Nothing to see here
How long before the bugs start bitching about their ripped off plans being faulty? They got played hard. Just wait until they see the f-45 drop. kek
You know for $100,000,000 you would hope to fuck they came with a warranty.
the military industrial complex jews know the goyim will spare no expense
That is nothing new, all of the warplanes are exceptionally expensive to fly and maintain, they are basically Gundams at this point. The b-1b bombers cost the same if not more to operate and they are 20-30 years old now.
They totally (( (crashed)) ) goy
Jews and chinks can all get fucked
I swear this fucking meme plane was made up by some rich kike's 10 year old son
Hehehe that's right goyim 1 trillion dollars on a (((bomber))) that doesnt have enough room to actually bomb stuff hehehehe.
I never understood how anyone in their right mind would find this even remotely acceptable. Where do these prices even come from? Fuel? Either they are using some super secret juice made out of squeezed diamonds or every civilian airliner would go bankrupt. Personal? Every serviceman gets paid monthly, not matter if they sit or fly. For 50k can pay 5 servicemen, who work for 20 dollars an hour, for 500 hours each. Spares? What kind of machine even needs spares after 1 hour of use?
This also reminds of a story I read online, where some mechanic talked about having been demoted for buying the same parts for a plane from a civilian source. He paid a fraction of the price, for the exact same piece, that the air force normally paid, because military industrial contracts are a total scam. You could cut the military budged easily in half while actually improving efficiency, by removing the middle Jew.
All those shekels into Jewish hands, lost, like tears in rain.
Maybe America should start buying Chengdu J-20's from China I mean everything else is "Made in China" why not military tech? Or perhaps Russia instead? I mean Hilary Clinton under Obama sold the Russians a bunch of America's fissionable material perhaps we could get a deal with their fully functional and technologically advanced Sukhoi Su-57?
America doesn't make anything anymore, not even White People.
Because we like our stuff working, gook.
I'm pretty sure they know exactly where those shekels are.
Shouldn’t have even built a jet should just drop piles of hundred dollar bills on enemies until they are crushed to death by the weight…
Would have been WAY cheaper
We tried that. It isn't.
So that's what they were testing in Iraq.
Use pennies instead, from high altitude.
Unless they're all wrapped they won't do shit.
Standing there trying to decide whether I really need the ridiculous state brand neck gator or the sexy cat print the queer in the room was staring at me and grabbing his dick like a degenerate.
Being a heterosexual attractive man isn’t easy.
i somehow doubt this f-35 would be able to take the same amount of punishment when it can barely stay in the sky as it is
As stated earlier, the 35 was never meant to fly and be used properly. It was espionage-bait. Chinks fell for it. We have other airframes that the money went to.
That everybody else is also using? Please.
Yes, using so fucking well, right? kek, pleb.
What in the fuck? OH, right…
After that penny throwing gook made the news they got more funding. kek
The chinks plagiarized the design but modified it to exclude the VTOL capabilities, which made it a sturdier and less-maintenance-intensive aircraft.
Chinks are basically borg, so it did not happen.
lockheed has the worst most annoying shills in the entire military industrial complex.
Fuck off jew. They actually developed a fighter. What did you do?
And the 35 started that way. They used the Marines to take the heat installing VTOL tech which they knew wouldn't work as specified so they could keep the other projects funded and keep the disinfo flowing.
>(((user))) doing damage control for the (((MIC))) on a
Combodian fly fishing forum
Anyone remember when they accidentally let it slip those f-35s are spying on their owners? kek
The red threat to the north is real.
Some interesting reading.
lockheeb kike pls go
Mattis is also making a huge push to get 4 out of 5 fighters combat ready in the next year. We have too many niggers working in the hangars it's slowing us down. Big stuff coming down the pipe.
those norwegian's are up to something and we better find out what it is
Planned obsolescence.
No one ever suspects those cunning Norwegians.
Does that mean people are going to finally stop shilling for it
Uh yeah user have never heard of trillion D chess?
Didn't they stop building F-22s to help pay for the F-35, aka massive cash cow for contractors
You don't understand because you don't know anything about the subject. Go find an Air Force tech and ask them. Or hell, any commercial pilot.
The tl;dr is that fuel and labor is expensive.
He's right about the ridiculously inflated prices for everything due to MIC. There was some $100 coffee cup used in air force planes at one point. Many stories out there like that–not just fuel and personnel etc. Our country is run by kike financiers making money off defense contractors and interest paid on kike loans to the government used for defense spending. They pay off whatever politicians they need to to keep the massive cash flow going. Oh, and the fact the Pentagon audit mysteriously disappeared and any published numbers have massive gaps so nobody ever knows what's happening. No accountibility and kikes just print money to pay themselves more and more means it may as well be $1,000,000/hour operating cost for any plane–why the hell not. It's all a giant scam.
F-35 project costs 2.1 trillion dollars.
For that amount of money we could have launched enough orbital habitats of the o'neill cylinder type, see pics to support 3 billion people. Or 800 million white people and a fuckload of deer, tigers, sheep, cows, wolves, dogs, cats anything we want.
We could have virus bombed the earth to cleanse it. Or just let the mud races die off without western food aid or technology.
Underrated post.
Boomers plz go…
The B-1B is a fucking strategic bomber though. Operating cost increases exponentially with weight and B-1B is the second largest combat aircraft in US inventory and over 6 times heavier than the F-35.
That's an argument AGAINST the F-35. Older aircraft cost more to maintain and fly as they age.
Fucking kill yourself niggerjew2.
While I'm 100% on board with space habitats, to me our destiny as a race is to conquer the stars, I do not think an O'Neill cylinder would be that cheap at all by huge margins. The biggest issue is we have no orbital infrastructure for construction so everything would need to be launched from Earth, and one of those cylinders is nothing as simple as something like the ISS which has taken us ages to build. While with SpaceX the cost has gone down a lot, you'd need hundreds of thousands of launches if not millions to create a habitat for 800 million people. Don't get me wrong that will be in our future for sure, it is just nowhere near as simple as just throwing a measly 2.1 trillion dollars at it. Surely we could start with smaller habitats for that amount of money, the ideal thing would be to get industry in space so we can process asteroids and the moon for materials to then assemble something as big as an O'Neill cylinder, which would be the biggest creation mankind has ever built ever.
Sage for doublepost.
I do think that if the Reich had won we would already be well on our way to having colonies all over our solar system and infrastructure for industry and construction outside our gravity well. Barring all of the other reasons to be sad about the Reich's defeat that reason alone kills my soul, we could've been achieving our destiny already, but the kikes took that away from us. They will pay for that.
They can't build anymore F-22's. They destroyed any and all tooling for them. They'd have to start from scratch provided they didn't use the fucking blueprints as toilet paper.
Need copy of plan roundeye? Fell off truck, you buy cheap.
We'll go straight to F-55.
Some of that is true, sort of. There's graft for sure, but there's also certification and some of this shit is just legitimately expensive.
Same thing happens in civilian aviation. You have to by the FAA certified lugnut at 1000% markup. You might question this, but there's a reason asian airlines crash all the time and US ones don't and that's part of the reason. They do not cut corners, even if it costs an arm and a leg. For reference, a twin-engine airliner runs about $8-10k per hour operating cost. That includes crew, fuel and maintenance. The engines end up being the big part of the maintenance budget generally
For example, an F-16 has something around 20 hours of maintenance vs 1 hour of flight time, but the F-16 is considered relatively cheap for a fighter-bomber. F-35 has something around 40 hours maintenance vs 1 flight hour. Not surprisingly, an F-16 or F-18 has a flight hour cost of about $25,000
So sure, $50,000 per hour sounds like a lot, but it's only twice that of a much older aircraft which doesn't have all modern features or capabilities. Ultimately, most people don't understand the true cost of something outside their daily lives, which isn't surprising. I'm sure many people would be surprised that a lot of companies purchase servers or enterprise network routers that cost in excess of $10k easily. A new tractor unit even without a trailer could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Most people just don't know this stuff.
Engine maintenance every X hours.
Airframe inspection every X hours.
Control surface inspection every X hours.
Avionics system debug and inspection every X hours.
General subsystem inspection every X hours. This includes hydraulics, electrical, life support, etc.
Tarmac inspection every X hours.
And then the airframe needs to be cut and rebuilt every time a composite aircraft needs in depth inspection or repair. That involves using high cost materials and specialized resin cure rooms, along with highly skilled personnel.
Both the pilot and fuel are the cheapest parts of a modern aircraft.
Aluminum skinned aircraft are cheaper and easier to produce, as well as easier to maintain.
Ask yourself why NASA decided to spend all that time and money building that expensive shit, when NASA sold the patent for cheaper, better habitats.
We've had the tech to travel to Jupiter for decades.
We've had the tech to seed the stars since the 60's.
One more thing I forgot is that stealth aircraft are covered in an expensive coating that absorbs radar that needs to be constantly reapplied. The earlier Nighthawk and Spirit stealth bombers had over 100:1 maintenance to flight hour ratios.
Sounds like you work for MIC, friendo.
I'd be shilling to keep (((billions of fed defense budget dollars))) flowing, too, if I worked for Lockheed. Just don't blame anyone but your own bloated fat nigger asses when the US collapses because of $21 trillion unpayable debt.
Would you believe me if I said I didn't and instead told you I worked for an asian espionage front?
Just why do you think we work so hard on being the biggest bully on the block? You don't have to pay if no one can make you pay.
I would bet hard money a F/A 18 would beat the slant eyes most "ANT-vanced" fighter
A super car needs intensive maintenance every X hours.
Tires need replacing every X hours.
Oil needs to be changed every X hours.
Engine needs a complete rebuild every X hours of use.
Did I say it was a good idea to buy a super car?
Did I tell you to buy a super car?
That goes with cutting, then rebuilding the airframe. I'm sure reskinning also has the added cost of recertifying the absorbent skin.
Composite, uni-body airframes were a mistake not only from a maintenance perspective, but also a lifespan perspective.
Every time you cut one open, you weaken the entire body.
If airframe suffers super structure damage, it's not a simple matter of cutting and re-welding metal, especially if the airframe was built using woven strand techniques.
Older airframes are supposed to cost more not less.
No matter how fucked and kiked the US MIC is, its still better than anything else in the east block. X-32 would have been the actual right jet for the job, but jews gotta jew
Or we could have gone with something already sized for bug pilots.
Von Braun had plans to colonise Mars in the 40s. After he did the moon mission for the USA he wants to do exactly that but gets jewed literally, look what happened to him. The prospect that the goyim should go out into space to escape jews jewing was an unacceptable future for them so they literally shut it down and fucked over Von Braun because muh natsee, read was happened to him. Alternate history portrays nazi victory as hyper technologically advanced for a reason and we lost it all because of fucking kikes.
What would be better for a country on a budget.
To the user claiming it is espionage bait, we all know the jews sold the plans to China.
Yes user, but it is espionage to seed the bugs with disinfo. Like that 50TB of datas the bugs stole. They steal, buy, connive their way into the info but it's dirty info.
That's the point.
To add, we did the same shit in the 80's with Russia and their stolen gas pipeline tech from Canada.
The hidden Zig Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.
It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.>>12264482
Kill yourself, yid.
kinda funny this affirmative action created by jews for jews has negatively effected their big brother the USA as jews and their shitskin hoards can't into engineering and physics not to mention the purposeful bloat in production cost to into muh shekels for the mic to the point (((they))) are producing utter shit when white men had control nothing could compare to us even with goy clintons selling our tech to wang.
every single time
I understand the concept of feeding false information but I doubt it is the case here.
All allies get shafter in the process, or are the just going to give them the F-55 in a few years?
The most likely explanation is that they designed a shit plane, as they have done before. They used underhanded tactics to get allies to buy said shitty plane, as they have done before.
The chinks got their hands on some data, as they have done before, and used some of it to design their own plane.
Although I'd rate your theory IWantToBelieve/10
no amount is too high to defend israel!
t. ZOG
That is not true. The cost of maintence on most combat aircraft and I would assume any aircraft (civil aviation is not my thing) is reduced over time
For example, the F117 was like 110 hours per flight hour until the 90s when it dropped to about 50ish with new techniques and cheaper parts.
I'll defer to you here, but what I had heard was the the RAM paint has to be put on again every most flights. It's secretive so I only know what I've hard about that.
You can think whatever you want, but when you hold the biggest stick, things can change quickly. We happen to be in the only country that could actually destroy israel single handedly. Let's not squander that.
kek they even copy the names albeit badly
No wonder that piece of shit is so expensive. I wouldn't be surprised if a Lockheed subsidiary was the only producer of the magic paint.
I wonder if they tested the magic paint on existing designs.
Quantum Radar is going to make stealth obsolete anyway. The Chinese are pretending to have a prototype. They almost certainty don't, but it's still not far off. Even without QR, improvements in conventional VHF/UHF signal processing are already defeating stealth.
Manned aircraft is going to go the way of the dodo. Even if the F-35 costs are justified for an aircraft of its spec, it's still a boondoggle for this reason. Our current aircraft designs are sufficient for missions against the peasant tribes and will be for a long time.
The future of warfare between large nation states belongs to missile spam, and trans/hypersonic missiles. Anyone who can produce large quantities of stand-off munitions cheaply is going to be the victor. The U.S. seems to be the only superpower that doesn't acknowledge this.
Believe me I know, thats why I said if the Reich had won we'd be all throughout our solar system already. Comparing an inflatable hab to the massive construct that an O'Neill cylinder is like comparing a tent to a continent. Of course in the future it'll be possible but well beyond our means for now for the reasons I had talked about earlier. We need infrastructure in space first, baby steps, then we can start building bigger.
NEED to get rid of jews/shitskin non whites from our planet dragging whites from our natural forward momentum, until this is done we are trying to tread water wearing lead/concrete shoes
kill yourself chesscuck
Don't worry. India will develop in next decade and we shall help whites to remove jew. Then we shall take over the world together and become one race.(Poo in the loo)
Yeah well I actually calculated it. About 100-500 billion goes into building a different method of launching payload, be it a loftstrom loop or NPP. It's not that difficult.
Saw a pair of warthogs fly over my neighborhood last week. Don't let the nickname name fool you, they're beautiful gunships.
Developed implies that it's functional. I wouldn't use that word yet.
I respectfully disagree, user.
America makes porn… in fact, America makes most of the pornography in the world.
And America makes hundreds of military bases all over the globe. Nobody else does that.
And America makes seemingly endless bloody war. For instance, America makes years and years of wars in the Middle East against the enemies of Israel.
And last but not least, America makes fools of its people by spending the life-blood of its troops and its national wealth to do the bidding of a nasty little foreign power that attacked it in a murderous false flag event.
America is quite a maker now.
Pure autism, i do not want to go in space anyway.
At the very least the faggot that made that picture could have used proper proportions…