(((Hamptons))) residents spending $$$ on panic rooms because of MS-13

(((Hamptons))) residents spending $$$ on panic rooms because of MS-13



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pretty funny considering that the homeowners in the Hamptons are the Limousine Liberals
sage anyway
this is a shit thread

you're shit

Why is this thread anchored?

Because they brought the old mod back

objectively a slide thread

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Is this a new buzzword? Ive seen it 3 times today on Zig Forums

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It's a pretty old one.
It along with champagne socialists have been used to describe the sort of ultra wealthy left wing crowd for decades now.

A limousine liberal plowed the avenues of NY last week killing 20, media originally tried to downplay it as an accident or lone madmen but turns out he was highly connected to JWO.

"Limousine liberals" and "champagne socialists" have been around since at least the 60's.

Something to stock the panic rooms with in case jamal the cop is taking the scenic route to the mansion.

found this image in another article

Attached: 181006-hamptons-panic-room-2.jpg (1286x857, 283.23K)

Open gates for (((bourgeoisie))), diversity is their strength.

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And the mags have no bullets. How are they going to load as quickly as it needs to be done in those situations?
A gun with that use must always be loaded and ready. Holy shit.
Communists and retarded (as if those two werent related)

literally a retard post

purely decorative

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The other AR that actually has sights is in .22LR and it has a lower capacity than a standard magazine

Attached: kuntzman.webm (640x360, 3.03M)

Every time

Do you have an archive link? It must have been memory holed before I read about it.

that's cool until they just burn your shit down around you (after taking your unsecured supplies)

Some people who live in the Hamptons are George Soros,
David Brock of Media Matters, Chris Cuomo, Anderson Cooper the sheepdipped CIA kikefag operative…

Is this a show room?
We have a side by side double barrel at chest height - honestly not bad for home defense and easily accessible
Pump action shotgun at the very top - better than double barrel but in the wrong place for easy access
Sporter configuration Saiga 12 - okay now this is pissing me off, it has rifle grip, is this one of the intern's guns?
As the above user said, a standard looking ar15 with out a rear sight, and using a ban state mag (shouldn't be surprised in People's Republic of Manhattan)
An UZI rifle, would not surprise me at all if its in .22lr
and finally an AR in .22lr with an empty magazine using the rear sight that objectively should be on the top ar.

Final verdict:
Rich people, trying to look like they have a gucci taste in firearms, but in actuality are using their slave intern's guns to show off how rich they are to impress rich people.

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…with an exposed electrical receptacle hanging out of the wall, just waiting to give someone a taste of the hot wire? What's that cheap looking paneling? This looks like a weekend hobbyist project thrown together with home depot merchandise.

Its funny how every leftist society eventually ends up with rich people in armored neighborhoods and automatic weapons.