Nikki Haley leaving U.N. ambassador post at end of the year
Nikki Haley leaving U.N. ambassador post at end of the year
Thread talking about Israeli trump connections just got shoa'd
Get used to it, shill, For example, you're getting the filtercaust right now.
It's been happening for a while. Mods are in with the Mossad crowd. Shilling for Israel and Trump
It's still up.
Yeah, people are finally recognizing the "Trump is a zog shill" tactic. I'm not saying he is not, but that's a technique they use to demoralize and divert attention from more important things we can discuss and and actually do something about. Get fucked, shill.
Gas the newsposts, good threads now.
gay/10. baitpost is only best firstpost if baitpost isn't stale old niggerfaggot spam. kys
You are not on reddit, shlomo.
Fuck off moshe.
this response is straight out of the 4cuck shill playbook
I'm glad Nimrata is gone, but what the fuck?
Haley was born Nimrata Randhawa in Bamberg, South Carolina, to an Indian American Sikh family. She has always been called "Nikki" by her family. Her father, Ajit Singh Randhawa, and her mother, Raj Kaur Randhawa, emigrated from Amritsar District, Punjab, India.
Can we make McCain's son the Ambassador of Vietnam or Cambodia?
She is doing this so Trump has more time to fuck her.
Go home, gamer girl.
Demote John Bolton.
So was it because she was the New York Times Op-Ed writer or what?
Thank God.
She keeps saying "step aside" to emphasize that point to someone. It's the same tactic used during Kavanaugh's speech where he repeated "nine justices" three times to remind voter that the left intended to stack the court. Haley is stepping down, but Trump is using this opportunity tell someone to step aside. Who is he asking? Ginsburg?
I don't know if Invanka would be worse…
Is there any proof of politicians communicating to underlings/competitors through such veiled code? Large if veritable.
Does her choot smell of curry?
It's a basic tactic for pushing a talking point to the masses: Keep it simple; repeat it often. If you hear someone repeating something like that there's a reason behind it. In this case it wasn't a general talking point about jobs or immigration. It was vague, "step down", but repeated so it was being directed at someone while also being intended for viewer repetition. He wants someone to step down.
Might be Rosenstein. He was at the Kavanaugh swearing-in. Trump could be offering him a get-out-of-jail-free card before he drops the hammer and starts destroying Rosenstein's career.
you build 'em, we wipe off that first letter.
You're an idiot. She repeats herself because she's female and has a low IQ. Niggers do the same thing.
Curry and gefilte fish.
Oh, I didn't know Nikki Haley did not have those same aspects to her.
She goes on about Jared and the "lies" about Israel in the press conference.
I notice OP decided not to post the clip.
The kike mods also deleted my S to spit thread.
Not a big deal, since the board is worthless trash.
That belongs on cuckchan.
The closer we get to midterms the more aggressive they will become.
Along with the rest of you trumpniggers.
Keep raging, kikelet. You'll never control Zig Forums.
Imagine what it must be like to be this retarded.
israel loses an ambassador
How is being a traitor to the country "pro-nationalist?"
Haley was in part responsible for removing the Confederate flag in South Carolina so fuck that kike Trump for ever bringing these jews into the White House in the first place
Please pick one of those faggots with the hilarious voices to talk about how Syria, Russia, China and Iran must be overthrown for Israel's security. Think of the memes.
Kek she failed at greater ISISrael so was probably prompted to go.
Trump sure as fuck didn't help in this regard either, contrary to what the drumpf is x flavour of the week faggots want you to believe.
Here here brother.
डच Dutch इंडिया 1605-1825
डेनिश Danish भारत 1620-1869
फ्रांसीसी French भारत 1668-1954
पुर्तगाली Portuguese भारत 1505-1961
कासा दा Casa da इंडिया 1434-1833
पुर्तगाली ईस्ट इंडिया Portuguese East कंपनी Company 1628-1633
ब्रिटिश British भारत 1612-1947
रूसी Russian भारत 1948-1991
इज़राइली Israeli इंडिया 1991-2018
The real reason she resigned:
Daily Reminder that Nikki Haley supported removing the Confederate Battle Flag from a monument to dead Confederate heroes.
Really moshe? Didn't know the difference between pajeet whore vs jew whore? Really? That's your brilliant play?
Are you serious? She was a hawk even when she was just the governor of SC. If anything, she was pushed out in order to avoid war with Iran.
does she even poo in the loo?
dear god that vile evil womans snatch became wet everytime she had the chance to send millions of young white men off to die in a war with russia while she would be safe in a tax payer funded bunker
polite sage
This article on Nikki just demonstrates everything wrong with US politics:
The author is jewish, so he's completely blind to how this entire article looks. Bunch of cuckservative/evangelicucks sucking Israeli dick (for some fucking reason)
Haley pokes fun at Trump, Elizabeth Warren at Al Smith Dinner
Why do I have a feeling that Trump set up his own challenger for 2020?
She'll probably run 3rd party (((they))) will shed the Dems, they are finished with massive Deep State support.
The scofield heresy continues to reap a disgusting harvest.
The ZOG Emperor also wanted to "fire" the flag.
fake news from the best jews
Suck mutilated Israeli dick and your career will flourish