What is the next Stepping Stone after Trump?

I have read a lot of different comments regarding Trump as a possible stepping stone towards more nationalistic views and politics being more exposed and accepted in the mainstream. If this is true who or what would be the next step forward to realizing these goals and continuing to shift the Overton Window? Is it possible that the move is to promote more radical versions of Civ-Nat, or go for the kill and start promoting authentic Nationalism or NatSoc ideas?

I believe the next step involves promoting progenic procreation and exposing just how kiked the foods we make, buy and eat are, and why we are doing this. Regardless of whether you think Trump is a kike shill or not the time to start thinking about the next step is now. Where is this going? Where must we head to next to continue to spread awareness to potential allies?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I think the most effective thing to do right now is to push for mainstream nationalism and group identity for whites. The latter is less politics and more activism (talking to people, spreading redpills, etc) while the former is more about voting for the most right wing guy that has a chance of winning.

It's up to us. No one else is going to step forward and do it for us. We are all we have.

We need to become powerful prominent influential members/pillars of our communities and run for local office. If we don't, it's easy to see who ends up running the show. I don't want to be a politician, but someone has to step up and represent common sense.

Now is the time to build, gentlemen. We may never get another chance this good. Lets save America.

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I was afraid to hear this but I also feel it is true. I never asked for this

What does mainstream Nationalism look like in 2018? Do we have an example of someone actually doing it and not cucking out? I think Europe is actually the closest to having a few non-cucked leyaders, but they also have some of the worst and most savage boots on their throats.

I completely agree with the group identity part as well. I will often exist in a common space around other Whites to reinforce it. Even if I don't say anything the togetherness is there and the more to can create example of Whites together in large numbers people will believe they can be change makers

Hahaha! I thought those were hamburgers until I zoomed in.

This thread is a (((Deep State))) response to the "Red Wave Theory" thread. They're pissed!

What does this thread entail, and how is OP alreadying guiding the thead?
And a perfect oppertunity to shill the narrative that Republicunts are not worth the time because we need (((activism now!))).

November 6th Mid-Terms.

Do not engange IRL until they're long over! EYE ON THE PRIZE!

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The mid-terms are important. If you're in a swing state vote who you gotta vote for. Local elections matter too so stay informed about who's even running for those. This was a very informative post. This thread is about accepting that whatever happens with the Trump train eventually it will end and their needs to be identification and self-awareness so that strategies can be implemented to achieve the change that must occur by the deadlines imposed.

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So do it after November 6th

So far in catalog:

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Why aren't you posting in the mid-term thread then? That all seems like normal board activity to me. Anyway, I didn't make this thread because of that other one. I don't even notice your threads

I think OP meant after Trump's 2nd term.

You're not fooling us with your coy goy attempts. We all know what this thread is about. IRL, groups, planning, ie. distraction and paranoia. The only reason you haven't engaged that more than 2 posts is because I called you the fuck out early.

Examples of being coy:

Now mind you, there is already two honeypot threads ready to be activated right before the election and 4chink is planning on a Halloween poster raid. So why is that bad?
MSM Soros theory:

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Last one. You typed the word activism, I didn't. Antifa is also not all White Men last time I checked. The projection is strong with this one

Hopefully user, if things proceed in the right direction.

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We need some healthy active movement artist or someone who excells in a lot of really niche hobbies that have dense international communities.

This person would be a perfect candidate because they would likely have been connected globally through peers of all classes who can verify their realness.

At least with Donald Trump people who weren't into politics knew who he was. People realllllllly find politics boring and its a fuax pax in public to bring up by default so in the future it'll need to be someone who appears so down to earth that they couldn't possibly be an illuminati puppet or whatever the popular term for that idea is at the time is.

Ideally not someone involved in Esports as most of them seem to be suffering from poor mental states linked to their poor health habits. Esport pros purposefully make their brains autick out. Its beautiful but not the look we need for this job.

Also, obviously, it needs to be a blonde haired blue eyed aryan. The more hobbies with communities the better. He needs to have spent time living around the country and or world and have made some sort of measurable impact online so people can trace back his history and see he's a regular peer and not a skull and bones member.

This guy takes the attitude of Trump and adds poise and well spoken control to the arsenal.

Find someone like this and start convincing them to get into politics.

Someone who is openly pro white or at least openly anti Semite

The next step is finding ways to not rely on the government at all. Do that, and we'll survive no matter who they elect. Building governing apparatuses just lets the weak and corrupt infiltrate, see the "deep state", RINOs, etc.

uhh cleansing fire and lead injections once Trump is out

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The (((RINO)))s have started shilling Pence/Haley 2024.
Let that sink in.

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Very based. But that is the year, control goes over to the J-Left. They are supposed to lose.

The low-hanging fruit portion is over and the next step means we must come out of the shadows. That means you could be "outted as a racist/nazi (sic)/fascist etc.", lose your job and even become unhireable, go to jail/prison, get in a serious physical fight, get killed.

You knew (subconsciously) these were the stakes when you started. The time of waiting for "the other guy to act" and quietly react anonymously is over.

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The next stepping stone will be a far left democrat president and majority democrat control of Congress, since Trump has failed to do anything at all about the demographic problem (and has in fact made it worse). The "stepping stone" hypothesis is bunk.

Pretty sure that's because Zig Forums doesn't want to become unpaid GOP advertisers and turn the board into a trump tweet aggregator. Maybe take your project alamo astroturf and fuck off back to reddit?

Obama 2.0/ Left-Wing Facism.

Stop trying to play the optics game is the next step, plenty of comments on this by every fascist in history. Your average normie isn't going to be useful in the early stages of this type of thing.


This is a moving target. Once the midterms pass, then it becomes about 2020. Then 2022. Then 2024. It literally never ends.

This is a bullshit argument and we both know it.

The next step is to start branching out locally. Whether its building/taking over communities and setting up a pro-white system of government, eroding existing left-wing communities into dust, or simply providing financing to these endeavors, this is the next step. On the national political level and even cultural level, creating and maintaining a "white" identity is paramount. A "white" identity will provide something for rootless, culturally deficit suburban whites something to latch onto. In addition to all of this, we must create a mentality of total war among the right in the US. Many rightists falsely believe the left are simply misguided, rather than willingly malicious. This needs to change quickly. The era of the white leftist being able to sell out his community for social points is over. He peddles his shit, he ends up dead or in the hospital.

Essentially this:
When the town is fully under our control, it will become our base of operations. Pro-white fugitives from other parts of the country can come and hide there, in the same way leftists can hide in their cities. All of this requires the cultural and political transformation I've outlined above to be successful. A often cited recent example of this was a failure for precisely this reason.

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Unironically kys. But yes, vote since it requires so little effort, but don't think it'll change anything. In the end, the only thing that matters is control of force and the application of the law. Voting doesn't change this, but the method I outlined does.

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oh, i think you know

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Go away, reddit.

I keep tabs on reddit and "NPC" is starting to go mainstream.
I stated in a Amazon thread that was about the canned AI , stated that it's about government Quotas,I got 30 upboats. We could for instance move the overton window from Women quotas to non-whites getting Quotas.

I get a crapload of upboats when I post the following.

For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions

In a windowless classroom at an Arcadia tutoring center, parents crammed into child-sized desks and dug through their pockets and purses for pens as Ann Lee launches a PowerPoint presentation.

Her primer on college admissions begins with the basics: application deadlines, the relative virtues of the SAT versus the ACT and how many Advanced Placement tests to take.

Then she eases into a potentially incendiary topic — one that many counselors like her have learned they cannot avoid.

“Let's talk about Asians,” she says.

Lee's next slide shows three columns of numbers from a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term “bonus” to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant's race is worth. She points to the first column.

African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points, Lee says.

She points to the second column.

“Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points.”

The last column draws gasps.

Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission.


Every time I post that Info I get a "wait a minute…" response which itself never gets down voted into the negative.

hipster larper
>I'm a revolutionary writer!

Fucking idiot. Your double speak is doing loopty loops around every post.

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budgetary spending on a space elevator

+ media literacy. don't let the brainwashing happen again.

Horkheimer didn't even follow that method. He and his crew were all funded and promoted by the American elite and the CIA. They didn't gradually infiltrate anything. They showed up in the USA and were immediately given jobs in some of the most prestigious universities in America, complete with nearly bottomless writing/"research" grants.

Are you a ledditor by the name of ultimaregem?


Doesn't contradict
It won't in the grand scheme of things you blathering retard. If you are talking about voting in local politics, in the context I'm referring to, its simply to put a rubber stamp on our new regime. Similar to how nationally, voting has the same effect for the kike regime. Decrepit boomers like yourselves won't like having their retirement town taken away, but we had a vote, so you have to give it to us :^) Its better than the alternatives, isn't it user?

As for cultural and political transformation on a larger level, it can be accomplished with or without the use of the democratic process.

Tbh, the "long march through the institutions" meme is overrated. Most of these "intellectuals" were put there by fellow travelers, the majority of which already had controlling stakes in these institutions long before the advent of cultural marxism.

In short, the only permanent solution is to build our own institutions and stop relying on trying to radically change or nudge existing ones to serve our interests.

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Yeah, he signed a resolution stating that White men who don't submit to Jews are terrorists, and now his DOJ is arresting them and charging them with hate crimes.

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The next stone is your fucking neck moshe.

jews, jews as far as the ye can see.

What's funny is how these kike fucks think we can't see what they are trying to pull.

Kill yourself, nigger.

If you want an example of a great white identity and nationalism movement, look at the Nordic Front. Not only are they respectable, organized, and intimidating, they also show off the finer and more caring sides of the movement such as helping out their community of fellow whites. Groups need to do more of this, it's all for them, after all. Your neighbor or your friend or your sister or the people you go to church with.

As far I've I've seen all groups in the US are centered around aggression and are anti social. We face a harder time due to more kiked media which would defame us harder, but no one gives a shit what the media says when a white nationalist helped your grandma in a nursing home and is a pretty nice dude. This method of focusing on building a stronger community among whites and helping aleachother out white still fighting the Kikes is more sustainable.

God, you're a special kind of annoying.

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No shit? All this political theater is designed to accommodate a far left backlash in the future coupled with severe defeatism.

We don't take orders from you kushnershill.

The alt kike is pro trump you fucking retard.
You fucking disinfo agent piece of shit kill yourself.

Smart people those Iraqis.

killing enemies with guns is the next step. it has always been the next step

We keep voting and hope for the best.

As far as possible presidential candidates go, I think Steve Bannon or Corey Lewandowski would be an improvement on Trump, considering that they were the real brains behind the policies Trump ran on. They strike me as true believers in what they claim to believe, which is a good sign although Bannon in particular is overtly race-blind civnat as fuck. If he isn't too old, Sessions is a possibility. Steve King also has been consistently good as long as he's been in the public eye.


Crashing this plane with no survivors.

WW3 is next lad, there is no future.

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Oh look, another potentially productive thread derailed by
pic related
I'm going to continue to talk about white group identity irl, and I'm going to vote as far right as I can.
There's nothing you can do to stop us.

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When you look at all the interesting and pertinent topics banned and deleted from here and still years after it was self-evident that trumpstein was the greatest hoax on the goy since 9/11 and we still get deluged with MAGEpedo isreali's insisting Zig Forums stays on the Neo-Con ZOG train.

Trump is the jews plan and the only inevitable next step is jewish control

As predictable as the tide.

Welfare Reform; Make a Plan for the Future Non-Working (GIBS) that works; Stop giving money, start giving food again, etc. Rowbitz will replace, have a plan..
Immigration Reform; End Chain Migration and Birthright Citizenship, H1B, Anchor Babies, H1B Sponsoring Entire Extended Family, traveling to U.S. 8 months pregnant, etc. English Official Language, stop paying for translation of everything.
Voting Reform; Real ID in order to Vote.
Money Reform; Fee/Tax Money Transfers out of Country; see Oklahoma. Stop Gift Cards being sold and redeemed out of country, etc.
Tax Reform; Tax Non-Profits, including Churches and Hospitals.
Constitution and Law Reform; Enforce existing Laws and Constitution; no masks, fix Free Speech on the Interwebs, graft and Insider Trading in Congress and Senate. Term Limits, etc.
so many…

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How's the weather in Tel Aviv today you filthy kike?

No fuck off Trumpkike.

The absolute state of faggots on Zig Forums, go away.


Great, can't wait to hear faggots spam that along with other coopted memes like "triggered, snowflake, and SJW", you know the kind of shit people do to avoid making actual arguments so they call everyone they don't like a SJW. (See: muh right wing essjaydubayous) It will be the same pretentious kind of fuckers who do it too, people too stupid to know they are projecting.

That's a lie and "not the jews" tier shitposting. It's the blueprint that has been followed since more jews came in the late 1890s.

Richard Spencer is a crypto Bolshevik so he is a lot like Jesus, just without the great PR and probably an actual bit of charisma. Which makes him more like Lenin, who is credited for the start of the October revolution.

Maybe to an illiterate like you.

Not electing a jew would be a good start.


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He said I couldn’t camp out in the bathroom. So I camped in the bathroom to show him that I could

This is a good start but we should list the "so many…." not everyone has the awareness of the solutions to the problems we face today or that there are even problems to begin with.

Bless you user and keep up the good work

An excellent example. We need to start utilizing 5th generational warfare on this side of the Atlantic as well.

I agree and am beginning/continuing efforts to branch out locally as well. Cosigned about putting a stranglehold on White traitors selling out their communities for virtue signaling. We are going to construct Anonville all across the lands, but it must have a beginning somewhere.

I believe White identity is important, but also the most challenging task laid before us. It has been under vicious attack for the last 3-4 generations by jewshit in one form or another. My foundational point for this would be to re-establish the nuclear family as the standard for Whiteness, and then to allow the rest to be decided afterwards. We must become the standard bearers for ourselves internally as the external world seeks to destroy us

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I believe it should be a goal to isolate and absorb the "I vote for Trump but I still hate Republicans" portion of the Trump base. This is a large enough percentage of his base through my calculations that moving them away from the Republicans would sustain a slow but fatal blow to the party.

Parallel Institutions

Friendly reminder that the only possible way there is a political solution is to begin creating new political parties with the initial goal of fracturing the two party system in the United States and then eventually obtaining enough support to completely replace them. As long as both jew led parties stand there is no political solution

War may be inevitable, but there isn't enough unity among who you'd want to be the victor to summon the platoons and go to war as of today

These are lies intended to get the left to donate and vote more.

trump is nothing but an appeasement for the simple minded 4d crowd who refuse to accept the obvious truth: that the federal government declared americans the enemy over a century ago. the next ruler will be a brown woman who floods this country with so many muds, brazil will look like paradise. then they openly target white men in all ways. people will come on here and say, "damn i though south africa was years away." think again niggers.

the only option is to start finally participating in the war that was declared against us long ago. sage for being a newfag.

Not joining the personality cult every time a designated politician comes along would be a nice start. Fool me thousand times, shame on me.

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this is just a dumb and insane post

you dont say


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the obstacles to this are myriad:
1. we live in the grand capital of bread and circuses so we can't outdo the system in that regard. ie normies have no incentive to side with us
2. white people dont generally pool our money together for anything that matters, only crowdfunding cutting edge niggertech. the bonus is being called a jew whenever you suggest whites start acting as a financial collective. face it we are financially libertarian
3. muhfuggas be paranoid and dont join groups after 2.0 fell to cowardice

if anyone does start anything it will be on a local level, and theyd be smart to keep it a secret. we will never seize the federal reigns. going amish is the best bet, but that has an expiration date.

The next step is to take the economic windfall and independence from globalism to restore white communities to pre-industrial revolution status. This is the last chance to return to ancestral patterns based on family, faith, farm, and folk. Similar to how the Mennonites and Amish operate, whites need to coalesce into monolithic communities that naturally shun niggers, jews, and leftist trash and become powerful, self-reliant blocs that can preserve large areas against kike influence and nigger encroachment. If whites can shrug-off the degeneracy of the boomers and their perverted materialism, then a return to historic ways of life will lead to the next stage.

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That's the lamest attempt to get people to pay attention to his antics yet.

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more nationalist candidates in the Republican Party. Yes, I said Republican Party, because forming an outside party when this country only officially recognises two political parties would kill the momentum.

I think this would include more esoteric meme magic should it come by again not limited to kant bot's beautiful oration about Trump being a kantian.

one thing i am sick of is everyone thinking golden or nordfront will work here. america is a much larger country than greece or any of the scandinavian countries. we are also far more diverse in political, economic and spiritual beliefs. point being it is physically easier to get people of like mind together over there then over here.

UTR had 1000 guys out of a country of 330,000,000. and most of them descended into infighting after the event.

if anything america needs to be viewed as at least 6 different countries based on proximity and regional identity. so far this is really only happening in 2 regions: the pac nw and the south. this is a realistic strategy. american nationalism is delusional.

furthermore golden dawn has a large percentage of ex-military, enough to almost be called a coup, and in merica we have spergs and redditers. not to mention the MAJOR fact that almost every wn, or alt-right outlet attacks each other more than the actual enemy.

start small, start regional and stop playing into the feds hands with this hope of mutiny. its fucking pathetic already.

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To remove jew ledparties you dont need to destroy the party. The party is corrupted, it just needs an exorcist.

not implying Trump is the exorcist, by all means. I can hear the D&Ckike getting ready for battle already.

I want to believe so much. There's a reason Whites feel so natural among nature, it's because we used to live among it and coexist. Not isolated into containment boxes of our choosing in the cities or suburbs and then walking around to designated green areas.

You raise good points. UTR was a controlled opposition job from it's inception though. It's important to dismiss or be combative towards self labeled "Alt Right" thinking and participants. All the e-celebs, all the fake groups, it's an artificially produced circlejerk. I think for something on that scale to work there would have to be a different uniting force that could capture more people in it's net. The south, the PNW, Upper NE, the Rockies, West of Appalachia and Greater Texas. There's no reason not to hedge when it comes to survival. Starting small is a good first step.

Riding out the Republican party for right now. After Trump when they get back to their nature of fighting so hard to not doing anything with a majority of the government and begging to lose and do the Democrats plans anyway, they may become just as much a hindrance towards success. Be wary of giving them an ultra majority in the government. I wouldn't want Pence, Cruz Missile or any of the other RINO's to ride the coattails of this administration into a disastrous next one.

Believe the meme, become the meme

stop these fucking pedos they put pedo shit in their game

Add more tax cuts and or gibs for white families having children you can say middle class or have a certain income bracket Another .02 cents of mine is incentives for self sustainability, such as gibs or cuts for planting a tree (or other major native plant) and having a sustainable garden that fits certain parameters. Not sure how well thatwould work.

Everything else is good. Reminder it took the span of two presidencies to have the US be >80% white to

A 1000 year Zionist civic nationalist golden age, or or at least that's what r/the_Donald told me

Sorry goy Israel needs that money more

I can't see anyone else coming along and doing it. The kikes are going to be extra vigilant, demographics are still going against whites even despite the white babies being born beating everyone else. Trump succeeded where many would have failed because of his celebrity status allowing him to say things and get away with it. Its a huge reason he won was because he threw a lot of controversial darts at the board and found out what stuck.

Ideally 8 years of Trump and then 8 years of someone far better, but realistically its more likely to be 8 years of Trump then the kikes lock it down for a long time, possible forever. Even a zionist civic nationalist like Trump is screwing up a good couple decades of preparation. 8 years to prepare and then a collapse. I don't see anyway the US or any other white nation for that matter can resolve this mess peacefully and with voting.

Richard Gage, but he might be controlled opposition.

Something even better has begun to happen, grandpa! There is a legal committee for 911 explosions.

Just out of curiosity, how much money have you given to the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 ?

I'M still afraid AE911 is controlled opposition

Literally a 95 IQ post.

This is what I believe as well. It was supposed to be Hillary. If it had been, all 'internet hate speech' would have been shut down as Russian trolls, we'd be bombing Syria, and they'd have a stranglehold on every form of media.

As it is, we're essentially in a holding pattern demographically. Most importantly, the left is going feral because of its perceived lack of power. That's driving more and more people to our side. Whenever they do take back power, and they will, they'll come after us like they never have before in this country.

The trick with something like this is there needs to be enough of a republican party left to counter whatever is going on on the left.
If the left suffers a similar schism first (which seems to be happening), all the better.

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so many…
Starting small with welfare reform;
No new items or PRODUCE (or items "on welfare list") to be sold at swap-meets/flea-markets, on FB marketplace, yard sales, etc. without a business license or Real ID registered.
Require Real ID with a scan or chip at point of purchase when using snap/ebt/etc. just as costco requires a scan of membership card w pic before purchase. RFID "welfare Items" (since different labeling is mean and shaming, lol) RFID or special labeling will stop fraud at Bodegas, vending machines, DAYCARES (Formula and Diapers), but not necessarily Restaurants or Food Trucks (need Ideas here for those).
No more Dole for having more kids, a cap.
Make Non-Profits Track Users with Real ID, which will Stop Users from going from NP to NP to NP to NP, dipping, then reselling items. This is important because NP get $$ from Fed and are Tax Free.
Commit a Crime while on the Dole, benefits taken, sent to halfway house, kids to foster care, PERIOD, for amount of time until trusted again.
Basket of Goods instead of money, Kids fed at school 2X (am-noon), summer programs MANDATORY.
so many more…

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None of that will ever happen, retard.


VOTE NOVEMBER 6th — Fuck the Democrates in the ass and China along with them.

Can't speak a sentance without using, "literally".

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nice scripted reponse bud

Who do we vote for, shlomo?

I agree with you, but your writing style is awful and stupid. We should all be voting for the farthest right candidate with a shot at winning whatever election he's running in. If the democrats take the house they will lock Trump down with endless investigations and pass 300 copies of open border legislation to be sent to the senate. However little the republicans do for us, the democrats are infinitely worse.

See, that's how you make an argument, not red text calling everyone a shill. Nu/pol/ needs to lurk 2 years.

I will never understand how people fail to realize that no matter how jewy the average republican is, we stand a much better chance of supplanting them than we do democrats.
Especially the new breed coming up with sympathies for if not open endorsement of socialist/communist ideologies.
Republicans, for all their numerous faults, aren't into freebies for every (non-white) non-citizen and "let's push demographic replacement to the redline" explicit anti-white policies.
If there was a viable NS party I'd be the first in line to vote, but we're not there (yet). This will be a generational fight, not a quick and dirty revolution. That's the kind of thinking leftists embrace because they're into instant gratification, not working towards a greater goal that they themselves may never see.

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Patrick little