Another day in South Africa


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Like pottery.

Remember, the jews are the ones pushing this.
niggers do what niggers do but their masters are the ones unleashing them on white people.

this girl was beautiful. So sad.

Remind me what country is white? Isn't it basically just Hungary? Even Russia is loaded with mudslimes.

it will be interesting, at a minimum, to see where justice is meted first; on the niggers or the jewniggers

Not trying to d/c btw. Just saying about purity btw, there are packs of niggers hiding aarond the corner in the US, Germany, Britain etc too.

please provide proof of this so i can finish deciding whether i should agree with you, or call you a kike.

Estonia is 99.98% white. She was the daughter of a wealthy family, so there's no reason she would remain there unless she loved niggers. We know that nigger gangs almost never stray outside their territories, so where exactly was this "friend's flat" that she was going to? Bet it was in a shitty nigger area, and this dumb whore was slumming.

S. Africans aren't allowed back into Europe, as declared by their own (or as instructed by those whom shall never be criticized)

Kill all goblins


great, anyone who doesn't move to estonia deserves to be raped. please don't get mad and take action, goy!

Is this the right photo for the "friend" of hers?

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Because that's the experiment center for the one world order. They already have a national ID system and 24 hour surveillance, plus bio-chips.
They want to build it up as what the world will become to their (((investors))). I want to say near a trillion dollars has been sunk into it so far. It's some ridiculously high number.

go even further this "friend" is some black guy.

this cultural enrichment keeps coming

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Slide thread.
This is just another npc attempt to derail the npc thread

Burn the coal, pay the toll.

He sounds like her cuck. I don't doubt that he was just her friend. the guy looks scrawny af.
every time one of these threads get posted, low T posters and MGTOW cucks search desperately for a reason not to care and not to meme it out to redpill normies.
If you search hard enough, you'll always find a reason. It doesn't change what these people were or what they did. It just makes it easier for you to roll over and go back to sleep.

Weird, right? It's almost like the only people this shit happens to are 9 out of 10 times willfully involved with niggers.

Fuck off, faggot.

Yes, goy, don't remember that most black lynchings in white countries were spurred on by rape allegations. Don't use the mightiest weapon in your arsenal to motivate the protection of your race. It's totally just the woman's fault and not the international Jewish conspiracy to promote racemixing on every level of culture, or the fact that South Africa is a black majority nation and that you'd have to live in a bubble not to know a black person. A shekel for you.


Actually it does and if you don't realize this, you may be an NPC
This girl is yet another important story of White women being slaughtered by savage niggers in S Africa. She is the latest victim of White Genocide.
And this truth will be used to convince other NPCs or lemmings to begin supporting organizations that protect our race.

The npc is you, my friend.

So literally knowing one black person means it's ok to rape a girl? So if your girlfriend, sister, wife, mother knows a black, you'd be ok with a pack of niggers raping her?
SA is only 9 percent white. It would take monumental effort not to know a single black. She'd have to be a literal basement dwelling NEET like…oh, like you probably are. Suddenly it all becomes clear.

Sounds like a scripted response. Do better.

I now suspect you are an anti-White shill

Do you even understand where burn the coal, pay the toll comes from? Once you go black, we don't want you back. Not only is there no sympathy from us for when you're inevitably victimized after betraying your race, but we'll take pleasure in your downfall and you'll serve as a valuable example for everyone else.

Holy shit 4chan was right, Zig Forums really is infested with npcs.

You are an NPC

You are the npc.

Knowing your cashier at Publix is the same as driving around with one in your car at night. Huh, really activating my almonds here!
They all know better than to associate with niggers, as they are keenly aware of the threat they pose. Does your mother fuck niggers, user? Are you a nigger?

Are you a jew by any chance?

Your script is running poorly, I recommend a visit to your manufacturer

I'm willing to bet too that her family probably immediately started praying afterwards and hoped that God found it in his heart to forgive the niggers who did this.

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Respond again, NPC

Back to reddit, npc.

Very good
Now respond again, NPC

I don't mind telling you how much of a npc you are all day because that's what you are.
The truth hurts, doesn't it?

Very good.
Now respond again, NPC

Respond to me NPC. I command it.

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Very good.
Now respond again, NPC

Respond to me again, NPC.

I have now programmed you.

You have been programmed, you're a very good NPC. At this rate you'll create a new degenerate fetish.

< you're the npc! Not me!


and then there are those who fall prey to the indoctrination to fq outside their race; despite being surrounded by superior suitors

Anyway, now that I have programmed this faggot, I will use him one last time to make my point again.
claims that this girl is irrelevant because she is an NPC. This kind of retardation is what you would expect from a lemming who cannot think ahead.

The truth is that every act of violence committed against White people is propaganda that will be used to enlighten other White people and mobilize them against White Genocide.

Since I have trained you to repeat what I teach you, can you repeat what I wrote above or is this too complicated for you?

what a waste
a brilliant student but not brilliant enough to know to avoid niggers like the plague they are
where o where art thou ebola chan

he looks like an accomplice to me

Nice pre rendered response, NPC. Maybe one day you'll get an opinion and a soul.


Also, NPCs do not have souls and cannot develop souls. NPC is just another word for lemming and this is genetic. Lemmings like you aren't made, they're born.

Where the fuck do you think you are, NPC?

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South Africa is a White country.

>(((white country)))

White Genocide is bad.
Do you understand?


The coalburner died to save her nigger boyfriend.


She got way too easy with it, the torture should have lasted for weeks!

Woah, that's not npc kosher at all. Only npc memes are allowed we can't acknowledge white genocide.

So what would happen if in all of these cases social media was flooded with posts blaming the victim for being white/probably racist?
Would it force lefties to acknowledge the criminal tendencies of the attackers in an effort to defend the victim, possibly leading to a conflict between their fragile feelings and the truth?

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Repeat after me,
White Genocide is bad
Just do it, I'll be really upset.

America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, countries in Europe are all White countries, all invaded with non Whites, (((you,))) "heh"

If you admit that White Genocide is bad, you will prove that everyone who disagrees with you is an NPC
Just do it.
White Genocide is bad

Maybe if she carried this she would have made it…

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not to brilliant driving around at midnight in nigger central.

Do you know how poor the average white South African is? Have you seen the movie District 9? The average is not far away from the slum dwelling Alien in that movie. They are trapped by a lack of money because the country is run by niggers and thus the economy is completely fucked. It's their fault that they're in that state but it isn't everyone's fault. SA is a literal dystopian hell-hole. It's worse than almost anyone here could imagine.

Proper precautions aren't enough. Statistically, it's more dangerous to live there than to be a soldier doing tours both in Iraq and Afghanistan. There is no where you can live that is truly safe. Your chance of survival would be higher if you signed up to be a Navy SEAL in America.

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they would agree and say all whites need to die


Your programming is fucking broken dude.

White Genocide is bad
If you do, you will prove your point and feel good feelings in your brain.

South Africa is white by right, and so is Israel.

Attached: for you.gif (500x281, 742.46K)

Literally a jewish golem

Exactly. The one definite defining aspect of the modern left in general is that it is 100% anti-white. They want to remove whites from existence. Lefties will jerk off in their computer chairs on the day that EFF starts the literal white genocide and celebrate it as a win for Marxists world-wide.

Do it, faggot.
Admit that White Genocide is bad.

Why do you refuse to say that
White Genocide is bad

You'll get candy and dopamine in your brain if you start saying
White Genocide is bad

You should do it.
Just read this over and over.
White Genocide is bad
Now read it again.
White Genocide is bad

Can't we just move all the liberals into ghettos with the migrants and just let migrants do God's work and then arrest them all afterwards.

Seeing as they basically want to live in Brazil we can just send them there and leave them there. They'll fit right in. I don't care what happens after that.

>refuses to even admit White Genocide is bad
>Thinks he isn't outing himself as a newfaggot anti-White

If you can complete this sentence, I will give you a candy bar.
White Genocide is ___
Come on! I know you can do it, NPC! You can do it! I believe in you!
If you don't do it, bad things will happen.
Bad things.

Come on boy!

Shit attitude that just furthers our extinction. Women are most vulnerable to the kind of indoctrination (((they))) push in the media and schools. If you reject all the white women who fell for it then they have no choice but to race mix. We should be trying to save them not condemn them.

How the fuck can you save a nigger loving coal burner after she’s had a more than 5+ (that’s low balling the shot out of it) sexual partners? She will never be emotionally attached to any man again especially not her husband. To her, a provider is a simp that pays for everything and will love her even if she cheats. Women are like dog shit, the older they are the easier they are to pick up.

You understand that as easily as women can be molded by the kike media, they're even more easily molded by their husband, right? It's a fact that women tend to mirror the political views of their husband (assuming he's a man and not a soy adled faggot), even if they were polar opposites when they met. If a woman chooses you to be her mate, you have more power over her thought process than anything else. Use that power, drop red pills, save our women.

So we should just let white genocide happen, watch TV and only defend the literally 1% of all women that are virgins until marriage?
"One child per family"? Hold my beer, China. Try one child per 100 families and who cares if the rest are raped and murdered while niggers reproduce unchecked.
What. A. Fantastic. Plan.
Who needs any white genocide conspiracy when NEETs and 30yo boomer MGTOW cucks are willing to self genocide.

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Not if you get some already ruined slut like this

Last GF I had (Brit from Lutton and old-liberal Buddhist), I turned her into a white nationalist in less than 4 months. I went to her house one day and found her watching Varg (who I didn't know about at the time) and she showed me her favourite video of his, which was about the importance of family and kids. Women are easy to shape how you please if they respect you. I urge you to try harder.

If you're not a kike, you're just an idiot. Either way, I've made my point on the subject.

All niggers look the same; got it. Well, if she was "going over to visit him around midnight", I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that it wasn't to copy his notes from Quantum Physics class at Uni. Maybe AmRen knows if he's the coal being burned or no

So tolerant

anyone got Ian Mccallum (whatever that cucks name from Forgotton Weapons) email? I want to email him this article. in case anyone doesnt know, he denies white genocide in South Africa because he has first year college kid level of travel experience in SA "and like, LITERALLY everyone he like uh, totally talked to said white genocide was like totally not real and stuff"- exact quote. God I hate that pretentious faggot.

South African whites deserve to be wiped out because they're stupid pussy liberals who bent over and took it up the ass turning over their gov't to the ANC. The very same genocidal fate awaits American whites for being stupid pussy liberals all these years. Fuck you, spineless white motherfucking pieces of shit. You did this to yourselves.

Reminder that in America Donald Trump has sealed the doom of whites. He has completely cucked to niggers and spics and completely failed to take any action to top white genocide. American whites are giant pussies and cucked degenerate faggots who will never stand up and stop us from going full South Africa.

So you believe that White Genocide is okay?

wow so are you some manner of shitskin or do you live in a mythical country that only exists in your mind?
my bets on you arent white. get out.

How many childish little bitches are on this board? Y'all need a life. Or someone to take ur life


By your logic, all Westerners deserve to be wiped out. And that probably includes you considering site stats. Reported for severe retardation.

I'm American. And I won't hesitate to put a bullet in ur fuckin head. Bitch nigger. And i don't care what race u are. You're a fuckin Nigger

Confirmed. Filtered. I'll notify the Crips and ZOG to get you first seeing as you're such a die-hard believer in Darwinism, edgelord.