NPC salt thread 2


(Previous thread here hit 751)

Public relations people are NPC.

Talking points are NPC-speak.

Attached: bots.png (688x705, 466.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Vox - 16 hours ago

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (320x180, 136.75K)

>still trying to force kikechan's (((contributions)))

You kikes are so rectally ravaged over this effective meme that you're pulling out all the stops and not even making sense. Thanks for illustrating that.

Just by the clear asshurt it caused, the meme is pretty great.
Nobody cares about saving face on an anonymous imageboard and it's fairly obvious the detractors have been angered shills/leftist faggots trying to derail.

Mayhaps start calling leftists "Russian bots", since doing that never seems to get anyone shitcanned?

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npc detected

Means you’re aware of who I am and my titles

I'm tired of seeing these signs all over. They all look the same, say nothing, and make the neighborhood look trashy . Do they really expect pic related?

Attached: vote.png (449x417, 196.63K)

Topkek I’ve seen Zig Forums NPC’s predictably trying to hijack the NPC meme saying “y-you right wingers are the real NPCs!!!”.

Of course they’d do that though, Zig Forums NPC’s aren’t the least bit self aware and can’t make memes to save their lives. I knew they’d attempt to rip off yet another Zig Forums meme.

I’m very angry at the Magapede faggots at r/the_donald attempting to take over the NPC meme even though I would consider them NPC’s. They’re just gonna ruin another Zig Forums meme per usual and make it into something very cringeworthy. I knew it would happen, as they always steal Zig Forums memes and destroy them.

Attached: 502E6D39-28BD-4507-AB90-A7DD30C2B810.png (873x819 2 MB, 424.02K)

It's also a potential threat to most marketing and shilling strategies as well. Because they rely on highly repetitive scripted behavior and cues, discouraging any insight that allows people question what's being said, or why they think the way they do. By having everyone regressed as NPCs they can just broadcast standardized command signals and have their targets continue on in their lives none the wiser. So any meme that effectively exposes this will make them shit themselves.

Another way to look at it the NPC meme could eventually force them to fight on our terms with memes as their old methods are too exposed. This would give Zig Forums even greater leverage of the information battlefield.

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(((Vox))) is using the NPC meme.

Attached: npc avengers.JPG (259x284, 26.67K)

As usual they miss the fundamental point. NPC theory transcend political affiliation. It's a state where potentiality of the mind is stunted, due to being entrapped by monotony programmed in by an external authority. At least that's one way you could look at it.

Must feel like getting a reaction image you made reposted except times a thousand. And heck, your meme has at least facilitated some genuine interesting talk here, with some actual thought behind it, like shit about bicameral minds or positive disintegration.

I do dislike that the meme became a lazily edited wojak face though, but what are you gonna do

Attached: lunis redpill.jpg (2560x1440, 437.64K)


ansd this is where he lives

Attached: npc_city.png (1024x681, 1.74M)

the NPC can't meme

Attached: angry_npc.png (720x883, 198.74K)

And that's a good thing.


I really hate seeing that in articles, it's like some cheap jedi mind trick to condition people to a certain disposition prior to reading the article.

This could be a good start at developing a counter-effort if you had any sense of grammar and effective wordsmithing, yet you come off as a bumbling retard. Go back to Zig Forums, they would be enlightened by your sub-standard intellect as it highly outranks the average poster there.


Comey must be wondering what he has to do to end up being charged with anything

Is there a point where I should repost my OC from the last thread, or should I sit on it for a while? I'll leave this up to the OP.

Attached: npc kys 3.png (800x576 1.94 MB, 730K)


Looks like my account got locked and now twitter wants me to verify with a phone number. i guess i'll be creating a new account.

use a vpn and fake your useragent first aye.

The term is "golem".

goy or goon works too

next time use an link:

Attached: NPCnoises.png (416x435, 121.55K)

Marvel comics is another prime example of Jews can't create shit and steal it from everything else.

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Someone should make a NPC version of the chad non NPC vs the virgin NPC or similar meme format. With the qualities of chad highlighting free thinking and questioning the norm/media etc. Good potential here for awakening the masses, keep up the good work people, god speed!

It stings because you ate up the most successful slide topic of the year and don't have the balls to own up to it. Your tears are delicious.

Here's something along those lines to work from.

Attached: virgin transhuman vs chad overman.jpg (960x401, 100.36K)

Attached: 44148923_1294470324028071_6861850162537431040_n.jpg (500x280, 25.61K)

It's too bad your post is dubs, but that's a good thing!

Attached: Martha Stewart Good Things.webm (1280x720 2.73 MB, 3.75M)

No, they expect that if voter sees same message enough times, name recognition will become mnemonic hook for other messages

Thanks for the input, I'm just thinking once people understand they might be NPC's how do we show them how they might change that to become non NPCs. Essentially paint people into the corner by making them question themselves and show them a viable exit of NPC-ness. Will have a go at creating my own in a bit but not really my skill set.

Coming out of one of the world's ostensibly premier communications research Ph.D. programs in the '80s I was offered a prestigious position as a quant in the research dept of one of the big msm networks.

Asked them what they considered the strongest item in their rsch portfolio that I'd be part of. Their reply: they were doing research to determine what color vest their uberstar nightly news anchor wore that triggered the strongest feelings in the audience of trust and credibility.

That wan't the only such offer nor even the worst. I rejected them all. Point being they literally without exaggeration no shit really have used this technology for at least 75 years to turn humans into exactly precisely NPCs

Attached: npc abortion.png (1098x201 126.29 KB, 25.5K)

whites an "absolute minority" but then don't qualify for minority programs or affirmative action

Also to other positive memories a person may have relating to that particular theme, not necessarily exclusive to politics either. That's why selecting the right colors and tones can be rather important to an effective ad. I remember also reading about stores attempting to use fragrances (like flowers I think), in attempt to trigger pleasant childhood memories in certain demographics. The idea is that if you entangle a memory association between that memory and your experience at the store, you'll keep going there.

Attached: npc.jpg (800x600, 35.29K)

Makes you sick, doesn't it. This is your country on jews.

Is it time? Have we built back enough asabiyyah to create a meme to surpass all memes?

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4pol pruning all the NPC threads
This is a glorious meme!

What I often question myself, is if such a thing is even possible. I shudder to think it may not be, some of the time.
Surely there are many people who just act like NPCs, but is that always the case?

Attached: socrates consider the following.png (999x1351, 770.58K)

This is the greatest meme to come from 8/pol/

Can confirm that this is done.
Meier & Frank used to always spread a light cinnamon, clove, and pine scent through their stores during the winter months in my region. The scent itself was very minor, but it changed the atmosphere.
Since the national Macy's takeover, Macy's decided to dump that, and change to the tactic of over-scenting everything, along with increasing the light levels, opening up the store floors, turning up the heat to 76, and blasting shitty EDM and top 10 pop.
This killed their local branch in a matter of months, to which they responded that they decrease in sales was caused by people being too cheap.

This also goes beyond just colors or scents. The entire layout of stores are designed to trigger impulse buys as customers travel to their intended targets.
Even the packaging is designed to trigger Pavlovian responses.
Have you ever wondered why snack foods aren't packaged in more flexible, less noisy plastic?
Every time someone handles a bag, it makes noise which others can hear, planting the idea of snack food in their minds.

Attached: modern_game_design.webm (1080x624, 7.93M)


Another forced meme by the glowinthedarks?
Tip: it has to be funny. This ain't funny. It won't spread. Good riddance.

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It something I've thought about a lot as well. My conclusion is if they were programmed then perhaps they can be reprogrammed. Although easier said than done, especially due to it being ingrained in them and their parents. Food for thought though

Attached: wildNPC.jpg (320x286 60.9 KB, 18.64K)

It's spreading like wild fire as we speak and people everywhere are censoring it because it's that effective. Nice try. Not!

Yeah, just like the term 'Sheeple' spread like wildfire.

Attached: npctemplate.png (1025x821 36.59 KB, 52.73K)

Fresh OC.

Attached: march of the npcs 2.jpg (1557x1319, 752.08K)

That 2nd image how horrific, that's exactly how these people think isn't it?

Yup. This is one of the earliest NPC meme images and it is truly horrifying how these people think like dogs: in terms of here and now

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Both the salt and the philosophy over this whole NPC issue is inspiring and ironically gives humanizing hope.

Prepare your anus NPCfags, a new wave of inhumanity is coming to to your mind soon.

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Autism edit.

Attached: march of the npcs 3.jpg (1557x1319, 751.81K)


It's spreading like wildfire on twitter and causing massive amounts of butthurt and trolling anons kek see

This. Never, ever, underestimate the power of memetic thought or meme "magik".

Attached: 748.PNG (1787x397, 110.92K)

Here's the exploitable from the last thread for anyone who wants to join in.

Attached: bypass3.png (933x1023 418 B, 11.96K)

Reason and evidence.

It they can learn how to distinguish fact from fiction, or even just how to determine logical consistency, then it's just a matter of exposing them to genuinely correct information (e.g., it's the jews). This isn't easy because they will brutally resist every correct logical argument thrown at them as they will invariably contradict their retarded worldview.

No wonder there's so many of you faggots flooding into this board.

The mods are NPCs and the truth hurts them

Attached: no_pc_allowed.jpg (640x632, 153.56K)

Did you just completely fucking forget that you and your shit site got sold out to jews?

The site got sold to a nip it was christopher poole that sold himself to the jew(gle).

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (727x689, 483.17K)

sry forgot pic 2

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (921x471, 66.33K)

Been thinking about this a little, should there be any kind of distinction for the sort of ley lines of NPC thought? The best I have seen this represented so far is a merchant with the NPC mask

Face it, cuckchan and everyone on it has been neutered. You fucks can't even make a decent meme and this is proof of it. Everyone and their mother is going to apply this shit to literally everyone else without making any valid connections, just like nihilism and atheism it's not going to be used a week from now except by fedoras and redditfags.

And the best part is none of this is harmful at all to the usual culprits, hell it doesn't even directly attack the shit that's programming them into 'npcs' it's just calling everyone but your faction a npc. There's no fucking way it's not going to be coopted halfway through then fizzle out into the garbage bin of recent cuckchan 'memes'. Watching the site I used to love fall so far is demoralizing.

Who invented the NPC meme, here or this place?


Nice try Shlomo. Your divide and conquer tricks don't work.

Attached: 1357444039075.png (985x1150, 21.6K)

Good goy, keep repeating that sterile meme and stay on your neutered board where no damage can be done.

Attached: 88cc0c5b76c872b35d36d71b009752a4d5705fbda3ab18ca36305dcf9dce4c96.gif (260x145, 1.12M)

That would still mean they are robots at worst, women at best.

So you're saying most of humanity is doomed?

Attached: my feelings don't care about your facts.jpg (780x800 60.59 KB, 92.56K)

This is implying this board can do any damage either.

This meme is so much fucking fun

Normalfags have been referred to as NPCs, sheep, lemmings etc for ages. NPC is just a new version of sheep, lemming, automaton. As far as I can tell the meme REALLY took off a few weeks ago when someone found a link to a study that suggested that only 25-33% of people have an inner dialogue. The thread was here on h8/pol/

If there was no threat, you wouldn't be here

The motivation to simply ask why would be the first step. In some ways it rekindles curiosity of the self and the world which was filtered out of them by indoctrination through education and media. Memory associations implanted by programming can only be neutralized if new associations provide insight to why those ones exist in the first place. For instance, if people are able to look at a store item in their hand and actually contemplate why are they purchasing it? What make them consider that particular product and not the others? Do they actually need it? Is it because it reminds them of a distant memory, a recent one? Was it because a show featured it? Is that due to that smell? Then they're already showing signs of a tiny break in the programming, as they can act on the answers of those questions and actually choose what they will do next.

Truth hurts doesn't it?

It's was a combination of the inner monologue threads showing that most people don't, and then out of the 25% that even do, what small degree are even critical in their thought? Cogitative dissonance says not many as most will be (((incentivized))) very hard not to wrong-think and even then most are still tieing their thoughts to an ego based identity and so that further complicated proper lucid analysis of their being, ergo the masses are NPCs because they do not process environmental stimuli merely responding in a predetermined way.

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The fact that we have shills and kikes here raging against it is proof of it's memetic power.

I'm not completely sure what you're asking, but I'll repost a few that might be close to what you're looking for.

Attached: npc shut it down.png (500x550 116.66 KB, 17.31K)

Again, so it's one part where we are lost upon history.

I remember the 8/pol/ thread on the study but I think it's the 4/pol/ who immediately jumps to the editing table.

I am on both boards, nigger.


Attached: voltaire.jpg (259x195, 33.27K)

What if "NPC Transmitters" were just the default face but with a distinctly longer nose. Overlay on newscasters and politicians and such. It still suggests jews but its more pallet-able and subtle for normies.

this tbqh fam i love memes :D :D :D

Attached: I AM GOING TO GET MY GUN.webm (640x480, 1.16M)

And, yes, it was here.
Though culture spilled over to cuckchan soon enough.

Good god that resolution, good idea, but not worth saving at postage stamp size.

Attached: 801d82f4cb7e5e344f3f56de07fee63817ddc2ad739b5c42fb3f2f85e34d3cb4.jpeg (1500x1853, 204.54K)

I think vid related is an implementation of what you're saying.

Attached: The Swedish Enigma.webm (640x360, 11.88M)