ZOG facing shortage of fit, willing slaves to Israel

It seems that the average /sig/ user is likely more fit for combat than the majority of young Americans, and even enlisted personnel in armed forces. The lack of will to die for Israel anymore is also having a detrimental effect on young people willing to join as well.


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kike free first post

Why not draft Americans then?

Daily reminder that 40% of adult niggers are obese. The number of overweight niggers is even higher like 70% or something.

Well obviously. Nationalism is shit when your government isn't a nation but a state–and is shit at doing things for the people from which it was derived. What sucks though is that then trash will make up the military and have access to military -grade weapons/etc.

because it would a nightmare, vietnam proved that, you can't fight a war with unwilling slaves who will frag their CO's tent

No, that happened because boomers.

That didn't happen in previous wars. In fact soldiers turned their weapons on their own brothers with the Bonus army.

Thankfully people have won wars against better equipped opponents many times over throughout history with far less than we Americans have. Sure it matters who's got the biggest stick but it matters a hell of a lot more who's swinging it.

The previous war was in trenches. Vietnam was in a jungle. There was also basically no reason for the US to fight Vietnam.

I'm shocked

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look at their women , they should count as 2 obese people each

Considered doing officer training to get military experience. I don't live in the US. Is it worth it? Don't forget, that commie fuckbag Spenser Rapone was stationed at West Point, so perhaps countermeasures are in order.

I definitely would never serve in the US military though. Fuck that.

As a burger I often wonder what my options are if I want to acquire military training without having to join any government's military. I've looked into starting a PMC but it's hard to imagine starting one without at least a million dollars, that and you would need to find someone willing to pay you for your service quickly before you go bankrupt.

It doesn't matter if you're overweight before you ship for basic because you won't be when you're done. As long as you can meet the bare minimum fitness standards before shipping you should be fine. It's not a weight problem, it's a weakness problem. As for active duty obesity, that's a harder one to tackle, but it relies mostly on providing decent food at weird hours. Removing fast food from bases is perhaps equally important. I'm not sure what you can do about MREs but anyone eating those is already deployable so who gives a fuck. Maybe replace everything in the box with the beef stew and chicken and noodles for morale purposes.

Guidelines are good but the food sucks. The ones in the states hand out pizza like it's going out of style.

The easiest option for eating in the military is almost always the worst option. And most of the time that easiest option is also the only option.

Oy gevalt! Why can't my number one golem fight anymore?!

Historically, the lowest ranked soldiers are regarded by the elite as the scum of the earth.

USA cannot even find enough young men to meet that criteria, they're actually too degenerate physically and intellectually to even pass the bar to be scum of the earth

It's not like that anymore but nice meme.

I'd join the FFL before joining any other force. Though if you fuck up in the FFL they'll stick you on one of the Pacific atolls where they did their nuke testing and you'll be filling up crevices leaking radioactive gasses from underground blast sites with concrete pours.

Sort of a nasty fate eh?

Just get a job and forget the military shit.

Maybe brainwashing children to hate their country, war is pointless, and nationalism/pride is for idiots kept anyone who would pass the bar away.

On the plus side you can get one of these sweet axes.

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It used to be that you could join any old militia and get squad training with your buds.
But then the government deemed that a well regulated militia was dangerous, so here we are.

Washington D.C., The District of Columbia, or D.C.
Sage for not fixing lugenpresse obfuscation.

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And this is a bad thing how? No more wars for Israel.

what's so bad about growing a few extra testicles? Real men don't allow a few tumors and skin melting off stop them from attaining their greatness

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But, that's just one part of the problem.
What are those kids supposed to do when they're not at school?
Ever since they axed Home Ec around the country, most never got the chance to learn how to cook healthy meals for themselves and now rely on ready-made (read: processed)/fast food for their daily repast.
And, now that they've grown and have kids of their own, it's only compounding the issue, since they don't know how to set the example.
I even had to teach one friend's 12-year-old son simple things like how to boil and prepare spaghetti and sauce, his mother was just that busy with 2 jobs and school.

Its because people aren't joining for the cause, only for the gibs. The majority of whites dont give a fuck about defending the kikes abroad. Good luck with that gib army kikes KEK!

Imagine being a kike and ruining a population, telling them being fat and a faggot is okay. Causing most of the men in the society trauma from birth with circumcision, and make out all the white men as evil nazis. Pushing racemixing on all the white people. Then it comes to the point where you are in a war with a bunch of pissed off muslims who want their land back, you turn to these people who you made into villains or turned into landwhales, and none of them hold up to the standards to fight for you, you can't even force them to enlist because you destroyed any pride they had in their country through your indoctrination and they would refuse to do it.

Find an ex soldier and pay him to train you/group. Everybody wins.

isn't the word for that mercenary?

Get with the times already grandpa

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The gibs army in place today is entirely compelled by the chance of getting free college in addition to their free healthcare and housing/food and poverty level pay, essentially willing prisoners vaguely hoping to be ready should Israel require them as fodder. A mercenary lives to fight, and trains himself to become the most desirable to those that want his service.

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Serious question. How do you even become a merc? Are only ex-military picked/how do you even find a job?etc…

Faggot put down the controller. Ask not what the controller controls, it controls thee

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Fortnite has NPC's as well used for D-FENS of your fortress, sonny

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This makes america that much weaker and much easier for us to make an ethnostate when SHTF. This is very good news friends

the latest addition is (apparently) that you can get a great deal on sex-change operations that won't break the bank account through one of many approved VA providers
>make six figures guarding (((elites))), or infiltrating groups to list HVT's, etc… fun fun fun

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ZOG will still have plenty in the form of white nationalists.

> this thread

I've never understood why they didn't have S&S Cafeterias or other Cafeteria style eating placing that are not ran by the military. It would be better for everybody and the taste of the food would improve, not to mention service wold be faster since there are ALWAYS long wait times at all the places to eat on base.

Learn to format, nigger

Spics are up there, too. I have never seen a female spic above the age of 18 that isn't 250+.

hah. the spic-nic cycle states the purpose of civilization, technology, physics and math is to feed meats and fats to diabetic obese niggers.

look at the map of where sugar comes from. look at the map of where all over the world the US military has a base. notice anything Private Pile? now choke yourself numbnuts.

the collapse of the US military due to it defending the very (((forces))) which will slowly erode and destroy it is hilarious poetic justice.

that's what you get for over extending your empire until you can no longer defend your borders. i am reminded of the famous quip from an economist testifying to Congress who said the obvious that the economy tends to grow until it stops. so too does an empire.

now hold on for a moment while i play my tiny violin for the Pentagon's recruiters. suck it up buttercups. you're locked into the death spiral and it's irreversible. Rumsfeld and Cheney's brilliant idea to outsource all your chow to Halliburton and DFENS contractors doesn't seem so smart now in hindsight when every base you have resembles a fucking shopping mall food court. being able to stuff your treacherous pouches with McDonalds and Pizzahut in the Green Zone and in Kabul was the stupidest idea ever. your grunts already lack the self discipline to need to be taught to not rape each other and who require manuals with a million rules for everything down to how to tie their boot laces, so did you really think they could withstand the temptation to lard up at the base Burger King?

the average American.is a fat lazy funtionally illiterate front hole. why would you expect the average private selected from the pool to defy statistical odds? and keep flooding the country with spics and keep defending kiked economic trade routes so that our economy sinks even further and our living standards plunge to 3rd World levels and the only jobs left are to enlist. the Pentagon dug its own grave and i have zero sympathy for the traitors.

on the bright side, news like this is like the wind in my sails when i imagine the future army of the Northwest Front. this whole time we're terrified about how are we going to defeat the Big Bad US Military on the battlefields of Portland and Seattle and Boise and Bluffdale?


turns out, Private Frappucino and Major Big Mac and General Double Stuffed Crust
were to fat and too fatigued to squeeze out of the MRAP and they got sent to Jesus by a Nazi Chad special forces squad who only eat Paleo raw meat and bullets between chopping down trees and building forest fortresses with their bare hands.

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You sugar around the world chart is irrelevant because most sugar comes from corn in the form of HFCS. Corn subsidies are part of the problem.

Why does physical fitness matter when the job is to sit in a chair and d&c, derail, and sow distrust to fracture and weaken a "white nationalist" online community targeted by DOD for elimination

Heil'd. So, this is actually why the military is amping up AI etc., so if and when whites finally chimp, they'll be able to use traitorous white bot operators to send a bot army to kill the insurgents. No need for fat dumb beaners and niggers to participate at all.

They deployed Trump to placate whites for a while by making them feel like political change is possible. Just need time to get the bot army fully up and running.

Spic gf is 110lbs

The military, becoming pozzed, is obviously not attracting masculine men.
Unfortunately, these are the kinds of men that are the best soldiers.

Do you realize where you're posting

learn comprehension skills, faggit. This isn't your Kindergarten class

It's absolutely like that. Bottom feeding cannon fodder in the US are literally lied to, right to their faces, about who "attacked" their country and what their mission is supposed to achieve while the people doing the lying import foreigners to murder and displace their family back home. If you can't figure out they think you're scum, you might have brain damage.

Checked. That any white man is still willing to put himself in harm's way for the same government that floods his hometown with beaners just shows how desperate a lot of whites are economically.


Maybe they would have better luck if the military was in the Med. fighting off the invasion, or on it's own borders instead of overthrowing regional rivals of Israel even it it means turning stable nations in Afghanistan?

Shoo, shoo, mil shill.

kek the zog is strong in this one


Spic gf? I was mad when I found out an ex was part tree-nigger and it was so far removed she had wavy blonde hair and pink nipples.

Why do you literal faggots even care about setting consensus here on Zig Forums? All you have to do is wait another 5-10 years until the military is fully automated killbots. Your army of fat, low-IQ spics you imported will function just fine until then. You don't need to worry about the white male recruit pool.

What the fuck is a tree-nigger?

Chaff dispensers/explosives would probably be a good bet against such bots since their AI isn't self contained and has to be operated by an outside user wirelessly en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaff_(countermeasure)

5-10 years from now it will be a combo of human operated and very possibly pure robot/AI with no human control.

Why would anyone bother to risk their lives for the worthless degenerates here? What, get killed so a bunch of niggers and spics and kikes and degenerate sorry sacks of shit and whores and drug addicts can just flood my homeland and take it over? No way in hell. The real battle is right here, not 5000 miles away in someone else's shithole backyard

delet pls


burn in hell you unamerican piece of shit
those boys out there are dying for your freedom every fucking day and you're sitting on your ass giving them shit knowing that you're away from the danger. The world wants us destroyed and god dammit Trump is trying to stop it so give those boys a break.

actually kek'd out loud, tyft

And all three of them were not completely on board with Hitler + National Socialism so like just about everything else in this life they are only useful up to a certain point.

You're responding to a paid zogbot shilling for white recruits to join the 57% white army to defend the 50% white homeland

>implying that WNs would fight for schlomo (likely against other whites russians)

you sound like a vet, where did you deploy to?

Fuck off boomer. Go back to r/the_cuckold

Fucking based just like Q-user predicted #IsraelFirst #WUBBALUBBA


The real reason those poor bastards are dying is that they were tricked into fighting for Schlomo Shekelberg's freedom. Don't call us un-American when you're helping cover that shit up.

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just because the way you type made it sound like "Zig Forums is against it (the soldier)"

they came from a time where soldiers were nationalistic and it was truly honorable to be a soldier and to serve your homeland

that is because the conditions that were present in the age of the aforementioned scholars have not been met (ie racial homogenity of the nation, national identity, social honor, actual reward, no threat against people from non in group citizens) and so with none of the conditions being met it can be reasonably concluded that it would be counter intuitive for a man and his people (read; white man; white people) to enlist in the military and would be paramount to joining an occupation force or other foreign non friendly military

just to compound on that your entire fucking post just reads horribly, you are essentially making two separate statements with little to no context and trying to tie them together with a vague association
please kindly fuck off with your context-less and vague shitty posts

even if you just take every bit of detail out of it, what reason is there really to fight ?

At the end of the day too, the Trumps' the Alex Jones' and the Qanons, and the various evangelical larpers only show that scammin' and scummin is what's respected. Who can look their own citizens in the face and lie and larp the hardest wins. Crowsourced cuntery.

Fuck off rabbi.


I thought about the FFL, but never heard that Legionaries had to do anti nuclear clean up. Or at least the Sapper Legionaries would have this task? because from what I understand they do the construction, road building etc. Any other insight into the Legion you can give?

well seeing as how its the FRENCH foreign legion you would likely get some promiscuity pussy (aka roast beef pussy) so thats nice i guess, you would also get to experience all the diversity that paris offers :^)


What freedom? You can't say anything in this fucking country without everyone and their kike spawn getting their panties all in a bunch. Corporations own you and the government spies on you 24/7. You so much as sneeze the wrong way and the federal government locks you away to rot for 99 years. What fucking freedom? The world doesn't give 1 ass fucking shit about us and we don't give a shit about them. We're only in danger when we start fucking around in places around the world where we're not wanted, that's the only time we're in any danger. Meanwhile back home niggers go around shooting anyone at will, minorities talk shit all the time and do whatever the fuck they want without any recourse. What fucking freedom do we have anymore in this fucking country

We are living in a system of modern slavery to kikes disguised by the illusion of freedom.

Nowadays the only reason anybody joins the military is for a stable job or the few benefits left. A lot of the people I knew in the military were college drop outs who were trying to pay off their school loans and/or finish their degree. Fuck all people join for "love of their country" or some bullshit like that nowadays. It's just something to pay the bills to these people, nothing more.

You don't know how right you are. I'm somewhat ashamed to admit than in my younger degenerate years I crushed more than a few fish tacos and now 10 years later literally every one of those girls is fat and disgusting. or at least the ones I've run into

Damn I need to brush up on my racism I've heard them called prairie niggers but never tree niggers.

You usually have to be white and be prior infantry/MP. Sometimes they take cops, depensing on the theater and what exactly you'll be doing. It helps to know somebody who knows somebody, but it's literally just like applying to any other job.

That being said, if you are non-military or law enforcement, having valuable skills will land you the position too. Being able to fly a plane or helicopter, mechanic, gunsmith, EMT, shit like that.

There's a certain poetry in this.

You kids just now figuring these things out.

This board's IQ has dropped by 40 points in a single month. Something about going "global" I keep hearing about. Whatever the case, god damn It's like reading post from niggers… only they're all white. I predict this place will only have a few hundred posters left in a few months.

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For money I guess. The military always pays on time and almost everyone can join. I really doubt the average US grunt enlisted because he felt the need to serve his country. He does it for money and because he didn't have any better opportunities in life.

not if it's still around. Considering the lack of places to speak freely online, if this is still up and running in its current form, the poster count will soar.

LOL. It's like you don't even understand the point of divide and conquer in politics. If the government wants soldiers at this point they have to rely on low-quality immigrants. The government made this bed decades ago, now they have to lay in it.

Good. I support gays and trannies being in the (((US military))), too

Orphans to military boarding schools, not Foster Homes. Why? pic related

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There's a difference between a soldier and a mercenary army that fights for ZOG and corporations.