Meet Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO), democrat primary winner running for governor of CO
Meet Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO), democrat primary winner running for governor of CO
God I really hope CO can flip red again.
Confirmation of kikehood as through the mother.
Very unlikely. It's being flooded with shitskins and the whites are ultra cucked, it's probably the most jewish non-coastal state.
Most of the "whites" in Boulder are actually kikes and the kike mob ran Denver in the 70s.
Yeah, it's literally the Springs and little mountain towns versus the rest of the state.
My kids started kindergarten, but it was too early for them. We're going to pull them out even though we'll take a huge drop in wages.
At that age, kids belong with their parents. But a lot of families can't afford that, because both parents work, or commute 3hrs. to a job that could just as easily be done over the phone. The root cause is that nobody owns anything (Jews / Boomers own everything) and everyone's slaving for Amazon or Wal-Mart instead of building tight-knit local communities.
Oh let's not forget
Hmm… I wonder where this duel citizen of Israel is getting the money to do this shit for months on end.
the kike even looks like a pedo monster
Boulder is basically little Tel-Aviv at this point, you can hear Jews speaking their demon language on the sidewalks.
Also you're incredibly on point about the state of our demographics. It's basically just small farming towns in the middle of nowhere and mountain towns where shitskins can't survive being fucked by calinigger voters in the Denver Area now. Our state is politically and spiritually dead, the soyim in Denver are even trying to make it illegal to climb mountains because it's "too dangerous" and "harmful to the environment".
A few years ago I was reading about how Colorado Springs was one of the whitest large cities in the nation, any truth to that?
Everyone I know who isn't retarded when to Montessori and pre-school first.
Since the legalization of the herbal jew it'll never be Red again. Niggers and leftists flocked there for their drug addiction and never left.
Not in the foreseable future.
Not a native but I damn well might as well be, have family that did grow up here and has been in the state for like 100 years, ask me anything.
Also fuck the libtard transplants, you ruined the state.
A lot of people think that because it gets cold, there aren't any mexicans. This is false, there is a very large mexican population with many illegals. I wiutnessed this first hand when I lived there for 3 years. The western cowboy culture has been completely subverted by degenerate spics. There was a comforting lack of niggers though if you stay out of aurora. Weld county is one of the few places left in CO that maintain "conservative" value and thats just because its pretty much all farming and oilfield.
only if you consider filthy wetbacks "white"
As bad as it is I think that with the small population CO is the best candidate for effective political action by pro-whites. Small groups working together can easily win elections, especially for things like sheriff and city council. Expelling illegals will benefit CO more than most other states. Most of the whites I talk to can be brought around to our side, many are cucky because all they hear around them is jews and soyim talking about how great abortion and weed are. Give them better friends and they'll be better people.
But there are conservatives who also smoke the herbal Jew.
No, there aren’t. Words have definitions. Degenerates are not conservative/traditionalist. “BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT THEY SAY THEY ARE THAT MAKES THEM WHAT THEY SAY” is not an argument. It’s the only “argument” you have right now.
No, those are filthy libertarians. They might as well be leftists, they're essentially indistinguishable other than their faux- tough guy speak and "muh constitution" virtue signaling.
Colorado born and raised here. Durango, Pueblo, and Pueblo run this state, even though the majority of the counties are red.
If I remember correctly during the 2016 elections Colorado had a problem with cuck GOP types having the party on lockdown. Some of these white communities are filled with boomer scum who do not know what year it is or what is going on outside of their bubble. I know there were the same problems in Maine too.
For years California was essentially deporting a lot of its criminals out of the state and into places like Colorado.
whit ya gonna dae, phone the polis?
mate, he is the polis
I had an uncle that was an itenerant mendicant. The way he explained it, a lot of useless fucks such as himself go to the west coast for their friendly attitudes towards drug use and homelessness. Eventually they get on the bad side of the law there and are shipped to Nevada, Utah, and Colorado.
So glad I moved from Colorado last October after spending 22 years there. I have a feeling i'm just slowly outpacing the bullshit wherever I run to. Shame there are so few unspoiled places in this country left.
Yes, that's the fundamental problem with white flight. Eventually there is nowhere else to run, and at that point you hope that the kikes and shitskins will leave you a reservation or two somewhere that's inhospitable and not to their liking.
Eventually we have to stop surrendering our clay. Right now there is a role for tactical retreat (e.g. commiefornia) but once in an area that is tenable we need to begin holding the line. It's hard, because ZOG is against us.
Exactly. The Western Slope is corrupt as fuck because of them. They're busy worrying about changing road names and embezzling as much money as they can rather than actually upholding any values other than "Me first!". It's disgusting.
Are they still doing the caucus system there? as i remember, that had been fully infiltrated by boomertards.
Perhaps you should move to Mexico and start up a homestead? It's not impossible.
One must scratch one's head. How is it that so many laureates of the avant-garde are degenerate leftists? From the naive angle which is meant to be self-evident: avant-garde art must not be compatible with current 'reality' and thus must adopt complete destruction as its manifesto. The lie here is that the front guard must circle completely and attack the rear guard in order to succeed.
The truth is that the avant-garde can take almost (maybe actually) limitless forms. A work of art must merely become part of the cutting edge of the knife: the options aren't bounded by anybody in the present.
Contemporary 'avant-garde' art accomplishes its supposed goal in such a narrow gamut that it admits to its own falsehood: rather than exploring the potential art-scapes of the future without reservations, it regurgitates regressive politics ad nauseum.
Western civilization deserves to be corrected on many levels. This criticism can happen on many levels and must appear in many forms. That said: the postmodern, 'avant-garde' critique currently offered by leftists is disingenuous and dangerous. Their critiques are shallow and wish to bring us back to the days of brutal and deceitful totalitarianism. They move in one direction and that direction is painfully obvious to many of us.
We need to create a real avant-garde. Memes are a start.
CO native here. God damn this place has been raped to death by illegals and urbanite faggots moving from California.
according to pedro, Colorado is mexican clay. Get off their land gringo!
Boomers are dying off, we'll have to clean up their mess.
can't into polis if dead
I'm right here in the center of the nightmare in boulder and even here regular white people are getting tired of all this shit. This summer we had so many fucking homeless niggers wandering around the place it was like little san francisco, I even saw one shit on the street ffs. And now with google moving in the housing market is getting even more ridiculous to the point that it's becoming untenable to live here even for most people especially families. The average house price is 1.2 mm as of this year, but my hope is it'll finally go down some thanks to the denver re market slipping.
I actually met jared polis once at this faggot startup conference event, and tbh he didn't seem bad in person but he gave this sob speech about some indian guy evil drumpf wouldn't let in who ended up having to start a company in india instead (the horror) and the whole crowd of rich startup faggots were outraged at the very concept of an indian having to do shit in india.
fuck boulder and polis
shoo shoo staplejew
bumping this thread for no good reason
Strange and suspicious things are going on in Colorado. First we had the satanic benet-ramsey sacrifice. Many reports that sheriffs or entire police depts are in on it. In fact the columbine killers allegedly called out the police chief for child rape. They may have been victims who had to be knocked off. We can see now the seminal columbine school shooting was just the first of a pattern of false flag psyops. Then there is the denver airport and alleged facilities underneath, connecting tunnels for elites that go underground coast to coast. Lots of military including the hollow cheyene mountain where norad was told to stand down on 911. Funny how the people who take 911 at face value never ask how or who infiltrated us so deep they knew norad was running top secret drills this particular day.
You're the fucker from the Spic Stomper thread. Fuck off and fuck you.
The colleges here are cancer, they bring in all the dude weed kids and foreigners.
I'm seeing more Arabs than usual also Somalis that are just terrible in general.
BUMP for Stapleton
Well I voted against this pedo today. As well as the gun grabbing AG candidate.
I haven’t seen any pro polis ads, just anti-Stapleton ads.
We need to go to the DemonRATic candidate's Q&As to ask unconfortable questions.
This race was lost when the GOP deliberately nuked the campaign of Tom Tancredo.
Global report