Druid/pol/ #0025: SAMHAIN APPROACHES edition


I welcome you all in the manner to which we have been accustomed to our most portentous
viginti quintus thread. The festival of Samhain approaches and we prepare for this celebration that has become sacred to our Rites.
This thread's governing arcana is that of The Empress (III) card.
The Empress sits on a throne wearing a starry crown, holding a scepter in one hand. The scepter is representative of her power over life, her crown has twelve stars representing her dominance over the year, and her throne is in the midst of a field of grain, representative of her dominion over growing things.
The Empress is traditionally associated with maternal influence and is a portentous card if you are hoping to start (or have started) a family (yanklad this is pertinent to you)
The card can represent the creation of life, romance, art, or new business. Upright the card signifies pregnancy, nuturing, abundance, maternal care, new opportunities and stability.
Reversed the card is associated with forms of stagnation (of mind and of body) and infertility.
This threads governing heavenly body is that of Venus (who is also connected to the Empress card) Venus represents two main areas of life: love and money. Venus also rules over sentiments, the things we value, and the pleasure we take in life.

On the lodge front, the loyal B.O.N.D brothers continue to go about their work, each following their own path. Our threads as of late have seemed to attract a few shills, trolls and cretins of all stripes but we remain undeterred. Our resolve is tempered in steel & we shall endure, not falter, for the Druidic spirit lies within us and this resonating Current is NOT going to dissipate.
Stand firm lads for all manner of divination points to ultimate victory. Out of blood and fire we shall emerge stronger than ever and the glorious New Order we seek shall be realised.

''As usual the topical newslinks are presented for the readers perusal and delectation

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Other urls found in this thread:


Obligitory druid/pol/ archive post


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Good job, thanks lad, long may the B.O.N.D continue

Thankyou lad

It is our duty to keep it alive. We have created a Current here and we must nurture it for it will serve us well in the coming years.

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Too true lad, well said. I'm also going to take the chance to throw in a link to our resident board, an excellent repository for relevant texts


Good lad. Always good to link the >>>/druid/ board. It serves a very useful purpose both as a repository and a place we can retreat should the worst happen. It is like our library and I appreciate all the anons who contribute to it - and to these threads too.
Anyway, hope you are well lad. Any plans for this Saturday night?

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Does the B.O.N.D welcome a loyalist from the antipodean colonies?

The demiugre is malevolent, prove me wrong.
You can’t.

Fuck off niggers.

Not really tbh, was going to head out to the pubs with the lads but that's been postphoned till tomorrow, it's been a while since I've seen them so I'm looking forward to it. How about yourself?

We certainly do lad, welcome aboard

Gnostics out

You fuck off faggot

Churchill tire

Also, that thinly veiled brit/pol/ thread.

Night in with the other half for me lad. She wants to drink and shes gone to Aldi to pick something up. Hangover seems to have dissipated now so ill probably join her in a glass or two. As for that, not much else planned. Night in is a bit easier on the wallet though.

Of course lad. Antipodean druids are always welcome. The B.O.N.D has gone international anyway, what with our American compatriots contributions and all. We would be happy to have you aboard. Welcome.

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Thank you kindly.

>2. Keep it politics - blatantly off-topic content will be anchored - Zig Forums culture / established threads are allowed;

Funny thing how this kike Zig Forums is moderated.
Paganism is pushed even though this druid thread is clearly not politics, thus poisoning National Socialism for the blue pilled.
But if you mention the religion most white people belong to, you get a ban.
Zig Forums is kiked.
When the white race dies out, these kike boards, which serve only to get shit fodder for the JDL and SPLC, will have had a hand in it.

The metapolitical and the esoteric often cross paths and are inexorably intertwined, therefor, druid/pol/ is entirely in keeping with the Zig Forums rules and guidelines. So suck it up and stop whinging. If you dont like it then go in another thread. No one is forcing you to be here you know.

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Evening lads, punished druid checking in. Thanks for another thread 40k.
My test of self control and willpower continues as dear mother marxist and her family stick around, so far I've had "I don't get why you're so full of hatred", "you just have to be more tolerant", "borders don't exist" and the perennial favourite "all the people (who are just like you and me) I've met have been nice". Earlier I was looking forward to a dignified cheeky chinky, playing at being a slanteye with the chopsticks, crockery and cutlery, but had instead a deeply mortifying experience wherein they shoveled massive quantities of food into themselves with their bare hands, in public.

Alright Goldblatt-Silverstein? We have news and current affairs links posted regularly and comment on them when appropriate, and the pursuit of fostering spirituality in whites is an important political goal for racial awareness and pride.

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Evening lad. Jeez, talk about a fate just as bad as death.

Nice to see you lad.
How uncivilised smh

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We talk about politics all the time m8, what the fuck are you on about?
Also complete bullshit

Fucking hell lad

Most welcome lad. We've had a canadian Druid who pops by from time to time and yanklad contributes good posts regularly so it is great to have an Antipodean on board. I think you bear the honour of being the first.
Coincidentally there is an Australian occultist im fond of by the name of Barry William Hale who authored the "Legion 49" grimoire. Good bit of work.
Anyway, good to have you here.
"May the road rise up to meet you"

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So druidism is just judaism with trees? Lol and I thought Mohammehadinas are pathetic with their pagan shit

What is with the retards at the beginning of every thread?

I know they always seem to manifest within the first 1-50posts. They reach their peak round then, then they tend to taper off after 100+ posts and only appear intermittently for the rest of the thread. One might be forgiven for suspecting that its almost like a coordinated shill effort…
Then there was the schizoposter and that septic cretin with the "jewish viking" nonsense. Comes with the territory I suppose. Long running generals are going to attract the odd weirdo from time to time. We find the best method is a quick admonishment (usually a barrage of biting, witty insults) followed by a nice filter application. Ignoring them and depriving them of the attention the desire works a treat.
Sometimes its fun to fuck with them and wind them up though. Especially schizoposter. He got BTFO hard.

Christianity = Saturn cult (just like the rest: Communism, Judiasm, gnostic occultists, Satanism, Islam)

Saturn = Father of the gods
Saturn = Father of the heavens (time)

El = Father of Heaven
El = Father of the gods
El = Father of Jesus (called him "Eli" on the cross)

Baal El = Father of Heaven
Baal El = Father of the gods
Moloch = Baal El

El = Israel (house of El)

Jesus = eating flesh and drinking blood
Jesus = sacrificed child of El
Jesus = King of Israel

Vatican = Pedos
Templars = Fags
Freemasons-Gnostics = sex magic and uniting male with female.

The shitskin numerical time cult of El comes in many forms and only the thunder god was strong enough to kill the motherfucker. El is like the baby boomers, sacrificing their children for their own preservation and power.

"El" (Father of Heaven / Saturn) and his major son: "Hadad" (Father of Earth / Jupiter), are symbolized both by the bull, and both wear bull horns on their headdresses.[20][21][22][23]


Christianity is a Saturn cult. The truth is coming out. The fire is rising.

But on the occurrence of a pestilence and mortality Cronus offers his only begotten son as a whole burnt-offering to his father Sky and circumcises himself, compelling his allies also to do the same.

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Circumcision also = Child blood sacrifice to El/Saturn/Elohim/Baal El/IsraEL, father of Christ the child sacrifice.

And this is what caused the schism between Paul and Jesus the circumcised child sacrifice's disciples.

Binding of Issac (a child sacrifice) = Saturn/Chronos the god of loosening and binding.

This is when El stopped Abraham after telling him to kill his first born son, he instead told him to cut off his dick. Circumcision was the mark of slavery in egypt. Can't be a runaway slave and hide that, always a slave after that.


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The Holy Sabbath = Saturn's Day

Where we get Saturday from. Because Jews/Christians worship El who was Saturn (just like the Romans reported).

Jesus and the Parable of the tares = THE REAPER (Saturn/Chronos. Remember, "you reap what you sow" or how EL will reap those who go against Isra-EL. It's all right there… en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_Tares

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The Cult of Saturn (or Elohim):

Romans said that the Jews worship Saturn. This is why they knocked down their temple and built the temple of Jupiter there, which is what is described in the book of Revelations as the, "four horsemen" and "whore of Babylon" because every Jupiter temple of that time had the four horses and Venus. The rest of Revelations describes the volcanic catastrophe of Mount Vesuvius blowing up which happened at the time of the writings.

More castrastion/circumsision:

Pliny notes


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Mass (or the last supper):

Drinking the virgin blood of the sacrificed lamb, first born of Elohim.

Eating the virgin flesh of the son of El.

#SpiritCooking for the elite who practice this ancient Saturnian El worship ritual to this day in occult pedo rings that rule over their puppters through blackmail like Clinton or Podesta.

Translations for Lord of Heaven and Father of the gods:

Moloch = "Lord"

El = "Lord"

Baal Hammon = "Lord" Saturn

All combined into one monotheism


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Make your own thread, this is not relevant here.
Here you can discuss

None of what you post fits that criteria. You would be better off dedicating your own thread to your Jordan Maxwell tier saturnic conspiracy ramblings.
If you however wish to discuss the occult and astrological properties of saturn then I will happily indulge you. If you spam me with a wall of tl;dr tinfoil im going to ignore you.

The O.T. Bible or Torah was written during Greek occupation of the region.

The Cannanite El was morphed into one Saturnian god… killing all the other gods like Saturn does.

And Jesus cried out on the cross, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?".
A qoute from pslams 22:2. Some say that Jesus only called him, "father" but he also called him ELi.

The symbol of Communism (invented by Moses Hess) is the symbol of the reaper, Saturn/El.

200 million murdered and counting! Many dead by controlling agriculture (Saturn the reaper of agriculture).

The modern "Jews" are the synagogue of Satan


Church of the advesary —- to Jesus' synagogue (which the Gospels tell him teaching in as a Rabbi). the Vatican decided to turn the word adversary into one all powerful god like demon instead of translating the word (t. Mithraism… Angru Maynu).

Still there is some truth to his. What we call 'Jews' today came out of Christian Rome rather than ancient Judea. So they would be "satanists" in the sense of rejecting the synagogue/church of Rome.

The funny thing is all other pagan groups were murdered out of history, our Indo-European history erased, yet the adversarial larpers who played bible characters or "chosens" called "Juda-ism" survived. Funny that…

Europeans once worshiped God, or Deus, who defeated Saturn, or El. That was until Jesus, his child sacrifice became worshiped and the white race ERASED its history (as Saturn/Chronos erases time).

THE LIGHTENING/STORM GOD of the Indo-Europeans defeated Saturn/Elohim

The gods were primitive metaphores for natural laws (Dharma) created by leaders of the NPC hordes. Nature kills and heals and gives birth. There is no reason to be brainwashed by the Judiac cults of El/Saturn. The lightening is the electricity which fuels man's evolution into the stars.

Dues = Zues

A name inverted and preverted by Elohim, demon of the Middle Eastern Saturn cult.


A term from the Germanic Vulgate (first to be translated in Western culture outside of Latin). The Lombard Gothic tribes called Odin: Wod, Godan, Godin. When they translated the Middle Eastern cult of Elohim (saturn) into German they stole the name of Godin.

It needs to be said to purge the Saturnian worship from Celtic teachings. Then your thread can be fresh of (((their))) influence. Last post.

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Distill it down a bit for me then. What exactly are these "Saturnian worship" aspects of Celtic teachings you mention?
Also I dont disagree with you on the elite having some kind of magickal system they utilise but im more of the opinion it is some form of qlippothic qabbalism who's secrets are jealously guarded.

The Celts were influenced by later Christianity and build a lot of those old churches you see made of wood with serpants on them. So the influence continued into the modern day esoteric teachings to influence paganism.

Middle Eastern poisen must be purged from the BOND and the Druidic Orders if they are to survive and regain their original teachings!

Otherwise it will turn into cheap hollywood satanic larping.

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Secret Arrangements, Religion and Kingmaking
From the ninth century, Norwegian Vikings had settled in the Celtic fringe of the British Isles. From the Orkneys in the north down through Northumberland, Cumbria and Wales as well as areas in Ireland, they made new lives for themselves, mainly as farmers and artisans (a fact that did not exclude the occasional ‘Viking raid’).

The conspiracy theories of Bérenger Saunière and Rennes-le-Château
What Ancient Secrets Lie Within the Flower of Life?
The Mysterious Connection Between Geophysics, Architecture and Biomedicine
Ancient Pueblo Peoples Practiced Advanced Geometry without a Known Written Language or Numerical System, Could You?
The heathen Norwegians came into contact with the Gnostic Celtic Church, who from 935-1015 CE, made secret arrangements and engaged in a joint venture with no fewer than three Vikings of royal descent intent upon ascending the Norwegian throne. The Viking kings-to-be made plans to unite Norway as one kingdom, with themselves on the throne. In return for Celtic monetary and administrative aid the Viking kings gave them ‘permission’ to pursue their own ambitions: to convert the Asatru pagans (ancient Norse religion) to Celtic Christianity. The Celtic Church was intent on using Christian magic to consecrate and conquer the land and its people, inaugurating one king and one religion. They traded their knowledge of how to pacify a rebellious population by introducing religion, piousness, and ecclesiastical laws enabling their Viking mentors to ascend the throne, and keep it.

The Celts first made contact with the son of the Norwegian Viking-king Harald ‘Fairhair’, the young Haakon. During the first half of the 10th Century, Haakon was brought up at the court of the Wessex king Athelstan.

Monks from the monastery at Glastonbury had given Haakon his education, and upon the death of his father, Haakon returned to Norway with his Celtic helpers, conquered the throne, and began an enormous secret undertaking which was not to be revealed for a thousand years.

After the death of Haakon (ca. 961 CE), the Celtic clergy cooperated with the famed Viking king-to-be, Olav Tryggvason and later with Olav the Holy. These three constitute the most renowned of the Norwegian Viking rulers.

Sacred Symbols, 666, and the Golden Ratio
When the Celts arrived in Norway, they founded cities and monasteries as sacred markers. They and their Viking collaborators removed old cities that did not fit into the sacred pattern—a pattern that resulted in a gigantic pentagram stretching across southern Norway.

Norway’s two round churches mark the two extremities of the main geometric marker line. The resulting pentagram is inscribed in a circle measuring 666 miles in circumference - the number of the Beast symbolizing Christ as the serpent, as shown in the Gnostic Nag Hammadi texts found in the Egyptian desert in 1945.

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You seem to be on the right track user. Which book are you copying that text from?

Serpents Abound
The saga writer Snorre Sturluson noted that king Olav (the third ally of the Celtic Church), on his return to Norway from the British Isles in 1015 CE, used the serpent as a symbol on his helmet and banner. In an old saga of which only fragments remain, the burial of St. Olav also reflects the number 666. The stave churches, unique to Norway, were built during these times.
These churches were decorated with serpent imagery in abundance: woodcarvings of writhing coiling snakes climbing the portals, and from all gables one can witness – even today – serpents raising their heads with playing tongues.
Additionally, the roofs and walls of these churches are covered with wooden ‘scales’ that seem to mimic serpent-skin.

Another of the many interesting facts regarding Celtic influences is that the coastline of Norway boasts numerous large Celtic stone crosses. Norway is the only other country besides the ‘Celtic fringe’ on the British Isles that has such crosses.

Folklore Reveals Ancient Connections
Interesting too is the story of a Celtic princess, Sunniva, escaping barbaric ‘suitors’ by setting to sea in a frail Celtic wicker-and-hide craft. According to lore, she landed with her entourage on a small island on the fiercest part of the Norwegian coast and became Norway’s very first saint.

On this same tiny inhospitable island on the fiercest stretch of the Norwegian coast, Norway’s first bishopric was erected in 1068 CE. In 997CE, the Celtic clergy and their second ally the Viking King Olav Tryggvason, founded the city of Nidaros, which was the capital of Norway for hundreds of years. It is interesting to note that Nidaros can be translated into the Gaelic language as meaning “old serpent wisdom”, ‘Neidr’ being serpent, and ‘ros’ being old knowledge.

The sacred geometry of Norway does not limit itself to the enormous pentagram: According to old legends, a certain Norwegian island called Sandøy, or ‘Sandy Island’ is connected to Scotland under the sea. It just so happens that the northwestern upper point of the enormous pentagram falls upon a small island called Sandsøy, or ‘Sandy Island’. On this island, facing the sea, we find the Dollstein cave, which has an intriguing history. Myths tell of treasures hidden in the cave, sought by the Orkney earl Ragnvald in 1127. Even myths about King Arthur are weaved into the island’s lore!

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Harald - author of The Viking Serpent

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Amazing, do you have a pdf copy? (In English if possible) You seem to be quite vigilant so I'll give you a tip. The SS symbol had twofold meaning, one was two sig runes (exoteric) , another was two serpents (esoteric). If you observe some photos from SS ceremonies, you will notice some members wearing armbands with two snakes on them. Also, NSDAP was, for the good part, composed of an ancient druidic, knightly order (the one that wasn't cucked by Priory of Sion aka the Zionists yet). OP seems to be leaning towards the latter, but I'm observing them, they might just be uninformed.


Ill give it a peruse lad thanks for the link.

Lad I do some tarot and AOS sigil work along with a bit of ancestor worship, AP and scrying. Im nothing to do with the priory of sion or whatever.

You are leaning towards their version of "druidism" , I never said you are one of them.


Enlighten me to this true path you profess then

A jewish man posted a youtube video on the origins of Celts making the debunked false claim Celts originated from the Iberian peninsula of Europe. This false-history is jewish code for implying Celts came from Africa, and are therefore black. I'm sure you lads have seen this non-sense pop-up many times in these circles over the years. This bunked anti-Celt propaganda is always distributed by irate semitic-tier raging lunatics that always seem to lose their minds in the stereotypical semite manner whenever true Celtic history is proven, or, discussed in a public format. The history forums across the net are filled with jewish trolls rewriting Celtic history in this way. Followed by naive readers that take their propaganda as face value, never being the wiser.

It is always fascinating how jews react towards the topic of the Celts of Europe. Jews have an almost instinctual hatred of the Celts that is unmatched by any other ethnic rivalry on the planet. This is really saying something. The subtly of jewish hatred against Celts goes unnoticed by most because the term "Celt" has been replaced by newer words that have come to define the ancient Celtic people in their more modern and current position across the world. The Celtic people have been disconnected, renamed a half dozen times and made to believe they never existed inside jewish dominated cultural environments of today. Particularly this is the case inside jewish-dominated anglo countries like the US, UK, Australia and Canada where anti-Celt hostility takes it's form through media & entertainment; eventually overlapping into the political sphere.

Interestingly, the hatred of anything Celt by jews is so strongly embedded into the jew sub-conscience we witness cross-party political attacks against Celts regardless if Republican or Democrat in the US. Example, the recent U.S. Supreme Court hearings with Republican Judge Kavanaugh exposed rampant anti-Celt attacks with an enormous campaign to destroy him. Kavanaugh is of Celtic ancestry. Shortly after, within weeks in Texas the Democratic Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke came under the same jewish led hatred in the media and online that had previously targeted Judge Kavanaugh. Senate candidate, Beto O'Rourke is of Celtic ancestry. So, we see regardless of political affiliation there exist an ingrained opposition against members of the Celtic people.

The question needing to be asked is why do jews hate Celts? Where did this hatred come from? Is this Celtic hatred a new phenomenon, or is there a deeper history involved? Luckily, with new archaeological discoveries, genetics and global networking we can now answer all of these fascinating questions.

To first answer the question of why jews hate the Celtic people we must first understand the Celts and their timeline in it's entirety. An undertaking that brings out a lot of hate and resistance, all its own. We start with the Hittite Empire of Anatolia then move into the following Kingdom of Scythia which later migrates into W. Europe reaching Poland, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Britain, France, Spain, N. Italy, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Ireland and all other modern day nations of W. Europe. You see, Northern Europeans are Celts that migrated into Northern Europe from the Eurasian Steppe (pontic steppe) on horseback. Before the Celts had settled ancient Scythia located in the pontic steppe, they ruled the mighty Hittite Empire in Anatolia. This Celtic timeline-connection has been broken in today's academia. Today it is still difficult to get a straight answer regarding the true origins of the Celtic peoples of Europe. Even though we now have clear evidence genetic and historic proof the Celts originated from the Hittite Empire, moved into Scythia and later migrated into Northern Europe to become the Europe we see today.

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Syria and Ukraine too. They fought for Egyptians as hired naked guns too.

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Naturalism. Druids taught the way of nature. The way of the roots of the Oak. They taught in caves like the Brahman did.

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Excellent work as always lad.

Sorry to hear about your night lad. I think our mothers would get along quite well. The eternal boomers, Huxley’s worst nightmare and Yuri Bezimov’s ideal product. The wife and I have to walk on eggshells around mine; I think too much cognitive dissonance would put her in the grave tbh.


The archetype of serpents predates the Gnostics and it’s importance to the Celts doesn’t come from them or any semitic teachings because (((they))) don’t have anything original. Cernunnos and his Hindu counterpart Shiva have a common PIE root which given by its nature as PIE is much older. I posited a few threads ago that Cernunnos’ depictions holding said snake and offering a torc, implied man’s duty to tame the snake of desire/knowledge in order to join the noble(Aryan) class. This is also the goal Shaivism, to know or master oneself and become Shiva. Obviously, these are the same goals more or less as Gnosticism which is a semitic rebranding of the theme. Therefore it’s easy to surmise that the Celtic Church did not choose snake iconography because of gnostic influence, but to trick pagans into converting because of the similarities. Lastly, in addition to both almost always holding snakes, Shiva and Cernunnos are often depicted with three heads or faces. I believe this to show the goal of balancing the tripartite soul.

In the last thread there was some discussion about the effects of the moon and electromagnetic fields on us. For those interested, the following are the recommended fasting days for the rest of the lunar month: 16, 22, 23, 24, 26, 31, 1, 5, 6, 7
Obviously the feast of Samhain takes precedence. Pics unrelated are a Fairy Ring I found today and an Artist’s Conk mushroom I’m extracting for its adaptogenic properties. The white pores bruise easily, making fingernail drawings upon them a popular pastime.

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Thought his vedic counterpart was Pushan?



The Indo-European Stone Sky

A jewish man posted a youtube video on the origins of Celts making the debunked false claim Celts originated from the Iberian peninsula of Europe. This false-history is jewish code for implying Celts came from Africa, and are therefore black. I'm sure you lads have seen this non-sense pop-up many times in these circles over the years. This bunked anti-Celt propaganda is always distributed by irate semitic-tier raging lunatics that always seem to lose their minds in the stereotypical semite manner whenever true Celtic history is proven, or, discussed in a public format. The history forums across the net are filled with jewish trolls rewriting Celtic history in this way. Followed by naive readers that take their propaganda as face value, never being the wiser.

It is always fascinating how jews react towards the topic of the Celts of Europe. Jews have an almost instinctual hatred of the Celts that is unmatched by any other ethnic rivalry on the planet. This is really saying something. The subtly of jewish hatred against Celts goes unnoticed by most because the term "Celt" has been replaced by newer words that have come to define the ancient Celtic people in their more modern and current position across the world. The Celtic people have been disconnected, renamed a half dozen times and made to believe they never existed inside jewish dominated cultural environments of today. Particularly this is the case inside jewish-dominated anglo countries like the US, UK, Australia and Canada where anti-Celt hostility takes it's form through media & entertainment; eventually overlapping into the political sphere.

Interestingly, the hatred of anything Celt by jews is so strongly embedded into the jew sub-conscience we witness cross-party political attacks against Celts regardless if Republican or Democrat in the US. Example, the recent U.S. Supreme Court hearings with Republican Judge Kavanaugh exposed rampant anti-Celt attacks with an enormous campaign to destroy him. Kavanaugh is of Celtic ancestry. Shortly after, within weeks in Texas the Democratic Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke came under the same jewish led hatred in the media and online that had previously targeted Judge Kavanaugh. Senate candidate, Beto O'Rourke is of Celtic ancestry. So, we see regardless of political affiliation there exist an ingrained opposition against members of the Celtic people.

The question needing to be asked is why do jews hate Celts? Where did this hatred come from? Is this Celtic hatred a new phenomenon, or is there a deeper history involved? Luckily, with new archaeological discoveries, genetics and global networking we can now answer all of these fascinating questions.

To first answer the question of why jews hate the Celtic people we must first understand the Celts and their timeline in it's entirety. An undertaking that brings out a lot of hate and resistance, all its own. We start with the Hittite Empire of Anatolia then move into the following Kingdom of Scythia which later migrates into W. Europe reaching Poland, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Britain, France, Spain, N. Italy, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Ireland and all other modern day nations of W. Europe. You see, Northern Europeans are Celts that migrated into Northern Europe from the Eurasian Steppe (pontic steppe) on horseback. Before the Celts had settled ancient Scythia located in the pontic steppe, they ruled the mighty Hittite Empire in Anatolia. This Celtic timeline-connection has been broken in today's academia. Today it is still difficult to get a straight answer regarding the true origins of the Celtic peoples of Europe. Even though we now have clear evidence genetic and historic proof the Celts originated from the Hittite Empire, moved into Scythia and later migrated into Northern Europe to become the Europe we see today.

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A DNA study was done on the German population in 2007. The study concluded the following: naryore.eu/norico/45-prozent-der-deutschen-haben-genetisch-gesehen-keltische-wurzeln/ (archive.is/ywTC5) The most important results of the Swiss study on the descent of Germans (maternal and paternal side): 50 percent of Germans have motherly Germanic descent. However, only about 6 percent of all German fathers have a Germanic origin. 45 percent of male Germans have a Celtic ancestor. They belong to the haplogroup R1b. This is especially associated with the Indo-European peoples. Therefore, it is also referred to as the 'Celts DNA', as it is most prevalent among peoples with Celtic backgrounds. It is believed that haplogrode R first appeared between the Caspian Sea and Siberia 30,000 to 35,000 years ago. The haplogroup R1b is derived from R1, as is R1a. R1b was created in Asia less than 18,500 years ago, according to current estimates. The splitting of the haplogroup R into R1 and R2 is proven by a find in Mal'ta on Lake Baikal. The splitting of the R1 * haplogroup probably took place in the central to western part of Asia, where both R1a and R1b were found in relative proximity to each other. More than 30 percent of Germans are from Eastern Europeans. 25 percent of Germans have Scythians and Vikings as ancestors. They also belong to the Indo-European haplogroup R1b. 15 percent of Germans belong to the Indo-European haplogroup R1a, which includes Vikings and Slavs.

This should answer and make it clear to most people that the Germans do not equal being Germanic. On a genetic scale it is by far the most diverse group out of all the Germanic speaking people.

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You (((Anglo-Saxons))) are the biggest fraud in the history of western civilization. Before my death, the world will know it. Remember these words.

Attached: celtic-halstatt.jpg (400x243, 91.42K)

Yeah we know lad, a good chunk of southern Germany ans Switzerland used to be Celtic lands (Boii and Helvetii respectively)

Fresh News

Police are BANNED from sticking poppies on their cars as chiefs are slammed for 'political correctness'


UK School teaches six year olds to write gay 'love letter' for same-sex marriage assignment


‘Beautiful breasts’: BBC News fails royally with cringe subtitle gaffe


Rapist who stole £2.60 from vulnerable victim after York sex attack is jailed for life


Two men who drugged and sexually assaulted woman jailed for 24 years


Man accused of raping two-week-old baby ‘punched and kicked by inmate inside prison’


Hackney shooting: Young man gunned down 'by moped riders' in north-east London


Good afternoon there's rather a lot of stale pasta around today.

Indeed there is lad, making me think that the muppet actually beleives this shit, either that or he's really lazy

Thankyou lad. Good to see you and very impressed with the mushroom tribute to our lodge!
Good stuff. Also excellent job debunking the jordan Maxwell tier nonsense we have been inundated with the last couple of days.

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Thanks for the fresh newslinks lad, always appreciated even if they do play merry hell with ones bloodpressure


Disgusting propaganda pushing. This has to stop. It must be bought to an end, by any means necessary.

Good. Noticed its a khan too. Usually they get ridiculously lenient sentencing (iv seen one get an 18month suspended sentence once for raping a 13yr ol)s but it seems the judge in this case was a non cucked one who administers proper justice (although if I had my way, mr khan would be hanging from the end of a rope)

Somalis this time. At least they got a proper sentence but it smarts how our women are constantly being raped by subhuman foreign invaders that are only here because of traitors who let them in. Makes me so mad lads - like bloodvessels popping in the eyes mad. The fury of a million suns burns inside of me.

Good, I hope he gets shanked in the kidneys by sharpened toothbrush then hung with a bedsheet - fred west style. I noticed they refuse to name the offender (wonder why that is?) and also refer to him as a "victim" when mentioning he was hospitalised. Fucking metro calling a baby-raper a fucking victim….Smh.

More monkeyshines and jaboonery from londonistan. Colour me shocked. They need to move all the important art and artifacts (from museums and such) and then just level the place imo. A few carefully targeted MOABs should do the trick. Its got to the point where I dont care if big ben or St Pauls gets flattened in the process - thay place has sunk so low,now its unsalvagable.

Also as a side note
Is the herb being legalised here now then?

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Disagree with you there lad, in an ideal world foreign rapist scum would pay with their lives

For medicinal purposes I think, it was after the case with the kid earlier this year

I agree lad and i did say (quote)
so we are of a like mind on that.

mum and the oldies have finally left, just in time for /newbrit/ to be resurrected as an AIDS zombie by a newfag spic who rules lawyered to chodemonkey, lets in trannies, faggots, a literal scheming eunuch and mods a homo-loving "woman" that promptly ensures the new userbase of retard gays gets only xer own revised history of the fall. I'll miss it tbh, it was comfy while it lasted, the good lads on there were fun.

A microcosm of modernity tbh

After almost three years I'm aware how much of a hole there is and how much time I invested into the digital equivalent of a comfy bar where you can have some bantz and be candid, talk about your day with other regulars - the only place left like that anywhere, digital or in realspace, save for here, but we have a very different atmosphere… Now newbrit is the digital equivalent of a gay nightclub and there's already bloody semen and vomit all over the walls.

I miss it already.

Fresh Morgoth lads
Seems our favorite irate racially awakened geordie has taken to film criticism and deconstructionism. Here he shows how (((they))) implement subtle messaging in their films in order to push the agenda

Wew lad, sounds pretty rustling. I never go there (druid/pol/ being my main focus with occasional excursions to outer Zig Forums to keep abrest of current trends and events) so the drama regarding /newbrit/ is a bit alien to me tbh. I know its horrible when someone takes something you like and ruins it completely, right in front of your eyes. Happened to me with Mass Effect and pretty much and post 2012 bioware game in general tbh. They turned Mass Effect into an "AIDS zombie gay nightclub" too.

Fresh Seamonkey jive

It was a younger crowd in general, apart from vanlad, I admit I'd always spent more time there than here, but I guess this is now impetus for developing these threads and /druid/.

"high effort" OC I couldn't resist making for a post there, I really, really shouldn't have gone back and skimmed through the recent threads.

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Good attitute lad. Druid/pol/ has been on the uptick lately anyway. We've had faster moving threads are more anons taking an interest. We've even attracted shills and trolls (which must mean we're doing something right at least…)

Fuck you.

rude tbh. He was only posting some OC for our perusal and delectation

Yeah it's a shame. I didn't get involved to the same extent you did but it was comfy. Never really got into the day to day discussions you lot seemed to tbh. I'll still check on it every now and then though, just out of morbid curiosity.


This. Druids agree

My honor, I’ll always be vigilant while you lads slumber.

It seems to be both are correct as is often the case with trying to synchronize Gods. You’re absolutely correct lad when looking at Cernunnos, Pushan, Hermes/Mercury, and Pan/Faunus by their duties and authorities. They are pastoral Gods of nature and protectors of travelers and guides of souls. Pushan is cognate with the PIE God Péhuson who also has dominion over the aforementioned areas. The interesting part is that Pushan and Pehuson maintained all of the duties whereas in the Greek and Roman traditions they were divided between father and son, Hermes/Mercury and Pan/Faunus. In the Celtic pantheon these duties were divided between Cernunnos and Lugus, both of which have been depicted as tricephalic(3 faces or heads).

Pic related 1 is Lugus also offering the torc as we always see Cernunnos. Pics 2 and 3 are less commonly seen depictions of tricephalic Cernunnos though they may be modern, I can’t find the source with a date. Lastly is the Pashupati Seal depicting tricephalic Shiva from between 2350-2000 BCE. Pashupati is an epithet of Shiva meaning “lord of animals”. Pic 5 is another depiction of Shiva from the 10th century CE, offering a mala necklace worn by priests and devotees to count their mantras, “I am Shiva”, up to 108. In addition to being tricephalic, Shiva also has polar identities, Rudra being the second one who is known for being a fiercer “roaring” God of storms and the hunt. I believe that the appearance of Shiva, Cernunnos, and Lugus to be offering the sacred necklaces in conjunction with being tricephalic and in meditative postures is indicative of the belief of man’s ability to become Demi-Gods throughout self mastery. This hypothesis is somewhat strengthened by Lugus being synchronized with Hermes and therefore also Thoth and Hermeticism. Evola and Serrano also postulated that the stories of Wotanaz’s various sacrifices are allegorical for metaphysical rites and I agree. Lugus and Odin both share pairs of ravens, wolves, snakes(like the caduceus and kundalini), and a spear(Shiva’s trident) as iconography.

tl;dr In duties and authorities Cernunnos is most like Pushan, but in iconography is more archetypical of Shiva.

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Good stuff, thanks lad, never seen pics 2 and 3 before. I've been thinking Cernunnos may be another form of Lugh. He is a very complex, multifaceted god, that's for sure

fresh memes

Good stuff lad. Hows babby doing btw? Hope she and mother are well. I made an offering of milk to the moon (Luna - the divine feminine) and to Damara the other day with her in mind.
This threads card is pertinent to you (what with the III Empress card governing aspects of fertility, birth and newborns) so this should be a particularly auspicious and fortuitous time for you and your family (Gods willing)
Anyway hope you are well lad, your posts are always a credit to the B.O.N.D. I'd consider you chief High B.O.N.D ambassador of the Americas and im sure the other lads will concur with me on that point. The tameless familiars appearances as of late and the timing of the Empress card this thread cement this notion imo. And in a recent scrying session I performed (meditative candle gazing: dated 12/10/18 in my diary) I saw a clear image of the Americas. Clear as day it was lad, like looking down from the ISS or something.
Love you yanklad - but in a brotherly way: no homo

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Love this new NPC meme tbh lad. EiF has done (a somewhat blackpilled) video on the phenomena. He's of the same mind as us. We just have to ride the proverbial tiger until collapse hits then we are sitting pretty. Until that time we must watch and be waiting in the wings.

My meditive scrying have connected Cernunnos and Lugh with Herne the Hunter. I think he may be a latter manifestation of these Gods or at least connected to them. He fits the criteria after all. What do you think lad?

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Who is we? I don't give a fuck if YOU already know.
Uhh, wait a minute. Who's lands exactly do you believe they are today?

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Well you don't come across as an obstinate prick in the slightest do you…

Attached: ayylium.jpg (600x600, 60.83K)

Do you even know what that word means?

You seem to have preconceived opinions regarding druid/pol/, you come with a confrontational attitude and you only post here for the sake of argumentation. You wont listen to any of the lads reasoning, instead being instantly dismissive, hence the term applies to you most aptly. But prove me wrong by all means.

Attached: CANIS ROOT TEA.jpg (816x979, 111K)

Before I continue any forward with you, are you a woman by chance? It would explain your response to me.

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To assume makes an ass out of u and me
No im not a fucking woman although I live with one that pecks my head often enough
So with that out of the way, please continue.

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Are you a SJW?

Again with the assumptions. And a ridiculous one at that. Fuck off m8. Do you know where you are? Have you even bothered to read my posts ITT? Stop with this pathetic strawmanning and post something of substance or kindly do one. My patience for entertaining you is wearing thin now.

The belong to niggers and shitskins, of course.

Dang you are a lucky boy. Not to many men can say that publicly. Sort of TMI as well.

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No, they are temporary squatters, nothing more. Metapolitical winds shift and when they do, and the fury of Europa awakens, it will be the suitcase or the bullet for any unwanted alien interlopers.

Shes not a bad lass (she has bore me two children and kept her looks) but she has a tendency to, on occasion, nag, to waste money on expensive tat, to watch shite on television and to be completely unreasonable for a few days every month.
Still she votes how I tell her to and she despises the invading third world hordes as much as any Zig Forumslack so it could be worse….

Your every word and response as been that of a female SJW. I asked a question. You respond like a raging estrogen filled mega-dyke. Talking all type of bizarre pseudo-psychological gibberish. Are you a homosexual? Cleart there is something wrong with you. Simply attempting to track it down.

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You are familiar with irony, right?
Was that too much?
Sometimes I just expect that people understand it is irony because if I express it any other way I am going to start killing people.
It was too much, right? Ok…gotcha.

Maybe start worshiping the Sun God of the Celts instead of this moon god non-sense dripped into the thread. There appears to be a concerted effort to misdirect people into dark faggotry. It is something I recognized immediately and will continue to monitor for now until further tracking. These same homos that slip in moon god worship will also promote people like tommy robinson the freemason super zionist. So there is definitely something nefarious going on mixed in with normal investigated activity.

There is a massive Celtic revival occurring everywhere you look right now. It is fascinating seeing the reactionary forces that oppose such a revival attempt to find a way to stab it in the back without being noticed. The treachery is subtle, to say the least.

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Ok so help me out here…
But I love this band and I don't know if they are posers or what, not that it matters that much, I will still love them no matter what you guys say…I just wanted to know if that was IYO you know a bit goofy. I just love singing along with them.

Why not both, since you need both day and night in order to have a balanced 24-hours?

My honor lads. The babe is doing great, growing in proportion to her mother shrinking. We’re all getting more sleep than expected tbh. Thanks for the offerings and good tidings; I wish the same for all the lads and their families.

Thanks again. It’s a pleasure and honor to to be a member of the lodge and cooperatively temper our metaphysical weapons together. Anything I can do to help you lads free the sacred islands tbh.
I love you too lad.

Wew. I’m sure more will be revealed in due time.

I’ve only had time to quickly peruse his (((wiki))), but it seems scholars agree with you lad. They say that Herne is a cognate of both Cern(horn) and the Anglo Saxon ‘Herian‘, one of Wotan’s titles as leader of fallen soldiers. The area was taken by the AS and Wotan was also leader of a legendary Wild Hunt as most of us know. Good find lad.

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Well then stop spamming crap then you mouthbreathing spack
The descendants of both celtics and germans, like us

Maybe you should start paying attention, we already worship Lugh, Belenos, Brighid and Sulis respectively
Get aload of this fucking idiot
We don't promote him you fucking tool. We ackowledge he's a zionist and that we don't fucking trust him.

Seriously what is with these retarded niggers not being able to read? They always seem to come in here, cherry pick some of the things we talk about, twist them out of context and build these weird narratives out of them. 40k lad could be right, we could be under a concerted shill attempt

Based Wittgenstein: Soul, God, and the tools of language.

Part 1
Part 2 (best part)

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Lads, I…
I'm pretty sure Herne is a modern folk tale developed from the character of the same name in a Shakespear play (the ghost of a hunter that haunts a tree) and turned into a deity by enthusiastic victorian larpers.

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You're probably right but the idea of addressing the god in this manner seems off to me, possibly because of the more folklorey aspects (supposedly being a gamekeeper who hung himself). But who knows? Maybe Herne is a 'modern' and uniquely English form of the god.

Adding to my point this is what I mean, we just don't know where his origins lie and you'll feel a right tit if it turned out you were making offerings to a suicidal gamekeeper (his spirit in the afterlife would probably appreciate it though)