Jewgle's slide mentioning Jareh Cohen and saying Arab Spring was "the highpoint of positivity of digital free speech" gave a a good chuckle.
this whole slide deck is pure (((Globalist Neocon))) propaganda lies and garbage, and Jewgle's brain stem is surgically joined to CIA like a Siamese Twin and Mountain View is just another hydra hand puppet of the Deep State no matter how much bullshit you spin to avoid the inconvenient truth and no matter how much you put your head in a hole in the ground like an ostrich to block out any truths that would shatter your fragile false Googley reality.
we are in Alice in Wonderland world when Jewgle claims CIA staged populist riots in Islamic countries which resulted in the deaths of thousands of people and the overthrow of several dictators and the replacing of those dictators with other dictators who will play ball and be more compliant with Washington and more obedient to Langley. the new dictators have witnessed CIA's new weaponizing of information through social media which can provoke thousands of protestor flash mobs to assemble on the streets within a day and to threaten to escalate to violence and anarchy until the dictator is deposed.
i just can't wrap my head around Jewgle's disgusting hypocrisy. Mountain View has zero credible position to say one goddamn thing about anyone else using the Internet to meddle in political processes of sovereign nations, nor about weaponizing disinformation, nor about mobilizing millions of trolls and protestors and agents provocateur and rioters, nor about committing favoritism to suppress political speech that disputes the Deep State's agenda while promoting speech that confirms your own biases about being pro-Deep State pro-Silicon Valley pro-(((Globalist))) anti-Nationalism pro-White-Genocide.
Jewgle can go get fucked. this slide deck is the straw that broke the camel's back. i fucking hate hate hate Jewgle more now than i ever have before. Mountain View are the biggest phonies and biggest liars and biggest murderers and war criminals in Big Tech.
Jewlge must be utterly destroyed for its crimes. (And so must Apple, for similar reasons, but that's a whole 'nother rant.)
by the way, Julian Assange's essay from 2013 just after Snowden's leaks began, about Eric Schmidt's butt boy and CIA/State unofficial cover agent (((Jared Cohen))) is well worth reading. (re-reading it, i had forgotten that Eric Schmidt's then girlfriend–nevermind that he's married and a known wife swapping sex freak–she was some big shot on the Council of Foreign Relations. Eric got his ticket punched by the Deep State–once you're a Made Man you're in for life, much like a street gang.
and to jog your memory about Google's Mr Arab Spring, here is a search to the 242 leaked emails and documents on Wikileaks where "Jared Cohen" is named: cohen&any_of=&exclude_words=&document_date_start=&document_date_end=&released_date_start=&released_date_end=&new_search=True&order_by=most_relevant#results
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