The contents of it were upsetting enough for someone to go out of their way to slide it down 25 pages of threads. The don't-vote-goy crowd REALLY doesn't like seeing people make fun of democrats.
New Murdoch Murdoch: Change that Matters
Cool. They censor these guys and leave the (((AltRight))) up. That's how you know it's good
Based and woke!
AltKike doesn't like Murdoch, we know. Why dont you go take a (((Walk))) in a white tshirt with some FEDs
Dude, I gave the video a like, gave me plenty of lols!
Oh, sorry. Usually when people post that it's sarcasm.
I wish some super hacker could take over the TV station satellites and force this to be played for 24hrs. It would redpill the world.
These guys are pretty redpilled, our white nation can only be saved with memes, marriage is a sham, virtue is a myth and white babies are too hard to have.
Mods, sticky this thread!
Fuck off niggerjew, shill your crap elsewhere.
it was deleted you nigger, it didn't get slid out of anything
and you shouldn't vote, its utterly pointless and psychologically alters you to make you feel as if youve achieved something against the system when all youve done is reinforce it
MM is good though
I don't think I've ever seen anyone publicly say they don't like MM
This one was pretty on-point. Easy material to throw at someone that doesn't require them to understand what a Wojak is.
Murdoch Murdoch is the most censored thing I've ever seen. You can't even post it here or cuckchan without the mods freaking out.
Mods can't handle how based it is, kikes man.
They don't control them so they ban and delete them. If you don't get banned from Jewtube your message is weak.
Thank you user, you are among those that make the board less shitty.
MM actively makes fun of the (((alt-right))) and Trumpcucks. He’s okay.
I just showed it to a 60yr old woman on my phone because she said she likes Trump and watches FOX. She said it was scary and all true. kek
Then she asked "how is this shown online?" I had to explain re-uploads and the youtube shuffle
A lot of this is due to the popularity. This conceptual attachment between "things that alt-right cucks like" being synonymous with "things that are cancer and need to be hung from ropes" isn't quite nuanced enough. In other words… just because alt-right cuck faggots like MM doesn't make them automatically shitty. Mental filters like this are important because they promote efficiency, but they sometimes filter things that are otherwise enjoyable. MM is just getting caught in this filter when they shouldn't.
I often daydream of getting SUPERUBERHAZ0RX abilities and hacking all the advertising billboards in Times Square and streaming The Last Son of the West / Metamorphosis with sound. I suppose showing loved ones and friends on my own personal time is the second best thing.
When has MM ever made fun of the GOP/NPCeocon/Israel-first/I love endless wars for peace because chosen flock/Proud Goys crowd?
Many of the electronic signs in NYC have an unprotected box that you can manually change to your own discretion.
user I…….
Same, i showed my friends this video in class and we couldnt stop loling.
Our teacher is a jew too
Quack … er um, Psychology class perhaps?
For so much alt-right hate the old reddit alt right subreddit was the most white nazi group I've ever seen in the internet. Far more than here. Paul Nehlan did an AMA there and shit.
Nah, third period chemistry, kek!
maybe they'll brainstorm some undercuts to the talking heads on FOX after the midterms
For those that have never visited this side of jewtube
MM are /ourguy/.
nah, nice try making your old stomping grounds sound fearsome, newfriend.
Metamorphosis made me feel, feels I thought I could not feel.
Oh sick a new Murdoch Murdoch thanks OP I had checked Cheeky like 3 days ago I probably would've missed this for awhile.
Hapsburg Saxe
You don't need super haxor capabilities for that, each and everyone of these screens are controlled by a computer not too far from them. Some of them even have their computer right next to them, you just have to lockpick the box protecting it, and the next step is simply to play your video.
hey guize im making them all separate webms
should i post themm hear?
no, keep them a secret and never show anyone
I will share them anyway because you are such a mean nahtzee
Me too.
my favorite
thats it faggots.
This one should be especially effective
I got 2 accounts deleted last night
NPC meme fades in fades out.
This is fucking awesome. I don't know much about these guys but I know they're good.
Only two? Apply yourself.
but actually neat.
These guys have a website or something
No, hosts their videos though. Cheeky is one of the few people who has any kind of contact with them.
Someone has Arab Glasses
Low effort, lazy ass cowards like you should kill yourselves then. Cleams up the gene pool.
To say nothing of the fact that that's nothing but dishonest Blackpilling nonsense. And here I thought we killed all of the MGTOWs already.
Find a good woman and make many white babies. And meme. There are many ways in which we can save and restore white nations.
This is good. And remember: whatever you do, don't vote goyim.
What would achieve better demographic restructuring? Slightly increasing numbers on one side of the world population equation, or profoundly decreasing numbers on the other side of that equation?
I love Ebola Chan and all of her daughters. She can bring more "change that counts" than a crowd of obstetricians working overtime.
Create more of our side.
Kill more of their side.
RTS hold the key.
About those youtube censors
We already have 8 Billion of useless people that results in more disease, unemployment, civil strife, and so on
Because that's not a hard thing to do and shouldn't be your only litmus test for if a person is worth your attention
Same here
Uberthanks to user for these
Can drop them individually to people between now and 11/6
It's pretty apt. Bad thing about the NPC meme is now Sargon and his group of meme killers have latched onto it, prepare for the new kekistan.
Last son of the west direct hit my feels for crit damage
Damn, you beat me to it. Good job. The one with McCain burning in hell with Beelzebub is by far my favourite.
le bump
There's nothing he can do to it. The notion of NPCs is not like a cartoon frog you can make a meme flag out of.
It's been tainted from the start.
Go "golem" or go home.
You can't muddy golem, a golem is a golem is a golem.
An NPC is a shitfling term anyone can fling at anyone else.
The jew must always be named or clearly implied or your "memes" will flow through your fingers like bone dust.
How is a golem a golem while the NPC is a shifting term?
inb4 immediate insult
A golem is intrinsically jewish.
Anyone can be shoehorned into NPCs.
Et cetera.
But a golem? It's a hebrew word to begin with.
Anyone can be a golem though.
Only those who follow jewish orders are golem.
That's what golems are.
I don't think you understand the point, my point is that anyone can be shoehorned into golem.
Yeah, but those who shoehorn non jewish things into golem can be called retards and it will also retain its jew connotation.
This is such an obvious thing that I am quickly growing both weary and suspicious of you trying to meddle with it.
I think you are mistaking the point between NPC and golem.
A golem is someone who follows jewish order then rebels against it.
A NPC is someone who thinks mechanically like a script without any deriative.
The terms are fundamentally different.
So what about the people not being controlled by jews but are still NPC? Hmm?
And you think NPC is superior to that?
NPC is lesser than that, which is why it's better term for these people, because a golem will rebel, but not an NPC.
I'm not well-versed in kike mythology. Did golems rebel?
if my passing knowledge of kike myths are right I tend to collect old folklore as a hobby, mostly irish, I believe the original story has the kikes creating a monster called a golem, they hoped to control the monster so they can protect their village, but lose control of it. Thus it is less that kikes have golems rebel, so much as kikes create monsters and lose control of them, much to everyone’s detriment.
a 1920 silent film called "Der Golem" covered the subject, but if I recall, it comes from older kike lore.
In most stories, (and there's a lot of them), a Jew creates a Golem to serve/protect him.
Then something goes wrong: the Golem falls in love with someone, the Golem carries out his tasks too literally, the Golem does not respect Shabbath.
In anycase, Golems have "Emet" written on their foreheads, which means "Truth" or on a non-literal translation, it's essentially the word/meaning of God. The golem is woken with a sort of Divine Spark.
To stop a Golem, you remove the first character, so it now spells "Met" which means dead.
There are many interesting things about the myth, but you can take these two to pull two core ideas a bunch of scholars already pulled and were accused of antisemitism.
a)The Jew is so arrogant, it believes itself capable of usurping the power of God to create new life.
Whether you're religious or not, anyone can see a theme of arrogance and pride here.
b)The Jew cannot fix or improve. It can only kill it's mistakes.
Losing control of the Golem, the only solution afforded to the Jew is destruction/death and then a shameful attempt to hide his arrogant crime.
Thanks. That's a quite prophetic lore. I can imagine one day jews purging all shitskins worldwide in a manner much more cruel than a healthy, just and humane slow process of eugenics.
These dudes should be given a goddamn budget.
You're wrong there. If faggots start using a meme, the meme goes gay, it gets AIDs, it's over.
We literally saved Pepe and Feelsman, user.
Memes are idea, ideas can be made good.
thx. sadly some asshurt mod will probably come around crying about ecelebs before posting another Richard Spencer thread.
wojack was coined later by a supposed creator, we just called him feelsguy back then.