In this thread we share all the knowledge and sources we know
about racial phenotypes and try to answer these questions:
In this thread we share all the knowledge and sources we know
about racial phenotypes and try to answer these questions:
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Full version.
The difference between aurignacoid and cromagnoid.
The mediteranian types are Neanderthal Turks in your picks. Why not get some real meds in there?
Also race = sub species
Species = white, Caucasion, humans
Origins of certain phenotypes and correlation between them.
Meds are not forgotten.
Lots of Turkish blood in your meds, OP.
Shieeet, how could I miss.. I checked 2 times, I think..
Additional phenotypes.
Turks are Anadolid - greek east med (Aegian med) + armenoid.
Ancient greeks where mainly: Aegean med, in the Cyclades and Atlanto-med, Pontid, west med (gracile med) elsewhere.
Atlantids and nordo meds appeared after indo european/dorian invasion
after mixing with locals.
Will post more like these
, but I am too lazy to make more.
(my laziness can be seen in the overall quality).
literally none of these people look like me.
if you're American it would be difficult to tell because most Americans are an admixture of something.
One morph is the average made from 9 similar looking people. For greater accuracy more examples need to be posted like these .
Btw I don't really look like any of the morphs either,
I am a mix of 3-5 different european phenotypes of the same ethnicity.
Please do.
What phenotype were those with close to zero, or zero gap between the nose and forehead? Have seen it sporadically in old Greek and Roman statues. It's not nordid/med? Something different and near extinct, right?
Like the guy on the left here?
And what is a "Robust" Nordid?
Celts have the most soul and Anglos are reptilian jews.
Jennifer Aniston's jewish.
Aniston was born in Sherman Oaks, California,[2][13] the daughter of actor John Aniston and actress Nancy Dow (1936–2016).[2][14] Her father is Greek, while her mother was born in Connecticut. One of her maternal great-grandfathers was an Italian immigrant,[15] and her mother's other ancestry includes English, Irish, Scottish, and a small amount of Greek.[16] Aniston has two half-brothers, John Melick, her older maternal half-brother, and Alex Aniston, her younger paternal half-brother.[2] Aniston's godfather was actor Telly Savalas, one of her father's best friends.[2][17]
this phenotype seems to include Lana Lokteff to Brad Pitt. Is this a wrong interpretation of the regional phenotype?
Already a genetics thread, nigger.
Nice thread user.
It is important that Anons understand, Caucasian is species. Race is subspecies. Main European subspecies (races) in Caucasian species are Nordid, Mediterranid and Cromagnoid.
The difference between jews and everyone else?
Here user.
All the jews I've met IRL look like cavemen.
Turanids, aka Turks.
I fucked that up. Second plate are Semites/Orientalids, not Turanids.
Those are pure phenotypes. People are rare of pure types. Usually mix between two or three basic phenotypes. That why classification sites exists. Find one, post your pic, they will classify you.
Pic related Lappoids.
You can't explain that.
Something I've been curious about but I don't see often discussed is body hair with the exception that chinks can't grow beards, except japs, but that's due to ainu admixture
I'm wondering if any anons have any knowledge on the topic– what is body hair related to hormonally/genetically and what are the racial differences?
Arabs and jews are known to be extremely hairy, whereas I know many germanic and slavic men who have very little body hair, while others have a lot. Also, hairy chests/bodies are considered "virile" and "masculine", so what gives?
Do meds/arabs/jews have more body hair due to neanderthal admixture? Are fairer pigemented people less likely to have body hair? Is there a relationship between hormones and body hair? and bonus round why the hairless groomed bodybuilder men meme nowadays? jews and arabs have a lot of it, so that doesnt promote (((racemixing)))….
Might be. Sounds reasonable explanation.
Pic related, Cromagnoids. Best of the best.
Phenotype is not accurate. It's more, like, genetically related. Take into consideration how genetics works. The y-dna passes down from father to son unchanged. Every man is the same 50% as their father. The x-dna is passed down after recombination, in varying ratios, from mother to son.
Men are their genetic father accented with the beauty of all the women on their mother's side.
the jew haha
They are not regrowing their hair because they have an issue with high testosterone, since the "calcification" is caused by Dihydrotestosterone, so they shave it to not look like a jew. Though it all seems to be more related to lack of sleep and cortisol levels.
Iceman breathing helps to circulate blood and repair body functions.
This thread has been locked for being a duplicate.