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alright nigger lost more on the jan 29th drop. chill your tits.
Actually OP, with Hurricane Michael that will affect gas prices since it's a category 4. That can hit the oil and the dollar since the dollar is (((oil backed))).
You tried this earlier, moshe.
(((IMF))) did their global economic outlook report late yesterday. Emerging markets are not so hot.
>Amazon declined 6.2 percent, while Netflix slid 8.4 percent.
Nothing of value was lost.
Wait 24 hours it will be back up
Call me when something actually happens, retard.
Publicly execute all who pepetuate the fractional reserve banking system, fiat money, usury and co.
Sweet! Time to buy!
Is this their October surprise? Tank the market for a few days in order to get headlines running about Trump being bad for the economy?
Keep your eyes open. Proabably a muh Russia coming soon as well.
Sage for drama queen op
i can tell you the exact reason. Amazons 15 dollar hourly thing caused a wave of articles saying it would pay workers less and that other tech companies are trying to do it
blame democratic socialists
Jeff Bezos most definitely owns the means of Amazon's production, hence his wealth.
If youre making these posts youre a young and very newfag to the world of trading. It was a single day and a mere 800 points in a market that is MASSIVELY inflated. Dont even go and post previous losses of 700 points that happened in other market crashes from prior recessions because the market sizes arent near comparable. Have a week or two of these losses before making a thread like this then you can begin to panic
Typically i dont even care to reply to this shitpile of a board but i feel i should at least let some of you anons know not to get hyped over something as small as this. Perhaps some of you remember 2014 shemitah (nothing happened) or the chinese "crash" (nothing happened)or even the gay retarded OPs about 500 point crashes (nothing happened). Yes the market is massively inflated, yes the recession from 2008 was never fully treated and simply had a bandaid applied, yes we are entering into one of the longest non-recessionary periods, but no this thread is fucking gay to have the way it is. You should have started a market talk thread with something actually huge like national pension funds or medicare/caid unfunded liabilities. Hell, even talk about the lack of rainy day funds in every state or the shit budgets being passed. This thread, OP, just proves how much of a faggot you are.
If you are going to make Econfag happenings at least try and inject some mystical mumbo-jumbo /x/ tier shit like Blood Moons and Jewish ritual sacrifice. If you are going to bullshit me at least make an effort.
One day is just noise, m8.
is the day over?
It's fall, look at historical stock charts.
I'm curious how the rest of the week will shake out. Might be even shittier because of the hurricane. I'm going to feel like an idiot for paying off my credit cards if this is the big one…though I did buy a bunch of useful supplies
I thought they just moved shit around.
Depends how severe Hurricane Michael hits Florida. Usually Florida survives category 4 hurricanes. It will without a doubt affect the oil prices.
quads of truth
are people really that dumb they don't know most of the US oil is pumped out the bottom of the gulf on those huge oil rigs? so dumb that they don't understand a hurricane rolling through that area will fuck up a bunch of markets?
buy the dip?
That's because fractional reserve banking fucks you at peak destruction 24/7.
Kill all who do not fight the fractional reserve banking system. Brutally.
yeah amazon didn't do anything but shift optics hence the fall
It wasn't a panic buy, just 18mo interest free coming to an end.
Exactly OP was being a faggot again and didn't realize that Michael is a big factor on the oil prices. If the DOW Jones dropped abnormally, then it would be a problem, such as when Brexit happened or when the great recession hit. With the hurricane, who knows how it will affect the northern part of Florida.
I fucking just woke up.
Also forgot to finish the sentence.
Anyway, its the worst thing we are suffering in this world. People get fucked into oblivion by this on a daily basis and it cannot be avoided fully.
If you support the perpetuation of this system, for any reason at all, then you are evil. Non ironically, non memetically evil and an enemy of ALL who suffer under it.
And you all deserve the worst fates. There is nothing that can happen to a proponent of this system tht will ever make me feel pity for them.
Nothing. The very worst is the lowest thing that is just good enough for you to happen.
I understand what youre saying user but youre coming off as retarded in your final quotes. The current "crash" is absolutely nothing and thats what im mainly addressing here since OP is a faggot for making a thread with zero discussion potential. I pointed out how bad things are and you clearly missed my point on them.
Retail Bubble is popping right before Christmas.
If a retard can see how : here is 1000 dollars in the entirety of circulation, here, have it, but you have to pay me back 1500 or I will take the shit you built, is completely awful (and this doesn't even include the fractional part, just the interest) but not allegedly"neurotypicals" then I wonder who really is retarded.
what the fuck is wrong with you newfags?
Everybody is itching for the big drop. Everything is over valuated. With huge dark clouds looming ahead, like the unavoidable pension crisis, and every little upset ticks off everyone. Alas like you said this is nothing, but the big crash will come.
tfw 400 oz of silver
that sir is called a bubble.
Whelp. I yelled at a numerology nigger the other day about how stupid he was that they would crash the market today. Sorry buddy. You maybe were right.
bankers don't give a shit about how much money they have in their coffers when they make a loan, it's just creating numbers on a screen and saving them to a drive to be fiddled with by the goy. It's when people want to pull money out of the banks that the money shuffling game happens.
Banks will trade between themselves to get the funds they need to pay their expected withdrawals, and once that internal market starts to squeeze too hard they collectively kvetch to the government to make more money to "facilitate economic growth". The government then goes to the fed who is all the more happy to take government bonds and throw another couple hundred truckloads of cash into the system to keep those hands rubbing.
The fuck are you on right now faggot? I called you a retard cause youre sounded as nonsensical as OP. Now you just reinforce that point by going off on some tangent about things i and most anons (hopefully) already know. Im well aware of how shit the system is and how bad things are behind the scenes. Once again i will state im addressing the OP as being shit for making a ITS HAPPENING FAGS GET IN HERE thread and letting anons know this particular crash was nothing. If anything its probably related to the hurricane being near oil refining.
Precisely user, this drop is nothing and only a regular movement. Anons seem to think the market size is 3000 points or something and that 4% is a massive fucking drop. I forget how retarded most people are on this board in current year.
that is a 10 year chart it is a steady gain of valuation, it would have to lose 16,000 points of valuation over a week or month to be a bubble.
>That can hit the oil and the dollar since the dollar is (((oil backed))).
Bullshit. The "oil backed" was a Jew scam to shift attention away from Israeli wars or we would of taken Iraq's oil. It's debt back you 2006 Ron Paul fags. Update yourselves.
debt backed
for someone that is democratic smart on the economy.
Stay in school, zoomerfag.
I want to cuddle with Veronica Paul and tell her about the jews.
tfw 6 gorillion antibiotic script.
Its not about taking oil your retard. Its about necessitating using the dollar to make any oil purchases, artificially inflating the demand for dollars, so that the US can print money.
if only you knew how bad things really are.
It's also about… you know… the fucking production of fuel. We don't import fuel. We pump out the crude and refine it into diesel and sell the gasoline byproduct.
The people screaming HABBEDING are clearly zoomerfag's experiencing babby's first hurricane. They clearly don't understand that anything that fucks with our gas prices fucks with all our markets.
>the losers at the (((lender-level))) will then get bailed out by the filthy goyim
i wonder what the rationale behind this kind of shilling is, if you hate the board so much why the fuck are you even here
see in youtube or twitter or farcebook this tactic works because normies breeze in and out of conversation, but here you don't just walk in for a quick look, i thought they updated your shillhandbook by now
anyways to the critisism in point, true a single 3% drop isn't that bad by itself
however we are in pretty overvalued territory, several political uncertainties are ongoing so expecting some bigger move is possible
and don't forget we are seeing a classical double top forming a strong indicator of a bullish reversal, if you believe in TA tealeaf readings
anyway totally true that you can never call a happening untill after it has already played out and if i wanted to know about news after the fact i would go to bloomberg, here we are kept up to date on the latest developments
and that means that for the foreseeable time we will get many possible false calls as anons are first to rush potential downturns, soon that user will be correct
I made a little over 472% on my puts this afternoon
Fuckin finally did nice for once
Barrel roll this bitch of a country
Could be formation of head and shoulders, perhaps signalling reversal. I don't have stocks, but if I did I'd keep an eye on it just in case.
In fact, you might say something of value was gained.
Polite sage
>Purely organic and coincidental with the mid terms coming up and the kavanaugh ploy blowing back in their face
Blue wave getting priced in.
Are you the user i was replying to before but finally woke up enough to see how retarded your replies were before? Theres no shilling to be done here, im simply pointing out how bad 8/pol/ has objectively gotten since its inception. You also brought up no new points to what ive been saying so there was no criticism to make; you simply reiterated what i said that the market is, behind the scenes, a shitshow. Im advocating for quality on this board by calling the OP out for making a useless thread that has sparked practically zero discussion. He could have made a great OP by posting relevant sites and relevant information about the market. Not the screaming shitshow he did.
totally proving you are a shill we have had ID's for ages now so your question is the proof
Do you even understand what the word "shill" means? What exactly am i shilling? How shit the OP is? How retarded your posts are? How shit the economy is? If any of those then i guess i would be a shill of truth. Youre simply throwing out words hoping theyll stick and anons will come aid you. Just admit you had no valid criticism of my posts, restated what i said in your own words, and dont understand the term shill.
Don't let me down this time.
meaningless wordsalad, i made two clear points in my first point which you have not adressed
not knowing how ID's work is pretty convincing evidence you are fresh of the bus from shill camp, don't they have training manuals
anyways you got angry and discovered so i guess they dock several shekels from your pay
best improve moshe or you will be shoveling cow manure in the kibboetz by next tuesday
btw just not to make a total shitpost and contribute something: the s&p 500 is at critical support at this point so if any more selling occurs this could get interesting
Aw shiet, dis gud infoz
Address what point of IDs? That you came into the thread after acting like a total retard before? Like i said, you probably popped on a VPN upon realizing how stupid your replies are so you could continue shitting the thread up. If anything is a word salad its your post with the obsession of using shilling in the wrong context. Theres no purpose in further replies to you as this thread has been dead since its start and nothing meaningful has come about from it aside from the classic "youre a shill. no u" replies
Even though that's a ridiculous strawman typical of the newfags that now post here, I figure it's worth noting that kikes actually did this to move the Rottenchild bank to England at the end of Napoleon's campaign. The Rottenchild kikes had a messenger watching the last battle. When it turned against Napoleon, and it was certain he was finished (before it was fully over, in other words) the messenger rode back with all speed and informed his master. He said, "send word to England of a French victory."
If you didn't know that story, then you're a newfag.
Didn't he get high on the Joe Rogan show? To be fair, I guess one would have to to lower oneself to his level.
(((Cohencidence))), goy.
(((They))) seeded a fucking hurricane that will hit the part of Florida with the most Republican votes before a midterm election.
Kikes did this to savage the market after Kavanaugh and fuck up Trumpstein. Notice it won't hit (((Broward County))) or (((Southern Florida))), goy.
With Jews, goyim lose. Gas the kikes, race war now.
He didn't even inhale.
Not a single pink wokaj meme? I don't know if I should be impressed or depressed.
People know it's not happening now.
People can only be fooled so many septembers in a row.
Also, reminder that sales drop every Christmas.
That's why I love this board. We always know the kikes do shit like this.
Shut up, nobody in this thread understands
>Notice it won't hit (((Broward County))) or (((Southern Florida)))
that's the real tragedy.
Shit threads like this just disillusion people from when shit actually happens.
I've heard stories about the National Socialists making Jews in the camps do menial labor like carrying bags of sand from one end of the camps to the other and, while dumb shit like that is probably a lie, they may actually deserve it. Force them to carry out the labour they effectively stole from the people by scamming the people out of it with fraudulent currency.
The Jew did this.
Sure, but why?
The reasons we know the current market is in a bubble is very simple.
1) Nothing in 2008 was fixed, and all the banks are just as leveraged as they were then though the debt transitioned away from individuals to everyone via bank bailouts that are still occurring. The government is paying large banks billions every year literally to stop them from giving out loans and the disincentives are already in place that the banks don't give a fuck about taking on immense risk because the government has shown that they're in the kikes back pockets with a bailout if the current stream of money happens to become insufficient at some point.
2) 10 years of unprecedented money printing (QE 1, 2, & 3, followed by rebuying bonds to refresh and extend the debt) has only been masked by our ability to effectively export the inflation by using the dollars to buy cheap foreign goods. Tariffs are applying pressure to unwind this, and BRICS killing the petro-dollar positions the Dollar for a massive revaluation. China's entry into the World Trade Organizations "basket of currencies" was another death blow to the dollar that hasn't been fully realized yet, but China has been buying and producing the most amount of gold for well over a decade… the chess board is set we're just waiting for them to say "checkmate." Obviously the only delay is that the jews are working to extract as much wealth from the united states as they can and send it to China before the goyim wake up to the globalist white genocide agenda that is unraveling as more europeans become racially conscious.
3) King nigger accumulated more national debt than the entire history of the country combined to finance a maintenance in the apparent standard of living for Americans so that his presidency didn't look like the trashcan ghetto that it was, and the Kike Federal Reserve chairmen helped him for his entire presidency (Ben Bernanke, and Janet Yellen). Trump is the same type of "I don't really believe any of this shit about fiscal conservatism" republican that has continued to increase annual spending because its good for GDP and makes him look good. Even Trump pointed out that the Obama economy was fake before his election, but hasn't done much yet to change it aside from tax breaks… but without lowering spending this exacerbates the problem of a looming currency crisis.
4) The excess dollars that could have gone into capital investment are going into frivolous shit like cryptos for pure speculation except for a minority of buyers that "believe." You also have companies like Tesla that are upside down in cash flow but have valuations higher than actual car manufacturers like Ford that produce and sell the most cars of any other manufacturer. It's upside down. Same with Twitter, never actually turned a profit but its valuation remains high and market cap a speculative fabrication where buyers hold on the HOPE that Twitter figures something out because its "obviously valuable" they just have to figure it out.
Kikes likely won't pull the trigger on the US economy until we start fighting back against forced mass immigration. With the left already escalating violence like they have throughout Trumps presidency this could be realistic before 2024. If Trump gets a third supreme court nominee, or some other trigger that escalates violence to a point where the right simply can't not respond in kind. So sure, we've been saying "it's coming" for quite a while now, and those of us that actually understand the breadth of what is going on only grow more confident in that day by day.
But shit doesn’t ever actually happen.
Yes keep crying goys ehehehehehe.
Anyhoo, China will probably use this to thier advantage in the trade war negotiations
BE PREPARED: >>>/prepare/1 |
I have very significant investments in various stocks and while I try to listen to Zig Forums advice, as it's often on the cutting edge, just as often it's bullshit fearmongering and nothing fucking happens.
Zig Forums has had economy threads for well over a decade you fags, because Economics is upstream from Culture (your standard of living is capped by your ability to generate or accumulate resources), and Culture is upstream from Politics (hence decadence in the culture spawned by opulent unsustainable false economic wealth with basically directly poison the political landscape, as seen with Boomers at large). Put another way, do you think there would have been a Hitler without massive debts imposed by the post WWI Treaty of Versaille creating such a crushing pressure on the German economy? Would there have been a Hitler without the debasement of the Deutschmark in Weimar? Fake prosperity in generated by money printing (no different than the 1920s, no different than post 2008), which triggered the decadence of the culture?
True, but economic interventionism of saddling future generations with mountains of debt is the reason. This interventionism works in the short term because 1. everyone is operating under the idea that debts will never have to be repaid and 2. they're saddling the debt onto people that have no voice (children, future generations) and 3.the false meme that the United States Dollar will always be "the" currency of choice just because it has been for over half a century. But yea… It could easily be another 10 years before anything substantial happens given how much interventionism is going on to prevent a happening but the important point to make is that the structure of the economy is unsound and cannot be corrected. Nobody else around the world is going to rush to pour "aid" into our country like we have done for literally everyone else because non-europeans aren't cucked by their own levels of excessive empathy.
The R in Ronaldo is for Rape
stop breathing my air
China is also fucked this week.
That's because they kidnapped and tortured that famous actress for 3 months and when they released her, made her make a bunch of pro state comments that were obviously artificial.
Is called geo-engineering and its real, even the USAF admits this and has documents. There are over 100+ patents for weather control. Its NOT a conspiracy. China admits they cloud seed to make it rain.
Big fucking deal, newfag. I lived through 2000 and 2008. This is nothing. 800 pts with the DJIA at 26.4k? 3.3% LOL.
Wake me up when we get another good old fashioned neg 10% in a day. This is just basic bitch October market volatility until I see evidence that proves otherwise.
But you young summernigger 20 year olds can keep buying the CNBC/Drudge hysterical kike hype.
True, this really is hype. Stock market does not represent the whole economy either, most people THINK it does but it doesn't. If the stock market completely crashed the rich banking kikes would be the ones taking the biggest hit - not the average joe sixpack.
Google got exposed as the kikes who want world domination that they are via a leaked document that shit talked GAB and glorified censorship. Facebook was hacked. Google + was hacked, and they fucking lied about it. Of course tech went into the shitter. Everyone found out that they weren't just the product, but that the people running it, didn't like at least 50% of their users enough to let them speak freely, without censoring the fuck out of them. So, fuck them. Fuck them all. Let the government step in, and break up their fucking Monopolies on tech. Let it all burn.
Historical charts don't mean shit. You should only be looking back in quarters for the year or two at most. Fall 2016 has no bearing on Fall 2018 or Fall 2006.