Exclusive — House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy Introducing Bill to Fully Fund Border Wall, Making Midterm Immigration Referendum
Wall gettinf funded, nod eportations planend as of yet
Can we get ANTIFA to attack Paul Ryan?
SThe wall is finally getting funded but this measure deals neither with DACA or deportations, so how good is such a bill well, I can't really say it will help much if the country is already brown by the time it's fully finished
Niec dslyexai, aonn.
Sorry, I tried typing as fast as I could before some faggot made a poor job of it.
I don't care if i have to wheelbarrow dirt all day, i want a job building that wall.
This is just a ploy for midterms. Republicans in Congress will not vote for it. Over half of Republicans in Congress supported an amnesty bill just a few months ago.
I think its a 2 part process. Build the wall to keep more from coming in then activate right wing deportation squads to forcibly remove current invaders.
Would minefields be cheaper than a wall?
I honestly would too but even ICE isn't doing much, 30 million illegals in the country and not a dent in that has been made deportations wise, the border is still 100% open.
I agree with you, even the article states that this bill has no chance in the senate so it requires a majority there which we will not see until 2019
Won't believe it til I see it.
You fucking kikes that was the national election.
You know if Zig Forums went after Paul Ryan (the linchpin of the old gaurd NeoCons) like we went after Ted Cruz that would do a hell of a lot more than marching around or posting flyers.
These people respond a hell of a lot more to online public pressure than you would think. Just look at how beta Jeff Flake was after being confronted.
Get the Q boomers some memes and let them do their thing.
We need dirt and an attack strategy and threads.
Dont believe them. They had 2 years to pass this bill and they sat on it
Trump has not arrested a single mayor for aiding the illegals.
No, but expelling all spics would be.
And yet no one has been deported, so go fuck yourself retard.
It's pre-midterms. They either pass it or dont. We dont need "belief"
We need to attack Paul Ryan NOW
60 million
We have NET importations and legalizations.
Nigger was in a hurry to spam another slide.
Why do you think I'm sliding? This is the final nail on the MAGA coffin[ if republicans do not pass this bill, and if they do and then renege on the wall or fail to deal with DACA recipients and illegals it's all you need to know that voting republicans is useless and the founding fathers had the right idea.
When you grow up someday, user, you'll realize that there are no heroes. That every accomplishment is a hard fought battle of pushing forward and getting pushed back.
Republicunts are like a big dumb elephant. You have to keep pushing and pushing to get it to budge. And yes you will gain two steps forward and it will take two steps back. But you have to keep pushing them. You're not going to do a revolution. You're a fucking beta computer nerd that wouldn't even kill an ANTIF street protester if they were beating up your car.
The wall is a Legislation battle, but deportation will definitely be a Supreme Court battle. The lawkikes are going to come screeching out of the swamp at maximum kvetch when the anchor-babby and other assorted nigger mass importation laws are rolled back whooping about MUH CIVIL RIGHTS FOR NON-CITIZENS!!!!!1!!!!!!!!
Jail is for blacks though.
Voting against democrats doesn't get you anything if the country is still flooded with non-whites and all republicans do is give israel more money, whites in the USA have gotten nothing from voting republican.
Yeh that's why the founding fathers fought the british with bullets and not ballots.
Why is this anchored?
when is he leaving? other than 'not soon enough'
>>>/suicide/ Nowhere was that said.
November, I do believe.
I'm aware. Trump had to opportunity to shut down gov't and force them to go on record before the voters decide in Nov. It would've been a gamble for sure, but it was a fight he could've been setting the stage for this past year….IF it was a priority.
I like a lot of what he does, but without an actual border and a stringent immigration policy it's all just a flash in the pan. It's like remodeling your kitchen while a torch-wielding mob is burning their way up your block. Why bother?
Those fags will do what they are told.
OP is a colossal cock-smoking nigger who says we're all gonna die in a sea of beaners. That said mods are also choking on poz for locking the thread.
This is a big anouncement though sadly it comes from Kikebart.
All you need to know that even though the DoD is at an all time high when it comes to funding, the Repubkikes refuse to use a single DoD cent to pay for the wall.
I was told on numerous occasions that the wall is already under construction and was even permabanned for suggesting otherwise. And now you're saying it hasn't even been funded yet?
Yeah you figured it out dumb dumb. There isn't going to be an immigration referendum.