So this new anime came out and it's very "problematic" according to some reviewers.One major gripe they have is they think the goblins are a metaphor for minorities/jews/poc, the second problem they have is that the anime portrays them as inherently evil and the "final solution" for them is always death according to the main character (who is named Goblin Slayer and has an obsession with killing low level Goblins). Lefty reviewers are already saying this anime is for white supremacists and alt-right nazis.
The comments in this review are ridiculous: – If You Like Goblin Slayer You're Probably A Hypocrite Edgelord—
Who cares what these retards think? It's a work of fiction, so they can allow themselves to write things like this. And the writes have made the right thing the first episode because most of the animes are full of these optimistic turds with shit never hitting the fan, so a start of an anime or manga this way is a great way to show the audience the tone of it.
Sage, because if we were to make a thread each time retards get triggered, we wouldn't have any good threads at all
Gabriel Roberts
Its telling if they think the goblins might be niggers. Anime will save the west.
Later on the goblins use naked women chained to shields as, well, shields to fight off some humans, and yes, it's very telling if they think the goblins are supposed to be nigs and "refugees" since this is specifically what goblins are known to do in fantasy stuff - kidnap women to use as seed beds and kill men.
Lincoln Kelly
The manga's better tbh, also you forgot to mention how these retards SJWs got butthurt at the rape scene.
I don't like the GS anime, can't speak for the manga. I don't give much of a shit about 'muh social issues', I just found it to be as gratuitously edgy as the lovechild of Shadow the Hedgehog and a Family Guy skit. I'm not offended, I'm just disappointed that the thing people keep hyping up is grimderp that heavily fellates Guts Jr. like he's going to come out of the screen and beat up your step-dad
Jace Ortiz
>(((/a/))) doesn't like it Good thing I started watching it from ep. 1, then.
Josiah Scott
> Yeah, I'm downloading it now just to make sure I have it. I'm sure jewtube will remove soon enough.
Adam Perry
Um… you do realize you can download it through torrents right newfag? Also, episode 2 came out today.
Lefty faggots like yourself seem to think so. It's very telling that they are always the first ones to say that goblins/orcs/blue cat aliens/space cockroaches/zombies/etc are niggers and jews when most normal people just see a fictional monster.
Justin Lewis
how much of a trope is the new adventurer girl and adventurers guild? feels like ive seen this before
Michael Johnson
For the third time, I downloaded it. I have uTorrent and found it on So far so good.
Jeremiah Brooks
The manga is pretty fun, Goblin Slayer did nothing wrong
Xavier Baker
Fucking A. I had seen them crying that goblins can be seen as kikes or that the problem is the show advocating genocide, but I didn't see the white supremacist stuff yet. How exactly that works with a bunch of nips as the cast I'll never know.
Only shitskins fit the bill of goblin. Whites and east Asians are too inherently aristocratic to be compatible to goblins in a meaningful way. The left proves once again that it does not actually believe in equality.
Kayden Torres
Okay, so they're still alive.
What's the news?
David Perry
You see a goblin hord I see doctors and engineer's
Adam James
Only people with autism watch Anime so it doesn't matter
Isaiah Green
I'm surprised at the people here refusing to see this show as promoting what the triggerettes say it does, while at the same time saying it's obvious what (((their))) media promotes. The first episode bluntly states that there can be no coexistence with the goblins after showing them murdering and gangraping white women. It's clear;y meant to appeal to a specific demographic of videogaming nationalists.
It's pretty funny, too.
John Jones
Fugg this only reminds me of my longing for more Youjo Senki.
$20 says these faggots love Zelda games but are too retarded to recognize Ganon is literally a greedy, power hungry hooked nose jew. Especially in Ocarina of Time. Ganon is literally a kike surname from Argentina.
He's even got the sloped forehead and swarthy appearance.
Levi Baker
Lol ya he had the ashkenazi neanderthal physiology
Grayson Ward
wtf now i love anime
Adam Collins
They're either whites or East Asians.
Cameron Bailey
Lord of the Rings is also a fictional representation of eliminating the non-white threat with the premise that race determines your behavior. Whites (humans and elves) are good. Every character that is non-white is evil. And greed turns you into Golem, a slave of the jew.
Tyler Baker
first post in this thread I can relate to
Kevin Lee
(checked) When I went to Japan for the first time, one of the first questions I got asked by one of the natives was, "Is it true that Jews control all the media in America?" I was bluepilled at the time so it was totally unexpected. Another day, when the subject of WWII came up, I told the guy what the Jews say Germany did in the Holocaust. He just laughed and said, "That's ridiculous, there's no way that happened." In places where Jews don't have a total deathgrip on information, people talk about this kind of stuff without fear.
Also thank god the movies were made before PC completely took over hollyjew or else Legolas would have been a transexual, Aragorn would have been a bigger, and Gandalf a woman. They would have made it so the only white people are midgets, hobbits and dwarves.
Daniel Torres
They probably don't know many manga about various Not!german societies.
Japan loves german, and the germanic influence has gone up so far.
Isaiah Anderson
It would literally be impossible to cremate 6 gorillion in the timespan (((they))) claim and if it did happen there should be a mountain the size of a Nascar race track of ashes.
Easton Gray
Zelda is literally about an aryan (Link) vs a pink demon/hook nose jew/dark skin muslim.
And the Luftwaffe sword.
Too bad I don't like it.
Henry Rogers
Anime characters don't look asian to me.
Yep Gollum
Matthew Morgan
The way the story is unfolding, it appears that the goblins (and other brutes) are being supplied by an evil mastermind and sent to infiltrate human civilization. Basically the story is an allegory for jews weaponizing niggers, mudshits, and wetbacks. It even goes so far as to show characters suffer brutal betrayal for taking pity on goblins. I've been enjoying it so far.
So is LotR. Sarumon worships Sauron whose name is not allowed to be spoken just like the kike god Yahweh. They supply the shitskins with weapons to attack the West.
Austin Rivera
You are mistaking it with Harry Pottery, the name of Sauron is evil but there's no problem with character speaking it.
Though, orc-ish does sound like jewish. Quite an ugly language.
Andrew Martin
Leftycucks are always looking for something to whine about
That's true, but they're not imagining the show's leanings. A righteous nationalist philosophy is clearly present thus far.
Bentley Scott
Seems about right
The only good shitskins are the ones that never come out of their hole
Cameron Price
Zachary Howard
No one would be crying if the Goblins where replaced by some woman raping bugs or slime monsters that do not resemble humans.
Its not the seemingly shallow premise of a woman raping species that they are troubled with, its the fact that the visual depiction of these vermin is hitting to close home and makes even the dumbest people recognize the similarity of that behavior with niggers.
Gavin Lee
oh you youngsters… "goblin" was the favored term for attackers in Jeff Cooper's Gunsite Gossip / Cooper's Corner columns
Leftists would say that Cooper was racist and imperialist. Cooper wasn't racist so much as intolerant of backward and savage cultures (and individuals). He was imperialist in that he saw nothing wrong with destroying cultures that were causing problems for others or even driving their own people into becoming refugees, as he would note that this was what has always been done throughout history.
Ian Ortiz
And who are 'The Villagers' in Minecraft? … the merchants/traders. This masking of "characters" is an ongoing saga within writings that easily predate 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz'; granted all or none of the characters can be considered NPC's
Its another episode of Zig Forums furiously masturbating on weeb shit just because lefties hate it. Fantasy will never replace reality. Reality that your fantasies of "killing all goblins" will never be realized, you masturbatory worthless cunts who can only play internet tough guys. Its also appealing to video game playing shits, who can only feel good when they are killing virtual soulless creatures for pleasure, and have zeo achievements in real life.
Stop escaping reality. You're a prey here, not a hunter.
Ayden Phillips
Where they see Goblins, I see future citizens that will enrich our community. Just wait until the Attack on Titan anime reaches the Marley arc. Self-hating Eldians (whites, Germans), who have to pay for the sins of their ancestors for their "genocide" even though they built the modern world (roads, bridges, ect.) The whole world against them, and their only ally being the Nips. It's funny seeing them comment on SnK, since one minute they're saying "Oh, Eldians are the Jews!" but then the next minute Eldians are apparently "ebil fashy goys". The Mangaka being a Japanese nationalist is bad too, apparently.
This has to have been intentional. I wonder if knowledge of the merchants and their bullshit is more common in Japan. I mean, that How to not Summon a Demon Lord show had the demon lord using magic with six sided stars of david in his magical circles. Same star appeared when they were summoning a demon.
And you cannot do anything about me being here, my friend who stuck in fantasy and can't clean his room. Be realistic. You're fat and lazy faggot who can't get out of his room to do chores or get a work. Weeb shit is cancerous, it gives unrealistic ideas of how women are like and give protagonists unrealistic powers you will never have, but fruetlessly desire.
Blake Robinson
watched it just now, enjoyed it don't normally watch anime stuff, but it was good. how do the leftist faggots find out about this stuff, do they go through every new series looking for something to offend them
now I want to slay some goblins and level up
Christopher Taylor
Haha, you are even angry about goblins being stamped on in fiction. Pathetic, permanent victim status.
Japanese Shinto culture has all sorts of symbols from swastikas to stars of david and 5 pointed stars. They are not related to neither jews or nazis, you ignorant twat. Nips themselves practice all sorts of supersticious magical nonsense with those symbols.
Luke Phillips
Is GS set in africa? Is Goblin Slayer a boer? ep 2 is a white farm :thinking:
Kayden Watson
I am angry that people think making fantasies about genocide is a good idea and not self harming escapism.
Justin Reed
So its BLACKED anime.
I didn't think anime could get any faggier. Well done.
Liam Bell
You haven't heard of entire games based on orc rape then. Like hundreds of them.
Angel Brown
Well at least it's about killing those doing the blacking, so it's something.
Nathaniel Turner
Torpedo goblin, you're the one who takes imageboards super seriously and thinks you'll be v&'d for shitposting.
the goblins are supposed to be disgusting degenerate creatures that do disgusting degenerate shit to humans, if they don't show you a reason to hate them what's the whole point of the manga?
Imageboards are serious business, newfag. And Zig Forums is even more serious than that. Look at fucking catalog, this shitty anime thread is the only new thread you have. Bunch of losers. Even 4chan Zig Forums isn't that dead.
Cooper Butler
Ah, I see. That makes sense. Reminds me of foreigners freaking out in Japan when they see the Swastikas on the map as temple symbols.
Satire can sometimes end up being unironically enjoyed (Rorsach from watchmen is an example.) So where they would expect a pacifying effect, there might be more of a whitepill/motivation effect. Who knows, though.
It's even in their childrens media. Remember digimon. Yeah they have beings called the 7 great demon lords and this is one of them. It's literally the representation of greed.
Stop havingredients a stick up your ass. The survival of our people is important yes but if we lose our own culture then we won'the be strong enough to win anyway. Remember that imageboards were brought into prominence by anime.
Elijah Gray
Zelda is so racist. The good guys are all white blond-haired Aryan types, and the bad guy is a brown-skinned man with a pronounced nose.
Other races like gorons and zora are considered "good" because they submit to the Hylians.
Not the gerudo, though. Nope. They want to be independent and refuse to be dominated, therefore they are "evil."
Say, doesn't Hylian kinda sound like Aryan?
Ganon wants to create "a world of darkness," because obviously a world not ruled by white people = darkness and chaos amirite?
Link is the chosen hero because he has the blood of ancient Hylian warriors. He's a hero because of his blood? In other words, he's automatically the hero because his ancestors are white?
Master Sword, huh? Is that like the master race?
The Triforce is a KKK symbol.
The final boss of Zelda 2 is Shadow Link, who is exactly like Link except he is black. Nice pointy hat, Link. Was KKK-mart having a sale?
I am here from 2014 and hate for obvious false nationalism that is just masturbatory fantasy only grew bigger. I know how to recognize it and i no longer care for practicioners of false flaging such as yourself. That includes anime watchers and video game players. Escapism is cancer, stop it until its too late.
Dominic Gutierrez
Watched the first episode and then read all manga chapters this shit is great. It's like Doom guy with goblins. So yeah I could see how fags could get butthurt over it
Robert Edwards
This place wouldn't even exist without anime you don't know shit.
Carson Watson
In serious sam those enemies that run at you screaming and then explode are like suicide bombers. Killing them is racist against muslims.
Cameron Young
goblin are an archetype for jews dont they mean jews are an archetype of goblins
Aiden Scott
That idea is stupid. When imageboards and text boards were formed around early 1999-2000's the whole idea was to butcher faggots from japanese BBS, and establish anonymous communities, because nips started attentionwhoring and namefagging very early, it was not about your shitty anime. Only early 4chan scum, when it was made, thought that japanese websites should associate with muh anime.