I'd never even heard of this film, and my guess is it would've done better if the caveboy it starred was not a Solutrean, and to even do as well as it has required a title change to the ambiguous "Alpha" because the Jews don't want the film to promote awareness of the term "Solutrean" because that would naturally lead to people learning of the hypothesis and questioning the "Beringians were the true Native Americans" hypothesis of the present so-called aboriginals' ancestors.
he ist long gone, the fact that you don't know this means, you are not fitting in!
Jayden Wilson
documentary? any good?
They found a number of pieces of extremely convincing evidence in ~2012-2016, including a tool (arrowhead, iirc) made of flint that was definitively 'mined' in France. I was a little skeptical (though hopeful) about it before that, but once I heard about that I was sold.
Does anyone know how the Solutrean Hypothesis is doing in the academic literature? any collegefags with database access wanna help us out?
its not well known, nor is it accepted in the academic literature last time i checked
Land belongs to the winners though, newcomers tend to be more agressive and war eager, and mongoloids were always pretty damn good when it came to warfare beating the shit out of whites, chinks, pajeets, arabs and any other ethinicity that crossed their way countless times in history. Hell, even the vikings couldn't do much against a bunch of savage proto-inuits mongoloids.
Kayden Bailey
Not well.
It looks like the Western European portion of American Indian genetics probably came across the Bering Strait from northern Asia, which would eliminate the need for Solutreans to be the origin of those genes.
Juan Lee
The irony is look at them now. The bottom bitch of both the chinks and Russians. Mongolia is just a sliver of land. China's never gonna give back Inner-Mongolia. They've been effectively neutered, thanks to advanced technology.
Thomas Morris
Indeed, situation is not "good" for the in the present. However in the event of a catastrophe which bring us back to the stone age, mongolians are more well prepared than the usual western urbanite (chink, white, pajeet, doesn't matter), since they live the same simple way as their ancestors.
This doesn't answer the Kennewick man. Whites were in the Americas before any other group on both coasts, on every landmass. Even the Maori agree with this.
Cooper Wilson
Ted is absolutely right, his own (and mine too by the way) ancestors are the living proof, surviving many battles against superior numbers by persistence alone. Pic related is a good example.
To be honest the vikings were heavily outnumbered and couldn't do much against a bunch of angry throat singers, but even so, the inuits were more adapted to the climate and environment than a bunch of danes. Falling back to Iceland made much more sense than trying to colonize a land full of people who want you dead so they won't have to compete for food.
Andrew Baker
The Windover Bog site in Florida produced over 160 bodies that were so well preserved that they still had intact brain matter. According to the DNA analysis, the didn't match any other Native American group.
Go ask Zig Forums. There are stories about the mongol troops in Iraq and Afghanistan being basically they're the only ones outside NATO usual suspects (France, UK, Poland) that got a cred at being lean murder machines. Also the mongol/soviet corp completely annihilated Japanese expeditionary forces in 1939 and China never even tried to bring it back (while they do have a claim on it).
Mongolia appears poor because 1/3 of the population still lives like their ancestors always have, being nomadic herders, once you take that into account suddenly the fact that 1/3 of the population is "below the poverty line" essentially vanishes as being homeless and living off the land is in fact just how a great chunk of people are used to live (and most of them literally don't want to do anything else, we're talking a third of the population that kept that lifestyle despite communism and purges and all kind of atrocities a century of forced modernization could bring) and all their other numbers from economical data to demographics, to politics are in the green.
The average mongol is way better off than the average pajeet or the average chink…
Jeremiah Edwards
Yeah is was X heavy. Know who else is X heavy?
Leo Wood
They're mongoloids user, mongoloid race also encompasses chinks, japs, thais, inuits, tungusics, mongols and every race with 'asian' appearance.
Luis Hall
Mongolia is not a powerful country, this is true. But I would hardly call 603,909 square miles a "sliver." Germany is much higher quality land generally, but it is only 137,988 square miles today for comparison. (I don't care much, but accuracy is important)
Poland stronk.
The Vikings were simply too far from their supply lines. It is truly amazing that they made it to North America at all. (They did. The ruins on Newfoundland of a Viking settlement make that much undeniable at least) I'm pretty sure that they were Norwegians, though. Greenland is part of Denmark today because Denmark was in a union with Norway for many years and when Norway broke free then the Danes, for whatever reason, kept all of the foreign possessions. A few hundred iron-age Vikings could not defeat the tens of thousands of stone age featherindians that would have been within easy traveling distance of any given place along the coast. (It is often claimed that the conquistadors won against such odds, but in fact they were only able to defeat the cannibalistic chest-carvers by exploiting a civil war. Likewise for the Incas)
This. Good for them. "Modern life" is pretty poisonous and degenerate anyway.
Matthew Morgan
But not all mongoloids are mongols you utter faggot.
Its a known concept here in the UK and iv talked to continentals about it befor. Seems to be well known, people from Europe traval to America on small boats hugging the ice sheet across the Atlantic.
I remember the Documentary channle doing a huge advertising campaign for a doc on this subjects white some years ago. I guess i can understqnd why they don't want bugers to see it.
Watch the vid. Maori say that all major civilizations were breakaway civilizations formed by whites that fled the collapse of Egypt. Easter island? Whites creating monuments to an Egyptian god. South American pyramids? Whites bringing culture from Egypt. Maori curved tattoos? Adaptations of traditional Celtic tattoos. There were even Maori with full white phenotypes, witnessed by European expeditions, that died off after the expeditions left due to racially adapted diseases that they had no immunity against.
They have the DNA and family records to prove it too. The reality of this is that the collapses will continue to occur, and whites will continue to create breakaway civilizations.
Brody Morgan
Yes. Pre Clovis. White man was there long before Solutreans. It is possible, Solutreans were Pre Clovis ancestors, bringing civilisation into Europe. Aka, Atlantian/Atlantis civilisation. Original home of Cro-magnon in North america, long before Younger Drias whiped them out. Refuge routes via Atlantic to Spain and North Africa, and second, via Berin to Sibiria, giving birth for later Aryan nations. Ultimate redpill, yes.
Ayden Ward
The terms are interchangeable mate, I know what you mean but mongol is to mongoloid as caucasian is to caucasoid or negro is to negroid. we just don't use the former or latter because pc
Henry Roberts
Ukrainians were the persistent ones nothin personnel
This is a huge redpill actually when you’re able to provide someone with the unreasonable standard of evidence that they require to believe something that’s the opposite of what Jews say
Ryder Cox
Very good vid.
Jordan Gonzalez
Yeah, I'm sure if the Mongoloids won, they would feel REAL guilty and give us reservations and technology. Fucking chinks, not even once.
Shills destroying history thread by promoting a fucked up degenerate hippie boomer terrorist who killed innocent people because he thought that would stop technology.
Celts weren't Scythians. They were a branch of the fallen Hittite culture and older than Celts. Their culture was the basis for Zoroastrian Persian culture.
Europeans were doing fine in NA until a comet impact caused a continent wide firestorm. The Siberian peoples swarmed in long before the scattered survivors could reorganize. Revenge was had against them starting from the 1500s onward.
Aiden Smith
Stay mad jew, your lies are falling apart at a rapid pace.
That's a pathetic response to our people's history you dumb fucking NPC. You can't attach the word Celt to anything you like. It's a Greek term meaning kilts.
You can strawman all you want but you're implying that one culture is all cultures. Just say that Greeks, Trojans, Thracians, and Romans were Celts too. Because that's what you're doing. You're not making a strong argument at all and it has nothing to do with Solutrean culture because that's far far far far older you fucking moron.
Scythian culture died out and was obsorbed by other cultures. One could make the argument that Germanic culture is a Scythian Celtic hybrid just like one could argue that French culture is a Celtic-Germanic-Roman hybrid. But to conflate them is to erase them. You argue like you've been fapping on chans your whole life.
If the Scots came from Scythia, all of n. Europe did. Including the Swedes. Scythia was declared in The Declaration of Arbroath (Scottish independence). This has been confirmed and reviewed by dozens of scholars and historians over the centuries. There is a long paper trail widely available, yet mysteriously never discussed. The jews would rather call you "mercenary vikings of the 11th century" instead of knowing your true Scythian and Hittite roots.
You're a jew. That map shows the Hallstatt culture. Regardless, even that map alone links up to the Solutrean Atlantic route You just proved your own disinfo incorrect in a matter of a few minutes, but you're too retarded to even realize it. Thanks for the easy laugh fool. Amazing how every time I speak of Celtic history, within 5 seconds a jew sperg immediately shows up. It's like they're sitting around all day waiting for anything "Celt" to show up.
Nice strawman jew. That was never said.. nor does any map display this. Work on your jewry, it's low quality. I see you've been googling new words like "Hittite" that you learned by reading my post here at 8/pol/ over the past few days. Nobody is falling for your freshman year kike banter faggot. I've already proven you wrong with historic documents and the language of the Scythian. Well, duh… it is. Funny you write this while attempting to erase the Celts from history. Look faggot, I am more than happy to continue red pilling in this thread. I welcome your disinfo jewry and fully expect it. How else would I be able to so easily swipe down your poorly executed kneejerk hysterical jewry so quickly. Keep following me around from thread to thread inverting what I previously wrote, as if you're some clever kike who's never attempted such behavior. This confirms how deep I am inside of your head. You haven't seen 1/16 of the storm to come, Abraham.. :)
I wish there was more info about the Hindus Valley Civilization. Mohenjo Daro impress the hell out of me.
Thomas Nelson
Scythians are Slavs, so unless you think Celts are Slavs…. it's time to stop with the dumb meme.
Ian Morales
The Indus Valley Civilization? Yes, there is good work around. The British have swastika artifacts in their museums from this location. There are also a few newer documentaries, surprisingly by the BBC I believe it was. Asking the question "Did we Europeans come from the Indus Valley". It was basically Nazi archaeology on the BBC 70-years after the Cromwellian-British regime murdered them all. A weird turn of events…
Goes in line with all the new freemason brits and their jewish friends online who want to be Hitler now days. Unbelievable really.. I am digging further into the Hittite Empire currently; as a precursor to the Scythians. They even share the same headwear. Its really interesting. Nothing will bring out the kikes more than discussing ancient Celt history, it drives them insane.
Photos: Celtic Hittite "coned" head wear from 2,000 BCE. A precursor to the Scythian, and later W. Europe.
The Scythians also feature in some national origin-legends of the Celts. In the second paragraph of the 1320 Declaration of Arbroath, the élite of Scotland claim Scythia as a former homeland of the Scots. According to the 11th-century Lebor Gabála Érenn (The Book of the Taking of Ireland), the 14th-century Auraicept na n-Éces and other Irish folklore, the Irish originated in Scythia and were descendants of Fénius Farsaid, a Scythian prince who created the Ogham alphabet and who was one of the principal architects of the Gaelic language. Characteristically, early modern English discourse on Ireland frequently resorted to comparisons with Scythians in order to confirm that the indigenous population of Ireland descended from these ancient "bogeymen", and showed themselves as barbaric as their alleged ancestors. Edmund Spenser wrote that the Chiefest [nation that settled in Ireland] I Suppose to be Scithians … which firste inhabitinge and afterwarde stretchinge themselves forthe into the lande as theire numbers increased named it all of themselues Scuttenlande which more brieflye is Called Scuttlande or Scotlande. As proofs for this origin Spenser cites the alleged Irish customs of blood-drinking, nomadic lifestyle, the wearing of mantles and certain haircuts and Cryes allsoe vsed amongeste the Irishe which savor greatlye of the Scythyan Barbarisme. William Camden, one of Spenser's main sources, comments on this legend of origin that to derive descent from a Scythian stock, cannot be thought any waies dishonourable, seeing that the Scythians, as they are most ancient, so they have been the Conquerours of most Nations, themselves alwaies invincible, and never subject to the Empire of others.
Speaking of Indo-Aryans (or Indo Iranians) look at this head of a saltified mummy found on Iran, this poor bastard died suffocated by a mountain of salt while mining it probably lived (and died) during the Sassanian period. As you can see he had a very blonde beard and hair, a good reminder that today's iranians have changed a lot ever since the Sassanians, they were almost completely destroyed during the Mongolian/Timurid rule.
Vikings strongly believed it was unseemly to kill an enemy while he was brushing his teeth. By the time they realised the rinkydinks weren't gargling it was too fucking late.
Found this doc on the ancient Celtic Hittites. Looks well produced at first glance and the comments check out. Hopefully there's no jewry sneaking into it.
Austin Butler
Mongoloid detected
Brandon Miller
Most of these posts, if not all, are (((Druidpol/))) consensus cracking again. He does this with the "Jews were phenocians!" and "Aryans are Neanderthals, not cromagnons!". He freaks the fuck out anytime we have a history thread and reports it (as the mod of druid). When that doesn't work he shills the thread with distractions.
Solutrean culture = 21,000 to 17,000 years ago Scythians = 1900 years ago. Celts = 1700 years ago.
He's breaking up the thread and trying to destory it. This is what this fucking kike does for a living. Go check all the Blavasky posting in every other history or philosophy or religion or New Age thread.
Celts were the enemies of the Scythians. Greeks were the enemies of the Scythians. Persians were the enemies of the Scythians.
Persian does not equal Celts Celts does not equal Greeks Celts does not equal Scythians Greeks does not equal Persians Pheonocians does not equal 300BC mono-El-Baal cannanite "Jews" Neandethals does not equal Cromagnons
maybe solutrean is a lame title and alpha is much better and there's no conspiracy here at all. but having said that, i can't believe i'm not blaming the jews
Xavier Hill
This is the worst attempt at turkic-trolling I have ever seen. Literally nothing in this steaming pile of garbage has anything do with what was posted. Let's break it down for the viewers.
Nowhere was that said in this thread. I have never posted once on the history board Look at this semitic/turkoid recognizable hysteria. It is clear as day who you are, simply by observing your ethnic-reaction and temperament. You are wrong, the Celtic Scythian's are a part of the larger Solutrean timeline we are discussing. Classic projection I have no idea wtf you're talking about, you insane lying turkroach If everyone were the enemies of the Scythian, who were the Scythian? This alone is enough to discount you as a total defective shizo. Notice how this lunatic never once says who the Scythians are. Yet somehow, everyone in the world were their enemies. That's because he's a turkroach/arab, but doesn't want to admit it in front of Zig Forums. But wait, there's more. That is actually open for debate depending on how far we go back in the Persian timeline. It can easily be argued proto-Persians were influenced by Celts if not outright full on Celt in origin. No where is this claimed. Not even hinted itt, shizo Yes, they do. You rat-faced turkroach. It has everything to do with the Solutreans. Solutreans+Hetities+Schytians+Celts+Hallstatt+Germanics+Northern Europeans=One People
Would this imply that American Indian languages are derived from Proto-Indo European? 20,000 years ago in Europa, it indeed was PIE
Charles Watson
The "natives" of North America are just filthy invaders that genocided white people. South America on the other hand…
There were a lot of interesting legends about what could be interpreted as white people in South America, and the whole "welcomed as sent by gods" thing…
Thomas Baker
The blue eyed inscriptions in Peru are proof of that. Never heard of that. Anymore info? I do know that in Georgia, the locals there view all visitors, especially Europeans as "Gifts from God".
Luis Hill
It was like 12 white men who wiped out a whole empire of them, what a load of shit.
Juan Murphy
Oh yea and Brits, and Normans and Romans, all niggers amirite. The Irish descend directly from Scythian royalty, bloodlines traced. That Scythian royalty were Aryan and came further back from Iranic peoples.
Pretty easy to find this on any search engine. Aztec legends also warned of white men. The same warnings are told today by niggers: If you fuck with the white man, they will come for you.
Who gives a shit? If they're white, they get counted. It doesn't matter if they were Z or K, all that matters is that they shaped the world in a lasting way as white men.
No they're not "mate", they are different words with different meanings.
Bentley Clark
The poor lad was a proto-pol user and was killed by a mountain of salt. What a way to go.
Aiden Powell
Those pictures being bigger would be great.
Elijah Watson
Based Scythians
Tyler Campbell
Instead of pointing fingers and calling everyone a shill why don't you contribute with your knowledge instead ?
Nathan Powell
Do you hate the west user?
David Hughes
Scythians have nothing to do with this thread.
Ted hippie faggot psycho terrorist who feared evolution has nothing to do with this thread.
Cooper Adams
The Irish travelers do. It's why they're nomadic.
Liam Perez
Can't imagine it from a maritime engineering perspective. Lapstrake hull would supply force multiplying physics converting sail-enhanced rowing into sufficient motive force to cross Atlantic swells. Coracles not so much.
Benjamin Davis
See also the argument that Troy was in the far North. Finland.
Easton Jenkins
Polaris hasn't been the pole star for very long though
Ayden Reyes
But vikings had already settled Iceland, which is a stone's throw away.