We talk about improvements we've made and share ideas on how to improve aspects of ourselves we would like to improve on.
What has Zig Forums done in the last year to improve themselves?
I work out almost every day, I make the majority of my meals at home with healthy ingredients, I meditate every couple of days, I go to the shooting range at least once a week, I take Krav Maga, I play Racquetball, I don't drink alcohol or smoke weed anymore, I'm enrolled in school, I be myself in all social situations without being uncomfortable or awkward, and I maintain healthy relationships with people around me while continuing to respect the boundaries and standards I've set for myself to make sure I am comfortable at all times with a particular relationship.
I would like advice on prescription medication for ADHD. I'm going back to school in the spring and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with Vyvanse? I think it will help my balance school and work well, but I'm not sure.
I quit poisoning my body as MUCH with alcohol and processed foods. I eat mainly meat and drink water. Sundays I cheat and eat a bunch of junk. I still drink but once a week if that. Mostly I smoke pot. I read a lot. I've made leaps and bounds on free thought in the past few years. No fucking soy at all. I also quit watching porn. I was pretty desensitized to actual tangible sex because of internet porn. Disgusting game.
Isaac Ramirez
Fuck the derailers, bunch of neckbeard faggots. It's ok to improve yourself. I'd say it's imperative. Learn skills and be the best you possible.
Owen Torres
stay the fuck away at all costs. I have spent the last year of my life trying to train my brain to focus on a subject for longer than a few minutes at a time due to long-term stimulant use. Your life will suffer in ways you can't currently imagine if you start down the road of drug dependency. I'm currently retraining my brain through NLP. the attached book is a good starting point.
I highly recommend you exhaust every option before resorting to chemical dependency. Unfortunately, if you take my advice you will never know how much pain and grief I have saved you. It may save your life. I attempted suicide 2x's due to chemical interference induced depression. It's fucking awful.
I'm working on it myself (the foods part) I hardly drink as it is, other than a beer once a month (maybe twice), and as for smoking weed, quit smoking. You don't have to quit using cannabis in moderation, but don't smoke. Vaporize, or use dab or maybe edibles, much healthier. Otherwise, good job user, I'm working hard too in terms of thought processes and overall daily activities!
Lucas Johnson
Every time a nigger bumps this crap a jew gets a fresh foreskin to munch on. Reported.
Jack Gutierrez
/sig/ doesn't suck, you just want personal data on how individual Zig Forumsacks live their life