That redhaired race mixing femdyke is now openly declaring war on us:
Slandering both Hotwheels and Jim. I think we need to DDOS their website.
That redhaired race mixing femdyke is now openly declaring war on us:
Slandering both Hotwheels and Jim. I think we need to DDOS their website.
Other urls found in this thread:
Go to bed Sinead.
I ain't clicking on that but if she did let piggujim and kriplekike fell the pressure and not the she-male ramming the shaft in them every night
this cunt never an heroed?
At least post an archive link OP
But we like our crazy little sister who wont stfu. She helped expose the Alt-Kike. She was wrong about Lana from redice though. She needs to calm the fuck down. We're all dealing with nu/pol/ and hotwheels is in racecar heaven from what I know.
Nobody declared war. Its an article submitted by somebody. Calm down. Also Sinead is pretty bad-ass, We need more strong, ass-kicking females.
she's a fucking race mixer you fucking newfag
WTF, Jim? Have you been holding out on us? We want a mascot porn puppet to play with for every single board noooooaaaaw!
Where is our nazi barbie to pose!?
Sinead is based
Yeah those one off dinner shots don't work on us, Spencer. Take it to cuckchan.
Imagine the (((Alt-Kike))) digging up a picture of you with someone over the course of your entire life. I would be accused of fucking hundreds of women.
Nothing you do works on us. When are you going to realize this?
Sinead is my Nazifu and you can fuck right back to the 4ums.
no and that's not her in the photo
Do you guys just hang around all day and night to convince us to vote for "Nationalist Democrates, read Siege", and where white t-shirts to honeypot events right before elections?
Can you fuckers be less boring at least?
My nazifu will cat fight your nazifu and we will oil them in white chocolate truffle sauce and make a killing on twitch!
This thread is derailed by CIAniggers. I'm out before I get hax0red.
Renegade Tribune is actually less cancerous as Renegade Radio and they did so by separating themselves from their radio personalities. Slowly but surely they began to fuck up a good thing by attacking people doing good work as tentacles against ZOG. They've pretty much written articles against every single outlet that isn't themselves and you gain nothing from it. NOTHING.
I don't think they're subversives or anything like that. I just think they are that low IQ autistic tier old school types that just can't stop reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'ing about everything that isn't in line with their dogma. Shame. They actually have decent writers putting up original articles every now and then but I'm sick of that sly shit taking pop shots every month against someone who is a race realist and speaks on the JQ.
Thanks for confirming what I thought months ago with this whole Red Ice attack. It's good to know its a Sinead/Renegade operation digging into peoples lives and drawing assumptions based on nothing other than paranoia.
They can implant radio signals into my fillings if they give me free dental work.
Forgot to mention it explains why in the last 1 1/2 years they went from promoting Red Ice to writing non-stop articles about them just around the same time Sinead and crew were kicked out of 8ch early 2016. Same time she went unhinged and the same time they started their turnabout campaign against Red Ice.
Maybe try removing everything from your site before trying to sow D&C. Also wish I capped that Sinead tweet when she actually sent out to everyone that she doesn't give a fuck and will D&C those in the movement who basically don't agree with her 100%
Hotwheels is fine despite muh having found god, Jim is an insufferable faggot however and deserves to be fed to his own pigs.
Guys, thanks for reminding me why I don't give a shit about any of this Zig Forums shit anymore. All the intelligent people propping up my delusions have left Zig Forums, and now I see the useless QLarping mass that it is. It's like watching Africans talk about starting a business. All mindless fantasizing about abilities they don't have after a hard day's slaving so they don't go insane.
It's old hanging with you 1k MMR shitstains, discussing stupid strats. I'm fucking out.
There is no Q larp on Zig Forums you obvious shill, WTF Im a cruz missile now!
Nigga Sinead didnt say shit here. Zig Forums does struggle with criticism of Trump, alligning with white values, and I think the article is a shit article. Renegade is turning into their money-baby and anytime anyone begins that journey, a watering down occurs. This thread is watered down.
>(((The movement)))
What god?
Keep us posted.
Sinead seems like a fed at this point, shes attacking literally everyone who gives an alternative to the cucked right, she fucks niggers, and shes an SJW feminist. She did manage to put a lot of cancer together in one hour in video related, but this is just grasping at straws. Jims a piece of shit, thats mostly irrelevant as he doesnt post here, it just means we have no more mods to keep the cancer out.
This. On a side note this place hasn't been the same since 2016. Too many normalfags flooded the board and shit mods fucked everything up. The glory days are behind us I feel.
In the Article:
and complain about SJWs pozzing Linux
Even this spaz thinks they are retarded
>(((the movement)))
Fuck off Sinead lover. That's always been the general term for people who are JQ and race wise and everyone worth a shit has always known that. This is the exact same shit I'd expect from you shills.