A (((Scott Rudin)))-produced film about based Breivik called 22 July was just released by Netflix.
IMDB page is here: imdb.com
just saying
A (((Scott Rudin)))-produced film about based Breivik called 22 July was just released by Netflix.
IMDB page is here: imdb.com
just saying
Wasn't Breivik a christfag who shot muslims because he thought they were a threat to isreal
and also a freemason
It was a great bday present.
Breivik IMO was smart enough to say that. Those people were the youth leaders of the Marxist movement in Norway, many of them 3rd world immigrants, and killing them is probably the major reason Norway didn't follow the same trajectory Sweden has. When is the last time Mossad or the masons have ever outright stated they were involved in something like this? His actions don't really go along with someone who was really in those groups. They would have hit something symbolic but ultimately ineffective, like random nonwhites, not the actual base of power they had been spending resources and time building up.
He literally false flagged the false flaggers. He was a mason but I personally believe he infiltrated them. His actual actions were too devastating to them and by claiming to act on behalf of Israel they can't just blame "muh nahtzees".
His statement in court that goes into his real reasoning makes much more sense.
I knew they were commie larva, but I never did hear about this part. My only grievance over the killing being that many people grow out of their marxist stage later in life. But if it was mostly shitskins in Norway that got goodified, then that is most of my compunctions about the act out the window.
this movie is pure propaganda fail
(((netflix))) accurately portrays his operation, the correct use superior tactics in his planning the stalling actions during his arrest and interrogation, it is only in the latter half that they go full marxists
a leftist will look at this and say good show any person watching this will hate breivek for the worse than hitler he is, anyone on our side will see the good planning and conviction to your beliefs
this is what happens when you drink your own koolaid and your country is divided in two camps without any commonground left
You think netflix takes heed of watch times and if people turn it off as soon as the hero wins?
Oh look, the jew stooge freedom fighter is being used to demonize Europeans further, now in a new film!
the suggestions are fucked with
i don't even live in the usa nor do i watch any nigger shows and yet dear white people got to the top of my suggestions multiple times
so for their propaganda i am sure they check viewing behaviour too
See this post from the other Breivik thread.
I don't like the idea of killing anyone personally. No white man should ever want violence, but if a dog has to be put down you have to man up and do it.
I am sure a few of them might have grown out of it but the danger to us all now is just how many of them there are. Communism is like a cancer. If you catch it early you can fight it fairly easily. If you don't even see it happening until it's near its end stages your body is in for a world of hurt. I'm not saying the man was right but if you listen to his full statement in that thread you'll see he wasn't crazy. He made a measured, thoughtful decision and arguably achieved his goals.
dude you are going to get bombarded with so many replies, good luck. You have no idea how genocidal many Zig Forumsacks are.
Is it possible to redpill this guy? Imagine him knowing it was the kikes all along and hitler was right.
This but I can't blame them given the situation they are in, they are very very fucking pissed. do not get me wrong I am pissed at the kikes and non whites and what they are doing to our people and nation, but a lot of Zig Forumsacks are kai murros tier angry.
If I created a happening I'd make every effort to create a false manifesto using the words of my enemy, pretending to write everything from their perspective.
Knowing the kiked media they'd be frothing at the mouth to plaster it on every outlet asap.
I think that's what he did.
That's fine. Many of them will be from younger guys and their views will be influenced by that. You can view an action as necessary without enjoying the fact that it is. Hate is an all consuming fire that serves no purpose other than to allow your enemy to influence you constantly. As I've gotten older I've been less motivated by hate and more by cold justice. They are a means to the same end.
To be fair to Breivik his targets were sensible.
The place he attacked was a leftist camp where children of current left wing supporters, organisers and agitators were taken to be sexually abused and indoctrinated.
The plan being that they would replace their parents as they aged out of their roles.
If this is war. He attacked an officer training school.
oy vey like stop the goyim already
this is how we know you are a kike
He killed the Norwegian kids who was trained by their patriot parents to infiltrate the "marxist" party and change it from the inside. Breivik is a zionist
now this is jewishposting
lol who gives a shit. Antifa is a actual threat not a Alex Jones larp, and that's who Breivik killed.
Implying planned genocide of whites isn't war.
Breivik killed a bunch of future communists. His Zionism comments were a diversion from his real objective. explained it quite well.
Breivik's rifle had Gungnir inscribed on it in Runes and Mjolnir on his pistol. He has also said he sarifices to Odin and thinks jesus is a pathetic figure.
Ok thanks for the explanation anons, makes sense
Gotta love how people pray for the day of the rope and right wing death squads but when someone actually goes out and kills a bunch of commies he is actually secretly a zionist plotter! Breivik may have single-handedly prevented the future government of Norway from being full of feminist catladies bent on Islamization of their own country.
As illustrated, such a movie will not change people's minds, but rather it will just further polarize and reinforce already held beliefs. It takes far more than a single documentary to convince someone that murdering several civilians for any cause is justified. Breivik's image in the minds of leftists will further crystallize as a deranged right-wing psychopath, while people who actually agree with his beliefs probably won't even have a netflix subscription, much less watch the documentary.
Bump for Breivik
All those kids would have become was the future Norwegian “Refugees Welcome” crowd.
Shame Breivik didn't get you communist.
Who? Nice generalization there.
Adolescent children, not your faggy fantasy enemy "commies"
This is just genuine stupidity on your part and pathetic fantasizing. Time to come to reality
Breivik was and is a stooge whether he wants it or not.
those are all shills user the board is infected with them
in the days after his attack it was clear the media was propaganda and he didn't shoot 10 year old kids on summercamp but a marxist march through the institutions camp
requesting the pic of that polish mercenary i wouldn't know how it feels to kill people i only ever shot communists
Top zuz, how are they gonna portray the Norwegian police that just crcled the island on boats until Breivik ran out of ammo?
That cartoon is funny except that shitrael and the boulder are one and the same.
Of course they are.
Notice how the Golem hit the church.. They can't help it.
Was that misspelling deliberate?
The balls on whoever made this.
Like the push for open borders isn't constantly coming from groups led by the chosen people.
Like the politicians pushing for open borders aren't constantly funded by the tribe.
Like the wars Israel is "fighting" aren't constantly fought and funded by Americans, at the word of politicians funded by pro-Israel lobbies.
Like this information isn't easily available and verifiable.
A bunch of low-IQ shitskins from bronze-age Muslim societies couldn't stand against Europe, if Europe was willing to fight. Get the damn Jews out of Europe's politics and stop them from running the media and academic movements that are destroying Europe's values, and this wouldn't be a problem at all. Europe would just have to turn off the welfare, and it would be over. Europe could shoot these goat fuckers all day, and it would just be over, probably saving lives in the long-run. But we gotta watch the hook-nosed subversion corrode civilization once again, and pretend like Israel is the good guy? The fuck outta here.
Why does it cut off the beginning of the film, where the Israeli golem pushed the rock to begin with?