Establishment media kike pretending to be afraid is a component of the ongoing "Donald Trump pacifies white America" op.
(((Bill Maher))): It sounds like Trump is setting up martial law
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if only
I really fucking hope so.
Checked, but the martial law thing IS a larp, and it's telling that this fake media kike is indulging it. Just ZOG media pushing the Trump psyop that's designed to pacify whites as they slip under 50% and become a brutalized minority on their way to extinction. But (((Bill Maher))) is afraid! Trump is /ourguy! Lol
I can't wait til he's dead and hilariously, it's probably going to be a far leftist who kills Maher.
Niggas be gettin mad scared by dem kosher scare tactics.
Best get out the vote, brown people. Get out the vote. Get out the vote. Or shits gonna do down. No, for real, ya feel?
Sure you did, redditnigger
I haven't been called a kike yet, so I guess the bots aren't attracted to this thread for some reason
Please civil war please start I'm coming for you pedophiles
Collect what information you can from these links:
My suggestion to you anons, trolls, /b/tards, whoever: Get prepared put together packs containing clothes, foods, supplies for survival (knives, guns, bows, etc.) your dire medications. Prepare rugged clothing such as boots military style insulated clothing and have these materials at the ready for the first week of October.
Know who your friends are warn them to be ready. Designate safe locations, preferably outside of large domestic locations; national parks, large wooded areas, mountain ranges. The cities will not be safe.
Keep your eyes on the news and websites to give yourself fair warning.
tl;dr version: On Oct 1, 2008 we will not be prepared for the final stage of the initialization of the NWO.
Why would you want Jew puppet Trump to issue martial law? So he can lock up all white nationalists and execute people for not buying Israeli products?
I genuinely wish the kikes were right and he was every bit of a Nazi dictator they fantasize about him being.
He doesn't have that ability even with martial law. Too many fucking people. All it will do is make targets of the left because those are the ones that would rail against it because it puts a stop to their fucking degeneracy.
looks that way and has for a while now but like it always seems to be with jews, they get so greedy that they even try to short cut the pacification bit
Sadly this.I expect more of these kind of new stories as usual in the coming weeks.
Go back to sleep yids. Nothing to see here.
it really is pathetic though to be one of these LARPERS if you ask me. WHat happens to them when none of this proves to be real or come true ? What the CIA just finds them some new Sandy Hook town to live in for the rest of their days ? Do they just head off to the new breakaway civilisation city ? Just go get their boarding pass at Denver airport and go straight down ?
Just the lack of honor in all this is just so fukn gay. Honestly, people like Alex Jones are just so fucking shit, I made the mistake of looking up one of his shows the other day. Nothing has changed. He sits there saying that TRump is planning martial law one day then he sits ther saying that the globalists are stealing everyone's birthright the next. So what the fuck is it ? Are the good guys winning or not you bloated fucking tick ? You fucking retarded maniac ? I honestly don't know how anyone can listen to the fucking cunt for more than a minute anymore. He does nothing but kvetch-lie for 4 hours a day.
Alex Jones isn't shit. He's good at what he does. He's a very effective part of the Trump white pacification op.
He's fucking shit, garbage tier
daily reminder (((Maher))) advocates pedophilia
He's obviously good at what he does. He has a massive audience to advance the Trump psy op talking points.
you're an NPC
The (((Maher's))) in Europe are kvetching about the same thing, and it's an in-group dog whistle to effect a response; muh persecution + more shekels + new boogeyman that is literally Hitler + coming Holocaust = left/right paradigm goyim attacking each other while ensuring safe spaces for our precious (((BFF's)))
I was looking up numbers earlier today. Since NAFTA was signed into law in 1994 the spic population basically doubled from ~9.7% then to ~18% today. Nog population barely budged and still hovers ~12%. That accounts for ~30% of the population, all non-whites. These stats came the publishes census data.
There's a huge difference between 70%, and 50%, and less than 50%. Explain your blackpill numbers, or go fuck yourself.
whose Bill Maher, why do I care what he says
What we have in-place today are the basic makings of 'Liberal Fascism'. The constant accusations against boogeymen (literally Hitler, nazi, neo-nazi, White Male, bigotry, the ists & -isms of quackologists & word smiths, …) are nothing more than projections (scapegoats) intended to deflect unwanted attention from the insurgents among us; and is its own self-fulfilling prophecy
and he advocates being a loud mouth idiot, this thread is useless and has nothing to do with us
3000% demoralizing
it's as if we went from "Nazi's" to ashkeNAZI's
You're not.
Good. I want them scared. The more scared they are, the more mistakes they make. Let them drink fear and drown in it's poisonous waters.
you mean Trump and CNN are in on the same joke/hoax?
nothing would surprise me at this point, but that would be a gnostic tier blackpill.
So picking random names from there (of the ones that aren't obviously jewish), I have not been able to verify a singe one as being jewish. I didn't bother with names like 'cohen', but there are a *lot* of names and photos on there that are not obviously jewish. It would be nice if there were any sources at all attached to this. (also, 11.5MB?)
Tiresome Q tactic. Imply without saying that Nazism is bad by calling leftists Nazis. Nazi is not an insult or derogatory.
Technically it is because it's a jewish word made to slander NatSocs. But since lefties are so into the 'muh nadzees are evil' shtick, using it against them is effective because it puts them on the defensive. Do you niggers not know how to use your enemies own tactics against them? Fuck.
Here’s a possible scenario on what’s happening behind the scenes: It’s different jew factions infighting. The Chabad Lubavitch-Russian mob-Russian oligarch-Likud Israeli kikes (Trump’s team)vs the older establishment banking/media/Globalist kikes. The lack of representation and hostility for Trump’s kikes in the old guard establishment kike media and deep state gives people the false impression that Trump is a mortal enemy of world Jewry. When in fact he’s just representing a different faction of jews that don’t hold much mainstream media/deep state power in the west. Just a theory.
Which one is a greater threat? … the imaginary boogeymen that only exist in the minds of knee-jerk lefties, or the over-fucking-whelming numbers of Ashkenazim jews that have the US … nay, the entire globe by the short&curlies?
very plausible, and likely as this infighting has gone on for decades or more; but it's also a clear indicator that the entire planet is fighting their battles. they're the players. we're the npc chess pieces. and they need to be neutralized using genetics
Maher is a zionist just like Trump. The scary, hand wringing, apoplectic narrative around Trump is mostly for his supporters to establish Trump's bonafides. There is zero daylight between Maher and Trump on israel or zionist domination of the US, which means there is zero daylight between them.
There is no split between the jews. None. It's just optics to maintain some distance from policies jews almost universally support.
More like Noahide law
Not a split. A “split” implies a large fracture into two equal sides. World Jewry is pretty monolithic when it comes to thier agenda. However, there may be a smaller faction of powerful jews that have a different plan or agenda to achieve the fulfillment of the Jew World Order…to hasten the jew messiach.
If, and thats a big if, trump sets up martial law, it wont be trump collecting journo maxist kike scalps, it will be the people bill and his ilk vilified for 7 decades now, and there is no stopping the people once it starts. And the biggest kicker of all, minorities may feign caring but they wont care about pale kikes being removed by whites because as far as minorities are concerned its white people infighting. Kikes rushed and now fear that their rushing is gonna lead to their total defeat.
When martial law doesn't come, and Hillary isn't arrested a year after the initial deadline, will you finally do the right thing and kill yourself?
Bannon is just as much of an Israel-firster as any of the kikes/shabbos goyim in Trump's cabinet. Lest we forget, it was Andrew Breitbart who helped Arianna Huffington start Huffpost.