Have our enemies done us a favor by killing Western Civilization?

This is an idea I've been tossing around for months now; By derascinating and deconstructing Western Civilization, have our enemies - or (((enemies))) if you prefer - done us a great favor?

If one takes a Spenglerian view of history, Western Civ was doomed to fail and was and always would be degrading further and further to ultimate dissolution. Obviously the Frankfurt Schoolers have done their level best to accelerate this process, but does this present an opportunity for us to detach ourselves from a dying civilization and create an entirely new one?

The dissident right is full of critiques of Western thought, and the intelligent people on our side go to great lengths to identify the flaws in everything from representative government to Christian morality. What if we just drop the whole fucking thing altogether? The whole legacy of the west is already so tarnished in the public mind due to leftist attacks that it wouldn't even be too controversial.

It wouldn't be hard at this point, and creating a new civilizational ethos without having to have endless autistic debates about Western ideas and how they should be interpreted or dropped to suit our needs. We could simply create a new tradition that suits our needs from the get-go.

Obviously the progressives are trying to do the same thing, but I think that they have created a unique opportunity for is in destroying Western Civilization. If we can wrest social power away from them we can guide the derascinated NPC's to a future of our choosing.

Any thoughts on this?

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Yes. Western Civilization today means liberal ideas. Killing Western Civilizations creates a path to fascism (and communism)

Sort of like a New World Order or something?
Maybe this is a Sargon tier idea, why don't we hijack the NWO?

We are certainly armed with enough knowledge and expertise to do that. But without any spiritual leader, it will fail.

I doubt anyone here would disagree with the idea of having a space-pagan civilization. The question, I say this ernestly, is how would it be implemented? How do we make the God of the Sea, the God of the Void?

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There are many kinds of western thought.

The ones that promote traditionalism, free-thinking and living as ancient men have lived have always been shining and never die.

The ones that promote hedonism, nihilism and semitism are dying because the believers in it lack the drive to live on.

God of the Void already exists no? It's Cosmos.

It hasn't died.
If it had died then they would have stopped attacking it.
If it had died then everything would be different.

Jews celebrate killing Western Civilization, and want to create a new one with themselves as leaders.
Op celebrates killing Western Civilization, and wants to create a new one, calls Jews "dissident right".
Conclusion: Op is advocating a path that could easily lead to the Jewish goal.

Western Civilization is not (((liberal ideas))).
jesus fucking christ is everyone on Zig Forums a godddamned kike troll?

Sure, the name and the face exists. But the Gods are much more than that. They're reflections of our behavior, thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
I suppose I just answered my own question, though.

>Western Civilization is not (((liberal ideas))).

because you say so faggot?

that's how West Civ is seen by NPCs

See, I've always thought that Communism was merely the logical extreme end of Western thought (I.E. egalitariansm and Humanism), though obviously the (((original concept))) and later (((interpretation))) were subversive and non-western in origin. Fascism meanwhile was a genuine attempt to create what I'm talking about, with Nazism being an even more legitimate attempt at creating a new civilization.

Whatever it is called, a new civilization must be founded on an idea that is profoundly and fundamentally different than Western thought. Race realism is legitimate and attractive to this purpose, but it could be something else entirely.

It's an interesting idea, but the idea of pulling an alinskey-like 'march' through NWO institutions would likely fail. These are ideological institutions who police themselves rigorously and will eject anything that smacks of wrongthink.

Leaders need to arise organically, or be naturally attracted to an idea and brought in from outside - think Khalid ibn al-Walid. The concern of people promoting a new movement should be to create an idea attractive and profound enough to create from within or convert from without natural leadership. Artificially promoting leaders out of desperation or need is a sign of failure

>Western Civilization is not (((liberal ideas))).
It is not. But to the masses it is defined as such. Which is why we are seeing decay everywhere.

A pedantic point, but it wasn't a creation of something new, but a revival of something ancient enough to be considered 'new'.

Muhammad lead the Islamic wave from scratch/the Heaven. You are proposing man made divinity. It would have to be synthesized very carefully.

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"Hijack" Islam
In the Koran it's written that you will turn white when you die(no joke)

1. Become muslim
2. Start Islamic revolution.(remove kikes, and take many(white) wifes by force)
3. Have many white muslim natsoc kids.
4. Teach kids only white's are people, the rest is NPC's
5. Use NPC's to remove NPC's

I'm not celebrating anything, I'm just trying to come to terms with reality in a positive way.

The goal of the Jews is to burn the West down and rule over the ashes. I do not think they will be successful in this, at least not in terms that I would define as 'sucess'. Then again, their overarching goal has always been merely to survive, which even if their current project fails they are likely to continue to 'succeed' in.

The West has been on a trajectory to nihilism since favouring Aristotle (who was an empiricist) over Plato who was more metaphysical and had a worldview more in-line with the traditional Aryan worldview. We're at the point now where things have progressed so far that we can no longer turn back (as evidenced by the liberal suicide of the West). It was destined to fail, philosophically. All that we have to do now is ride the tiger and kill it once it has tired. After that, we'd be wise to get back to a more traditional worldview unless we wish to repeat our current situation again. Until the tiger is ready for slaughter, keep focused on the mission. The future literally rests on the shoulders of men like us.

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While you build I rather enjoy the fruits of all the destruction. Capitalism at this point is worthless to invest into for 99% of humanity. It's just an never ending suffer of enslavement and addiction. Which robs us all of any kind of motivation to support it. But thanks to the Jewish deconstruction of civilizations crime is raising all over the planet, literally gangs building their little empires, while the cops become more and more useless against traditional, barbaric crimes. All this creates an opportunity capitalism does not provide anymore…a way for the common man to see that his actions can have a direct outcome, instead of working himself to death for nothing.

I really love it how you say it as a matter of fact but don't realize that you'd need nothing short of nuclear war to destroy it in the current state. And the higher it is the lower it will fall.

You'll develop something new over night while it took 3000 years to develop in case of the Western civ?
And who is "we" exactly?

Your writing reads as something that you came up with your local antifa chapter while slurping on soy at Starbucks and the obligatory picture of Gramsci in the centre.

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You sound like Zig Forums island in spirit

People generally say 'Western Civilization' when they actually mean Enlightenment & French Racemixing & Anglokike Capitalism.

>Western Civilization is not (((liberal ideas))).
it has naturally evolved into it, we are in the final stages of this civilization, naturally extremely detached and unrecognizable from the civilization of Charlemagne and the HRE, just as the late christian dominate of "Rome" was extremely detached and unrecognizable from the early Roman Republic of the Brutii and Scipii

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Literal baby boomer started posting around the time the q thing happened. That's why everyone here is retarded.

Sure I guess. If that's how you see it.
When I see the word "western civilization" I read "White people"
But sure, if you see it and read "liberalism" that's okay too.
That's teh trouble with wordism. It means different things to different people. I don't bother trying to preserve one wordism or another. I only care about blood and soil. Which is just a fancy way of saying "racial survival"

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where in the quran does it say that

You live in a country that is for sale to the highest bidder and rewards the best ponzi scheme, yet you defend it as not being liberal ideas.
Tell me, what ideals best suit the corporations that actually act as proxies to those who control the goings on in this country? There is only one answer, and that is liberalism.
To contend that Western Civilization (capitalism/democratic societies) is not liberalism is the same argument as saying corporations don't run western civilization, which we all know is completely false.

I'm listening… How tho?

Jesus fucking Christ. You have no idea what you're talking about.

This is what I mean, essentially. Late-stage Western Civilization I guess you could call it.

I'm not saying "destroy Western civilzation!!!1!" I'm saying that western people should stop identifying with modern Western civ (post-renaissance Western civ, at least). The ship is going down no matter what we do at this point, the Jews have merely accelerated the process in order to break down the people who identify with the West and remake them into slaves. I value my people more than I value anything derived from Western civilization.

.When I see the word "western civilization" I read "White people"

See that's the problem though. White people (the Essence) need to be decoupled from Western Civilization (the Form). Western civ is going down, and I don't want my people to cling to the Form. So long as the Essence is preserved we have a future.


Maybe, maybe not. As points out, you can't just "drop" Western Civilization as a concept. Especially when most people associate it with Western People aka Europeans.
Me personally, I don't say "western civilization" very often. I say "White Civilization" or "European Civilization"
But as you can guess, the terms blur together.

Also, what exactly would you like to replace it with? I mean, I understand that you associate "western civ" with the Enlightenment. So if you somehow were made supreme leader of the earth, would you throw out everything that the enlightenment produced? Or just the jewish aspects that came after the Enlightenment?

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You think that would help against those massive boulders?

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The fuck are you babbling commie? Identifying? You think in it you breathe it. This isn't a question of identity. It's like asking a Chinese to stop thinking like a Chinese or an African to be on time.
4U. I see a bright future among the stars.
this is what you commies are trying to do. Uh destroy capitalism/Western civ. What will come instead of it? Communism/some unnamed civ! How will it be achieved and organized? It will happen, destroy the previous one!
You just want gullible people to willingly give you power and enslave them with it. It didn't work economically so you tried it culturally. Equally the people rejected it since they don't want their kids turned into eunuchs.
And who is "we" exactly? Since you didn't answer it.

Communism. He's just too much of a pussy to answer it since it would show itself instantly. Slimy ell.

I've thought about this a lot too. My conclusion is that a new mythos will form after some kind of large conflict scenario, which will probably occur as the left becomes increasingly insane and violent, triggering a response from the normal folk left here, and a new leader will come forth representing their ideals. North America could become toast, a battle of the planet for the New World, with pockets of power in various places, but Europe should be able to gain something more substantial.

Whites being conflated with Western Civ is a real problem, I know, but we have to get away from it to save ourselves. There's just no saving Western Civilization anymore, maybe there never was, it's exhausted and corrupted, like a dying, mutated animal that keeps lurching toward infinity without noticing it's entrails dragging behind it.

And honestly, I have no idea what exactly to replace it with. Like I said I think the Fascists and the Nazis were a legitamate attempt to create a new civilization - or revive an older one. That it ended the way it did is a tragedy, but I think it was the right direction to go in.

Holy shit you are paranoid and retarded. I am not a communist, I am white, I don't want to destroy Western civilization I merely realize that it's beyond saving and want to get my people - white people - off of the sinking ship before we all fucking die or get turned into mudmanoid slaves.

Western civ was always going to decay and die, the process has been intentionally accellerated by (((communists))) in order to facilitate their domination and power. White people are already tearing down the statues of their ancestors and scorning their own history - at least in America. This gives us the opportunity to seize control and fit the derascinated NPC's into a new civilizational mold.

This is an idea that has been cooking inside me for the last couple of years, or at least something along its lines.

I've been meaning to open a thread for a long time, but, hey - life. No excuses. I'm just a faggot.

The first obvious thing, in my earnest opinion is to create a community authored manifesto. One based not on ideology, but reality. Backed by facts and history. Manifesto may not even be a good word for it, more like a bank of knowledge, serving as a life guide for the seeker; the modern man.
The same thing as the Bible was meant to be, whatever your opinion of Christianity may be. It's really irrelevant to the point I'm saying.

But if we are to chase this endeavour, a document of some sort is definitely needed. This board is brewing with great minds, great ideas and a great collective ability for rational thought, not to mention severe autism.
In the years that Zig Forums has existed, I believe so much information has been accumulated that we could actually pull something like this off.


In writing this, I do realise there would be logistics issues pursuing this idea, like maintaining the official manifesto and curating new ideas and submissions.

I'm not saying we need to seize institutional power, I don't even think that's possible right now. What I'm saying is that when Western Civilization crashes and burns we need to be standing by with a new ethos, not desperately trying to put out the flames and put humpty dumpty back together.

>Western Civilization is not (((liberal ideas))).
t. (((Chaim Wilkovitz)))


Islam has momentum and billions of NPC's that can be used for a good(white) cause.

Listen muslims, tha joos want to genocide all whites because they have become muslim. This calls for yiiihaaaD

When people tell me that they have no idea what to replace the System with but want to replace it, I call it; Whateverism.
And you know, I have nothing against that.

My position is simple; All I want to do at this time is remove the jews from power. Then I believe things will right themselves.
Afterwards, I would like to remove the invaders from our homes.
After that, I want to build a new society based on brotherly love and family. I envision a rolling farmland and stone cities, built to last instead of built fast and sloppily. I envision plenty of forests and fields and clean rivers and lakes for children to play in and men to hunt in and women to collect flowers for garlands. I envision a government that enforces environmental laws to protect and preserve our natural beauty for current and future generations and that incentivizes smart buildings rather than the ugly, drab housing and office units that plague our society today. I envision a government with checks and balances to ensure that officials representing the people have a vested interest in guaranteeing the best possible legislation for his community.

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You cannot create new civilization leaving existing social systems in place. You also won't find a geographical place to build new civilization without outer influence.
Either you retake what fell into enemy's arms or you are doomed.
You become a businessmen, earn shitload of resources and fight back - it's the only legal way. Illegal ways? Think of them yourself.

Not sure how to respond to that. Um… I don't think that is very likely.

Also, you'll never get many converts. I'd never convert to Islam. It's a stupid cult. Most people agree with me.

Can confirm. Would die before converting.

You are glowing, not because of what you say, but because of the way you say it.

"Most people agree with me"

See that's why the kikes are so successful…they keep all their true beliefs inside, while using their outside appearances to corrupt everything. They don't care if they have to be a muslim, a monk, a christian, leftwing, rightwing, feminist, sexist, Chinese, Russian, German…it's all about the goal. And that is the big problem, because the rest of humanity is blinded by the idea to only live to acquire happiness, which is morally right, but suicidal against an entity who wages a holy war against you.

It is the truth.
In my country there are several kinds of people (and I am ony talking about Whites btw).
There are the Evangelical Christians. They will never convert.
There are the libshits, they already have a religion; liberalism.
Then there are regular Workingclass men, they don't like Islam at all. They see it as a foreign, "Un-murican" thing responsible for terrorism.
There are the educated libertarians who aren't interested in another religion because they have muh constitution already. That's enough holy text to memorize. Besides, Islam is just a code word for terrorism.
Lastly you have the small but growing anti-globalist and White nationalist faction. They are pro-White and view Islam as yet another semitic cult for sandniggers.
With this, I agree. I'd never convert to Islam.

Essence of Western Civilization - rights with no responsibilities.

Essence of Eastern Civilization - responsibilities with no rights.

Solution - rights AND responsibilities.

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Hijacking the NWO would be difficult.
I suppose the best way to do so would be to find a way to make them reliant on us.
Pull a Bane essentially. Let them think we work for them or need them when in reality the opposite is true

Western civilization needed to be purged once it accepted Christianity. It lubed us up to accept the enlightenment, liberalism, communism, and now full-on POZ and racial suicide.
All those who submit to universalist slave morality need to be culled and our people will be reborn like a phoenix.

In a philosophical way you can come to the conclusion that it was the best thing that happened because for the first time in history its forcing all the Aryan tribes to come together, not just temporarily, but permanently as a united force against global chaos. No small nation can exist without the bigger nations providing them protection, and no single big nation can exist all on their own without the assistance of the other big Western nations working in concert to push back the uncivilized hordes who do view themselves as a racial group with internal conflicts. We've been consumed by our internal conflicts for centuries over our external unity as the world perceives us as a block of people and we got away with it for awhile just because of our innovations alone. As Hitler said, jews are the single force preventing the European peoples from uniting on their commonality by creating artificial divides and widening minor differences between our peoples.

History paints the picture more clearly than ever despite its ominous nearly impossible task to overcome. Unite and survive or stay divided and perish. Individualists will die individually and be nothing but cannon fodder in this struggle if they don't change their extreme ways of living.

Interesting idea, it's popped into my mind a time or two as well so I'm happy to discuss it. From the hip opinion: the hypothesis is correct. Every form of anything evolves and is finally undone, so "death" is a forgone conclusion of any "life", be it of an empire, religion or worldview. But what's the Radical T of this? It must be to more and more quickly move from form to form, system to system, a kind of evolution that happens like a heartbeat. I'm willing to bite that bullet, I'll go there. Let's do it. Let God sort it out.

Quite simply, you just notice that it has already happened. That's mechanically technical advice, that's literally how it works. You have to become aware of a thing for anything to be real, in a certain sense. You understand, I'm shakily confident Ancient Aryan Egyptians weren't dumbasses, they probably had access to antediluvian tech, and there's a lot to contemplate in the Ogdoad. Void science is real science and Tesla was working on it as well, in my educated opinion. Fun thread

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Just humor me.

Fastest growing religion, now 1.8 billion muslims(24% of world population) and still growing fast. Can we risk whites being a minority in the west before we convert and start influencing the direction Islam will take.

Polygyny is accepted, so after we help jihadi npc's to remove kike power, white men can have many white wifes and even more white children.

We must form clans and become a new cast within the cast system, that by law must marry inside of our own cast.

The muslim west will now have a see of "fellow muslim" guards between us and China, and the kike degeneracy will be gone for ever.

Arabs are semites.
Meaning Arabs are from the same population as Jews.

What a great idea, user. To destroy the kikes and shitskins we must BECOME them. Fabulous you fucking CIAglownigger.

The economies will need to crash before that happens. They continue to prop it up but all of their tricks are starting to fail.
Protip: Be ready.

When we have momentum we call out semites(jews and saudis) for bastardizing Islam and call for Iran to attack them from one side as we attack from the other side.
We call for holy war against unholy semites

Unfortunately for your theory, Zig Forums has roundly rejected this path of action. The hivemind has spoken, you are a faggot.

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You mean like when they became us and destroyed us, yes that is what i'm saying

Yeah, because they're Arabs and niggers, not because they're converting White people.

If we converted, we'd be their slaves. They HATE us because race is more important than religion. They view us as slaves and if you convert to their religion, you are subjecting yourself to their leadership. Muhammad was an Arab. You are not.
Look at how Arabs treat non-Arab Muslims.

That sounds pretty good in theory, but you ought to think about it more because this is a horrible idea.
Contemplate what it would be like to have three or four women in your house all dependent on you. It wouldn't be like an anime harem, it would be very, very tiresom. They'd all be at each other's throats and you'd have to keep the peace and yet they could still gang up on you to get their way. Nevermind the kids. You'd be fucking swamped by them.
Polygyny only works among the rich elites who get to store their wives in separate palaces.
Also, polygyny leads to a shortage of women for Workingclass men.

Finally, if you convert to Islam, you will still be seen as a White guy, not a Muslim. As I said before, race > religion with almost all people. The kikes will easilly be able to turn Arab Muslim against White Muslim. Don't believe me? Ask a Turkish Muslim how he feels about Arabs. Or Kurds. Or Berbers.

I'm honestly inclined to agree with you OP, as far as I know, with the help of kikes, Western civilization (as we know it) has reached the end of it's lifespan, it's sad but it's just a natural way of things. What we should be doing now is looking to the future and ensuring we firstly survive and that our ideas play a significant role in what forms after

kek, ok "hive-mind" can you refer me to an archived thread on this, and i will get out of your hair?

Yes that's why we will use non arab muslims against the "unholy arabs"(arabs)

I'm not "that guy", but utilizing Radical T logic, isn't ethno-globe the logical conclusion here? Of course the concern is that increasingly minor differences will divide the race. It's probably true that an external force will need to be present, at least in theory in the minds of the volk, to create group cohesion. Am I wrong here? I'm just spouting off opinions in any case. We might be able to evolve beyond that quickly enough if we're doing the other thing I was talking about.

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On NWO hijack.

Do this

And then just call it the New World Order Manifesto.
You don't have to join their organisations (though you could if you want to jew some jews, infiltrate>subvert>divide>rule).
We nabbed the "Okay"/666 hand symbol. We got milk. What else could we nab?
NWO is just covert fascism anyway.
I dunno. Just chatting shit.
Could be a terrible idea.
But hey, how difficult is it to associate a phrase with an idea?
The making them dependent Banestyle point by another user makes sense to me. What do we have that they can't do without?
Well, we have a large number of young high IQ white males. Someone else can come up with more.
But it does seem like we're struggling for a name. Worst case, we make the New World Order brand even more toxic.

People don't say to lurk moar for no reason, niggerfaggot

That we would be seen as just whites, and that they would hate is false. The reason i'm saying this is because the white converts are seen as extra honorary.

I wouldn't say that we need to drop everything, we just don't need to cling to any of it anymore. All of these traditions, societies, etc. of the past came from our racial soul, no matter if the past disappears, our racial soul is eternal. We will always be able to create new things so long as we do not become corrupted or tainted like the masses of npcs are now.

If I were to think like Marcus Aurelius for a second, I'd say that all of this has happened just as it was meant to happen. All this shit with the kikes and the slow poisoning of our cultures was meant to happen so that we Europeans could come out of it with an even greater and deeper understanding of ourselves and the universe.

>I've always thought that Communism was merely the logical extreme end of Western thought (I.E. egalitariansm and Humanism), though obviously the (((original concept))) and later (((interpretation))) were subversive and non-western in origin

That's the goal of Frankfurt School, to crash Western Civilization through Cultural Marxism


eliminate white people so fascism won't happen again and won't be in the way of true communism

Best post ITT. Natural chaos breeds natural order. Things will be right naturally when they're not being actively subverted

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Never user. It is simply NEVER going to happen. You don't understand the history of the semitic people. You don't understand what they have already done in the world.
We all die, but we aren't going out 'your way' I would rather sink a blade into your throats and be hacked to death by your comrades than even think of converting or becoming a 'semite' that is a death that one can never recover from, it is the death of soul and spirit.

You envision yourself having way more influence than is realistic. If you could actually possess so much influence over multiple races then we wouldn't need to convert to Islam in the first place. We'd just leave the jewish System en mass.

Want to see how Arabs treat White Muslims? Look up Albania. That is what they think of European converts

Look how they treated the niggers. Hundreds of millions mutilated, tortured and slaughtered. The rest taken by force and full castrated. Hundreds of millions of nigger daughters force marched naked across the Sahara and sold into brothel slavery until they were too old to be anything but fodder for Hell. Trust me, to become a semite is worse than death. It is literal hell, living hell and afterlife hell. You all would be so much better off to fight them to the death…you simply have no idea who they are.

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no, they simply made a blunder.
their intentions were to destroy us, regardless of whether they helped us or not is of little consequence, their assault has failed, that is their own doing.

Ikr? The Arabs had the right idea on that one.

In fairness, converting to Islam isn't becomming a semite. It's just adopting their ideology. My position is simply that adopting Islam will
1. lead to more race mixing with shitskins
2. accomplish literally nothing because
3. Most White people will not convert to Islam and thus
4. Will see us as freaks and further alienate Whites from nationalism

I'd rather convert of Christianity than Islam because at least I could still communicate effectively with most White people.


Conversion to Islam isn't exactly what I had in mind, though I'm not against taking inspiration from useful ideas in other civilization.

But converting to islam in order to enlist hordes of shitskins as zergs is fucking retarded and if not a LARP then a delusion.

Maybe ontology is better than 'civilization'?

Well what are they right now

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Anyone who reddit spaces is a kike troll.

Amazing since they are only 84 IQ eh? Still, I am not a fan of slavery. If a people can't cut it as equal partners, and really none of the SUBHUMANS can then they should be exterminated to make way for more of our own people.

They want more. They always want more, until their greed, lust and gluttony drive them to the brink of extinction. They're like goblins.

I agree. Slavery was a terrible idea.
Even if we had castrated the fuckers, slavery would still deprive White men of jobs. If we had not engaged in slavery then landowners would have needed to either have smaller farms or hire White farmers to help them harvest their crop. And in order to make it worth their while, they would need to pay them a decent wage and maybe throw in some food and entertainment for good measure. This would raise the living standards for everyone. Especially because it would have given young men an option other than move to a city and work in a factory mill.
Win, win, win.

*sigh* Unfortunately, one of our race's greatest weaknesses is being eager to import cheap labour to undercut our own working class.
It's really disgusting. This is why our kinsmen in S Africa are a minority today. Instead of paying to bring in their fellow Dutch settlers, they decided it would be cheaper to just pay the blacks to mine in horrendous conditions.

This unfortunately.
During the great extermination I am planning on having laws that will be broken on the pain of death. No foreigner is allowed to leave the allotted 'trade city' they are assigned to or even look at our lands and our beautiful people. Anyone caught looking at our land and anyone who facilitates them spying is going to be murdered. The spy will get the death penalty no matter who they are and I think I will have the person who facilitated it and their whole family killed as well. There will be no more 'spying out the land' or our people until the day that the last SUBHUMAN is exterminated off the planet. Thus 'envy' of what is ours, what is pure and what is beautiful will cease because any foreigner who looks into our people and land will be killed.

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That would be jews, non-whites and corrupt whites who serve jews or atheistic concepts.

That is not a trait of our race, and has never been a trait of our race, that is why slavery ended so quickly, by our race, while it is continued, by other races, such as niggers, arabs and jews.

That's wrong and not western civilization.

I can get behind that if it is directed at non-Whites. But Germans and French should always be able to visit each other. I presume you only mean non-Whites get this treatment.

True. To a large extent. However, not always. Take the boomer generation who are so eager to have a rude spic gardener because "Muh keedz these days"
Or (not to imply that Poles are like spics) take the unfortunate history of Upper Silesia as an example. In order to increase mining profits, the Prussian nobility invited Poles into the region. Well, eventually there were more Poles than Germans and after WW1 they revolted.
Again, I am not being anti-Polish. What I am doing is pointing out a stupid, short sighted thing that a lot of elites do that ends up harming later generations. We must learn from these mistakes and brutally punish anyone who repeats them. Especially among our elites.

But yeah, obviously the disgusting kikes are usually the ones promoting non-White migration onto our lands.

I think you're onto something but if we're taking Spengler seriously, remember that the early stages of a new civilization are only intuiting what will become its guiding idea. You won't have a clear idea of of how your descendents should live, that's not the role of a civilization's founder but its ender.

That said, I'm certainly thinking about spengler's ideas as I design the architecture of my arkology.

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In order for it to be a "favor", there must be the widespread acceptance that the kikes need to be removed around the globe out of positions of power, out of finance, as a living people, and any trace of their culture. Without that, any chaos without such preparation to get control of the rebuilding has no merit, since they are creating these chaotic and deadly conditions simply in order to gain power power and control.

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Remove the images and persona/character called "God" which was a Germanic word meaning Odin anyways. And replace it with The Force. The Force is the Western more masculine version of the Dao.


It's Khaos (the womb). Cosmos just means order.

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The Force is Hollywood bullshit and has nothing to do with Daoism.

Daoism doesn't give you fucking magic power.

30,000 years or war all coming to head in our generation. Wrap your mind around that one.

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This thread feels like an actual schizo talking considering this dude is glad about the death of Western civilization, and wants to build something new, WHILE using aesthetics of western civilization.

It's not Hollywood bullshit. It's George Lucas, one guy, who was going to use the word "Will" but the "Will to power" triggers kikes. It's an abstraction that isn't tied to old religions like (((christianity))) or NPC creating buddhists, or some yellow jungle monkey like Lao Tzu. The Dao was an ancient Aryan word meaning a cut path. And if you knew anything about Daoism after the Aryans its jungle monkey magic trickery, frauds and gods.

Also the Force isn't magical thinking. It's just psychic connections to that which binds all things.

And you say this same thing in every thread (((Druid/pol/))). Because you want to control the conversations on here.

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Maybe in a way they have done us a favor. But the genetic stock has declined so sharply in the past hundred years that it is going to take a long time to rebuild what we have lost and meet the standard our ancestors have set for us

A single goddamn proof please?

And the Force is not the will to power also, goddamn nigger you are eating the Hollywood shit hard.

What are you huffing? Nonexistence and Nirvana is the exact opposite of what those drones want.

Doesn't jidf have like 10 000 members? That's more than the posters on this board.

This is by far the most idiotic, naive fantasy of some lonely and pathetic sperg I've heard. Everything is cyclical. There is no "creating something new", it's just going from decline into growth. "Western" civilization has always existed in one form or another. There is no deliberate creation in a group of people. Stop overthinking this; be the change you want. If it's good, it's good. Why should you care about others?

This is why LARPaganry and Protestantism is fucking retarded; it's not actual, useful belief but "symbolism". You want to replace faith, not symbols. Try convincing anyone at the very basic level to love and care for a group that has proven themselves to be untrustworthy and selfish.