Palestinian woman dies after 'illegal immigrant jews' stone car in West Bank
Not a white problem, so fuck off.
nothing of value was lost.
no shits given about any semitic ME bullshit
to hell with sandniggers and jews, they both can suck sand in their desert shithole and stay there..
Hi jew
You forgot "fellow white people."
Why is that in quotes? jews are illegals in every nation.
What did they do for a Living?
Took care of the children and house probably.
Perhaps even hurled the odd stone or two at a yid.
I don't think you understand how this works. Let me help you with this simple chart:
Africa = Niggers
Middle-East = Niggers
China = Niggers
Mexico = Niggers
South America = Niggers
If your homeland is on this list, you get pushed into an oven.
You can't argue with dubs-dubs-trips
Switching IPs isn't going to fool anyone. I'll spell it out for you, we have standards and a Jew murdering a Palestinian for no reason is wrong even if the Jew killed a sub Saharan African. It's not pitying or even caring for the person they killed, it's calling out the fact that Jews murder people and it's celebrated. Who they murder is irrelevant.
Precisely. I'd be up in arms if a Jew stepped on a cockroach.
What about the Khoi-Khoi? The Copts?
Thought someone would like that joke heheh
Also Nablus is almost right in the middle of Palestine, do they even have any land not taken over by Jews anymore?
This murder is pretty crazy, if it had happened to a Jew it would be international news and would start another war/invasion.
Do these niggers look white to you?
The Khoi_Khoi have been around for more than a quarter million years, m88. They must be spared as fauna to be studied as their blood tells an ancient tale. The Copts carry some of the last traces of the White Ancient Egyptians, too.
Polite sage
Where's India?
Monkeys have been too. What the fuck have they done with that time? They're still niggers.
Sounds like something a crypto kike with a chip on his shoulder would say. You’re walls coming down, and America’s is going up.
They get flushed.
They evolved to be the best at surviving in their surroundings. Literally. Khoi-Khoi can live off twigs in the sand while the Bantu niggers have to steal their water from baboons.
Funny, but Borat is a kike.
I'm sure stupid mudshits like yourself have some gross nog standards, but Zig Forums policy has always been "if niggers kill each other, so much the better." So get out there and kill some jews, you inbred goat fucker. Whites will totally cheer you on in your quest to avenge an unwashed shit-colored manlet who raped a child three hours earlier.
As long as they continue to be friendly and keep to themselves they can go to the back of the line.
That's the point, nigger. Its a jew shitting on a roach playing a jew shapeshifter. To meta for you?
I understand that, but it wasn't necessary knowledge for the joke and I enjoy stating the obvious.
I think they're doing just fine where they're at.
The front? You're the one that wanted to save a few pet niggers. Make up your mind.
Not pet, genetic specimen group of fauna
Khoi-Khoi are not Bantus, Khoi-Khoi don't suck up welfare or screech for gibs.
Somalians in the wild don't either, they just take what they want. They are still niggers.
Back to the topic at hand, hope the pallys finally do something about their yid infestation.
i'm not surprised, Jews have always considered anyone not jewish sub-human, regardless of whether they are christian, muslim, white, black, or asian
israel needs to be dismantled
Every nuke should be launched at the Jews, and then we'll get to live in a world free of both Jews AND Nukes.
Oy Gevalt!
Bump for extra salty dead sea tears.