Loyal lads, it seems our thread ran out during the night. I will make a proper thread tonight (at the moment I am hungover and have to do mundane shit like the shopping and house tidying etc) so just making a quick bunker thread for the interim.
Let me know what theme you want the next thread to be and ill have it up this eve. In the meantime use the bunker.
What the fuck are you on about?
Cheeky bump. Will have new thread up this eve lads - apologies for the delay.
So this is where the weed smokers are?
Some may imbibe the herb yes, but not all. Each user walks his own path
make your own board, D&C LARPagan faggit
Druid/pol/ has been running steady on Zig Forums for over 2 years now. We are not going anywhere
Also we do have our own /druid/ board for resources and information storage but we also enjoy our hearthside position on Zig Forums. We don't interfere in other threads, nor do we try to push our ideology on other anons - they are free to come to us and make up their own mind. We keep to ourselves and bother no one so I dont know what your problem is tbh
Cheers lad, much appericiated, looking forward to Samhain edition
We don't LARP you gay nigger
Damn lad, why do you have to go posting weird art like this? Either way hope you had a good night
You do and it's cringy as fuck.
I like weird art lad. Just one of my quirks I suppose. Stuff like giger, bosch and beksinski really do it for me. Cant explain why. I think I have an appreciation for the grotesque in art (providing it is rendered skillfully)
Had a great night thanks lad. Bit hanging today but ill get over it. Her indoors wants to have a drink tonight too at home. Ill see if I can brave it or not but ill make the new thread priority. Will let you know as as soon as its up.
Any ideas for the theme?
Bugger off lad, this is a LOCAL druidic thread for druidic people. There is no LARPing here.
Having a night out with your mates and a cheeky drink is not degenerate you fucking dolt.
Just because basement dwelling autistic shut-ins like yourself are averse to such endeavours, doesn't mean the rest of us are. Does a man good to cut loose once in a while. Its only degenerate when it becomes the sole focus, spirals into addiction and takes over your life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a night out with some of the lads. You should try it sometime.
Did you read my fucking post?
We have a single general that has been running for over 2 years.
We DON'T interfere in other threads
We DON'T push our ideology on anyone.
We DON'T LARP, we practise what we preach (ie making offerings to certain deities, doing tarot readings, making sigils ect)
We DO welcome anons into our general who are interested in esoterica and nationalistic pagan revivalism. We are filling a gap and there are anons that are interested and appreciate the threads.
There is no D&C involved so either get that bee out of your bonnet or else bugger off.
You faggots really need to go back to half.
druid/pol/ has always been on fullchan you cretin.
Except we don't nigger, we all practice what we preach. Either way you don't like it fuck off
Kek, good to hear lad, there's always a price to pay for a good night isn't there?
Well Samhain is at the end of the month, a pivotal event so themes surrounding that will be the beginning of winter, the ancestors and the fair folk.
This, better yet if they're similarly redpilled and can discuss these topics with you
Again, this
Nice one lad. I did it as Samhain edition lad. It seemed proper.
pick one
I go out plenty and my friends are perfectly pleasing to me without self-abusive inebriation .
Well you sound like the life and soul of the party. Im sure you are a really fun guy irl and not a stick in the mud at all