I am genuinely afraid of the future. I feel like if I'm not upper class at the very least my family line will be permanently eliminated. They're incredibly close to making humans in vats, and they supposedly already have designer babies. I honestly believe they're making it impossible to have kids normally with the lowering of sperm count, then they'll leave Africa and China to starve before the use their AI to strip it of resources. Give me 1 reason that 200 years from now won't be just a handful of elites and the people lucky to serve them in fields AI can't do properly IE soldiers, doctors, ect. If you can't afford a car baby your line will die out and if you don't own a piece of the AI/machine/vat business you'll forever be a slave.
I am genuinely afraid of the future...
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Everything's going to be ok. Just as soon as you give your guns to Jamal. Trust me.
Kill yourself, niggerjew.
It's not like guns would even help. Ones they figure out how to do Teslas free energy on a large scale laser weapons will become a reality. What's a handful of prosperity old guns going to do against drones with new weaponry. The only argument people have against it is that the operators are human but birds what? AI.
a speeding hunk of metal will still destroy a drone, or smash a skull
No supposedly to it, its a popular practice of the rich now to use in vitro fertilization and then select which embryo to implant based on genetic tests. China's attempting to make it the common practice for their entire population, also nothing at all wrong with it from a eugenics standpoint, its still your and your wife's child, its just the best possible child the two of you could have out of thousands of attempts.
What you should be afraid of your own self is not having a trade or two. How worthless was your father?
Better remove those classes comrade, before its too late.
take your pills
What part of time restrained energy production instead or resource restrained don't you get. They won't care they'll just send more. Those made free energy based on how much you can pull from the magnetic field.
I'm a welder, most money for the least work I could find out my free time into learning the stock market. 6k up on this year so decent I guess. And my father was worthless.
Because God is good, and though he is merciful and gives us many chances to repent and turn from our own destruction, he will not allow this evil to continue forever.
"Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said:
“With such violence
the great city of Babylon will be thrown down,
never to be found again.
The music of harpists and musicians, pipers and trumpeters,
will never be heard in you again.
No worker of any trade
will ever be found in you again.
The sound of a millstone
will never be heard in you again.
The light of a lamp
will never shine in you again.
The voice of bridegroom and bride
will never be heard in you again.
Your merchants were the world’s important people.
By your magic spell all the nations were led astray.
In her was found the blood of prophets and of God’s holy people,
of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.”
(Revelation 18:21-24)
Good luck user, keep up the good work. Work truly sets you free.
yea so what are you saying, you hope to be a poor fag but still have the white man save you
thats been going on for 90 years and the poor whites let us down by being cucked and fucking blacks. Now your fucking collin kikernigger , blasketball and football loving, rap music listening fucking children are letting the slaves run the plantation.
So fuck you, prove yourself become something that makes money and dont associate with blacks. You better put down the video games and get to work. Or enjoy living in those liberal hell holes.
Get good with your family and buy land.
Agree with everything. Except "upperclass" should have echoes. And besides uranium the only things you can really get from Africa are Ebola, HIV and Malaria. On another note has anybody actually looked at that IDF kike's other photos? He sure likes using young boys as a recurring theme
Don’t date a girl with one of these
I want to be middle class and not have to spend every minute of every day trying to make money. If I'm not working I have at least 1 eye on the market. I grew up behind a drug dealer so no I don't want to be a poor fag.
Mark of the thot.
Have you considered starting a small company rather than trying to gamble the stock market? Mostly because if you want peace and quiet, the stock market is anything but.
I have but I need cash first. I've only been saving a year but I've gotten 20k in cash stock or bonds so maybe when I leave the welding job in 20 years I'll consider putting my money into that.
well lifes not fair buddy … you want this idea they call "middle class"
guess what, middle class means that you live 3 blocks away from the drug dealer and if your house is broken into by a mexican and you kill that mexican then you will be ass fucked by the state
a free life aint free buddy. You want to have security. You want the police to protect your property and the lawyers to have your back its gonna costs.
This is really nothing new its just the modern way. 200 years ago it was work some land and learn to shoot. 2000 years ago it was carry a sword and dont let anyone touch your daughters unless they pay. Today its be rich.
On the bright side at least you can have a good life even if you are short. But its still not easy and it never was.
Middle class is standing on the edge of the clif and pretending life is good. How many people in Berkeley are "middle class" and loot at the state of that city.
All the best of luck to you, user.
Highly depends on country. On a place like Switzerland or Japan you can be just your average middle class guy and never worry about some drug dealer breaking into your home or a nigger raping your daughter. You won't even have to worry about having your bike stolen. But if you live in a african or mexican infested area in the US, well…
I know. My parents were "middle class" but the real middle class right now is $100k from one parent and the other stays home. This 40k per parent people are just pretending. My goal for middle class is make money, buy apartments then live off other people problems. But that won't get me to where I'll survive what I think will happen. I can easily do the above in 10 years of time at the rate I'm going. I don't think there will be an uprising if they're careful but who knows.
Quality work doesn't make you money any more. You have to suck jew cocks and become a total scumbag. Making money is no indicator of worth in today's world.
(Doesn't mean you can't live a decent life. Just don't expect a fat paycheck and a cushy life with all the bells and whistles.)
You'll eventually get raped by the (((elites))) whether you submit to them or not. The only choice is whether or not you'll go out with your dignity intact. I'd rather keep my integrity than grovel in hopes of joining their pathetic club. Which–spoiler alert–they'll never actually let you join anyway: they'll lead you on and suck you dry, then throw you out with yesterday's trash. So if you think you'll be safe with them, you won't.
Those are not women. Much like most are supposed men. It is not difficult to meet cute, just don't lose your spaghetti. Always be cool inside, when you ride with Uncle Addy, there is no individual that can meet your eyes and find anything but truth and honesty.
No idea how I could go about my day without this faggot pussy demoralization post
Pleb. I can barely leave my bed some mornings.
AI isn't real. How many fucking times do we have to show you Blade Runner?
AI of today = AR or artifical response. You can't produce AI without their being a relationship to the physical world which includes fear of death, food, feelings.
Stop watching Joe Rogan you stupid faggot. The Chinese are going to spread out and kill your family and have plans to do this during the 100th aniversary of Mao taking over. The World Communist (Saturn/El: Christianity, Islam, Judiasm, Communism, goymason, Luciferian) is real, not aliens or AI.
It is /r9k/ tier faggotry but it is not difficult. If love and experience in behind your eyes. All you have to be is genuine inside, and meet eyes. Talk is cheap, it's all in the eyes and rolls from there.
Not true. Just focus on being the best at what you do, and there will be demand.
Learning AI from Blade Runner is like learning politics from Harry Potter. You should be reading arxiv papers instead. You shouldn't be using words like "artifical response" or "replicant". It just shows that you have no clue what you're talking about. Seriously just go read a book on AI. It's not some sci-fi Indiana Jones shit, it's algorithms you can run on your consumer-grade GPU.
Stock market is objectively less risky than starting a business, majority of new businesses fail, stock markets has by far beaten inflation on average for decades. I see this aversion to investment on the board which is really quite depressing as it tells me that most anons don't have capital and misguidingly give advice that hinders other anons from accruing more capital. Prudent advice would be to simply get index funds through something like vanguard. Even if you're extremely risk adverse you should still have something like municipal bonds which will beat inflation and have a default rate of less than .1%, 0% in the past 46 years if you stick to AAA and AA ones, these also have the benefit of being tax exempt(just spread them out as you should with any investment). You can use puts to hedge but you should only be looking at them as a hedge so its not something to look at unless you're more familiar with the market and investment concepts.
Hey, I also started out poor. Arbeit Macht Frei nigger.
Come on, beating inflation is like the lowest bar you could set. Let's say you have 10-50K to invest. You could put that into the stock market roulette and earn a variable amount of pocket change, or you could start a very small business of some kind, and have something that, potentially, starts to change your life for the better.
There is no risk if you only gamble with what you can afford to lose. You can run a smol business almost anywhere unless it's some shitheel kike town with exorbitant rent.
Yes, its also one that the majority of this board fails to clear.
This is the type of idiocy I'm talking about.
You offered some advice, but you know fuck all about small business. You sound like a loser.
Yes, but get big enough and the parasites will come knocking, demanding their dues. If you refuse, they'll do everything they can to destroy you. That seems to be the way it always plays out. Maybe I'm being too pessimistic. I think the only way to avoid it is to keep things small and under the radar.
Small rant: it really boils my piss to see how much funding gets pumped into creatively bankrupt garbage media. Can you imagine what sublime art we would have if even a fraction of those resources went to people with real creative fire in them? Instead they're relegated to the alleys to make do with scraps. Actually, that's true for every field of human endeavor, isn't it… imagine the technology we'd have, imagine the infrastructure we'd have… It would be beautiful. It's gonna happen some day; I'll never give up on it.
Just because you can afford to lose something does not mean that risk isn't present. Risk does not mean that you will go broke and be bankrupt if you fail, it means that chance to incure losses is present, risk is something to be calculated into decisions, not something to be always avoided, plenty of risks are acceptable.
This is quite ironic coming from someone who knows nothing about capital and who believes that operating a business does not involve risk. There's a reason that even successful entrepreneurs that engage in multiple endeavors often have many of their businesses go bankrupt. Telling everyone to start a business is utterly foolish when many aren't even cut out for it and telling everyone to never invest when its the easiest way to grow capital is the mark of a poorfag. There is no business owner that I know who doesn't have money invested in the market, if you are going to claim to be a business owner while insisting that investing is bad I'm forced to conclude that its some low tier shit like doing odd maintenance jobs as an independent contractor or running some ebay shop.
I like to think that whenever I have to face rich people's problems, being rich will help.
Me too brother. Some day we'll have the Arno Breker College of Fine Arts. And Hitler will reincarnate as a painter, too.
I'm never going to market. You lost a sale. My better half is saying one thing, while the other half is pricing you out. Still, good advice.
I'm not calling you a kike, because I'm pretty certain you're a greaseball.
Well I'd never advise any business owner to go public, that's the best way to lose control of something that you built from the ground and watch it be twisted away from your own values.
I made you out yourself. Honey, do I have capital. You're going on and on about the obvious. Fact of the matter is, I'm not gaming anyone. You are. You're always at risk, very much so now. Here. You peddle your shit elsewhere. I know enough live anons with business, mostly in firearms. You tell me what is stock from there.
Now, you're speaking sensibly. In the work of small business, you have to let them know. You been on the wrong coast recently?
I worked in the financial sector and retired early. I despise watching people be told not to invest because it limits the financial resources of anons that are here and by limiting our ability to accrue resources we limit the effect we can have on politics.
You will likely come back and say, what a fool I am. But no, this is the height of natural. Can't buy this. It's beyond. Sure, you can afford simple individuals. Not at all this, the mansion overlooking the park. This is Zig Forums and fair well buying out normalfags before they become anons.
At best, you have a debt.
There's far more ways to utilize capital to effect politics than lobbying. Look at Golden Dawn's community driven social programs, the best way to win hearts is by providing for the needs of the common man while also providing a sense of community and unity. It still requires financial resources to do this at any real scale. When the governmental structures are pushing for self-hate this becomes even more attractive, and they will only continue further along this path as years go by. This is the only true viable path to securing an existence for our people, the lone wolf mentality that many on this board possess will never lead to anything successful because lone wolf actions are no way to achieve governance. At best they can successfully tear down the system but then something else outside of their control will fill the void left and it should be easy to understand who would control the groups that would rush in to do so.
I'm honestly having difficulty understanding the majority of these posts. Your syntax doesn't make sense, I'm assuming its due to English not being your native tongue.
You wonder, the actual affect on the market. I'm quite sure you have lost your head if you don't understand. A cityfag will always be a virgin to a true American. A toy. A little boy.
Americans don't struggle with English so why are you pretending to be American? This isn't meant to be insulting by the way, I don't have any issue with Europeans but its quite odd that you're pretending to be something that you're not.
Sure, you could claim I'm ESL. When economics is my first language. Misunderstanding is a small boy's tactic. A kike tactic. A loser's hand. A loser's mind.
If anything my assumption is a kind one. Look at some of the sentences you have written.
This isn't merely nitpicking some grammatical mistakes, you are butchering sentences to the point that they become nonsense and communication is hampered.
Yes, that is me. Thank you for that rundown.
Please stop talking like you understand the logistics of war.
it's far more likely that God will have wiped these faggots out and Christ will be ruling his millennial kingdom by that point. I wouldn't stress about it, unless you're not saved, in which case you've got bigger things to worry about.
Much less understanding that Tesla's intellectual property is up for grabs on the dark web and many of us already use free energy. Thank God this thread is already anchored.