‘’’Regarding The SDS Weathermen (Weather Underground) and its parallels to today's leftist extremists.’’’
Film had not mentioned anything specifically about the Jews, although we know that Communism is a Jewish construct.
My questions going into the documentary:
- SDS funding
- Who is funding Antifa?
- Is George Soros just a patsy? (Absolutely not - He is just being protected)
- Who else besides George Soros is funding Antifa?
- Extreme Leftists?
- Funding?
- sidenote - I know that WolfPAC is being funded by Cenk Ungyr – someone I know is involved with them. Shit – where did I place that damn link….
WU made references that they were priviledged because they were white, wheras Black Panthers (BP) were more likely to be arrested.
>Leftists cherished their hate as a badge of moral superiority.
my note - Expect things like explosives. Once we see this, we know that we now have committed leftist revolutionaries.
My questions:
Why didn't the right rise up against the leftists?
Why didn't the people rise up against the leftists?
Why did we rely so much on the Government to get rid of these leftists?
Right wing never involved in any notable violence.
Right wing seems more restrained - more "conservative"
>WU Member (((Naiomi Jaffe))) involved in the WU. (There were more, but she was the only one who identified herself as a Jew.)
>In early 1970s, group of radicals called, "The Citizen's Commission to Investigate the FBI," broke into the FBI's offices in PA and stole files. Among the files they stole, there were references to COINTELPRO.
Note - when leftist political organizations reach the level of irrelevancy, they start to turn against each other and kill each other off. That was the case here. So when we look at today's leftist movements, particularly Antifa, if their cause for rebellion is taken away, they dissolve.
Note cont'd - Many movements came out of the 60s and 70s. Gay movements, Women's movements, Drug Legalization movements, Black movements, and the list goes on. What movements will come out of today's 'Antifa?' Oh shit.
WU Members who are today's University and College professors have brainwashed our students. BLACKPILL