Saudi Arabia warns against 'threats' as its stock market plunges following Trump's comments on journ
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Trump won't lift a damn finger against his crypto masters.
Nobody can touch the Saudis because they force everyone to buy Saudi oil in dollars. They also force everyone else in the gulf oil cartel to require oil purchasers to buy oil in dollars as well. Therefore, nothing will ever happen to the Saudis for any reason, because the second they end that policy, the US will essentially collapse permanently. That is why a faction of the Saudi gov't alongside Israeli operatives helped some greedy, evil insiders in the US pull off 9/11, because the greedy fucks in the US knew that nobody would ever fully investigate the Saudis and would therefore never smoke out the American officials ultimately responsible.
The Saudis are fighting a losing war in Yemen right now, without US support they're fucked due to their retardation.
I would love to see them dumping buckets of acid over Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. No amount of time inside Trump's asshole would every console Sheldon Adelson.
Another made up story by maganiggers and the fakenews media to make it seem like trump is anti-islam to garner votes this midterms.
This is all getting too obvious and tiresome.
Your jewish faggotry is boring. Just die already you gross goblin
Who keeps letting niggers have keyboards?
Elections are a psyop, fuck off.
The petrodollar racket is unsustainable. I don't see how or how long they can keep it going. The adjustment must come some day, unless WWIII.
Does that satisfy you now Trumpenkike.
Actually you are shifting the blame, Kissinger was the one that made the agreement with them, in a mutually beneficial relationship. Saudi cannot exist without the US because they without US protection their little patch of kingdom will be a free for all for all who wish a slice.
Those two pictures together says so much about his presidency.
Khashoggi indeed used to work for Al Arab which was owned by bin Talal.
A picture asspains a thousand trumpcucks
go back to reddit faggot
Get an updated script since you clearly missed your briefing. Go wind up like Axel Steenburg or Patrick Cushing.
People seem to miss the really basic point of being exiled. If you are exiled, don't set foot on what is technically their soil.
No one else has any part to play in this. Exiled jewdi went back to jewdi soil got jewdied. jewdi.
Guy was on a suicide mission.. no ones fault but his own.. next topic!
They've releas3d surveillance footage of the "journalist" leaving the consulate in Instanbul. Walking backwards for unknown reasons.
Fucking based my fellow MAGApede, now lets focus on giving reparations to based black conservative groups so we can beat these evil Democrats in the midterms! Awooo!!! :^)
Yeah, who gives a damn about what he was researching. Hey, could have been something that matters to every country on earth, or maybe it was just corruption on the local goat cheese competition. That's why he died, I'm sure. Who gives a damn, right?
You faggots are insulting.
So in the Q-ARGiverse, MbS is /ourguy/ with Trump and Iran/Turkey FF'd the disappeared Khashoggi because of the recently announced arms deals.
How do Zig Forumslacks see this?
Exactly. KSA (apparently literally) took out some trash. Does that mean I favor KSA? No. Maybe I would come around if they simultaneously got the rest of the journalists for Post and the NYT
When two of your enemies do battle and one is killed and the other is severely damaged, then schadenfreude is in order. Cheering against someone does not imply cheering for their opponent.
Why would Turkey or Iran bother with this guy? It doesn't make any sense at all.
Believe it or not, there used to be a time where reporters weren't hired by Affirmative action, didn't take bribes and worked hard to make powerful people uncomfortable with their shady dealings.
Straight form wikipedia:
THIS is what actual journalists should do. To question, to expose. To give the people eyes where normally they can't go.
What you could point out, is the MASSIVE connections this guy had with the US and Saudi Intelligence committees, as well as the Saudi elite. This guy sat on tables with people that could have YOU killed before they had breakfast without anyone asking further questions.
The two main things to take out of this:
Instead of sperging out with "funny" quips like "Washington Compost", learn to read deeper into what you see everyday.
meant silent war, I'm not even on the phone, what the fuck.
Bottom line is, Sauds are too dumb to train their own troops.
He was a fucking parasite journo with less sense than most niggers. Even they know not to walk into another gang's territory.
You seem to be under a misguided impression we give two shits about shitskins here. We don't even give one.
Forgot to hop IP there for second, haven't you schlomo?
For anyone lurking:
This was not a reporter with a deathwish. This was a Glow-in-the-dark operative doing something shady over there. And it went wrong, fast.
While the world has it's eyes set on Iran, the US and allies are pulling some shit in Saudiland. I'd be willing to bet there's some "moderate rebels" in need of support, and these might have some ties to Ankhara too.
Or maybe not, but wathever it is, our (((friends))) here >>12273746 want it slid of the catalog ASAP.
Once again you're fucking correct
They wouldn't. It was 100% a Saudi hit, and it's obvious, but Qlarp is running interference on this issue because MbS isn't allowed to be an egomaniacal dictator, he's a redpilled MAGAnista who respects Israel or whatever.
Honestly, trying to unravel the mental gymnastics of Drumpf voters is nearly impossible and entirely unnecessary. Just ignore their childish ramblings and move on.
Fuck off kikefy.
Kill yourself goatfucker. I don't need to IP hop to slap you around.
Lets be honest, Jews are atleast one step above Arabs due to the fact they have European blood. Let’s hope the Jews destroy the Middle East.
The askenaz aren't european. A goatfuckers raping a white girl doesn't make a white kid.
I am not and have never been kampfy.
Although I do appreciate that since being re-modded, he and skeletor have been able to pry themselves away from their MLP roleplay IRC chats long enough to unsticky most of the outdated horseshit that used to clog the front page for weeks on end.
The jew cries in pain as it strikes you.
Guy went to the embassy to get papers verifying he was divorced, so he could get remarried. Girlfriend waited in the car. He never came back out.
The same day, members of the Saudi royal guard were seen leaving a plane at the airport, carrying suitcases. On the way to the embassy, they stop to buy more suitcases and a bone saw.
They are then seen, on security cameras, leaving the embassy, lugging full, heavy suitcases.
Guy's dead, no doubt.
If Russia and Iran started selling oil for Yuan, that would change pretty quickly.
Remind me, who were the two main foreign powers fighting DAESH in Syria again? And why was the US providing Air support for DAESH until Mattis took over?
Thank God for Trump.
Q was either a match-and-lead from the start or (my theory), started as a reformist disclosure party that got too close to a taboo and went from being tolerated to being taken out or co-opted.
Q was anti-war, all over the space force and satanist pedos at first, claimed he got hacked right after posting some pics of Apple's weird 'Saucer' campus, and suddenly Israel and Sunni Muslims are our greatest ally and we need to bomb Persia. I don't trust that trip as far as I could throw it.
all this fuss over a mudslime (((WaPo))) faggot. Who cares?
Fucking Arabs.
When the oil runs out you sandniggers can go back to herding your goats and fucking your camels.
Fucking towel heads.
The shills will call you kike because Trump is the harbinger of the Jewish Messiah (kushner) who is the Antichrist
Did he , uhh …. make the cut?
Nice summary.
Nice punctuation you (((organic))) outsider faggot.
Houthis aren't actually doing so well at the moment. They can't keep the main capitals and larger areas, but they sure can make it practically unbearable to try and take over Yemen.
Nothing changed under Mattis. Stop talking as if you have any idea what's going on with ISIS or Syria because you clearly don't.
arabs are a step above because jews push liberal cuck agenda in the west and mass immigration
if anything muslims and arabs are allies in pushing conservative values across the world
the muslims wouldn't be migrating to europe if it wasn't for the kike agenda and them convincing the US to topple every stable regime possible in the US
Can't make this shit up.
every stable regime in the middle east i mean
>IRGC missile strikes carried out in response to the Ahvaz terror attack and the target was ISIS positions east of Euphrates in Syria’s Deir Ezzor province.
>US Pentagon official: missiles fired by Iran came within three miles of US troops in Deir Ezzor governorate Syria.
Kek. They have stopped making huge stinks about stuff now, they know even the most plebian of general public has at least some inkling of what is going on there.
Saudi Royalty is very jewish though. I don't know about MbS, but given he is now making enemies with US Zog/(((MSM))), maybe he is changing things around and jews don't like it. But Saudis and their kike masters still need to answer for 9/11.
Other than that, I see no problem with the muslims. I'm actually impressed with Hez/Iran/Syria.
I haven't been following closely, but Iran is supposedly a deep-state controlled puppet-state and needs a war or revolution or something, and afaik Turkey is now aligned with Russia who is on the side of Syria and Iran. I'm not sure what the narrative is.
Yes I remember around mid to end of May after there was a confession that it was a larp by so many Q cheerleaders flipped and were called plants. I don't spend enough time on it so I wouldn't know if there was a change in tone. Some theories floated by anons now is that bad actors in SA did this to cause pressure on the SA-US relationship, but…
Anyway this is interesting. If there is no body, Turkey would not have possession of his Apple Watch, yet they have the recording of his murder from it. What does that say about Apple security?
A bunch of low IQ shit-skin monkeys with money derived from their existence on oil, which white men developed technology to extract and use. What fucking "kingdom" do these monkeys have? They're literal parasites.
Where the fuck do you think you are, some hardcore Christian forum? Try this line on one of those, monkey boy. Or should I say
Just like every European empire throughout history was supposedly ruined, or conquered, or controlled by kikes. You fucking kikes never get enough of building yourselves up, do you, when in reality you've been nothing but parasites throughout your entire history, and only through your women whoring themselves out to European men, getting their resources through marriage, and their DNA through procreation, did you parasites manage to garner anything. You never created a god damn thing.
Oh, well then we might as well let them have Sweden, England, France, and Germany, huh? Because you don't have a problem with them. Fuck off
Kushner is friends with or at least close to MbS and ran social media campaign that led to election victory.
That's really uninformed. If you're not a shill, educate yourself.
Fuck off you retard, stop replying
They won't train their own troops because everyone not part of the "royal" saudi family is basically a third class citizen there.
Wow, amazing argument.
Excuse me for not wanting to spell out the whole gestalt, but at the most basic, the first OS trip Trump made was to SA, and the fate of both countries is inextricably tied to each other.
Yep and the Jews want Saudi to trade in Chinese currency so the US collapses. Do the opposite of what Lindsey Graham and john bolton advocate. One lousy journalist nobody ever heard of and we're going to collapse ourselves, fuck that.
Trump and kushner are buddies with the Jews that did looted the russians after the collapse of communism. It's our turn.
Great. What's your point?
Kushner has interesting connections and overnight guests.
My point is do more reading. There are enough clues ITT.
Super specific.
Everyone seems to be missing the upside:
Dead journalist, likely killed in an extremely horrific manner
Dead journalists=I'm a happy goy
Yes, if you don't understand that the US dollar is toilet paper if the US Saudi relationship collapses, you need to make some major effort, which you're not making. I'm not one of those proselytizing Zig Forumslacks who's here to feed your belly full of red pills.
Are you shill? So uncurious. Nothing to see here.
I meant you. Waste of dubs.
It's really not. I'm not even going to delve into this discussion though, as this has absolutely nothing to do with my original comment that he responded to. Go off on a tangent with someone else's comment, nigger. Don't bring up some irrelevant shit with me that has nothing to do with what I said.
You'd be able to think a lot clearer if you didn't let prejudice short-circuit your logic. It absolutely has everything to do with the comment you responded to. Anyway, if you don't see the relevance I don't see the point of derailing this thread either.
Filtered. Fuck off, you low IQ shill.
That is amusing indeed.
It has nothing to do with what we believe or whether it's real - (((they))) believe it and think it's real. All of these events throughout history have been self-fulfilling prophecy with the third temple and their messiah (antichrist) as the endgame. It doesn't matter if nothing supernatural happens, they're doing it all themselves. The next step is the enslavement of the world.
the irony of using that Trump tweet is after he won, bin alaweed was on a crash diet hanging upside down for a few months, and this "journalist" is one of his pets
It's good to know this place isn't completely drained of brains.
Something definitely smells (((fishy))) in here
There's also the fact that the petrodollar was the effective cause of the economic crisis in Turdey, because the increasing price of oil trickled down to everything else.
Trumpenstein: "It was a rogue killer my fellow goys!"
daily reminder that Saudi Arabia and Israel were behind 9/11 and the fact that both countries aren't covered by a layer of trinitite right now tells you who really runs the US
Interdast and interdaster.
I give up. Who this faction you speak of? I only find individual names.
jews, retard
Thanks for the bump, but which, retard?
tsk tsk this is big
Help with English sauce please or at least a link that can be fed into Google Translate!
This looks like old news from one source, possible misreporting!
October 3rd, 2018
I see what Trump is playing at here, and I like it. When all is said and done, the United States has fucking Alaska.
please share your genius inside knowledge with the rest of us, cryptic chesscuck