In light of this I want my gibs.
Other urls found in this thread:
Greentext quote a summary of the best bits
Lurk more, and format you fucking rednigger
And liberals will too. Such is the intensity of their ethnomasochism.
Ok, settle down.
Hey, I'm sure I've got some feather slut rape in my tree somewhere, when do I get a crowd of sycophantic nigger-worshiping babykillers to suck my toes while I shit on America?
Everyone should be doing this anyway because fuckem, the money's just going to bulk orders of hand sanitizer otherwise
Pocahontas was such a fun name for her.
She's still not certifiably Indian though.
1/16 is having an Indian great-great grandparent.
That's 4 generations back by my count.
6 generations back is not even 1/32. It's 1/64, isn't it? And 10 generations is 1/1024.
Harvard still trotted her out as a token Indian though.
If I were her, I would not have been brought out those DNA results as "proof" she was Indian when her own experts said it was 6-10 generations back. It just invites a second round of laughter.
The name Pocahontas stands.
Exactly this.
By this metric there are no actual black people in the states, since every slaveowner was a terrible person who raped their slaves and all blacks carry this trauma both psychologically and geneologically (if the jews are to be believed).
This is a door they really shouldn't have opened.
The lack of self awareness is shocking, really.
This is even funnier percentage based as 1/32nd is 3.125% and 1/512 is .19%. And I think Fox is wrong here. Wouldn't 6 generations back be 1/64th? So she'd at most be 1% Native American.
Most slave owners were jews.
These dumb fucks
Ok sounds good to me
t. Full white man
She sure looks like a dirty indian, doesn't she folks.
Cute, but that would only work if leftists actually had rules.
She lied about heritage. She used natives for money and affirmative action when applying to college. She's used it for politics. And now she's used media and lies and post-publishing 'corrections' to push the lie.
She should be given smallpox.
So, she is bragging about 1-2% admixture?
"6 - 10 generations" ago would mean she is less than 3% Native American, and her "proof" is simply statistical noise from the test. Why would she release something like this that proves she is not a Native American in any real sense, and that she does not understand how to read DNA results, instead of just doubling down and claiming she is a descendant of Sacagewa. Is she really this retarded?
Boomers vs technology, user. You shouldn't be surprised. I'm sure some interns tried to dissuade her.
She's a newfag who got baited by the grandmaster. Poor dumb bitch lol
Good list. The woman who heartily endorsed Hillary is a joke. We should not be surprised.
Yep, 6 generations is 1.5625% (100% of your DNA divided by 64) and 10 generations is 0.0976% (100% divided by 1024).
Trump said
Most tribes won't accept less than 1/32-degree blood quantum for membership, and some are more strict than that. She isn't even close.
I almost feel embarassed on her behalf.
honestly i didn't think she would fall for this obvious bait. its a new level of liberal delusion that i call a liboomer move
this is funny as hell
what else can you make her do? Can you make her dance like May did with those huge chains around her neck?
The amount she is statistically is basically so low it's zero.
I'm pretty sure that a lot of reservations require a certain amount or particular lineage which she isn't anywhere near.
tfw feather
Someone explain me this, I regularly read americans claiming they have native ancestory but how come they have white features? Are the native indian genes so recessive.
Any white liberal who thinks he may be 1/20th Cherokee is eager to let everyone know. In Warren's case it was a point of pride for her throughout her life. It ameliorates their white guilt and self-hate, boosts their self-image and I guess it scores points for them among other leftists and white-haters.
If there were really that many indian-white hybrids, we'd have a state like Mexico where mestizos dominate. I don't think "native mestizos" i.e., not Mexican, are even a noticeable minority here.
What a half-white/american indian looks like I'm not even certain. Just being half-indian should be noticeable, I would think.
Do you work at the casino, feathernigger?
kek looks like my results
one of my ancestors fresh off the mayflower must've raped one quick
no but i did get free college
Being part Indian makes you a special snowflake who is fierce and in touch with nature. It also helps deflect the internal white guilt many whites have been (((taught))) since children. That being said, I went to high school with a guy whose dad was like 70% Indian. As he was only like 35% native, he looked and acted white and nobody would have believed his claim if his Indian looking cousin didn't attend the same school.
Amerindians are actually small in number and it seems most of them are at least somewhat watereddown by whites genes to begin with. Though Warren is 100% full o shit.
hey that's my grandma ur talking about
who the fuck cares about some meaningless bitch fight on twatter
where's the wall?
America in a nutshell.
There have been more white slaves in the United States then there were ever black slaves. Before 1830 a horrifying plurality of whites were slaves in the United States. Read James LaFond's "America in Chains" or "Stillbirth of a Nation."
For example, we nearly lost King Philip's war against the Indians in the 1670s because something like 8/10 whites in Virginia were slaves and had no ability to defend themselves or the armament to fight other than farm implements.
Slave owners didn't rape their slaves, generally. Most black slave owners were Jews who also had white slaves (mostly German) and forced the White Women to be raped by Africans to create their mulatto slave underclass. That's where you get the 20% admixture and why most American blacks are physically larger than their pure African counterparts.
Another immensely angering component of all of this is Pennsylvania was settled by the Anglo Quakers, who enslaved the Dutch/German Pennsylvania immigrants. Many who were kidnapped from Europe, transported, and sold. Most were just tricked into indented servitude for a term and were never set free. The modern prison system was mostly invented by the Quakers to keep their white slaves in line.
I burst into a rage after learning about all of this, couldn't get it off my mind, and went for a run until I was physically sick. The history of white slavery is the foundation for this Jewish/Anglo capitalist society that is the United States, and it deserves to be burnt to the fucking ground.
The podcast "Ivory Tower – White Slavery" by The Myth of the 20th Century covered this all in great detail. (
tl;dr - White slavery was pervasive among the Jewish and Anglo elite. They had their white german slaves impregnated (raped) by niggers to create a hybrid super-slave underclass.
Interracial rape stats and dating prefs through apps refute Slave rape narrative
White euros in america have more than that.
A study is needed, perhaps the Occidental Quarterly
2018 is the gift that keeps on giving.
Tribes only accept 1/16th max. 1/512 or 1/1024 blows that out of the water.
BASED street shitter
we are guaranteed to have 107% of the ever important and crucial pajeet vote
Yep, that's one of the oldest virtue signals on the books. It was popular with carpetbaggers trying to blend into the western states.
I know a guy who is a 1/4 indian, 1/4 scandinavian, and 1/2 irish. He's tall from the scand, about 6'4"ish, curly hair and freckles from the irish, brown eyes and tans easy from the indian, can't grow facial hair for shit, loves to drink, loves to fight, slightly below average IQ (not a retard, but a little slow) and loves fat women. He stands out quite a bit and the "le 56% mutt meme" makes me think of him every time.
Where do they say she's 1/1024.?
BTW Warren, having that blood does not expel any preconceived notions of white guilt that school teachers pound into their students. Your Tribe not only owned slaves, but they recently voted to kick out the descendants.
My family did a DNA test thing for fun and it’s pretty much all Northern European except for that one drop, which makes me around 8% native. We have photos of the lady and everything and my mom shows them whenever she wants to spout “muh Indian princess” shit at family gatherings.
Hi Zig Forums
I’ve had multiple tribes accept me as a member. Not a drop of Injun in me. They say it’s because my spirit is Injun.
Maybe point out that not even the ebil "nazis" would consider this thing an indian.
Also don't these places usually claim some small percentage as minority group to "combat racism"?
I know that feel brother, time for me to move to the US and get free university.
You're Zig Forums if you don't see the humor and potential in this.
So, again:
HI Zig Forums
Injections of aluminum and putting it in my food to induce Alzheimer’s is cheating
We’re not talking about this. We’re talking about the wall. Become literate or fuck off.
Fuck this gay earth and everyone on it. Im ready for it to just blow up already.
Wrong thread friend.
Fuck. Off. Where’s the wall?
She couldn't even get Native citizenship in Oklahoma.
Is this KINO?
This is a remnant of Americas "one drop" law that was in effect up until recently. Even if you had 1/16th Amerindian admixture you had to be classed as such. Since many north American natives are racially caucasian, the Amerindian associations use to be filled with these blond haired "white passing" people which is pretty hilarious. I saw a pic of one of these meetings and three fourths of these people looked white as hell, if anyone can get the pic up I'd be thankful.
dup btfo
yeah using your time as president arguing about some cunts 23andme results makes perfect sense
this is a white board bucko
There is some white guy whose Ancestry DNA test said 2% African so he is trying to hose the system for African American benefits.
Pretty sure Ancestry even said they falsely put 2% on all whites tests so they think out of africa is real.
Still in the wrong thread
heres one from oklahoma
who the fuck cares about this?
how will it affect anything?
Sounds like a load of shit to me.
First, indentured servitude was not the same as slavery. The indentured servant had few rights, but the idea was for them to earn their freedom via several years of labor. Their benefit was free passage to the USA/ colonies (at the time most working class people could not afford to travel to the USA/ colonies).
Second, the idea of "black slaves raping White slave women" sounds extremely "jewish fan fiction" to me. As in, bullshit.
This is just another example of "hate your history, Whites were never great, you don't own anything goyim" type pilpul garbage.
Gas yourself.
Hey, what was the deal with that "Consumer Financial Protection Bureau" that she helped create?
Nevar forghetti
I care only insomuch as your butthurt continues.
Fuck Warren and fuck her enablers.
liberals want to take your freedoms. They lie, cheat and steal to do so. Lots of people believe this lying cunt warren and vote for her. When it's shown she's a lying cunt regarding her own fucking heritage, well maybe when she says we should have mass immigration and repeal the 2nd Amendment they will see those for the lies they are too.
2nd gen (one parent) = 1/2 or 50%
3rd = 1/4 or 25%
4th = 1/8 or 12.5%
5th = 1/16 or 6.25%
6th = 1/32 or 3.125%
7th = 1/64 or 1.5625%
This is assuming one ancestor with Indian blood in the lineage. If one generation procreated with another part or whole Indian, the percentages would be different (higher).
Any math anons care to check my work?
Fuck off with the shekel-grabbers, Ari.
And who provided the results, the same assholes that have admitted to fucking with people's tests? She can't really expect anyone to fall for this unless they're niggers.
they arent only germamics are white. celts, meds, scads are all shitskins
A lot of that kind of thing going around.
My father is supposedly germanic with some sub-saharan african(?) and jew(?) with an italian last name.
I'm a soulless freckled ginger, even though I am the spitting image of him in in every other way
Thanks 23andme.
That is a big fucking freckle.
Why do i feel a natural dislike towards people who look like this?
because they are descendant from albino niggers
Gas yourself.
If you are going to spew retarded anti-White D&C garbage, at least have an internally consistent line of "argument."
To be clear for your tiny brain: Scandinavians are within the group of peoples known as "Germanic."
Learn how to rite englush gud
If the ancestor was Male
One generation of all daughters wipes out the ydna.
If the ancestor was Female
Two generations of sons wipes out the xdna and mitochondria.
Chances are she is 0% Amerindian, the ancestors of the ancient Mongolian people.
IM WHITE!!!!!!! keep telling yourself that if you were you wouldnt react