Mossad Agents in the Twin Towers

I'm mad Zig Forums, so much information linking THEM to 9/11 and yet no one has done anything about it. What is worse, not too many people know this information in a non-kosher disinfo-free level.

I cannot stand reality anymore, this is evidence of just not Mossad going around the Twin Towers before 9/11. But also having that same group going around the country and committing acts of sabotage, spying, and even terrorism planning (aside from the twin towers).

What are we suppose to do with this information? give it to our children so they can be laughed at (hurr durr durr, if it's true, why isn't it on CNN)? are we supposed to take it to the grave?

I will leave you with this: the photos and video that the High Fivers took on 9/11 is NOW MISSING. Let that sink in for a moment.

Other urls found in this thread:,2933,52681,00.html


vid related is The 9/11 Lawyers' Committee saying that the evidence is gone

I think there is a positive faction in the military that knows this. Around the time there was Syria bs Trump had a pic with 9 military on one side and 11 on the other. They are going to take them down eventually, I hope.

((( )))
Seeing as you kikes kept murdering people after the two towers were hit, I don't think we should forget.

Bobby McIlvaine was murdered in an explosion AFTER the towers were hit, but BEFORE either of them collapsed.

The most subtle subliminal message can instantly send an untrained mind down a literally abyss of fear . Panic , anxiety, depression , all symptoms of somebody who is hopeless and doesn't know that their next step will be towards the correct future. The biggest chest pieces they use are celebrities and other buzzwords/events/already discussed ideas you have biases towards. This was done forever but was enhanced big time after their mk ultra experiments. The symbols they use are used for fear or to straight up control people. 9/11 was used to convince retarded boomers to sacrifice their kids for greater israel. The us economy collapsed because it was completely handed over to Israel after 9/11, along with all of our freedoms. Most golems are weak fucktards so despite them having this information they take the pussy path. There isn't one person i could go to on this planet who hasn't already sold out. Whatever. I hate other people anyways. I'll build my own world . If you want something, you can set your will on it, then you get itt. Might be some torture but there is always a path. Since the average will just wants to be left alone and not have people murder steal or rape, the collective consciousness will always steer back towards justice, but psycho kikes use this knowledge of THE FORCE for their psycho sith shit. This fly just flew away from me as soon as I typed that last sentence. These gross parasites are so terrified of the truth I can see their fear from my bed.

i wonder if that new dick cheney movie will get into this

I worked for A jew working under another Jew this summer. Handshake deal. Worked forty plus hours , extremely exhausting, whatever. Since jews are incapable of doing the right thing unless accountability is staring right in their face through a contract, I made 40 dollars for 40 hours of work. The jew i worked under did the same work as me and make a couple thousand. The jew he worked under, who literally just walked around and did nothing and just used their name money and other brands to be like YOU HAVE TO GO THROUGH ME made like 50k just walking around telling other people to do shit for a few hours. The world is a pyramid scheme and if you don't buy in you are going to be at the bottom. Fuck them, cut the parasites off and move on.

sure they weren't purged by obongo???

well there's your problem

Oy vey goyim an their conspiracy theories. Like how this story about 2 kikes caught with a moving truck with explosive traces in it in 2002 started to 404 on foxnews earlier this year.
Link that 404's:,2933,52681,00.html
wayback showing the problem story having been removed:
They're cleaning up loose ends. Save everything.

Yes, nigger, we get it, israeli-mossad-JEWS (google E-TEAM) where the "art student" operatives who put up the thermite bombs that allowed the twin towers to collapse into their own footprints through the path of greatest resistance defying all logic and laws of gravity

How about this?

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The majority of hypnosis is used to make people orgasm. Not even joking.

I had a Jew offer me a dowry to marry his daughter. I have never seen his daughter, and have only seen the Jew himself once.

Ace Elevator is key in investigating 9/11

Ace Elevator picked up the contract for the WTC a few short years before 9/11 which was previously held by OTIS, the company that originally installed the elevators in the twin towers. At the time, it was the largest and most sophisticated elevator system in the world. When the first attack happened, OTIS sent in a team of engineers to assist in the rescue operation and were considered heroes for their actions on that day. Some even entered the building from helicopters on the roof, lowered onto the tops of the elevator cars by rope to rescue people trapped in the elevators. However, the contract was given to a smaller little known elevator company, Ace Elevators, which little information can be found on. They also took some of OTIS's engineers. Their actions on 9/11 and the elevator operations themselves were very suspect. In the event of a disaster, the elevators are designed to go to the lowest floor and open the doors but many of the elevators were non-operational and many were destroyed, the doors blown out of the frames. Explosions could be heard from dozens of eyewitnesses with smoke pouring out of the elevator shafts. And what about the engineers from Ace? Did they heroically assist the first responders to rescue people trapped in the elevators like their predecessors at OTIS? Nope. An unknown number of engineers gathered in the lobby of the south tower for a short time and then they left, going several blocks up the street to have some burgers and sodas. They are the most knowledgeable about the elevator systems and would be extremely important in the rescue operation but they were MIA.

It is well known that in the weeks before 9/11, they were performing upgrades to the elevators and the building also had many power downs, which meant no cameras and no security system for hours at a time. In the twin towers, all you need is access to the core of the building to plant the explosives necessary to bring the building down.

A few more interesting facts about Ace is they donated a significant amount of money to the Republican party and conservative candidates and in 2004, they filed for bankruptcy and disappeared.

Has anyone else looked into this company? It's strange that its so difficult to find information on a company with such a prestigious contract.

OK, the elevator shafts, from which many of the core columns were accessible, were the easiest place to put 3xplo51v35 and there are a number of “oddities” related to the elevator maintenance company, but so what? This, in itself, does not mean that there were 3xplo51ves in the elevator shafts.

more here

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Somebody please explain what the E-Team is/was?

A group of art students (from Vienna but Ryan Dawson said the Vienna bit was misinfo) did an art project where they had complete access near the floors of the first airplane crash.

The interesting bit, is that one of the students is linked to mossad and had connections to some of the hijackers.

Mossad sends agents around the world as "Art students", you can google this and plenty or articles will come up about it, so you don't have to take my word for it, don't listen to this retard , they're jews

you are a disgusting piece of shit

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Technically those Jews in the federal govt have the potential to become Israeli citizens, at the drop of a hat too, but are not currently dual citizens. Make no mistake, their loyalty is not dual, they are loyal to the Tribe of Judah alone. The list also needs updating.

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If I remember correctly, a 2001 FBI report about terror groups within the US listed "Jewish groups", as the most critical threat to national security. Needless the say, the author(s) of the report don't work for the FBI anymore.

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The economy since the mid 90's certainly is.

A real redpill, huh?

Experience is the best teacher, user. Was for me. Best override of the societal programming.

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Specifically a clone of CP/M used as a database for (((MI6))) assets.

Don't ask how I know this.

Obviously a source is needed for the last image.

And the first image, since there’s zero evidence it was said.

I would take the jail sentence and make them pay. Some things are worth the trouble.

I love what the divine Ted Nugent has to tell us on the shitskins

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Stop posting this everywhere you fucking boomer. Go back to Fox News comment sections, no one cares, it's meaningless. They're 80 IQ subhumans and Allah doesn't real. It's feel good tinglys for coward cuckservatives.

If every airplane would have been an I-plane 1 on 9/11… 9/11 would have never happened, mainly because you cannot hack hydrogen cells.

You afraid your bomb couriers might catch wind there, mr cohen?

You afraid that people will start focusing on you kikes as the primary threat and address the lesser threats afterwards?

Also, if it was a plane wouldn't the wings do damage instead of completely vaporize?

This is no longer about our politicians
This is no longer about any previous or sitting President
This has not been about anyone in D.C., in politics, within the media, within the education system, within academia nor Hollywood pre-Matrix
Everyone hoped that 'The Truther©®™' community led by Ry Dawson would shut down D.C., and purge them, yet again exposing all
The most recent rage was the Queue-phenom and the followers; that would await instructions from a shadowy figure (LARP) that was "out for the little guy" awaiting the arrest of the Cabal

A plane did hit the towers, the plane triggered the already set explosives. A plane did not hit the pentagon which is why they made certain to confiscate every bit of that footage from CCTVs in the area and never made it public.

Only a jew wouldn't check those dubz there (((you)))

Ryan Dawson is just a debunker that got cucked (aka gets his evidence (((lost))) by the government).

I have no problem with him debunking disinfo and misinfo, but all he does is act smug while he digs for evidence (before it disappears) while having no plans on bring said evidence to the light.

but how 3xplosive5 ended up there. This is no small amount of material that is needed for that type of demolition. How did they brought it up there ? and where it was placed ?

(((their))) agent did a recon with art project. (((they))) were taping whole situation with team of agents….

But who placed material that was needed for demolition ? And where it was placed ?

you are not asking important questions…who and where ?

In 1994 they left and the WTC elevators were taken over by a company called the ACE Elevator Company, Inc., who were based in New Jersey. I can’t find anything about this and believe you me I’ve tried (was the contract up for tender? was it terminated prematurely? how much was the new contract worth? I can’t find anything). You would have thought giving the world’s largest contract to a small local company like ACE would have raised an eyebrow to two, but there’s nothing. What makes this doubly odd is that ACE seems to have gotten some of Otis’ WTC

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WTF is with all the queer and trap bs on here lately?

I don't overly concern myself with it because I understand that we will never have solid answers to many of the specifics. I know enough to move on. Israel and the Saudis were both involved, much of our government knew this, instead of attacking either we continued to fund them and still do to this and in fact used the event as justification to attack one of their enemies in the area. Beyond that there is little reason to dig for even greater specifics, which have already been obscured to the point that they may not even be obtainable, it takes up energy that can be devoted to fighting what's currently going on instead and I have limited time.

A.C.E. Elevator Company went bankrupt in 2006. How could ACE go bankrupt, if they were skilled enough to get the largest contract in history? Presumably they got paid, because Larry Silverstein was fully insured, received over $4 billion, and there are no records of ACE suing Larry. The owner was Ronald A. Baamonde, a millionaire who was well paid, and had a mansion after 2001 with a swimming pool. This supports the hypothesis that Ace Elevator was a "front company" created for the purpose of planting explosives, with just enough background to sound credible.

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I can confirm that almost everyone I work with is sceptical about 9/11, especially at the staff/O level. On second thought, I don't know anyone that believes the story. Military personnel are experts at obfuscating political opinions from public perception because it is illegal for them to do so.

t. Zogbot

When i was in high school senior year, there was this fucking jew in my math class. He would get beat up by tacofugees for being an incel. He always drew swastikas in the school desks; to the point teachers would talk shit about him. I am deeply concerned when i relate this mishlings behavior, with that of kikes as a whole.

Illegal for them to express those opinions. Sorry about that.

12/19/2001 - Updated 07:35 AM ET

Mechanics left towers before buildings collapsed

By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY

When the World Trade Center was bombed in 1993, Otis Elevator's mechanics led the rescue of 500 people trapped in elevators. Some mechanics were dropped onto the roofs of the twin towers by helicopter. Others, carrying 50-pound oxygen tanks on their backs, climbed through smoke to machine rooms high in the towers. On Sept. 11, the elevator mechanics — many of the same men involved in the rescues in 1993 — left the buildings after the second jet struck, nearly an hour before the first building collapsed.

Not particularly surprising, he was an outcast and likely bought the holohoax myth so for him it was merely a nihilistic expression of wanting the entire world to burn. Angsty edgy teens are a dime a dozen.

Off to hell with you, bomb head

I find some of the smugness grating, I approve of the debunking and mockery of retarded narratives, and focus on mossad, but he needlessly attacks physical arguments. Getting people to realise there is something fucky about the collapse and then proposing some rough ideas how it could be achieved deliberately are a good way exposing the lies to people who are oblivious to israel.

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His Joe Rogan interview was unwatchable.

he is one of the original debunkers of the official narrative. he, like many, hoped that the goyim would awake and arise

who's gonna punish them tho?

Then what's the point with Lawyers Committee for 911 trying to make a Grand Jury?

Nigger, the source is literally in the image and the clip can be found with 5 seconds of searching. He called it on his radio show weeks before 9/11 and a few months before he was goodified by the local zogbot sheriff. Can't have a guy like Bill Cooper running around raising hell during the greatest false flag event in human history. Instead we got Infowars, which basically turned out to be Sesame Street for grownups.

Israeli "art students" aka IDF sappers rigging the infrastructure with explosives for weeks. There's a pic of some of them in one of the vacant spaces they were working out of with the walls covered with boxes of mil grade explosives.

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Actually it was switches that helps you cut back in wiring.

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It was a directed thermite charge. Some dude basically recreated the exact orange sparks and slice through a beam like butter.

I try not to watch Joke Rogan anymore but when he has guests like Elien Musk on, I tune in. Rogans wife has her harpy fangs sunk deep into that good goyim. He was getting too much exposure and they moved in a wonder jewis. Just like they always do.

The Israeli art students conspiracy theory is a red herring planted online by CIA/US military psychological warfare agents like Mary McQuade ("Rebeka Roth"), the fake "retired flight attendant" mentioned in your image.

If anybody placed the explosive charges in the WTC buildings, it was US military Special Ops. Building demolition is one of the things that Special Ops are specifically trained to do.

Might want to go back and check out the police report bub

The CIA and US military (SOCOM) orchestrated the 9/11 attacks using Saudi Arabian intelligence (GID) and Israeli intelligence (Mossad) as cut outs for plausible deniability.

2 digits 2 kikes

Vice is a CIA/US military intelligence front (which implies something important about its founder Gavin McInnes). It makes a lot of sense that they would publish an article like that.

What is CP/M?

That would explain why they are getting sued

I fucking hope AE911 and/or LC911 aren't (((controlled opposition))), some of their evidence and statements seem purposefully weak and misleading.

Ryan Dawson is a CIA agent. He was put in place very soon after the 9/11 attacks to run psychological warfare operations on behalf of the Pentagon.

FYI: is run by the CIA

There were no planes and the Mossad/33rdFreemasons/Illuminati/Jews/Israel/CIA (army of satan on Earth) used 3 small thermonuclear weapons to vaporize the bedrock be>>12268349
low the buildings.

This is the company that planted the thermonuclear weapons 80 meters under each building, using the design planned out in the 60's by the buildings actual engineers who thought (were told) they were designing the peace time method of demolition (i.e. Manhattan would be evacuated to bring them down).

there were no planes

These weren't the main explosives to bring down the buildings. They were rigging up the gas explosions for the CGI planes.

Thermite doesn't bring down buildings at freefall speeds. It burns so bright that it will blind you if you look at it, and it would have melted all of the steel and windows, not vaporized the buildings to an amount of rubble that sat almost below street level.

Here is what happened:

ht tps://ww
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They did this because the Prophet Muhamd was the last messenger of God (after Jesus, and 120,000 others before both of them), and because Christians of America and the West are the closest to Islaam, except for the Umah itself. This is the same reason that they go out of their way to take the filth of the Muzlim world (after making it a shithole) and shoving it into Europe by the millions. Because this is the only way that they can cause these peoples to clash. They have lived in separate nations and separate developments peacefully since the reconquista. The "Jews" (satanists) know that in the peace of this modern era, without propaganda, the good fight will start up again.

Oh Alah, the one behind the veil, the maker of the veil, and the lifter of the veil, I have conveyed the message.

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>I fucking hope AE911 and/or LC911 aren't (((controlled opposition))), some of their evidence and statements seem purposefully weak and misleading.

Sorry, but they're CIA plants.

Special Ops (SOCOM).

That's the most ridiculous thing I've read this week, I spit on my screen of course, we know better than to scoff at something like this :/

I'm going to tell you once, No special forces officers would ever attack US soil, US citizens or US assets. Period.
Just you insinuating they would will get your nose busted and ass bruised from falling back on it.
There is no team of SO, Delta, SEALs, Recon… None would attack US assets. The CIA and their black budget have all the resources needed. If you think involving Military personnel into this operation makes sense in any form, you are a fucking moron and should literally eat the bullet the SF Operator will provide you. Just tell them what you think, ok?

But apparently it's not illegal for them to assassinate US presidents (Kennedy, Reagan), blow up large buildings (OKC, 9/11), and create mass shooters (Cruz, Paddock, Mahteen, etc) to terrorize the American public for 50+ years.

You are on a short list.
Enjoy the pain thats coming

You sound angry, Special Ops psychopath.

CIA SAD operators are recruited exclusively from US military Special Ops (Delta, SEALs, etc). CIA SAD and US military Special Ops are one and the same thing.

It's really funny when you SOCOM spooks try to scapegoat the CIA and pretend that it isn't a branch of the military.

CIA = Special Ops

i think you're cia

You think?

CIA SAD recruits exclusively from US military Special Ops (Delta, SEALs, etc). CIA SAD and US military Special Operations are one and the same thing.

CIA = Special Ops

you're full of shit. this single event was the first domino to fall, setting off a chain reaction for the specific purpose of getting the US to finance, fight and die in kike wars for kikelandia middle east

Everyday, evidence of that disappears

Damn, maybe we should start memeing that SF guys were responsible for 9/11 so they might actually stop feasting on crayons for 10 seconds, realize what absolute zog puppets they are, and start taking strides to remove kikes from our soil by force. We need the military and especially the SF community on our side if this war is to be won. Right now they are too busy suiciding themselves or buying mustangs. Seems to me like they need a real purpose in life.

Not to mention all the sheep dipped CIA assets that are commissioned officers and NCO's in all forces SO or otherwise.

The goyim know! MODS!!

it's really weird to think about how fucked things may be with all this. Even just watching generally mindless things like "the tesla files" on the History Channel has you wondering just how fucked things are with Trump and New York generally.

We're fucked because that's controlled oppisition


How does it feel knowing the US is getting sued for 911, only a matter of time the rats come out of the sewer

You know Zig Forums is dead when everyone here ignores this

You can murder the son of a Zig Forumsack, and the other Zig Forumsacks wouldn't care.

That's the tip of the iceberg though… 911 was also a psyops. It was so big and successful, that half the country developed some sort of psychological effect from it.

Natural and organic memes

Nick Kroll and Rogaine sure know how to make scientology look good. Honestly if I was that Kroll guy, i'd be taking things as fucking low key as possible lately, this kind of shit is just balls deep retarded considering how BTFO you can be by a few more clicks through youtube.

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I cannot stand reality anymore
Don't ever despair.

We can see you're glowing you CIA nigger

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Just how many passports did they find on 9/11?


If that shit exploded for real, Jew York would become another Chernobyl.

I heard Ryan Dawson is trying to get to that guy…

oy vey, how dare you debunk an Aryan Woman… also a CIA asset (controlled opposition).