Christian hate thread #2

the day of the rope cant come soon enough

Attached: kiketians.jpg (1280x720, 117.45K)

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Christians are the most heavily armed demographic

Blatant DNC thread.

thats why we should go after them first

go suck your popes feet

yes I encourage you to find a Christian carrying a .357 and attack them

Oh, the popes feet guy. You're a renowned shill now. Go find a new meme. Reported.

odin will smite you on the DOTR

go away leftypol.

well I know you won't be doing any smiting

What a sad attempt to create discord between groups


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Christian hate is fucking retarded. If you want to go around blaming everything the jew has subverted to his own cause you might as well just pull out a dictionary and start reading. Give a nigger a gun and he'll rob you. Give it to the white man and he'll defend his family. Give it to a jew and he'll rent it out with interest to a nigger.

Christianity is not a religion that came from white people and we will drive you back and bury it in the desert where it belongs.

I still cant believe that jews hate Christians so much they'd destroy the world and ultimately themselves under tge sea of brown subhumans just to get at them.


Try Perun.

Our number system isn't white in origin either. Better get rid of that too if you want to be consistent. And Christians brought writing into northern Europe. Go back to using Runes, nigger.

its Aryan in origin
Might wanna research your excuses next time.

Attached: Adolf_Hitler_retouched.jpg (220x348, 22.03K)

Enjoy your ban, shill.

yeah moishe, 'we' should go after the white american christians first, the ones who voted against Hillary more than other demographic, the ones whore are more opposed to immigration than any other demograhphic, the ones who support gun rights more than any other demographic, (((we))) sure need to fucking rope them evil white christians up first huh?

I will say the sexagesimal numerical system was Sumerian in origin

The number system is Aryan. You are wrong, pathetic indiashill

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You really think indians in the 5th century were pure aryan?

Why is every Christian I know so lame and beyond milquetoast

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1d rather have chritians than retarded inbred muslims….ANY FRKN DAY.


What do you think of Evola, who identified as a Catholic pagan?

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Not a jew!

I can tell by the syndtomal forehead.