Describing itself as the fastest growing religion of Iceland others see it as simply a tax scam, it purports to re-establish the institutions of Mesopotamian religion and accordingly has plans to construct a Ziggurat in Reykjavik
What particularly interests me about them is their aim of restoring the Temple complex as the hub of society;
Zuism's aim is to establish a new social structure. Temples in Sumer and broader Mesopotamia were economic powerhouses, centres of business and industry.Mesopotamian temples had waged workers including bakers, brewers, spinners, smiths and farmers, and obviously the clergy who supervised them. The temples also functioned as banks
They're correct in this that the Gods technically owned everything through the Temple complex and that this was then re-distributed to the people as a form of Theocratic Socialism, the original basis for civilization, and one i would agree with that we should return to in some form.
There's a lot there that i've personally been making the case for anyway, so in general i support the idea, but have doubts about those involved as they don't even mention the Goddess Nazi, who ran the social welfare programme at the City of Nina and should therefore get the biggest Temple, not to mention they should be looking to Nordic equivalents, but anyway i'm interested in hearing thoughts on this.
Marxist socialism requires a political elite to administer it, the Jews, who are the last people on Earth you'd want regulating anything, the early basis of civilization was different in being Theocratic, that is it was the Temple cult that administered society and everyone belonged to a particular cult according to their status and profession, thus it was more hierarchical rather than egalitarian and generated the caste system.
The system was prone to corruption and there was attempt to return it to the idealized state recorded 5,000 years ago.
Read Sumerian Swindle: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind. What you are proposing is that we return to the founding roots of the jews or the kike form of communism that they have wanted to impose on the entire planet for the last 6,000 years. The kike/ZOG/international bankers began with their Sumerian ideology and they are trying to impose it on the entire planet now.
Jonathan Wilson
This user has a point.
It _may_ be a good system, but until the poison is expelled it will always corrupt anything attempted.
Logan Wright
The issue was liquid currency and individuals owning land and increasing their estates and merchants increasing their assets, such that the shift in power transferred from the Temple cult to the private individuals who the people then served, debt slavery was introduced, as this increased the Temple cult and religion in general declined in importance people leaving such to serve private individuals, the problem wasn't the original system as intended to function but the liberty of individuals within it to create their own power base through accumulation of resources and private ownership.
The Babylonians did recognize private ownership which effectively ended the earlier system.
It was certainly the case that individuals could corrupt the system from within, but that never seems to have occurred in Meso-American and Andean civilizations which retained the Temple cult system, the issue there was deranged Kings and Priesthoods but overall the traditional model which worked well and as the Spanish were amazed to discover they didn't use metals as liquid currency.
Nathaniel Wilson
No, this will get your thread deleted (so I would archive it now), but I am going to post it anyway. The issue is 'currency' at all. Don't you have the basic understanding that they are completely MOCKING YOU 24/7. Current Currency Don't you understand that controlling 'current' is what the kikes have always done here and it is the root of the entire problem? Don't you understand the system you are part of at all? The power is not in what stands in as value, it is in the fact that they stand something (even belly button lint would work) in as value. So they create an artificial 'block' or closed door in the system of free flowing energy. When you do that ENERGY IS DIVERTED. When you divert energy YOU CAN CONTROL WHERE IT GOES AND WHAT IT DOES. That was the power of the Sumerian swindle. You are arguing with me about NOTHING because all the entire thing ever was was a FUCKING KIKE IDEA. Nothing more. All they ever do is try to harness/control energy for their own parasitic benefit. Kill the idea and kill their parasitic predation on the planet. Why you want to REINSTITUTE the idea is fucking beyond me! I will now archive this thread so that it continues as a record of what went wrong on this planet. I suggest you do the same in the instance that you ever decide to stop being a kike fucking slave, you can revisit the idea later. ;)
That's the point i've been making, that liquid currency was the flaw in the system that could be exploited and it was, the original basis of Sumerian culture though was in trade through exchange of goods and even that was largely moving produce between the various Temple cults for even distribution of commodities through promissory clay tablets, there was no purchasing as everything was understood as the common property of the Gods.
Liam Bennett
it's just a tax thing and a protest against the church, there is nothing more to it than that
Chase Martin
Isaac Walker
Well maybe, but when they start quoting Dugin as providing the ideological basis i personally have my doubts, but it's still an interesting exercise to consider the basis of civilization and the flaws within the system leading to the present, to identify and consider the eradication of those components.
Adam Miller
Ok so follow THAT to its logical conclusion. EVERYTHING is the property of 'the gods'. Why aren't you properly tracking where this leads? If everything 'belongs' to the 'gods' do you have any right to any aspect of 'self'? You will not be allowed to object to ANY manipulation of 'self' because ultimately you 'belong' to the 'gods' as well. Now if you intentionally choose the most debased and abject slavery of 'yourself', that is YOUR CHOICE, is it not? I won't interfer with YOUR CHOICE. But it remains your choice alone to become a puppet, mind body and soul to the fucking kikes. Don't involve the rest of us in your shitty decisions.
Eli Jenkins
Well at least you took the slide in a different direction for once.
Benjamin Cox
I'm trying to tell you that they are still 'controlling currency' in your scenario. Because THEY SPECIFIED the communism that you are pimping. For something to exist it doesn't require someone to 'define' its boundaries. It simply 'is'. I really don't understand your love affair with the kikes.
Carson Brown
Why have the non-ironic Kek worshippers been wasting time on a frog if she was available?
Blake Walker
This analysis is partly correct in recognizing that i am of the Gods, as is everyone, and nobody has a right to own them, that's in terms of natural condition not any form of bondage though, but i don't see how you get from there to that implying bondage to the kikes who aren't in any sense Gods despite certain conceits.
Jackson Reed
The Sumerian origin of her name was Na-zi meaning "of the throat", as she was born from the throat of Enki in a particularly strange myth.
Leaving aside that's derived from a novel the greater philosophy behind such involves total assimilation with the Divine which requires recognition of their absolute power and again corresponds to the principle of their absolute ownership, the point i'm making with regards to a system that would provide a basis for such.
This is totally fair, they are not gods at all but lesser things (probably soulless) and your comment really deserves an answer. I think it has something to do with energy conversion and trickery but I am going to have to think about it for a while until I have sorted out an answer. The whole question and circumstances surrounding the question makes me horribly hot under the collar so I know that something is there, just not how 'deep' the problem goes or what is involved yet.
What initially popped into my head was an example that someone, I won't mention their name, gave a few nights ago about 'wasted' or diverted inefficient use of energy. They were talking about modern technology and complaining about inefficiencies of conversion. The example they gave was someone who burned a log, which gave off heat, which powered a turbine, which powered a transformer, which you use to plug your phone into. Sure it is a way to 'get things done' but it is horrifically inefficient and a complete waste and really busy work in terms of making all these auxiliary interfaces in order to obtain what would have been received from the first energy conversion (burning the log) if we had any real understanding of converting energy. I think the problem is in arranging a cascade of (inefficient) conversions…this is what I meant as well by directing energy. But of course who cares about 'burning logs' I only mean this as a metaphor for the larger issues.
You know who did great work on this, albeit a long time ago it is still worth watching in its entirety is Viktor Schauberger. Of course this too in only metaphor for the disarray in the state of energy conversion. "Ye are Gods"…then why are these parasites feasting on us? Something enables them to do so, and part of it is the systems that they set up for us here in the manifest world. I will think on it and add something if I find the answer. In the meantime Viktor and I would not think of his conclusions and research as the energy expressed necessarily in the manifest world although that might be a scalar pattern for higher energy states that have had some conversion error enter into the system.
We have to always keep in mind that all we see, its totality or completeness, the lexicon of all symbolic meaning, is 'meaning' or 'understanding' that we ourselves bring into being and cannot be understood with any other real measure. Of course, I get very excited when someone suggests that we should adopt their methods yet again. I don't want to serve the kikes any longer…they can fuck the hell right off the goddamn planet, for all I care…eject them into deep fucking space to drift forever for all I care about them…fucking parasites (actually god forbid the spores find their way to another planet and fucking destroy that one as well; deep sixing them is probably a bad idea for the universe).
That stuff about Na-zi is very interesting, I am really going to have to look into that in depth.
Ryan Hughes
I just want to say how impressed I am. That's the longest, most autistic squelching of a one-liner to which I've ever been subjected.
Oliver James
Perhaps your unease concerns the fact that there is a God behind the Jews and that wholesale dedication to such would be problematic, even though billions at this point are.
El (Sumerian En-lil) as Saturn is the God of the exploit, the corruption and disintegration of systemic integrity, that based upon nature and the cyclic seasons were over time all is corrupted, changes, and dies. The chosen of El are adept at every exploit at the personal and societal level and like El they are capable of playing the long game until civilization is rotten and corrupted to the core and would collapse.
It's because of this i research the vulnerabilities in the basis of civilization and what would be required to maintain integrity, essentially this involves responding to the challenge posed by En-lil and aligning with Deities that offer natural counter.
The Goddess Nazi is a major part of that solution as she is the nemesis of all forms of kikery in expecting fairness within society and it's the depths of irony that supposed Leftists hate the very word Nazi.
Anthony Miller
You mean Vinca culture?
You El ( Saturn) worshiping bible cucks always want civilization to be centered in the Middle East.
If it was a civilization (subject of thread) they wouldn't call it Vinca culture…
Jackson Campbell
Are Icelandic women Aryan pol?
Lucas Turner
I'm interested if this is a surge that came after the rabbi got installed in Iceland. Cause Iceland is nordic turf.
Josiah Butler
All this shit boils down to is slavery. The priest caste get to do fuck all and reap and all the benefits of the hard work of the others. Fuck this shit.
Chase Gomez
That is where the problems started. Can you imagine the abuse that has taken place on earth due to the idea that someone can dictate your 'salvation' if you don't do what they say. STAND BACK AND CONSIDER THE POWER YOU WOULD HAVE OVER MANKIND Just for one moment consider that you would hold the power over life and death over your fellow man if they would not 'do x, y, or z' for you…it is really completely mind boggling for me. And heart breaking as well, as my deepest desire is that all mankind be their own 'head' of their own 'temple'/body. Think of wielding that power to get whatever you desired…just raping and raping humanity over and over and over again. Unreal.
Jaxson Campbell
It does all seem very ecumenical.
Well then you drop them from the system or insist on becoming one.
Elijah Evans
Sumer, Annunaki – this was the beginning of the entropic, debt based, slaver metaphysics Babylon – which rabbinic Judaism retconned in exile with their already 'culturally appropriated' Egyptian exodus cosmology.
That, and if Dugin is backing an alien middle eastern cult, its exclusively to weld Iceland geopolitically out of the 'Atlantacist' sphere, onto the 'Tellurian World Island' of the Eurasian heartland.
Christian Evans
No this go back way further than the Jews and even the Babylonians, they just exploited flaws in the system and produced their own retarded version, beyond Sumer even into the Ubaid period and beyond that into the Halaf.