Tens of thousands of people marched in Berlin Saturday, October 13, in a protest against racism after growing concern over a series of xenophobic incidents in the east of the country. Organizers said at least 150,000 people turned out for the march, although Berlin police were yet to release their own estimate.
They shouted anti-Nazi slogans and carried placards in favor of rescue missions on the Mediterranean Sea and others saying "More love, less hate" and "No room for Nazis."
The #unteilbar collective, made up of a number of activist groups and individuals, has already staged demonstrations in the northern city of Hamburg and Munich in the south, that attracted thousands.
They are supported by trades unions, religious organizations and some charities.
This is why they are cucked. These organizations are controlled by America and have been for decades. Amerikikes went scorched earth on German culture after WWII and made sure no remnants of it remained.
Luke White
Ian Powell
Wow, so brave standing up in favor of the powerful establishment's ideology
Aaron Anderson
I would not say that, after all we on this board are still upholding their values and so are many others. Not to mention that the truth cannot be buried forever, more and more people are noticing that WW2 was a loss not only for germany but the west in its entirety. Remember that the 3rd Reich was build on the ruins of Weimars unimaginable degeneracy. If that was possible then i guarantee that the kikes have not yet seen the last of the spirit that haunted them 1940 and never will until they are done for good.
Caleb Ross
240,000 demonstrators? What do you need more than 150,000 demonstrators for? I assure you, there were well over 100,000 demonstrators… etc. Could swear I've seen this line of reasoning before, somewhere.
Adrian Reyes
Its literally illegal to have an opposing opinion.
Aiden Anderson
It's okay, this is just further proof they're losing control. You don't have to march in the streets waving signs when you're winning.
Adrian Flores
Where are the aerial shots then?
Kevin Rodriguez
I live in Germany and have a German housemate whose aversion to anything "red-pilled" is very obvious. He's not totally brainwashed (ie, his core is intact), but he actively avoids any conversation portraying refugees or minorities in a negative or even slightly realistic light. I guess he's representative of most Germans.
White nationalism gaining traction in America is a beautiful thing, and I'd love to see the same happen in Germany. Ironically, the shitstorm of diversity in America - which, I would say, has advanced further than most other Western countries - has sowed the seeds of ethnocentrism. There are a lot of shitskins in Germany, but the native Germans are still too stubborn to let go of their education.
It's just the establishment showing they hold the power. Theoretically, they could just deploy an army to start shooting any white right-winger, but instead they choose the "mass protest" approach that makes it look like it's not a government op. Same thing they do in the US.
Anthony Hughes
Und wer bist Du, Arschloch? Woher kommst Du, D&C shitstain fuck
Aiden Gutierrez
I just drove my Bike past the Siegessäule\Straße des 17. Juni in Berlin. There was something of a street concert held there with people taking drugs, drinking beer and being leftist idiots following leftist degenrates. There was, as usually in Berlin, Police to ensure everything is sound and safe. It is known that the majority of Berlins police forces are pro AfD. I saw them as I drove by, thry were just doing their jobs. Some watched soccer on a notebook in a policevan as some leftist agitator blabbers something about "impeach the AfD". But in case something happens, they will be there and protect these leftist soy debils. Whatever. Heiko Maas, the then minister of justice (who looks a lot like Eichmann, BTW) said in a TV Inteterview, where AfD representants were routinely bashed, following words to a AfD Guest (as part of bashing) : "You know, I do work to make sure to protect also YOUR free speech". Like he was threatening the guy. 'Make sure to shut up otherwise I wont protect you'.
Anyway. It's the pro-AfD police force protecting these who mock and insult them in return. It's a bit strange and also depressing to see. The policeman watching soccer in his van just doesn't care anymore.
Sometimes things hit a low and then something changes.
Noah Rodriguez
Jackson Stewart
Degenerate drug use in public is legal?
Jace Allen
This is deliberate disinformation for tomorrows voting. Low resolution, cropped, white people only…bullshit to the extreme.
Leo Ramirez
Ja, damit hat sich mein Verdacht wohl bestätigt lmao.
Eli Moore
You can't pull back a foreskin without hitting a jew.
John Smith
Germany exists only to serve Israel.
Adam Anderson
I guess you're a little bit mad at the "Amis" since your big buck gap-toothed nigger American soldier father ran off and left your nigger fucking German mom, so it's understandable. Newsflash: faggot. "Ami" is a fucktarded D&C tactic, because there are whites in America, and then there are the kikes who run this country and their nigger and spic pets. It's as if I referred to all white Germans as Turkroaches or shitskinned Syrians, all Germans amirite?
Eat shit, faggot
Thomas Sanders
There's apartheid in Israel they could be protesting.
Carson Jackson
If you had that many people in your protest you wouldn't need to use that shitty angle for your picture, faggot.
If cops are AfD, they need to start releasing files on migrant criminals so the citizens can do the actual police work. Actual Hetzjagd RWDS could be accomplished with that information, and maybe the shitskin rapes and murders would decrease if they knew they'd be found. Police could even assist if they can keep good opsec and keep their jobs.
No, I'm not Heiko Maas undercover suggesting this. German cops, if they are actually /ourguys/ need to act like it
Bentley Butler
Yeah, it was a free concert with acts that were big a few decades ago to attract 'boomers' and their children (common practice of those events: feel good message and free entertainment or beverages, the common attendee wants the free stuff, the common reporter spins it as 'X People against Y') as well as a mobilisation effort of unions, leftists parties and ngo's.
Greens are nearly at 20%. They are Communist popamoles dancing to the tune of the Jews. The whole country and it's people have been brainwashed since 1945 and it's not Germany anymore but a country where every shitskin can become a citizen if he only crosses the border.
Expect the big gassings next year.
Matthew Bailey
No. They need to stay put until we actually need them. Anything else is career suicide and helps nobody. As for policing the migrants…this is an unofficial (non public) command given by the (((EU))) to prevent any form of public unrest against the immigration. They signed a contract to flood the countries into a mixed race majority, they took massive amounts of money for it and they will do literally anything to make this happen. They would rather shoot citizens than closing borders. Believe it.
Evan Brown
As if. I was one of them once, or so I taught. It is NOT legal. But police don't intervene. I wouldn't wonder if this is an effect of a possible infiltration of the forces by jews\satanists\masons. Berlin is full of their symbolism.. Always the same scheme. A church, pizza place, spiral symbols, butterfly symbols. I once sat in a public parc in Berlin as I watched a policevan with some unidentified or not in uniform people taking children from a nearby kindergarten, which holds spiral symbols, into the van and taking pictures of them in it. Brown children. Maybe the next arab\turk\muslim mason generation. I have also been given info trough secundary means that the drug dealers of this parc I sat im are working together with the police. Yes, open drug dealing during the day. And in this same parc, the Görlitzer Park, there were cryptic, much Q-Style messages about Erdogan\Turkey\AKP and Fetullah Gülen to be found sprayed on the asphalt. But this I go into maybe at some other point.
A point that I didn't want to make but it is sadly true; that Berlin is full of Satanists. Full of major broadcasting agencies, media agencies, mafia. There are masonry lodges. They have spread their shit into the country and are weakening the minds and consequently the genetics of most Germans. It's just sad. Food is cheap, energy too, people are getting fat and comfy and so vulnerable to degeneration. I saw a guy today in the food store (LIDL, good prices, I have just 5€ left this month). Of his phenotype he was a typical German from the alpine region. But he was excessevly fat, and so slow.. And the clerk was similar to him, with the difference that he was super on edge, very stressed. Sometimes he smells like alcohol. And we were 4 Germans in the store, the clerk included. The other 30-40 customers were all arabs. I like the arabic culture, they have exotic food to me and all, but I'd like to be a guest to their countries, not have them as invaders in mine..
Connor Clark
cops are NEVER /ourguys/, they're establishment mercenaries. don't think of them as people with their own opinions, they're bodies in uniforms
Owen Gomez
Time to collect some new flags, I see.
John Johnson
Look like jews.
Brody Watson
Nice try FBI.
Austin Foster
I don't know why this isn't happebing yet. As I said, policeman apathically watching soccer in their vans while they are being called 'pigs' from these they protect. Things like these are causing desperation. We do also have a cabal here in Germany. One that shares the same symbolism. (BTW, James Alefantis owns a restaurant in Berlin).
The "good" point is that Germans are very rigourous and like it when things are organised by some kind of standart procedure. That also applies to satanist\pedos\masons\jews. That means when the public finds out about these crimes, they'll start investigating on their own. I think (((they))) know this very well. That's because we often see a caricature of a elderly retiree taking notes of all the cars that park wrongly to report it to the police in our media. It's the inherently order loving German that they fear. That's a psyop. They call out this stereotype and mock it. That has gone very for a long time this way.
Christian Carter
Greens and SPD dominate the school system for decades now. (Now squeeling like hit rats that the AfD has introduced (after teachers got handouts from the state sponsored Amadeu Antonio Stiftung lead by former Stasi IM Kahane how to deal with AfD prone Teachers, children and parents) a system to call out teachers that show (illegal) party favoritism.
The greens core demographic are civil servants in cushion jobs, teachers and the media. Labor participation rates (calculated from the whole population regardless of age) in Germany are below 50% (just above 50% if you include those that work but get handhouts regardless). 81,3 Mill. Inhabitants 72 Million Adults 4,74 Mill. work as civil servants. 1,64 Mill. are retired civil servants. 0,05 Mill. Statesponsored Media Creators 0,02 Mill. Politicians 23 Mill. Pensioners (Without former civil servants) 3,7 Mill. underemployed (unemployed + employed that get handouts because income too low) 2 Mill. notSTEM Students (+around 1 Mill STEM Students) Voting participation rate is around 70% to 80%. Those numbers are only to illustrate how big the pozz potential is and to show how many live from taxes and big government.
Elijah Kelly
Checked. I believe it, because the (((European elites))) were openly saying what they had planned long ago:
Us. Or our allies, if you're an Aryan from somewhere else. Maybe next time you could post a better thread, nigger. You would think that the slide threads posted here would get more effective over time, not less.
Alexander Anderson
Kikes relentlessly mock "Ordnung muss sein" culture because they fear it
I think cops can be redpilled and the whole system can start to unravel, but getting it going is the hard part. Germans have to go slightly against their nature of generally obeying the rules and try to talk to any close friends and family who are cops and get them redpilled. Having people on the inside (including in the BfV) is the only way a genuine rebellion can happen in Germany. People need to understand that the alternative to breaking the rules now is genocide. That's what their own government has planned for them.
Ethan Cox
to add: 0,03 Mill. work for foundations/charities mostly political and state sponsored to "fight against the right" 0,05 Mill. Journalists (not directly State Sponsored)
Aaron Hernandez
If it was real, they would have broadcast it live on every MSM. You'd even get it on CNN. It's not an opportunity they would pass up.
Aiden Hughes
T-there wasn't room for the cameras with all those goyim!
Yes, of course. Talking to friends\family who are cops. It is maybe easier than we think. Maybe it could start with (((one specific law))) that has to be broken in the private. Hint: Ursula Haverbeck
Jeremiah Cruz
unlikely. It's not called lugenpress for nothing user
Kayden Ortiz
No need to shit on the Germans. While there are obvious reasons for the large number of NPCs (>>12270260), they have something we burgers don't: national identity. This is why Germans also have the strongest reactionary movements right now. We should turn our gaze home, get married, have kids, go to church. We have a lot of nation-building to do here, quit worrying about Europe.
Asher Hughes
Why are there no White people attending a fake protest against White people, you ask?
Justin Campbell
And one specific rule to break to avoid genocide is the one that forbids to question a genocide ?
Easton Long
Well all recent events can be traced back to 2001 at least. The american general who spilled the beans about "We're going to invade 7 countries in 5 years" made that much clear at least.
Carter Cooper
paid marchers
Daniel Robinson
Yesterday, in front of the Brandenburger Tor, a demonstration for some random save the rainforest free the political prisoners thematic. Then a guy plays some notes on his guitar. I just stood there to watch the show, because I knew that something was coming. And I wasn't wrong.. As the song begins, the main guy reads a poem of questionable artistic relevance but of considerable psyop relevance. He starts about that he dreams about a place where races live together and mix and so on. Literally he says "were all races get together and mix". Should we all consider that maybe ? In a global way ? But first eliminate the neanderthal jews maybe ? I don:t know. Maybe we should. We genocide them by not mating with them. I think they're doing a good job at being disgusting anyway.
Carson Sanchez
You niggers better take the bratwurst out of your asses and stop jerking off with sauerkraut, otherwise you fags will become the next Sweden.
We become one world race without jewish dna. Or three. Niggers, Caucasians, Asians. But what if some jew survives ? In his flying saucer ?
Jonathan Murphy
All become equally poor ? Are we too fat ? Too cucked ? Is the world cucked ?
Juan Roberts
Have a Mussolini also.
Leo Torres
Take your Ritalin you retarded faggot.
Kevin Price
Na "god" will sort faster than ever before.
Brandon Powell
They are not. The shit Germany has been going through for over 90 years killed lesser nations and Germany still has the most resistance to punishment ratio.
I'm sorry, Moische, but we WILL exterminate you.
Juan Nguyen
I imagine moische, looks like shit, bad luck with women, overly neurotic, takes comfort in his jewishness. Tries to network with fellow goyim but his disgusting aura doesnt make up for his greed.
Josiah Sullivan
You should take part in the analmouse collective since they are all rats or it shifted to the ratlike personalities, you are really welcome.
Michael Anderson
Even the feds need to wear a gasmask now, they think "usually they were some naive idelastic kids and now fugly shlomo comes around trying to insert his defective genes. That is like a crime to nature. But shlomo doesnt do it like any true warrior would do it by physical conquest, na shlomo does it by idiotic persuation. It is like a fucking hunchback trying to fucking a 16 year old. The only reason that a nigger like you doesnt get your head bashed in is diplomacy. Du stück scheisse.
Jonathan Wright
If you honestly need to ask this question you are retarded.
Camden Hughes
Maas is a kike.
Europe is a million times better off demographically as well as in terms of racialist sentiment and nationalistic organization. American nationalists are like retarded children, get your shit together niggers so we can wipe these yids out together once and for all, ja?
Carson Reyes
IF they look like shid, you dont need any active mechanisms, evolution will do that for you.
Liam Cooper
Sometimes i equate jews to intellectually more capable incels. Your shitty goldy loks and some shekels wont make a man out of you.
Jaxson Jackson
Any suggestions?
Elijah Cox
Shame no Germans disguised as Antifa put some rice cookers in the crowd
Because living in a BASTE CIVNAT brown favela shithole is TOTES BETTER than living in a brown favela shithole ruled by DOS EBIL AND TOTES OPPOSITE GLOBALISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ignore the fact that BASTE CIVNAT with "SENSIBLE MUH DIVERSITY IMMIGRATION" leads to the exact same White genocide brown favela shitholification as open borders globalism does, though. Because CivNat is FUKKIN BASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, "White racists" don't want to "build on top of dead natives." Only "anti-racists" frame the argument in such retarded terms. "How often so you beat your wife, user?" Proper Nationalists want SEPARATION into sovereign nation-states so that Whites can live in White countries for White people and only White people and no jews under governments of the people, by the people, and for the people. Besides, WHITES are the ones under attack by genocidal diversity invasion of our homelands, not browns, blacks, or yellows. The brown, black, and yellow homelands are almost all racially and ethnically intact and secure. Indeed, the "anti-colonialism" movements over the last hundred years forcibly removed tens of millions of Whites from non-White countries. The multicult cheered on that "ethnic cleansing," yet the same people viciously attack Whites who want White countries. Hmmmmmm……… Reminder that "diversity" is genocide. Reminder that "diversity" in White countries is White genocide. Reminder that supporting "diversity" is supporting genocide. Reminder that supporting racial and ethnic homelands via Nationalism and separation is opposing genocide. Now, tell me: Which is more "hateful;" supporting genocide or opposing genocide?
Hudson Gomez
Hahaha imagine organizing 150,000 for a message about peace and love and immediately deconstructing your own argument by making hypocritical statements like this. Bias love is practically a stepping stone for hate to be platformed off of. 1 to 8 billion in less than 100 years and every faggot you meet has some answer for how and what life is and also has a hard-on for enforcing that perspective on every other rat who believes the lies. People are so fucking stupid it surpasses levels of humor not thought possible, prometheus is on the mountain having his liver pecked out and hes laughing outrageously at what weve come to. From man the conquerer to man the clown, come see thousands of years of evolution lead up to the species just destroying itself from the inside all at the tail end of a toxic information maze, all designed where every turn degenerates your values the more you play. I feel like i remember Rockwell saying something about how the white man wont win with words because these are the tools of the enemy, which theyre good at using. And that the white man has always been good at putting his boots on the neck of whoever he walked over, which is what wed be doing if we were organized but hey heres a shitpost to accentuate that point.
Its not ngo if its funded or controlled in part or whole by a government.
Dylan Murphy
Wow so berlin, an actual hellscape, is a hellscape
Samuel Hill
By drugs, do you mean cannabis? Because that's a herb, not a drug.
Camden Howard
Isaiah Wood
I don't know. I blame the rootlessness and the resulting hyper-individualism. I would say the only thing that could mold them back together as a group would be things getting a lot worse than they are now.
Nicholas Phillips
I don't understand how people can be so deluded when they live RIGHT NEXT to hyperviolent muds…
Tyler Rodriguez
It's difficult to imagine being this good of a goyim.
Germanics are natural born cuckolds without a good leader. Merkel is not a fucking good leader.
Landon Sullivan
Hunter Cox
You need to get out of that shithole Berlin, dude
Gavin Phillips
Angel Sanders
I know.. But I don't know where to go. Maybe that's where I need to go.
Carson Hill
I couldn't change anything in this shithole if I went away. And if I stay, I slowly deteriorate. So either I leave this place and create change or I stay and change myself and thus create change. Do you think Berlin can be turned into anything else than a shithole, dear Torfag ?
Luke Moore
Berlin is never going to change except by force from the outside. If the Germans in the east and in Bavaria and BW and elsewhere grew a nutsack and marched on berlin, then it would change. If you don't mobilize, the government in Berlin plans to wipe you all out anyway as a species, so what do you have to lose at this point? An army of pissed off dudes from the East alone would dwarf any fake demonstration like in the OP. Why not make that your goal
Robert Russell
How would you heal them?
Nathan Parker
America is going to be annihilated by both external and internal forces within our lifetimes and nothing makes me happier than to imagine how your entire country is about to be nothing more than radioactive dust and dirt :) You won't be missed.
Ayden Evans
The entire world, or most of it, will perish in nuclear fire when the United States does.
Oliver Gray
But plenty of room for violent foreigners apparently.
Joshua Ramirez
This was to be expected, I guess. The center parties are breaking apart and the most diametrically opposed parties are gaining the most new votes, i.e. the Greens and the AfD. It was the same with the National Socialists and the Communists. In regards to the future, I think that the Greens have a low ceiling, whereas the AfD has a high one. The only problem is the timeframe. I fear that when the Germans have consolidated, they'll be a minority in the youth bracket. But by then, we should be able to start a European-wide movement to make Europe Great Again. Numbers won't matter anymore, European ingenuity will overcome everything.