This contains links to all of my graphics (loose & .7z archives), as well as videos & pdfs that I've created. This link will stay the same, but the text in the pastebin will change to reflect newer uploads. Of note, is that I upload my graphics to my account. This allows me to update the files, but the links will stay the same. Also included, are loose downloads of my White Victims of Illegal Aliens and White Victims of South African Crime series.
Nothing will change until the Day of the Rope. And this place is 100% Jew compromised. Is there any other place we can go to that is not Jew compromised? Let me know.
(checked) I hate your threads, but they are so fucking necessary. Thank you, user.
This poor little girl. At least they left out the part where the 5 creatures raped her before blowing her brains out. Fathers, teach your daughters how to fire a weapon if they are ever going to spend a moment alone.
She should've had access to a gun, but more so, her parents should've had access to a whites-only space for their family. Non-whites have no right to be anywhere near us.
How horrific is it to know that her parents saw that as some sign of relief? I agree. The experiment has failed miserably at the cost of the citizens the state was paid to protect. I hold the politicians responsible for each and every one of these murders. Animals can't be expected to act like humans, but the fact that we literally paid politicians to bring these things in our country is the real crime.
Each and every politician not speaking out on this topic is culpable.
Dylan Parker
It's a dubious positive out of an evil incarnate level crime.
The politicians, along with the media, will be held responsible. There are members of the judiciary that will be held responsible as well. Mass graves will be necessary.
Make on for this crime. I'm reading about it and I've gone into shock actually. Nigger killed his stripper girlfriend's blonde haired blue eyed son. The kid was abused for weeks before the nig finally killed little Lonzie. I want to meet this bitch when she gets out of jail in a couple years and put her out her misery.
Attacker(s): William Ruben Ebron Jr.,Lonna Lauramore Barton (white)
Description: Lonzie’s badly decomposed body was found 6 months after he disappeared. Ebron, who was the boyfriend of Lonzie’s mother Lonna and a known drug dealer, physically abused Lonzie over a period of time, as his corpse showed signs of injuries that had been healing at the time of death. Police also recovered deleted photos from Ebron’s phone that showed Lonzie with injuries prior to his disappearance. Link(s): Story on the crime. Ebron is arrested after police find out he’s lying about someone stealing his car with Lonzie in the back seat. Lonzie’s body had yet to be found 7-15. Ebron pleads guilty to aggravated manslaughter and gets 20 years 2-16. Lonna pleads guilty to child neglect and lying to police and gets 5 years. She had her other two children taken away from her as well 3-16. Lonzie’s find a grave memorial. —————-
This nigger is going to get out of jail when he's in his fifties. What kind of world is this where this nigger and coal burning whore aren't hung on the spot. The filthy whore covered for the nigger all through the investigation from what I can tell even sitting on his lap when they are originally brought into the police station the night they report little Lonzie missing. Justice hasn't been served
I've posted this before but will do so again. The Emily Haddock case in OP is what finally broke the kike programming for me. I was a long time nigger hater but still considered them the same species as White Europeans and if just given a chance could maybe act like humans.
But then a pack of wild niggers broke into a home and shot an ill 12 year old White female in the head for no reason other than they are niggers. I'm still pissed off over this one. Every single one of those fuckers should have been strung up on courthouse lawn within 48 hours of capture. God how I hate these chimps and their jew enablers.
Henry Bell
The Emily Haddock case happened a year or two after I finally woke up completely, but what shocked me, was how long it took to punish them, and how lenient the sentences were. I guess you could say that the Emily Haddock case broke what little faith I had in the justice system.
The chimps and their jew enablers will be paying very soon. This fiat currency system is in the process of failing, and once that glue dissolves, things will get "lord of the flies" really quickly. We're going to see urban chaos on a level that hasn't been seen in many years, all livestreamed to our computers.
their futures don't look bright. and there will come day, possibly in our lifetimes when there will not be any altercation, no interaction at all, no words; just getting dispatched on-site.
Jace Parker
Indeed. It's going to take decades to unfuck the jewdicial system. The recent Supreme Court appointments are a start but perhaps in the future we can look forward to niggers being directed straight to a noose when they do shit like this. It's been a long, hard fifty year race war against White Americans. Please keep up the White victims threads as well. It's unreal how this goes on year after year with no coverage other than kike apologists sniveling about structural racism and poor niggers. Totally fucking sick of it.
Ian Long
Their complaints of "structural and systematic racism" and "microaggressions" are going to give away to "straight to the noose" lynchings in the future. I wish I had a timetable, but things stay the same, until they no longer are.
I shall continue my work for as long as I'm able. Once the laws are changed to prevent Twatter and the like from banning, I plan on an infographic blitzkrieg.
I think a good policy for civnat cucks would be to sit them down and force them to read every single one of these in one go and if they still try to defend subhumans, treat them like one.
Gabriel Brown
I literally tear up every time I go through these. it's a real holocaust and nobody gives a fuck about it but us anons pushed to the outskirts of the clearnet.
Landon Reyes
People will eventually care. Things like this take time. I'm just going to keep creating new graphics and threads until they do.
I just dropped by to say that I can't read these threads because I would definitely pile bodies high. I know all too well about the nigger crime problem.
Not true, the US Supreme Court reversed the Kansas Supreme Court's decision, upholding the death penalty. It's a serious indictment on our justice system that its taken more than 16 years, multiple courts proceedings, and a supreme court decision, to do what a some neighbors and a few feet of rope should have done as soon as guilt was confirmed.