whose job it is to shit on everyone, to be our own individuals with our own opinions.

Thanks guys!!

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Sweet, now take it back to reddit.

Everyone who works at McDonald's for x number of years is guaranteed a position in management, user. It's nothing to brag about.

Keep freaking out over theater guys

The absolute state of Republkikes

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Do you truly believe in DR3 or are you just trying to cover for this guy and by extension Trump? I just want this answered honestly once

You will never be white no matter how many jew dicks you suck Zig Forums

Holy shit, where did you get this whopper, tell us the story.

Even jobs that require experience, an 8 year degree and a level of achievement are subject to diversity hires and perhaps even more so than lower skill jobs. Muh niggers in positions of prestige

And just a few days ago people were actually larping that Kavanaugh was going to vote to undo affirmative action

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Soon as he repeals the 13th, they become office equipment again.



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you don't even know what a goon is, you're just spewing out what you've seen moe fags say to shut up anyone who is even slightly irritated by this shit

negating all sages

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Kill yourself. Stream it.

Use the blacks as the dems use them, right now they are so fucked by nwo psychotronics and purple drank that they are only good as 1:1 mobs😂😂

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Are you fucking retarded? they are going to use the Supreme Court to look into 9/11 !

you first, conservakike

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That's what they get for wanting to do what men should be doing.

Fuck off kike, this administration is going to take the country to a while ride.

They going to get rid of U.S. citizenship, it was only to extend rights to citizens of states who weren't recognized in other states, basically non whites like Chinese and slave breed blacks 😘
Once the nwo lost the Heller vs DC case they pivoted to school shootings inorder to affect state Constitutions but the only way that will be effective is if there is no universal citizenship.
Basically the US and DC are like the EU and ask the states are countries. USA "EU" is dead.
Take back the states. Until 2008 you had no right to personal weapons, unless within individual states who's supreme Court said you did. Until then you had to be a member of the militia, which is why it was vilified so hard.

District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008),[1] is a landmark case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess a firearm, unconnected with service in a militia, for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home, and that Washington, D.C.'s handgun ban and requirement that lawfully-owned rifles and shotguns be kept "unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock" violated this guarantee. It also stated that the right to bear arms is not unlimited and that guns and gun ownership would continue to be regulated. Due to Washington, D.C.'s special status as a federal district, the decision did not address the question of whether the Second Amendment's protections are incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment against the states,[2] which was addressed two years later by McDonald v. City of Chicago (2010) in which it was found that they are. It was the first Supreme Court case to decide whether the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense.[3]

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Always expect the worst out of anyone with an (R) by their name or who says they're a conservative. It's better to get stabbed in the chest than in the back. Drive both sides into a self-destructive conflict so the middle can bottom out. That's the only political strategy when you have no choice for power.

What the fuck is a devils triangle anyway?'s triangle.

This is a temporary thing, the black law clerks will be fired for dealing drugs within 2 months.

Thanks to the bill of rights, Americans can still legally state the falseness of the "holocaust," criticize blacks, browns, and muslums, be White Nationalist, and own tons of highly effective magazine fed semi automatic rifles (among many other things).
The "bill of rights bashing" is one of the more retarded "views" I see here sometimes.
Clearly it would be SO MUCH BETTER if we could be locked up for saying mean things to muslums and disarmed like slaves!!!!!!!
No, it wouldn't.

AKA, a united Volk is the only foundation upon which a free society can be built with any degree of stability and resilience. Even then, only if the Volk has the right sort of genetic and cultural qualities.

You can't have a nation without a UNITED PEOPLE who share common ties of blood and heritage. Or, as Hitler put it, a group of physically and spiritually similar people. AKA, a Volk.
That is what a Nation IS.
"Diversity" kills the Nation, as a Nation cannot, by definition, be "diverse." A "diverse" body of people can only be ruled by a government divorced from the will of the people as a "diverse people" can never, in practice, actually want the same thing from their government. This makes it very easy for oligarchs to take over by pitting the groups against each other to confuse and misdirect. This is a large part of why (((certain groups))) have pushed endlessly for "muh diversity." IE, in order to destroy White America.
There can be no government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" without "the people" being a united, not-diverse group. IE, there must be ONE PEOPLE. There can be no racial diversity if there is to be one people. There can be no hostile, sectarian cults, such as judaism, if there is to be one people.
Separation into racial and ethnic homelands with separate governments is the only sensible way. It has been subverted by internationalist faggots who think of us as cash cow wage slaves in their retarded shekel machines.
AKA; "National self-determination."

Slave mentality.
The Constitutional Republic of the USA could be a great system, and was long ago, but it was designed for a Whites only Nation and, in hindsight, all jews should have been banned utterly.
The ability of hostile groups to subvert republics is often discussed here (ZOG, etc), but surely it must be obvious that kings and dictators are, by no means, immune to subversive influence. Many, many dictators and kings in history have been horribly corrupt and harmful to the people. One absolute ruler means ONE single point that needs to be subverted, rather than hundreds (congress, etc).

This, to an extent.
It's basic "culture of critique" frankfurt school marxism kikery.
How so?
"Criticize everything, undermine everything, debase everything, destroy everything"
Drive wedges everywhere.
D&C everything.
It's how they operate.

What's happening is what's happening.
You can call it "theater," and to an extent it is. However, that does not make it "not real."

prepping (((ginsburg's))) replacement?

Kikes don't hire niggers - everybody should seriously consider that this is out kiking the kikes by beating them at their own game. So what a few Whites don't get this particular job it's for the greater good when affirmative action is in the toilet & hard salt flows. While dismantling zog you can't give them open reasons to kvetch to the low iq masses.

all the low iq are flooding here 😥 Reddit niggers and 4chan hippsters. I lurked and did research for a long time before I started posting and I can see sheer volume of dumb fucks increasing since my first post

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False. America has always been shit
False. Niggers were held equal in most northern states.

This board is dead.

Still waiting. Regal us. Fact is you're full of shit and kavanaugh should be executed for treason.

how so?

But muh Trainer is African American, what amount of Melanin does Kavanaugh's Trainer have, he be so Racis, derr derr

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Nu/pol/ on suicide watch

You're not even trying.

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the truth is you're never going to get to replace (((ginsburg))) with a "right-winger" unless its a nigress… i know its not optimal, but its the only politically possible course of action. when that yenta dies, Dems are going to try to block anyone "right" of Mao from getting on SCOTUS, so Trump can just be like "why would you oppose the first black female Supreme Court Justice" in order to shut them the fuck up

come to mewch/pol/ -=- we can reacreate Zig Forums in our own image. like a phoenix, Zig Forums will rise again from the dead
mewch/pol/: Making Zig Forums Great Again

And this is how the left gets the right to do what it wants.
More blacks in governmental positions is not good.
Just like Jews, the tribe will always come first.

Bump and reported for being a paid jewish shill. You are not on reddit.

Kav is ensuring the light is shone on SC inner habits from now on. Expect non stop reports on the Kav guy who shook up the SC and let sunlight descend on the musty ole judges. RBG will get so peeved she will leave in due course. Less than a year.

No, he's just a day who is cucking out. It isn't that complicated dude.

Nasty kike slavic look , like a mid market escort in LV.

Those were compromises between northern and southern states. The northern states had equality with niggers since the founding of the country.