reminder that "sexy" appearance is just evolutionary visual cues for good genetics to promote breeding.
but now, in the modern world run by USA and their Jew masters: this is how the highest quality genetics are removed from the gene pool. these people almost never breed, unless they become too old and their eggs are rotten and they breed literal autistic kids.
We must regain control of our media institutions. We must reclaim a direct link with the great masses of White lemmings so that we can counteract the poison of the jews.
you have to begin at the top. regain control of your country first. politics, then media. US government has never been so full of kikes and kike puppets as it is now.
media is now the internet, first order of business is setting up monetary transaction, domain registry, "cloud," isp businesses so they can't oy vey shit it down.
Leo Evans
The government obeys the media. The government is full of kikes but nowhere near as dominated as the media is. Bear in mind that the elites do not serve the jews because they love jews. No one loves jews. They are the most unlovable race on the planet. They serve them because they fear them. But if they felt that their survival meant turning on the jews, most would do so in an instant.
Nolan Watson
it's all part of white genocide
do what the hippies did, they cut their hair and put on suits bit their tongues and infiltrated slowly very slowly into every facet of society academia and media by playing the straight laced status quo person. now I'm not saying you need to cut your hair or that you don't wear a suit just that you need to blend in butterfly war style
Matthew Myers
Fuck off back to leddit, cunt.
Hudson Baker
neck yourself shill white babies should be priority number 1
Christopher Robinson
Shit threads aren't accepted here. You would know this if you were white, ari.
This. History is driven by technology. Once the new technology emerges mass change in consciousness can follow PDQ pretty darn quick.
Oliver Cooper
top kek
Easton Lee
Brayden Adams
kike. Always trying to use religion to slide.
Logan Cox
You're not even trying.
Logan Carter
Kikes always derail a topic with religion.
Brody Adams
Blame Christians for being so naive, believing jewish fairy tales about jesus coming back. They hand over the keys to their power and treasure to the jews on the hope that one day some sort of global apocalypse will happen and jesus will by flying around on a horse.
And to think we make fun of scientologists beliefs!
Meanwhile the jew laughs because they know its all fake, and the free money keeps rolling in. Yep….gonna rebuild the temple any day now goyim! Just need a few billion more shekels!