Politically Confused

Sorry if this seems like a shitpost or forum sliding but I need to get this off my chest and I know you fuckers are the only ones I can have a reasonable discussion with on this matter.

I just don't know where I sit on the political spectrum anymore. I was raised with left-wing values but spent a couple years on 4chan's Zig Forums. Reading Zig Forums really opened my mind to a lot of things regarding race, culture, history and the nature of authoritarianism. Eventually I go to university, less time for 4chan and I start to become more normie, my inner lefty started to come out again. But then #GamerGate happened and that immediately brought me right back into the fold. Again, I felt I had been blind for years but now I could see again just how bad the Left were becoming and they weren't even pretending to play by the same rules anymore, they've become far more aggressive and irrational than ever before.

But you know, my inner lefty is still there somewhere, telling me that we should have things like free education, healthcare and a welfare system that protects the most vulnerable people in our society. However I also believe that we should give priority to indigenous peoples in any country of the world. If I say this in application to America or Australia, I'll be met with raucous applause for being so "right-on" but if I say it in the context of a European country then I'm shat on as a racist. I can't deal with this double standard and I absolutely 100% outright fully reject the notion that being white is an inherently bad thing in any way shape or form. I don't think we should be stringing up niggers but I think we should be free to refer to them as such, I don't believe in completely isolating ourselves from the outside world but I don't believe in open borders either.

I'm stuck viewing the world through two perspectives constantly. One eye sees evil capitalist bastards looking to squeeze every penny out of people who don't deserve to get shat on and the other eye sees disrespectful foreigners coming into our land and telling us we have problems. One eye sees the struggle of the working class and the other eye sees fake refugees trying to catch what they perceive as a gravy train. I don't hate non-whites but I do think the white race needs to be preserved and I don't think that the problems of other poor undeveloped countries are in any way our responsibility.

Where the fuck do I belong?

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Other urls found in this thread:


congratulations, you're human
we're called separatists. Separatists want to have each groups land for that group. The natural order of things.
We want to take care of our own in a society that benefits the people paying into it but respect the idea that different cultures simply don't belong on the same soil. Its cruel to think a black would somehow benefit from coming up in a white society when that black will be constantly comparing itself to the white children.

You're a rational person in an irrational world, mate. It's not you who's confused, it's the world. The jew is responsible for this. They have no land, they have no culture, they can do nothing but try to bring the rest of the world down to their level because they are inhuman or rather, anti-human.

You're not politically confused; everyone else is.

*tips fedora*

Modern Left = absurd, hijacked mutant of what it used to mean
Why do you need a label? Embrace complexity.


Think of it this way, user. If there were no blood-sucking kikes, no filthy shit-skins, no violent niggers, we could have all the things you listed in a white society. Because there would be far less abuse of funds, far less abuse of power, far less taxes being funneled into the bottomless pit of welfare. We are far better at self-governance. You need to accept the fact that kikes, shitskins, and nigger are never going to change, they will always seek out a better life among whites, then proceed to shit things up for everyone. Just like the disgusting rats, lice, and cockroaches they are.

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Damn. You know, I haven't been anywhere near a Chinese cartoon pictureforum for a long time and it's just so refreshing to have people actually read my posts and respond rationally. I think I've just considered it normal for so long for people to just get irrationally emotional when they hear their trained "trigger" words or phrases.

Thanks a lot for reassuring me that I'm neither alone or insane, I think I can stick around here.

Just find a purpose
A goal that you're working toward
Whether that be get some cash and go innawoods or ascend the political ladder. I don't know you or your wants/desires, but find a purpose that puts you either away from the madness or ascending the ladder to steer the ship back on track.
Without a purpose, something to work toward, you're going to find yourself back in that pit of despair again and again.
And no alcohol jew, drug jew, porn jew or any other jew that will infect you and cause you to lose focus of your goal.

so called left and right wing politics are entirely either irrelevant, or at best strategic moves, until we again live in kike-free and brown-free nations.

I don't feel like I lack purpose in life, I have goals and desires to work towards but they're non-political. I don't have time for activism and with my views occasionally being unpopular, I'd be afraid to put myself out there as a potential target for some antifa or SJW nutcase

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Congratulations on your recent revelations. Questioning where you are is the first step in moving forward. You have some reading to do.


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Judging by your first post, I would not have thought would sit well with you, but I guess I was wrong and not only can you stick around but you'd fit right in.

It just sounds like you're a sheltered pussy. Go spend some time with these "indigenous" mudskins in their actual environments. If you survive, you'll definitely stop wanting to shelter the subhuman filth.

Congratulations, you are actually a national socialist. At very worst you're a strasserist. The issue is that a lot of people here used to be libertarian and still hold on to that economic system… not to mention of "muh Cold War" so many people "on the right" are afraid of anything that isn't capitalism.

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There's no reason why we can't both give White children a homeland and give them a national healthcare system. My caveat would simply be that each country should get to determine how much or how little public welfare suits them best.

For all practical purposes, White people are indigeneous to America & Australia. I'm not trying to be cute either.
See, the Siberian peoples (aka "the American Indians") who settled America first (I won't get into the whole Solutrean thing) displaced and genocided each other for 10,000 years so that no one is the original owner of any particular patch of land. Then Europeans arrived and created a great civilization. America is a European creation. It's not an African civilization, it is not a Siberian creation. It's European. We are the natives of this land that we created. Before us there was no literature about the West, no sleepy canals, no Paw Paw tunnel, no square dances, no constitutions protecting individual rights, no wood cut art, no beautiful brick cities, no ocean exploring fleets, no rolling orchards, and no states. Just tribal groups making war on each other. Cahokia was the closest they ever came to creating a true civilization in America. Then they destroyed their environment and collapsed before Columbus even arrived.
So we are as native to this land as the Hopi are to theirs (all other tribes regard them as invaders too). Except that we not only created a strong and progressive civilization where they failed, but we honoured them by naming our creations after them.

The PEOPLE of America deserve to be protected because governments exist TO SERVE and PROTECT the PEOPLE.
You yourself believe this. I know because you said that you believe in state welfare for the PEOPLE. So this concept should be carried out to its logical conclusion and governments should protect the PEOPLE from destructive mass immigration of hostile, greedy invaders.

Also, I want to point out (as a former liberal myself) that I strongly suspect that your motivations were similar to mine and similar to a lot of leftists that I have interacted with.
I am going out on a limb here, but I suspect that you value "people and community" and hold community in very high esteem. Higher than most conservatives do, I suspect, who value "individualism" above almost all else.
So think about how you can achieve a real community with strong bonds between the individuals that make it up?
You cannot have community with a diverse country. Diversity destroys social cohesion and creates alienation among the people forced to live in multiculturalism (read Robert Putnam's work for the liberal perspective on the subject).
What your government and mine are doing is destroying communities everywhere. The Mestizos who are invading my community already have a community and that makes them stronger. But White people are repressed by the establishment and prevented from forming our own communities.
If we do, if we try to escape state sponsored multiculturalism then they chase us down and flood our homes with arrogant, greedy, hate-mongering Mestozos and Blacks and Muslims.
People who have nothing to do with each other don't want to cooporate. They cannot cooporate. And if we cannot cooporate and live together, then community is impossible.

Think about that. And think about the cultures that will be destroyed if the modern left succeeds in flooding our nations with hostile invaders and blending our people out of existence.

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This. Whites are the indigenous peoples of the Americas… but Professor Goldstein tries to avoid telling you that.

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Doing so comes at a great cost, and where do you draw the line? Western countries already spend a significant amount of their budget on social programs. Money that could be used to further humanity, improve space programs, improve medical research, etc.

At most NASA was like 4% of our budget. Meanwhile, federal social programs account for something like 65%. If NASA had 15% of our budget, we'd be on Mars 15 years ago, like we originally planned.

Instead, we keep these people who "need help" around. Which is the problem with this liberal philosophy of helping out those who need it. It comes at an expense, and that expense always holds people back from going higher than they could.
We've seen this "save the weak at the cost of the strong" philosophy ruin the American education system, hold back space exploration, and so much more. It sounds great on paper, and it makes you feel good about yourself, but people don't realize the cost of all of this. And it's all exacerbated by the fact that those people who get help from those programs reproduce a lot more than those who provide that help, meaning we end up with more and more people who need help and less people to provide after every generation.

It gets worse when you look at things on a global scale. Throughout human history, most humans have been very poorly off, with only one little pocket of quality civilization. China, Rome, Egypt, Greece, modern day Western World. All of these are generally high points of humanity, while the rest of the world rots in shit. Those high points can never take care of the rest of the world, generous welfare programs and lax immigration lead to Rome's

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The crime and poverty levels that require 65% of our budget for social programs are exclusively a function of shitskins. Social programs make much more sense when you understand that with an 99% white population, the scale of these programs can be cut back dramatically and still help the whites who need it.

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Also, I want to say that the whole left-right paradigm is kind of ridiculous. They tell me that capitalism and nationalism are right wing and that environmentalism is left wing.
Okay then… so what if I am a nationalist who is anti-capitalist and pro-environmental protections?

Well, the self proclaimed leftists will then ask

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Nuance of political opinion is only possible in homogeneous societies. Multicultural democracy is just race war by other means.

Here are two accurate political tests. The first one determines whether you're left or right.

What do you value more: having babies (with a woman of your race) and starting a family or individual freedom/government freebies?

Babies = rightwing, individual freedom/freebies = leftwing.

If rightwing, continue.

Do you strongly value order, hierarchy, law, and think people should be held accountable for their actions, and that people who attack your group should be severely punished?

Yes = authoritarian, semi-no = liberal-leaning, no = liberal (in which case please seriously reconsider the first question).

That's it. Politics is pretty simple. It basically boils down to survival strategies (r VS K).

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Oh I dunno if it's that simple. I, personally, care more about my own individual freedom but at the same time that's more to do with the fact that I'm not eager to start a family. However, I do get angry when I see white people being attacked for being white, what with all this bullshit privilege politics.

This is really interesting reading, thanks.

I'm just not automatically horrified at what looks like "racism" or even if it is actual racism. I'm open to all ideas and don't just emotionally react.

I actually do live in a foreign country with a non-white culture. The eye-openers I've experienced here are what have ultimately led me back here.

Who cares user. You don't need a label for what you believe, you need to know WHAT you believe and WHY you believe it.
Think for yourself rather than fall for groupthink, it's one of mankinds greatest weaknesses.
Because they know that people are waking up and thus need to speed up before they can lose it all
Thing is it will never be enough. Blacks have an avg IQ of 85, so the majority of them literally have no place in society. If you look at jobs and the IQ's people doing specific jobs have, you'll see that people with an IQ below 90 dont really have many options. These people will therefore FOREVER be the most vulnerable people in a meritocratic society, because they don't have the biological hardware to compete and win. The schooling is a waste on them and if you read stories from teachers who teach in black schools you'll understand why. They do not see themselves as American first, but as Black or Hispanic first and thus will never vote in your interest. As long as we live in a multi ethnic society these principles of yours cannot be sustainably established.
If someone brands you a racist just have them explain themselves because they won't be able to demonstrate critical thinking skills.
We never isolated ourselves from the outside, the spanish, french and brits made empires that conquered the world and set up trade with foreigners. But thats the thing, we didn't take them in and treat them as our equals because they aren't and will never be. Put your emotions aside and think critically, this is why I said you must know WHY you believe something. You believe these seemingly contradictory ideas because you don't want to admit the truth.
This is how the world is user. Knowing that people are greedy you must think and decide what the solution is. Rapefugees? Out, they have no business being in our countries. (((Capialists)))? There are some regulations you can do to stop them from abusing people, like prohibiting H1B visas so that they actually have to pay native employees a fair wage.
Why do you think Zig Forums hates nonwhites? Because they compete with us and destroy our societies. Do you think Zig Forums hates a random palestinian in palestine, or a random chink in china? Probably not, because they're living their own lives in their own countries far away from us. The hate you perceive to be real is the natural result of multi ethnic societies, because humans of two different racial groups do not flock together and instead find conflict. Your options are as follows: Ethnonationalism so your ideas and people have a chance at survival or multiculturalism where your ideas and your people will go extinct.
Who cares? Find out what you believe to be true, why you believe it to be true and move on from there. Don't seek a group to join, seek to stand and walk on your own two feet before you chase a herd.

The only intelligent reply in this thread is , unfortunately many here on Zig Forums have forgotten, and equates anything less than a fully uncaring capitalistic society as leftist. You're a National Socialist, meaning both the modern 'Left' or 'Right' will forever attack you, and neither will ever understand you.

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It is.

If you could start a family right now knowing you would not have any financial or health troubles, would you? Or would you continue life in favour of your individualism? If yes to the last, you're leftwing.

We can frame the question a different way to make it easier: what do you value more: the survival and health of your race or yourself?

I honestly feel you're oversimplifying things here. I believe my race should be preserved but bear in mind I've spent a lot of time alone so I'm just naturally very individualist considering that I don't have many other people in my life to think about other than myself.


You want to help all the people we want to discard. Fuck helping the most vulnerable people in our society if they aren't white children or white grandparents.

So was 90% of Zig Forums.

I barely spent any time in half/pol/ or half/v/and had no clue over the gaymergay drama. I found fullchan on my own before the 2nd exodus because it was pretty apparent that cuckchan mods had gone full-SJWs and trigger-happy to ban anons for wrongthing or saying "nigger". As an early skeptic against moot's cult of person and someone who proposed community-based moderation long before HWs made it reality, I felt vindicated from the very existence of this site.

Ironically for me it was a stormfag sperging out about race realism in half/sci/ back in 2011-12 if you are reading this, thank you. Though he was crude and somewhat retarded he DID source his opinion and from the meta regarding said peer reviews I was able to realize how hypocritical and biased the "rationalist" leftwing was on the subject since most tried to attack the messenger with ad homs and by arbitrarily making assumption about errors in the research' methodology.

I was lucky that my Uni was not anywhere near being pozzed and that my profs were real old-school. As a matter of fact it was one my first redpills regarding environmentalism.

See first paragraph. None really needed GG to demonstrate that, one should only stop ostriching and pull his head out of the sand.

So does National Socialism to an extent, even though it's a bit more pro-active than passively allowing misery to procreate and perpetuate.

What I personally did, and would encourage you to do, was to unconditionally and unapologetically embrace the most hardcore far-right reactionary side and unquestionably support their/our cause, once the left in its current form is utterly deconstructed, most of its leaders and hordes of fanatics are hanging from a rope and egalitarianism's false foundation is exposed to the world, we will again be able to discuss and negotiate our positions as rational human beings; but up to that point it's literally a struggle for survival AND the freedom of all human beings, niggers included.

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I'm not. I've boiled down left and right to their essences. Family and nation (extended family) first is as rightwing as you can get. Individualism is as classically leftwing as you can get.

No… no it's not. That would be communism.

Though I am not anywhere near being a fan of individualism in its (((ideologue context))) I feel obliged to point out that the mainstream left is largely anti-individualist in its core:

Even the 6gorillion-genders snowflake-leftwing brand of tumblr-"individualism" relies heavily on self- and community-policing and one must tiptoe over the glasshouses that its safespaces are or risks of being vilified and marginalized.

Worldview, user, Worldview. No need for nuanced politics and contradiction if your worldview is consistent. There are no left or right wing versions of a worldview, there is only Completeness.

No. Leftwing is a synonym for individualism. The term itself began in order to name leftists during the French enlightenment.

The modern left is 100% pro individualism. In fact, being materialists and relativists, they don't believe in anything other than individuals. That's why they deny race and male and female sex, etc.

Right. Because in leftism, individual happiness is the most important thing. Nothing else really matters. Thus they form aggressive collectives to protect their degeneracy.

Your post clarifies your position a bit so I can answer your question more accurately. Whilst I am naturally inclined towards myself, I’m not selfish and I wouldn’t put my own liberties above the common good of my people if the two were in opposition.

So you're right-wing.

You should fuck back off to wherever you wandered in from
You don't belong here

cool, but you will never have that as long as you got non-white leeches

the system would crash

In that context you just define "individualism" as libertinist debauchery, which is somewhat ironic since even its most vocal "proponents" like De Sade were barely more than 18th century /b/tards that tended to openly cauterize humanitarians' naivety about human nature.

In practice all the left did while in power was to inhibit personal liberties, especially in terms of free-speech and self-reliance, while only pandering to the populous' lowest urges that more often than not were detrimental to the well being of the common folk while making people progressively more dependent to the institutions.

Are you sure about that? What did this people do not to deserve being exploited by capitalists? Simply being born is not enough, even if you are white. Our problem is not the existence of capitalists or communists, our problem is that we are not left alone. If we'd apply a 3rd system, it would create a competition for left and right, and they would lose control. We need freedom, not gibs, not exploitation.

Your worldview informs your philosophy though and that can't be helped. Your worldview will ultimately determine whether you're left or right.

Speaking of Gamergate, I see that over at Rome II Total war there's a growing rumble of discontent as the latest updates have infected everyone's RTW2 game with a system of generals that produces FEMALE generals. When the complaints got back to CA, the response was telling; a female dev acting as company spokesPERSON replied that "the game tried to be historically authentic but it wasn't necessarily historically accurate" and anyway if you don't like the update then don't bother playing the game.

The rage….the rage…this cunt should be raped to death by spice monkeys on a Calcutta bus at midnight.

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what is this sorcery or have I been away too long to not know this is normal?

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This shit is pre-[CURRENT YEAR] newfriend.

Lurk two years before posting.

You need to be away much more. At least 2 years before posting. But probably never come back.

mainly just ignore, they're mostly shills with the rare exception here and there. Or fire up your tor browser and make a bunch of shitposts since mods can't ban you.

Taken to its logical conclusion, liberalism is about the individual being able to do whatever they want. The insanity we have today is the product of that.

To a degree. There are many facets to leftism. We know the global elite (Jews) use it as a control tool for example. But only the right has truly lost its freedom. Lots of liberty left for those of a leftwing position. More than ever, really. You'd be right to call them out on the contradiction but they're relativists so they simply don't care.

boo hoo faggot

Bear in mind that I’ve been fully enveloped in normie space for the past couple years so don’t get too shocked that I haven’t heard of anyone using Tor for a long time. I thought Tor was supposed to be compromised years ago anyway, didn’t the CIA set up loads of exit nodes?

This is what real humans use. If someone's ID is not 000000 then that user is still in The Matrix and a NPC


Sometimes there are little breaks out of the matrix done by the anons without a 000000 ID, you can see that when their post's number ends in repeating digits

Oh I thought non-TORpedos were just smarter than the pedos that think using the Navy's routing protects their identity. I guess I'm just a memePC

Left liberalism comes from classical liberalism. They both share the same roots. They're nearly identical and both are leftwing. The both lead to the same conclusion, dumbass.

Exactly what the left says it's about today.

Seriously though
(( (you) )) should join him in fucking off
Neither of you whiny faggot cucks belong here

Benjamin Franklin worried that if political parties took over America it would be the end of the Republic.

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.
~ John Adams, Letter to Jonathan Jackson (October 2, 1780). In: Charles Francis Adams (ed.), The Works of John Adams, Vol. 9, Boston, 1854. pp. 510-11.

[The spirit of party] opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.
~ George Washington, Farewell Address, September 19, 1796

I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever, in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else, where I was capable of thinking for myself. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent.
~ Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Francis Hopkinson (March 13, 1789). In: Merrill D. Peterson (ed.), Letters of Thomas Jefferson, New York, 1984, pp. 940-42. [PL Ford, Writings of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 5, pp. 75-78]

We are attempting, by this Constitution, to abolish factions, and to unite all parties for the general welfare.
~ Alexander Hamilton, Debates in the Convention of the State of New York on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, Tuesday, June 25, 1788. In: Henry Cabot Lodge, ed., The Works of Alexander Hamilton (Federal Edition), Vol. 2, New York, 1904, p. 57.

you dont belong anywhere

Yes. It's mostly shills that use it today and honest-to-yahvee faggots that are too naive for their opinion to matter. tbh I don't know why it's not banned yet.

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Don't worry too much user
( ( ( ICANN) ) ) is shutting down the internet worldwide this weekend for at least 48 hrs for "maintenance"
They went shut it down
That means it kicks off

Ironic use of Tor >>>> clearpost plebbism

Actually they don't. How the fuck do you think societies change over time? How do you explain traditions? Culture didn't always exist; thus traditions didn't always exist. At some point you have to invent traditions, adopt them, or discard them.

Not all traditions must be, nor are worthy of being maintained. Changing behavior and adopting or discarding traditions doesn't necessarily lead to this conclusion, niggerfaggot.

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Suck a dick nigger

Rolling for dubs also

Fully agreed. That's why I clarified I am not a fan of the "individualist" label, not because I feel edgy for hating freedums.


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What's it like being so blindly wrong you enjoy sounding and appearing as a catamite?

so you are a nationalist and a socialist.
if only there was an ideology that blended the two. we could call it social nationalism or maybe national socialism. yeah, national socialism sounds nice.

meant for

Here. Your natural state is someone who wants truth and honesty on which to base effective decisions, and genuine fairness in a way that maximizes happiness. So long as you hold onto those beliefs that are ingrained into who and what you are, you inevitably reach the same conclusions as Zig Forums.

Your ideas of social programs being able to help people are absolutely spot on, but such programs serving their purpose instead of being exploited for personal gain by ingrates and parasites require a high-trust society, which multiculturalism destroys. This is the absolute basis of national socialism.

They do. The liberals of today are literally the ideological descendents of the people who took liberalism to its logical conclusion. Classical liberals are their leftist liberal fathers. In fact, without classical liberals we wouldn't have gotten the terms left (liberals) and right (those in favour of monarchy.

No you don't, faggot. This is supposed to be a naturally occurring slow process as the populous gradually adapts to the new socioeconomic, technological and scientific conditions, not something you are trying to socially engineer to an artificial goal because you think its "better" or "more rational". What you described is the very reason why Western societies steadily die since the French Revolution while being rapidly replaced by sandniggers and niggers with their moral codes tuned firmly to their natural drives.


Except he's not. He's LARPing as one while espousing explicitly communist views.

He's trying to tie liberalism to leftism, and claiming leftism leads to hedonism which somehow leads to insane communism (what we have today). The reality is leftism leads to communism, and liberalism would allow someone to say "oh communism is a failure, and i'm open to new ideas and abandoning bad ones".


*claiming liberalism

You are an absolute nigger
Fuck this entire shit thread

Are you checking IDs properly? I’m OP and I’m not involved in that leftism vs. liberalism argument going on here. I’m also not LARPing and definitely not fucking Communist. The post you’re responding to was intended for the OP.

So easy even a commie can do it.


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At least I’m a fat nigger you triple jew

liberalism is leftwing. it's the original leftwing by definition.

Bump so everyone can see that you are indeed a fat good for nothing actual nigger
Fuck off nigger
Zig Forums is a White board

You didn’t deny being a kike either so fuck off back to JIDF Mr. Cuckbergstein

It's rather simple..the left is build on lies, the right is the truth. That doesn't mean that you're obliged to follow rightist doctrines. Your only concern should be the protection of yourself and the ones you love, and if lying to yourself and pretending to be a lefty is the only way then so be it. But if you can't live like that and want to fight for truth and justice know this…following the righteous way rarely leads to victory.

I fucking quoted you in the reply wtf do you think?


it literally doesn't matter what the original meaning was. i literally copy/pasted the current definitions. now you're just trying to move the goal-post.

As currently defined they clearly have a different meaning which you are intentionally conflating in a blatant attempt to subvert people toward your communist cause.

Don't want to sound like a relativist but not entirely accurate. Nevertheless modern leftism IS the natural and expected outcome of classical liberalism and it would certainly needs lots of mental gymnastic and unappealing (((ideologized sociopathy))) to speculate how this could not have been the case.

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I am white , pedigreed from Germany both sides blond hair blue eyes and as white as they come
Fuck kikes heebs semites niggers chinks and muds

Because jews like you fail at everything you do.

Tor works to separate IP from routing.
You user, this means you must separate identity from IP.

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I’m 6b5b46, the people arguing are 9401dc and 827f2d…

The original meaning has helped define the rest of leftism which is essentially getting shit from the government and saying fuck you to natural hierarchy and order, you absolute illiterate.

I never said they were exactly the same thing, dumbass.

Russian Orthodox Christian and in favour of monarchy.

That’s what all the kikes say

Bit on the fedora side but identifying as such for ethnic reasons.

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Get with the program, user.

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Enjoy your niggers, civcuck.

There must be a healthy balance between individual liberty and communal responsibility.
As Hitler put it: "Equal rights AND duties."
Also, the NatSocs believed that individual advancement, expression, and freedoms were very important BUT that individuality must be "in consonance" with the Volk.
Of course, this first requires that the people of a country be an actual Volk, as in a people "physically and spiritually similar." AKA united by common blood and heritage. IE separation into sovereign racial and ethnic homelands.
Reminder that the foundation of everything that is living is genetics, including humans.
Reminder that genetics affects everything, including intelligence and behavior.
Reminder that "race" is genetic.

OP is 90% a NatSoc already (it seems). There are reasons that the National Socialists rejected the "right vs left" false dichotomy. OP just needs to recognize the need for separation into racial and ethnic homelands. It is better for everyone, anyway.
Reminder that both sides of the "aisle" are bought and paid for by megarich, megacorporations, and influence peddling groups (with jews having immense and harmful influence).

Ah, yes, (((monarchy)))
Remind me how the British Royal family is protecting their Nation from non-White invasion?
Oh, right. They are encouraging it.
Almost as if monarchy is easily corrupted…………

Double edged sword.
What Hitler tried to do in Germany (reignite racial pride, restore positive European traditions, downplay universalist christianity, and so forth) was also a form of "social engineering."

How does one define "liberalism?"
The very idea of having rights can be described as "liberalism." The very ideas of owning oneself and owning private property and having claim to the fruit of one's labor are "liberal" ideas.
As such, in that context communism is very much anti-liberalism. It bans private property and transforms working class people into labor slaves to the state.
Whereas Nation Socialism believed in protecting the health and liberty of the Volk and encouraging small business and middle class growth. That sounds very "liberal" to me.
"Fucking with language and the meaning of words" is one of the marxist/ jews/ globalists/ multicultists central tactics.
The term "liberalism" has certainly been warped in many ways over the years.

Just like how tycoon capitalism and communism were/ are TOTES OPPOSITES, right?

Ever heard of the philosophy of "everything in moderation?"
Anything taken to some sort of "logical extreme" becomes monstrous.
A proper, healthy balance must be found and maintained.

Typical monarchfag.
Do you intend to become a chattel slave peasant and be tied to the land?
Like the British monarchy with the black stripper wives, possible blood ties to mohammed, and encouragement of "muh diversity multicult?"
Or, again, is that "not real monarchy?"

The USA was founded as a White ethnostate.
Racial Nationalism and republicanism are, in no way, mutually exclusive.
Sort of like the multicult invasion that is happening in every White country, even authoritarian ones like Russia? (Reminder that Russia is heading towards a White minority since White Russians have very few children and brown muslum Russians have tons)
Almost as if there was more going on, such as jewish media control, jewish party control, and jewish bank control…….

I get it but please expand on that a bit more, that line of rhetoric, I find it interesting. Beats saying "Its not socialism"

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