Cuckpol requests help for a kidnapped girl in Wisconsin

Could be reliable, can't go further than making this post. I am a slav in Bavaria.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Eurofag here so solidarity bump.

Again ? Last time cuckchan asked help to search for a teenage whore who runned away with a bunch of niggers.

What the fuck do we care.

I thought this palce is better than cuckpol
Go cyka yourself then pidor

I am from Wisconsin. It is 100% real. The local news has been reporting on it and everyones phones have been getting amber alerts. Her name is Jayme Closs.

Barron is a small town in rural northern Wisconsin with a population of 3,423. It is peaceful and safe, and full of naive whites who don't know the dangers of shitskins.

Barron has had 500 fucking Somali nigger muslims located into it.

My instinct is that she is being human trafficked by Somali nigger muslims. They stole a little blonde girl and murdered her parents.

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this shit makes me


Me too.

Zig Forums is a board of peace. Opsec says to not let your plans be known to your enemy. I really don't give a shit at this point. The only thing stopping me is other white men. I am boiling having to wait for the rest of my ignorant volk to wake the fuck up.

please let this be the big trigger we've been waiting for. It doesn't matter anymore. Let's do this!

No description of any suspects or anything, and that's pretty fucked up if true, trojan horse rapefugees courtesy of the golems in government and jews.

Oh the joys of multi-culti! I'm an experienced data-mining expert with professional experience in data-mining. Do we have any more info?

Fucking off yourself Yid

I got the amber alert and it said something like "no vehicle" description, shits fucked.

Oh, they're covering this shit up just like the Somali rampage at the Minnesota state fair a few weeks ago.

Big news, but absolutely fucking nothing to help, not even gas station sightings or anything.

Check her social media, ask the friends if she had contact with nigs lately, check the new nigs from her class/school, contact the US embassy in Mogadishu, Somalia under trafficking suspicions and to make this an international case, make her name known at all the major airports, force this case into MSM so that they can't bury it.

This shit cannot be allowed to be slid and buried. This has to be pushed hard on all vectors, all social media, make everyone see the results of this shit.

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Seems pretty professional for 68 IQ degenerates.

I'm the OP of the current cuckchan thread.
I also told my perpetually blue-pilled father-in-law and I think it actually effected him. His favorite movie is Taken, and the fact that this has taken place very close to home has him dazed. Hopefully with some more connect-the-dots he can stop being bluepilled.

Maybe an archived /HATE/ thread on cuckchan could point to places of interest.

Not much to go on, not even if that's migrant related or "just" a local dispute (like some pedo uncle going nuts). Only thing Zig Forums can do is to comb (through) social media for family members, friends, neighbors etc. and put the name of the girl in as many places as possible.

Seriously and they were able to get her to Miami so quickly? I'm certain Somalians were involved somehow, but someone is helping them.

This is seriously fucked up and huge news, I can't believe I haven't heard of this. Every time a young person goes missing there's always the chance of "oh maybe they just ran off", but her parents were found MURDERED. We need everyone to know about this.

Is there any way to get this story to POTUS DJTrump?

They had to be casing the place for a while, maybe the parents angered them one way or another and that's their revenge.

Contact your congressman.

Stuff like this is business as usual for Somalis/Arabs/etc, and the ones being imported are likely not screened at all so probably have a history of human trafficking.
I'm not disputing they could have had help, but it's not really necessary for it. They can get organized in their little enclaves pretty easily despite being low iq monkeys.

The degenerates are the muscle. She's probably been sacrificed to Moloch already.

A blood sacrifice or some Saudi billionaire's fuck toy?

Cleanly murdering her two parents leaving little evidence behind and being able to get her to Miami seems pretty damn clean. Yes it's possible, but I'm just thinking back to all the nigger attacks on whites I've read of and it's always a pack breaks into a home and beats a white person with bats or machetes.

They probably knew the family, that's why they were targeted, we need to check if they've done business with ragheads/somali coons in the past.

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What's the source on that tag and vehicle description?

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I'm not exactly trusting of police reporting, or any reporting, of incidents like this of little evidence to go on.
It could have been a bloodbath in their house for all we know. These people have known to run cover for "refugees" and try to cover their own asses to.

Bump since I forgot to turn sage back off, like the faggot I am.

Will you faggots fuck off

In the future don't post 1/2chan as your source in the OP.
Otherwise bumping because I used to live in Wisconsin and didn't know the MN orcs had gotten that far east.

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Showed my wife that anime.

The Lutherans bring them in.