There has been an objective decline in content quality and discourse development over the past year on Zig Forums. What the fuck habbened? Have we been infiltrated by halfchan and reddit faggots? Have the mods been administrating properly? Are the divide and conquer shills gaining ground? Have the alphas moved to a different platform? Its time for some healthy reflection, and self improvement, I wanna hear your guys' thoughts on this…
Zig Forums Brain Drain?
Other urls found in this thread:
leddit Blumpftards drove the oldfags away
The site is dying and it won't be long until Jim pulls the plug.
A lot of the political dynamics have become less potent and are starting to normalize themselves, but we have the fucking midterms coming up along with a host geopolitical tensions, meme magic will need to play a factor in AT A MINIMUM sustaining our status, we CANT get complacent.
I think most oldfags here feel Zig Forums is too repetitive, fuck ive been doing this shit since the days of /new/ and nothing is fun anymore. Midterms? Republicans cuck themselves and the Dems get another gun grabbing rape accusator, nothing to be hyped for.
Nobody will tell you where the anons have gone. Fuck off.
Fair Enough, which other platforms do you lads frequent, for similar discourse and engaging in discussion beyond the Overton window?? Something in the realm of /polk/, with a scientific and rationalist faction? Nothing I've seen on cyberspace has come even close to the dynamism of Zig Forums in its prime, where did the alphas go to?
pound sand schlomo
All the quality posters got thrown in prison and/or killed.
The board was flooded with dumb conservatives during the election. They never left and then kamphy banned all of the old natsoc posters so many times that most ended up abandoning this place.
There is also the fact that Trump has been pulling the overton window to the left, bluepilling people who were formerly radicals.
It sounds terrible, user.
They all went to >>>/zoo/ you fucking Redditor.
None of us oldfags are leaving, maybe exploring a bit to see if there are options incase this place dies, we would be leaving in these two options the end or mlpol (this one is gaining traction) everywhere else is inhabited or low pop like meguga which we can easily invade and honestly it should stay that way till we agree we want to move to a new home or things get as bad just like gamergate, but the reason you 't see oldfags as much is due to jobs life and carieers, so is up to you fags to make better quality content, we haven't left were just busy
We have plenty of Zig Forums boards to move here…
But nice.
LARPers from /fringe/ out people off discussing actual politics
Most the oldfags have left to further deeper parts of the web as this one rises to the top.
The meme forge has moved and this is where they are now first disseminated to then be carried even further to other places and then to the normalfag sphere.
I've already been to the deeper parts a few migrated, other wise almost every single one is dead or hardly active no torchan onion's.
A lot of them are inhabited except the people who do shady shit.
Let me repeat the words that even an oldfag from the meta already explained, we don't have time to be here as much compared when we were younger.
No they didn't…
This place reached it's height before US elections, and then kikes decided to shut it down.png by paying (((Jim))) to turn it into /r/donald and with imkikefy banning anyone with an IQ over 70. It became a wasteland after that as most of us left, but they figured out that you can't make much revenue by having a chan where 90% of posters are poorly scripted bots and shills from India so now they are trying to larp transparency while selling your data to DoD and Tel Aviv HQ and using it as a containment zone (most of it's traffic is blocked to outside sources).
Just look at this board. In 2015 it was 1488. Today it is to the left of Pat Buchanan.
Would love to see that proof nigger. Or are you gonna continue shifting goalposts?
Fucking no where or else a lot of us would go to the end of the cliff.
Also this user already
explained why we aren't as frequent, also for the love of god do not underistimate our staminia or being a bunch of worthless fags who could hardly deal with plebbitors and shills it makes usbsounf that we are low energy.
I'd blame people who spend to much effort into sperging out as hard as possible while thinking that their random insults are arguments, something like:
We do have our fair share of non-radical right wingers, but pretty much everyone here either believes in natsoc/1488 or sympathizes it. Also, Pat Buchanan is redpilled
Ehm.. After years of Chan ventures I must say
Well, pin discussions let them be, moderate them but keep them, it's like you write a novel on you iPad and at page 47 the thing states the trial period is over and it crashes.
This is probably a fucking shill who wants to see what other Zig Forums's are out there and other chans and invade them with their low tier shilling or employees to populate it or a bunker where few discussions are going online or a future notice where we going if this site ever goes rouge or (((shut fown))) and will follow us.
Well, ignoring 8ch specifically, it's a fact that in the past ~10 years internet forums, irc chat rooms, chans, etc. have been divided, isolate, and left desolate. Now only giants like FB & Twitter exist, but it's interesting considering most are old accounts that never closed or bots.
Dilbert guy predicted this.
My point is, the people you guys need will simply not put their energy into this machine if they think it will be wasted.
No where we don't have the luxary to be here as much as we used to back then.
This place is nothing like it once was, and it holds no information value anymore. If you redpill yourself, you dig deeper and 8pol stopped digging long ago.
Here is one final pill, as a good bye present. And i mean goodbye in more than one ways.
This… Also were not as relevant compared to 4cucks and a lot of people don't know this place and consider us a myth.
Case in point. Nobody here a few years ago would have said that.
Zig Forums already digged everthing we can fine we know who was behind the wars of ww 1 and 2 and before that we already know who did 9/11 or whose behind pizza gate, what else is there to dig? If there is something fishy we would lurk.
picking autismo micado sticks out of the hayball is not digging, it's stupidity.
this place is stupid. watch the video to get a glimpse of what i'm talking about.
Nice insult there buddy what else do you want us to dig that isn't something we already know?
This place is full of spergs who seem to think newfags will stay and learn, but you chase them off so you can stay in your hurt box thinking somehow the newfag will adapt if they stay long enough.
Honest question. What is making them stay?
Ask yourselves that. What is it that makes newfags stay and digest the redpill anymore?
Instead of chasing off the newfags; perhaps you should think of them as your lil brother.
You don't tell you lil brother he's a fucking retard. You show him the way to being a man. A man of high caliber.
This place prides itself in being better than cuckchan, but I see nothing but a cess pool. Get your fucking shit together.
Also this.
Have a family to take care of other then spending on here for 24/7.
Good they shouldn't be here in the first place and the ones who do adapt are those currently lurking.
Yup, I am not a degenerate and a proud natsoc who wants to look after my own.
The percentage of people who have read Mein Kampf has dropped because 2016 Trump train brought in retards. 90% of confusion on this board would be cleared up, if people would just read the fucking book.
This made me chuckle, fucking good!
I am glad it's still as effective as ever.
You just indirectly gave me hope faggot.
I heard they are running off back to cuckchan and said cripplechan is filled with sperg's this faggot already solidified this belief. Also the last time I came here they were more anti trumpers or people against trump, haven't been paying attention due to the fact I don't spend here as much often.
That is a lie. The jew gets continuously exposed and named.
It was the moderation shakeup, huge influx of shills and assorted leftist faggots flooded in when the ban list was removed.
A lot of people left as the exact same spam style and topic derailment on halfchan corrupted this board.
Since then we've had shills trying to tone police the board into being anti trump by saying kike a few times to "blend in".
Ths tells me you aren't from here. Probably baiting, but I'll bite.
Answer me this though: What made people stay on /b/?
/b/ was a festering hole of a board that would tell you to fuck yourself and dox you at the drop of a hat. So then, why did people stay? Why did people stay on /new/, and why did they stay on 4/pol/?
The answer is actually really simple: Because they were honest.
Why would newfags stay? Because most of them already know what Zig Forums is like through exposure on other sites. Through one way, or another, anons found their way here because other venues lacked what they desired. Here, Zig Forums doesn't give a fuck if you have rep on another site because it doesn't offer anything by way of discussion or ideas. They very concept of being anonymous is, in and of itself, a shit-test for newfags. Because to be anonymous is to strip away the identity and ego of yourself. You may be someone on another site, but you're a nobody here. The only thing anons care about is whether or not your ideas have any merit or standing against examination.
Some embrace it and become another part of the amorphous entity that is user, others are not yet ready and will reject it. But they'll come back eventually as the redpilling process had already begun by simply exposing them to the raw truth.
The only thing the d&c shills are effective at is religion anything else they get called out for it.
good on you m8. Have fun in your echo chamber.
It's the same fucking thing. Built using a different method but a echo chamber non the less
Ya I guess that is an accurate depiction of Zig Forums how ever I will still shit on cuckchan and 4/pol/ for the simple fact they are the most degenerate and limpwristed faggots you will ever meet
The coherent ones moved on to:
The great ones moved to the bunkers, I keep coming here because while they're good, they're also so slow.
Mods. Threads aren't kept alive or dying naturally. Hanging over every post is the thought that some faggot with a lower IQ and unearned power is just going to delete it, the thread, or otherwise kill the discussion in a way nearly as insidious as retardshit's shadowbans by anchoring the thread. I have no problem with putting effort into a post and having it read and inevitably vanish into the ether as long as that's just the amount of attention it's rightfully earned and the will of the reading anons, but I stop myself short and question the point of doing so when there's a team of mongoloids on the loose that can instantly invalidate my effort.
The entire reason I am drawn to this format is so that I don't have my speech curbed by people less intelligent than myself with tools I have no access to- on a level playing field, I dominate, so I seek level playing fields. The mod is a creature who loses fair fights and so is drawn to tools that give him advantages. The only reason they should really exist is to prevent automated attacks on the website- getting swarmed by outsiders isn't actually a problem as long as they are reading what we say to them in response to their raiding, we get inside their minds with our ideology.
At this point, there's nowhere to go to escape the retard drool stank of idiots who want to control what I say.
Thanks for the pep talk. I'll be sure to tell my friends.
That is the opposite of the truth. Most old posters left earlier this year because they would get constantly banned for justifiably criticizing jew puppet trump.
Any answer other than the influx of republicans and trumpshills during the election in combination with mass bannings by Trump-controlled moderation is wrong.
Or 3rd/pol/, but like this user said
Were not leaving anytime soon and the bunkers are empty or verysmall and is pretty much is obvious where a lot of us will go incase this place gets shut down. Also does fascistchan still exist or do I have to access it with tor?