It's about fucking time we took back Christianity from the subversive Zionists.
Spread this video, hand it out at churches, do something, anything to free Christianity from submission to Jews.
It's about fucking time we took back Christianity from the subversive Zionists.
Spread this video, hand it out at churches, do something, anything to free Christianity from submission to Jews.
Other urls found in this thread:
wrong. christianity was created for all people, greek and jews, and everyone else. the jews that saw the wrongdoing of jews and believed the bible, became christians.
the bible calls them the synagogue of satan.
And thats the problem, goy.
Once the race war starts, people become religious again. You'll have all manner of cults attempt to gain control. Christianity will make it then. Now that people are in the accursed state of NPC, they can't even understand God, morality, nation, identity…
Go talk about these things to your local Christians.
How come? Christian people are not moving from nation to nation, changing the demographics. Shared world view across the world is hardly a problem. In fact, the more similarities we have, the more we agree to remain distinct. Be it Japan (Shinto) or China (Confucius) we find plenty to agree with.
The spics are "christians" and moving from their shithole to the US changing the demographics
The christianized niggers are moving from nation to nation changing demographics
The christianized south ameriapes are moving from nation to nation.. ect .ect..
Christianity is a tool of multiculturalism.
the issue is that the religion has been subverted to submit to jews.
This is categorical nonsense.
stay cuck'd faggot.
Real Christianity was/is never cucked nigger.
go make your slide threads on cuckchan where they belong.
Well he did say beware of the judeans who arn't calling themself judeans. But I don't think uncucking will help we should just use a new astrological basesystem with pragmatics without the misinterpretations of language.
Gee, who ever heard of that?
hey retard, the point is that most current churches are not teaching real christianity. especially in the USA they teach zionism
This is just delving into "not real communism" territory. There is a certain point at which things become less useful or not useful at all to certain people trying to achieve certain things, no matter how much historical evidence, historical narrative, and forceful assertions one may want to lean on.
Buh buh…muh 85 IQ hostile spic hordes are good Christians! They'll be voting Conservative(R) in no time! The 50% white population statistic doesn't even matter when we're all Christian!
real christianity shits on the jews for they killed christ and have lots of satanic rituals.
Ah yea, the irrelevant shithole that is rightfully cursed by God. Perhaps you shouldn't have bombed Europe, North Africa and Middle-East for jews, eh? Maybe you shouldn't circumcise your kids?
The people have been subverted, and they subvert the religion to suit their new social needs. "Acceptance", "peace", "niceness" etc. In the chaos that is the coming ethnic conflict, we will follow closely the events of Yugoslavia. Right before the start of the conflict, atheism and intermarriage were at their peak. All we need is some chaos in the political structure, and shit will hit the fan.
If it doesn't have a dick, wears make up, has a high pitched voice, and wears dresses you may call it a man - but others don't.
Do you even "history" bro?
I would imagine a much larger proportion [than is implied in jewish media sources] of non-White invaders in Europe are Christian or, at the very least, non-Muslim.
No Jew free first post today, it seems.
Daily reminder that there are thirty nine books in the Old Testament and the Jews use less than five of them.
Daily reminder that the Jews are not the blood descendents of the Israelites of the Old Testament and do not practice that religion.
Daily reminder that Judaism is younger than Christianity, and the Torah and Talmud were both written over a century after Christ's death.
Daily reminder that "Abrahamic" religion that lumps Christians, Jews, and Muslims together is a Muslim invention to lend their desert slave cult an air of credibility, which Jews have eagerly adopted to help chip away at European identity.
Daily reminder that Jews and nonwhites see no distinction or line between being Christian and European, and neither did your ancestors or forefathers. All nonwhite Christians are just Uncle Toms LARPing as cultural Europeans, which they will never be.
Daily reminder that shills will ignore all expulsions of the Jews and two thousand years of history to try and claim that Christianity is suicidal. Apparently this is the longest, most prosperous, and most productive suicide in history.
Daily reminder that Hitler was Christian, the NSDAP was Christian, and with one or two exceptions, all Fascists were Catholic, and the only argument the shills have against this is that the entire NSDAP and all top members in it PLUS all of their Fascist allies throughout Europe and all of THEIR people were all lying constantly about absolutely everything for thirty years straight. The Holocaust is a more believable story than this.
Daily reminder that Christianity is not semitic; semitism, both cultural and ethnic, is younger than and reactionary against Christianity.
Daily reminder that the shills will lose their minds over this post but can't disprove any of it.
Сanibalism is satanic ritual? so what about eucharist?
the zionist subversion of christianity has literally NOTHING to do with that. if anything, it makes christians call for bombing of israel's enemies.
I bet you think Bush was based as well.
you've outed yourself with that phrase
Are you truly implying that the numale soft, pacifist values are not jewish subversion of the people? Certainly they also feed the alternative, the warmongering dogmatism (full of alternative dogmas and kike-friendly interpretation).
They want to have allies in all camps they can. Heck, they even attempt to do so with Natsocs!
We need to uncuck everything.
The Jews that refused to convert, not Jews as a people or even Judaism as a religion - after all, one has to remember that Jesus was fulfilling JEWISH prophecy in the first place and was preaching to Jews. Telling your followers that people who reject you are tools of evil and going to hell is pretty familiar trick for cult leaders and schismatics.
The Talmud didn't even exist at this point in history, just the oral tradition.
"Traitors get the rope first" has historically been a pretty common sentiment and that's exactly what Jesus was to them - a Jew who spat in the face of his own religion and upbringing to preach a delusional heresy wherein he claimed to be their god, YHWH.
Keep worshiping a Jewish tribal deity.
no you mong, I'm saying it has nothing to do with the subversion of the church into becoming zionist.
The church is being pulled in many directions. You can see the cucked libshit side, where theology, dogma, tradition and faith are pushed aside for the nu-values. This is to destroy the church.
The zionist part is only big in USA, and it attempts to push this in its vassal states. This pull exists to have USA as an asset for the kikes' political goals.
Bit hard to uncuck christianity when the framing story is about a guy getting cucked by god.
Cucks are pretty meek too, tbh
Since jews are the synagogue of satan
And jesus was a jew
And jesus demanded the jews to worship him as their god
Then jesus must be satan
So christianity is evil because it is satanism and every good christian knows satanism is bad
Lol christians submit to a jew, the king of jews as a tenant of their religion so not sure what you mean tbh.
This is all historic, but the problem is RIGHT NOW. ALL Christianity does is teach muh fellow non-whites must be treated with dignity. Churches across the US brainwash whites with this shit constantly. The Catholics are literally pushing mass migration to an insane degree that is going to cause a total world collapse, but even the protestants in the US do nothing but teach what are essentially liberal, leftist, white genocidal values. What matters is what's happening right now.
Being this illiterate of an NPC
Christianity spread like a virus in order to levy power back in the Roman times, consequently teaching euros that jews are cool, then europe lets in jews, an alien parasite. Non believers (intelligent people) and bearers of tradition are murdered for not wanting to get What's there to dislike about that jewish cult?
It has already been spread from nation to nation
This is post-Napoleon secular teaching, and mostly post-American hegemony stuff.
The only way to uncuck Christianity is understanding that oneness is a metaphor for purpose/goal. But that would require cuckisanity to drop the trinity and creed.
Do you dumb cunts really think you can uncuck religion?
christianity is a slave morality
no, just destroy it
there is nothing to "uncuck"
any high element in christianity, a destructive urbanite judean slave cult of a dying empire, came from its interaction and absorption of European pagan culture and ideas, from Hellenic philosophy, to Roman civic structure, to Germanic and Celtic myths and chivalric attitude
when you think about "uncucking" christianity you are essentially asking to repaganize it, something that will never happen since 'sola scriptura' happened
mark my words, christians will be the ones putting the final nails in Europe's coffin, I can see this in Italy
This is sadly the truth about christianity. Christianity was in-jew fighting and wasn't uncommon, back then, nor isn't it today. This is further explained by the term satan being a catch-all term for non-jewish deity. Any instance of satan is a placeholder term for a non-jewish deity and the first commandment especially applies to this. Jews were extremely strict on not letting jews mingle with other races because they didn't want those jews even thinking of other religions. Thus the "satanic influence" is actually just "the threat of worshiping non-jewish deities," and this applies even today as christians instinctively see whites studying pagan religion as being swayes by "satan."
Christians routinely use disinformation to make their case.
Disinfo. Jews didn't separate books like jewish christians did and used hebrew names for the most part. Furthermore "book" is ambiguous because a section of the tanakh consists of the equivalent of several OT books. For instance, Nevi'im contains Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Kings, Ezra, Nehemiah, and excludes Tobit, Judith, Maccabees. The exclusion for these is simple as it served a limited purpose. As with the case of Maccabees, it is mostly fiction and the OT has two versions of the same story. One of them is embellished to appeal to romans.
Utter nonsense. This is easily disproven by your first lie so you intended that to factor into this.
This is part of the disinformation campaign you use on the board that revolves around the modern use of the word jew. There were archaic forms of the word jew which you routinely ignore.
This is ironic because if this was posted by itself it would be accepted as a fact of how jews chip away at european identity, but you intended it to be a unifying message.
This is the case with the modern perspective fallacy. Jews used the christian label to describe european before switching to the racial label. Beforehand it was limited to jew and gentile but after subverting Europe with christianity, it was easy to just refer to them as christians. By that point the jewish christians were gone and they had christian traitors to use.
This is ever moreso disinformation because the main cause of expulsion is the fact that jews wouldn't be there to be expelled by "christians" (whites) if christianity wasn't used to let jews into europe in the first place.
See Positive Christianity. Catholicism was permitted for a time until the vatican's influence was too thoroughly ingrained so they unified them under the protestant church. NSDAP's patience with christians grew strained and saw pagan revival as an escape.
This follows the "jew is a modern term meme" and ignores the ancient history of the jewish parasite. Christianity is not just thoroughly semitic but self-evidently semitic. Christian posters like you are trying your hardest to not just reinvent history but deny basic facts about jews to save christianity and fool Zig Forums into thinking christianity is white. This is why some christian posters actually say in your own way, bible jews were white.
This was easy to disprove. If this is the best you can come up with, it just shows how flimsy your case is. Disinformation shills always fall flat on their faces.
meant to reply to
Lobbyist groups have billions of dollars at their disposal to create disinformation allover online.
Uproot the weeds and then tend to the fruits of the garden.
Sever the diseased limbs before you worry about dandelions.
What matters right now is that our cultural and spiritual institutions are completely subverted by the Jews, but you and others like you are trying to pretend that this is the fault of Christianity, because you were indoctrinated to hate it by the very Jews you claim to be aligned against. If we lived in a world without Christians the Jews would have all the druids and grovemasters calling them the real soultreans. Any institution is subvertable. That's literally what the Freemasons were created to do: give Jews advocacy and representation in Christian nations and institutions that had banned them, so they could eventually weasel their way back in. If your weird hamburger mixture of Buddhism, the Eddas, and materialist self-worship had been what Christianity was, it would be sucking kike dick now too. In fact it probably would have folded sooner: Christianity is explicitly antisemitic, and it requires significant mental gymnastics and cognative dissonance to pretend otherwise. Paganism doesn't care about the Jews one way or the other, and is far more vulnerable to them for it.
It's not the Jews, it's not the Jews, it's not the Jews goy, it's those damn dirty xtians who are really to blame. By the way, I am redpilled on the Jews. No you aren't. Because you are blaming your own people and your own culture and spiritual traditions for what is happening, and not the Jews.
Christianity = Saturn cult (just like the rest: Communism, Judiasm, gnostic occultists, Islam)
Saturn = Father of the gods
Saturn = Father of the heavens (time)
El = Father of Heaven
El = Father of the gods
El = Father of Jesus (called him "Eli" on the cross)
Baal El = Father of Heaven
Baal El = Father of the gods
Moloch = Baal El
El = Israel (house of El)
Jesus = eating flesh and drinking blood
Jesus = sacrificed child of El
Jesus = King of Israel
Vatican = Pedos
Templars = Fags
Freemasons-Gnostics = sex magic and uniting male with female.
The shitskin numerical time cult of El comes in many forms and only the thunder god was strong enough to kill the motherfucker. El is like the baby boomers, sacrificing their children for their own preservation and power.
"El" (Father of Heaven / Saturn) and his major son: "Hadad" (Father of Earth / Jupiter), are symbolized both by the bull, and both wear bull horns on their headdresses.[20][21][22][23]
Christianity is a Saturn cult. The truth is coming out. The fire is rising.
But on the occurrence of a pestilence and mortality Cronus offers his only begotten son as a whole burnt-offering to his father Sky and circumcises himself, compelling his allies also to do the same.
Christianity was always a subversive cancer.
This book deconstructs kike poisons quite well, highly recommend reading it.
it absolutely isn't, christianity is at best explicitly against people who happened to practice judaism the wrong way 2000 years ago, the sinagogue of satan, but it is in no way against semitism and semites as a whole, being fundamentally another branch of the same eternal abrahamitic worshipers spawned in judea and arabia
Circumcision also = Child blood sacrifice to El/Saturn/Elohim/Baal El/IsraEL, father of Christ the child sacrifice.
And this is what caused the schism between Paul and Jesus the circumcised child sacrifice's disciples.
Binding of Issac (a child sacrifice) = Saturn/Chronos the god of loosening and binding.
This is when El stopped Abraham after telling him to kill his first born son, he instead told him to cut off his dick. Circumcision was the mark of slavery in egypt. Can't be a runaway slave and hide that, always a slave after that.
for everyone to be infiltrated by jews.
The Holy Sabbath = Saturn's Day
Where we get Saturday from. Because Jews/Christians worship El who was Saturn (just like the Romans reported).
Jesus and the Parable of the tares = THE REAPER (Saturn/Chronos. Remember, "you reap what you sow" or how EL will reap those who go against Isra-EL. It's all right there…
The Cult of Saturn (or Elohim):
Romans said that the Jews worship Saturn. This is why they knocked down their temple and built the temple of Jupiter there, which is what is described in the book of Revelations as the, "four horsemen" and "whore of Babylon" because every Jupiter temple of that time had the four horses and Venus. The rest of Revelations describes the volcanic catastrophe of Mount Vesuvius blowing up which happened at the time of the writings.
More castrastion/circumsision:
Pliny notes
You prefaced your post with this so you can pre-emptively rely on the, "it was subverted," excuse for christianity but wanted it both ways: to say that christianity is explicitly antisemitic which implies it is incorruptible. You can't have it both ways. If christianity was explicitly antisemitic, even its most watered down version of it would make its follower anti-jew. This is evidently and hilariously not the case.
You want everyone to see it your way and threaten those that worship their ancestral religion that it would be subverted by jews. Generally speaking, it is possible for jews to subvert that. I won't pretend otherwise like you will for christianity. But the reality is that jews promoted judaism under a new name and enforced it in white countries through white traitors.
Newfags are going to have to deal with Hitler being a Christian and Himmler, along with the SS, being Wraldaism instead of varg's D&D setting. It's always funny watching atheists larping as 'pagans'.
Jews are single tribe out of 12 and Jesus was of a virgin birth. Only jews think that they're 'chosen' as God's favorite, but they were chosen to slay to own God since they were the only race that would.
For a slave morality it conquered the world twice over. The reality is that for a society to function, most humans have to be submissive(especially women and children). The secret sauce of Christendom has been it's ability to create trust and jubilees, thus allowing larger scale society to flourish.
Only enlightened individualists screech about egoist ideals such as master morality, which manifests as wannabe rockstars, thugs, disgraced millionaires and youtube intellectuals; thinking duty and niceties as dreadful things.
Gas yourself, bobposter. Saturn did nothing wrong.
It didn't. It split into a myriad of denominations because jews take liberties when it comes to claims of "the immutable word of god" and allowed just about everything into the faith just to get converts who let them live among them.
After all, how can jews be expelled (after the gullible goyim start seeing them for their real, eternal evil) if you don't let them live among you first?
If Christianity were of the European, white spirit then we would only have one single denomination.
After all.
If you are a white Christian of European descent, would you allow amendments to your denomination to gain a potential convert?
Or would you rather have the potential convert see the light of your denomination?
Hitler called the god of the bible the jewish god of vengeance that will devour you.
Goebbels openly mocked the church who called the movement heathen (which it actually was at the core) that if "insert a bunch of pro people things" is heathen, then we should thank the church for being the opposite of that.
tl; dr butthurt ad hominems
typical christmutt
Mass (or the last supper):
Drinking the virgin blood of the sacrificed lamb, first born of Elohim.
Eating the virgin flesh of the son of El.
#SpiritCooking for the elite who practice this ancient Saturnian El worship ritual to this day in occult pedo rings that rule over their puppters through blackmail like Clinton or Podesta.
Translations for Lord of Heaven and Father of the gods:
Moloch = "Lord"
El = "Lord"
Baal Hammon = "Lord" Saturn
All combined into one monotheism
Unacceptable. If an ethnic jew can convert to it (and jews can) then it is just a vehicle for infiltration. A christian jew is an ethnic jew.
Hence the Gott mit Uns, having a swastika and oak leaves, the oak is the tree of Thor.
Note the belt buckle of Thor in this painting from 1872.
>Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure. - Adolf Hitler, The Table Talks
Keep in mind that the talks were not speeches but private conversations which were written up for posterity.
You mean like what you're doing. Which is what I've brought attention to.
It is true that Hitler claimed to be christian but even he mentioned issues with it in Mein Kampf. He evidently started as a devout christian and grew less faithful as he became a man.
Funny choice of words. This is probably the most blatant example. The bible is anti-pharisee, as it is anti-sadducee. But it isn't anti-jewish. You thought you could get away with a factual sounding statement but gave away how hard you're trying to dance around the truth that the bible nor christianity is anti-jewish. To say christianity is anti-jew is a jewish style inverse of the truth.
You've been consistently proven wrong across your posts because you are doing exactly that. That's why you're trying to get away with misrepresenting sources of information.
You're upset because no one believes you. Your copypasta you entered the thread with was supposed to be your get-out-of-criticism card but it failed spectacularly.
The O.T. Bible or Torah was written during Greek occupation of the region.
The Cannanite El was morphed into one Saturnian god… killing all the other gods like Saturn does.
Europeans once worshiped God, or Deus, who defeated Saturn, or El. That was until Jesus, his child sacrifice became worshiped and the white race ERASED its history (as Saturn/Chronos erases time).
THE LIGHTENING/STORM GOD of the Indo-Europeans defeated Saturn/Elohim
The gods were primitive metaphores for natural laws (Dharma) created by leaders of the NPC hordes. Nature kills and heals and gives birth. There is no reason to be brainwashed by the Judiac cults of El/Saturn. The lightening is the electricity which fuels man's evolution into the stars.
Dues = Zues
A name inverted and preverted by Elohim, demon of the Middle Eastern Saturn cult.
A term from the Germanic Vulgate (first to be translated in Western culture outside of Latin). The Lombard Gothic tribes called Odin: Wod, Godan, Godin. When they translated the Middle Eastern cult of Elohim (saturn) into German they stole the name of Godin.
Not ten lies, not eight lies—there are nine lies in this post. I used to be ambivalent towards christianity, but posters like you have made me unequivocally anti-christian. Any religion that stands on a pedestal of such blatant lies is not worth a damn to the lovers of truth.
Pretty much sums up Christianity in a nutshell.
Read this book to learn why and how the Christ cult became tolerable to Europeans. What is good in the religion is pagan, what is bad is Abrahamic, to put things simply. The less pagan Christianity becomes, the more Abrahamic, the more anti-European and the less tolerable to Europeans. I can't post the pdf because the file is too big unfortunately.
I implore all Christians to listen to this recording in full and tell me what they feel afterwards.
I know what team I'm on. I'm just glad it isn't the one with jews, faggots, hambeasts, and mudskins on it.
And Jesus cried out on the cross, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?".
A qoute from pslams 22:2. Some say that Jesus only called him, "father" but he also called him ELi.
Call it whatever you like, you jewish nigger faggot. There is nothing you can call me that is worse than being what you are.
Yes, while that is true Hitler did however praise jesus in ”Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin” and even in parts of ”Hitler’s Table Talks”
Originally, Christianity was merely an incarnation of Bolshevism the destroyer. Nevertheless, the Galilean, who later was called Christ, intended something quite different. He must be regarded as a popular leader who too up His position against Jewry. Galilee was a colony where the Romans had probably installed Gallic legionaries, and it's certain that Jesus was not a Jew. The Jews, by the way, regarded Him as the son of a whore– of a whore and a Roman soldier.
The decisive falsification of Jesus's doctrine was the work of St. Paul. He gave himself to this work with subtlety and for purposes of personal exploitation. For the Galiean's object was to liberate His country from Jewish oppression. He set Himself against Jewish capitalism, and that's why the Jews liquidated Him.
-Hitler [Table-Talk, p. 76]
Christ was an Aryan, and St. Paul used his doctrine to mobilise the criminal underworld and thus organise a proto-Bolsevism.
-Hitler [Table-Talk, p. 143]
It seems to me that nothing would be more foolish than to re-establish the worship of Wotan. Our old mythology had ceased to be viable when Christianity implanted itself. -Table-Talk [p. 61]
You're a El-Saturn worshiper. There is NOTHING worst than that, traitor.
Even after 1942 Hitler went on maintaining that he regarded the church as indispensable in political life. He would be happy, he said in one of those teatime talks at Obersalzberg, if someday a prominent churchman turned up who was suited to lead one of the churches- or if possible both the Catholic and Protestant churches reunited. He still regretted that Reich Bishop Muller was not the right man to carry out his far-reaching plans. But he sharply condemned the campaign against the church, calling it a crime against the future of the nation. For it was impossible, he said, to replace the church by any party ideology. [Speer, p. 95] (bold characters, mine)
BEHOLD! The symbol of Communism (invented by Moses Hess) is the symbol of the reaper, Saturn/El.
200 million murdered and counting! Many dead by controlling agriculture (Saturn the reaper of agriculture).
You keep assuming my intent for everything I say because you don't have an argument otherwise. The statements:
In no way contradict each other, and only become hypocritical in the context of your assumptions and strawmen. If I had meant "Christianity isn't subvertable," I would have said that. I said the exact opposite of that, and you're a kike for trying to pretend otherwise.
No nation, institution, or people can survive treachery from within, and there will always be those who are willing to betray for the right price, which is why treason is historically seen as the most vile crime and given the most severe punishments. For the second time: that is what the Freemasons were invented to achieve. To foment treachery and Semitic advocacy within Christian nations and institutions that had banned them and refused to allow them back in. Jews couldn't advocate for themselves, so they created secret societies and extranational fraternal orders to convince goys to do it for them.
The side making claims of incorruptability isn't Christianity, it isn't me: it's you, because the entire crux of the "this is all the xtians fault!" claim is the unspoken assertion that atheism or whatever paganism is this week would have done better.
They wouldn't have, and the Druids of The Universal Bond are living proof. Literally kikes calling themselves druids telling good goys and miscegenated mutts what to do and how to vote to serve the interests of Israel and the banks. Everything you love to throw at the feet of Christianity, except there's not a church, cross, or bible to be seen.
The great thing about these arguments is that the more we have them, the more obvious it is that the pagans and atheists are literally the exact same people. The exact same. Varg is an atheist. All this rhetoric about outer forms is just elaborate word salad to say "the gods aren't real, but worship the idea of them anyway for the sake of self improvement and make them look like these characters because it serves a practical agenda to do so."
Paganism is atheism because it's literally just religion without the faith. You could replace Odin with Voldemort or Mickey Mouse, and it works just the same.
lol well said. Here's a protip, dicklick: you can call christianity "poo poo pee pee doo doo" all day. It doesn't change the fact that jews hate christianity precisely because it is the opposite of degeneracy, and that it fits white culture perfectly. Pee pee poo pooanity is for clean, smart, decent, charitable, kind, industrious, grateful people who appreciate peace and simplicity, aka whites, which is why garbage like you will always hate it with the heat of 6 gorillian burning foreskins.
Most of your Christian brothers are shitskins. Enjoy your based godly spics/niggers.
If you had faith, you wouldn't be here. You would be killing the Priests or Preachers. You would be preaching to the masses. You wouldnt be fapping to anime and shitposting on this board because you would know that you have to die for Elohim and preach his Universal message before the end times.
Modern Christians = Atheists who lie more than normal people.
I was never on your nigger-jew-faggot team, so how could a be a traitor to it?
No… wait… come back…
Make sure to tell your boss that you went out of your way to try and make the dirty Nazi xtians on the internet feel bad today, Moshie. You might get a bonus out of it.
Jews love Christian Zionism, like they loved Islam for a 1000 year. Whatever serves their purpose. It's all Elohim in the end.
You're on team El. I was too. But knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave. Good luck, user.
You first, nigger. Go burn down a church and kill fifty priests, or you're just a poser.
Do you guys have a youtube channel teaching the truth? Do you practice your El worship or do you just shitpost? You're suppose to get out there. Jesus said so. Not just talk shit online with snarky insults. What's your channel? I'll watch it if you expose the Jew