Zig Forumsand is creating it's own Zig Forums militia



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From wikipedia:

>Besides responding to external military threats, the WOT will, according to the Defense Ministry, help strengthen Poland's "patriotic and Christian foundations".

I'll be honest, I don't think this is intended to fight Russia. I think Russia has absolutely no logical reason to invade Poland right now, and Poland knows it. Personally, I think Poland is preparing to fight certain other enemies residing to the west.

But I'm just some guy on the internet, so what do I know?

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And that agenda is? Protecting our neighbours? Russians are the ones threatening to nuke the Baltic, and invaded Ukraine and Geogria, fuck off clown.

Looks like the SS swear.

Now why on earth would Poland wish to protect itself from a country that only recently occupied and suppressed Poland and still makes threats against it and probably assassinated their Prime Minister?

Maybe it's because Poland exists in the real world and their leaders understand that hosting US soldiers is a guarantor against Russian aggression?
I don't know if Russia is baste considering their universalist Eurasianist propaganda and their kike oligarchs that Putin empowers, but if they really were based, then threatening their neighbors is not a great way to unite Europeans against the jews. Poland has no easy choices.

By the way, I am not saying that I believe that the elites in Poland are pro-White. I think they're pro-stability neo-cons. But the people in Poland seem very nationalistic and healthy.

kurwa we need better symbols

That "two finger" hand gesture you see there is our equivalent of sieg heil.

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It's 4D chess.

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Poles once again being the best goyim. Form militias to protect (((NATO))) and (((the EU)))

No need to ban the guy, mods

are you trying to be stupid? not only did they expel soros but they collectively hate the eu and rapefugees unless you count the brainwashed npcs

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Tough guy talk is the cornerstone of European politics. How do you think the EU approaches us?
They're the ones who propagated the Polish death camps meme
But then again, Merkel later said that no one but Germany was complicit. Just as PiS wanted to rile Germany up over "reparations", Tusk and our lawyers later said that we cannot legally acquire them. There are two opposing sides to everything, let's not pretend that Poland is this big bad monolith out to bully everyone, because when we were the goody two shoes of the "union" we were laughed at and called the Mexico of Europe. You're not the only one who can play like that.

And the jew shows it's true colors.

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Is ressurectedplayer a mod again?


thats what we used to do in Goy Scouts (Formerly "Boy Scouts")

PiS party

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The opposition is PO
PiSS and POO leading Pollock politics

Okay, why don't these faggots do something about that Euro week shit where little white kids are sent for a week to be selectively chosen for future grooming by a bunch of shit-skin child predators?

Wait…is Russia a cloaked (((Israel)))?

Don't forget that if you are matriculated on a Polish university, you can participate in programs "about Patriotism", where you get to learn basic military tactics

It kinda is. We know we have no chance against Russia, so we will use our WW2 tactic of outliving the occupation and make it as hard as possible for them. Maximizing damage to the occupant is the main goal.
Though it could also be used against any foreign actors trying to stir shit up.
You are going to laugh at this, but this is one of the main reasons, since it is believed that Spetsnaz forces were involved in the stirring up of unrest in Eastern Ukraine.

If by cloaked Pissrael you mean a (((diverse))) nation that pretends that it's governed democratically, while shitting on common white folk and promoting lowest personal values (stealing, cheating, caring only for yourself, blindly believing that gubmint is infallible, but all woes come from the opposition (powerless, impotent and full of Soros stooges), bullying on state level (this one I'm okay with, if done tastefully), and otherwise hopeless shithole where peoples' hopes and dreams die, you are right on money, my friendo.

Yes, and israeli sharpshooters too

Dont forget sicking the churkas on the remaining whites

Wrong guy bud

Behind creation of WOT there where multiple reasons
1. You have to look at how composed are our line units. Army is 100% professional now and conscript was suspended in 2009. But some of brigades do not have like 20% manpower. Meaning there is command/basic logistic up and running, but line battalions are empty. This is designed that in case of mobilisation people with "reserve" status are called to man this units. But with conscript suspended in 2009 there is just not enough plp rotating thorugh normal military. There is NSR a 20k plp military component which is meant as prestage training before you get contract. But it is also not enough, esspesaly that other organisations like police taped into that source of trained, healthy and after psychological evaluation source of plp.
WOT solves part of this problems.
2. This unit are light motorized infantry so in case of W they should take from line units some duties like watching bridges and guarding strategical objects. They are not ment to fight face to face with heavy panzer/mechanized brigates.

1. PIS promised that because with all shit in west especially around migrants nationalist sentiment is on the rise. People wanted to serve but somehow and WOT is kind a place you can do that. It secured votes for PIS with also being organisation somewhat useful in certain situations .
2. Before WOT a lot people with this attitude joined non government organisations. Most of them are a good thing, but some more radical one are a problem. Thing is they where/are out of control and as such became target for Russian intelligence to start shit up. And I'm not following this stupid Russian bot western shit but genuine cases of intelligence activity that where made public. Especially laud was case of "Falanga" to set up anti Ukrainian provocation.

You know (((why))) newfag

You're right. Poland is getting ready to defend against Western Europe, namely war-mongering Britain. Russia is the good guy and always was.

and dropped
theyre fucking authoritarian fucktards

authoritarianism is the means to achieving perfection, but can just as easily lead to destruction. it's a very thin line to balance on. on one hand you can achieve greatness with a streamlined system full of nationalists, on the other is a hellhole of murder and censorship. Democracy, on the other hand, provides more political stability but results in stagnation and political assimilation.

That being said, i do agree that PiS are cunts. While better than PO, they still do some shady shit, like using refugee denial as a smokescreen while letting in thousands of asians through the back door and restricting firearm possession rights, as well as being dumb cunts and stirring up hatred between Poles and Germans through 'muh reparations' when we should be building an alliance with AFD and other nationalist groups. Honestly, I'm hoping that over the next few years Ruch Narodowy will gain attention, cause PiS and PO are both puppets, one sucking off the EU and the other swallowing Israel's shit. As far as I can tell, it sits at 5% on average, but good leadership and an effective campaign can work wonders.

What's good about Poland getting ready to fight Russia? Are you people retarded?
dont answer that, rhetorical question

PiS is an ultra-zionist front. Their objection to refugees is that they being Muslim, they probably don't like israel. It's right out of Donald Trump's zionist playbook – they need different groups of non-Whites to fracture the racial nation with because the ones they reached for first are creating more blowback than they can manage.

I agree. There must be true nationalists in Poland or at least better alternatives to the PiS brand.

Well, there is Ruch Narodowy, or National Movement, which is gaining a bit of support. Hopefully in the near future there'll be a new Hitler who will take over and turn the small party into a real threat to the establishment

What do you expect when Germany, France, Sweden, and the UK are going to become muslim countries? Muslims + the European Union are a recipe for disaster.

Give every 18 year old male a marksmanship course, teach them the basic principle of see and not be seen and a hunting rifle. That's all the militia you need. Also put bounties on enemy gear for further motivation.

They're gonna need it with all the niggers the US mutt army is sending over there. Last i heard they're women are already getting raped just like in South Korea. But it's ok goyim. Those niggers are there to protect you from big bad Russia lol.

More like no logical reason to invade it ever. Kikes will demolish it for Putin.

The kikes are the zionist front government flooding the country with niggers and missile platforms aimed at Putin.

Wojack polacks create a pis patrol unironically

Russia had absolutely no reason to invade FInland. Russia had absolutely no reason to invade Poland in 1919. Russia had absolutely no reason to participate in Vietnam war on the side of the communists.

They were a communist government at all of those times, so they had largely every reason to invade. It's a good thing about Vietnam, too. Can you imagine how long that could have dragged on if the US kike landowners fighting over heroin supply chains hadn't been defeated?

Honestly, Russia is going to bankrupt if they ever invade Poland.

Could have done in 2014 when morale was high, but now?

They wouldn't bother. They have a literal spigot that never turns off in selling energy to China and Western Europe. Poland's zionist outpost is being completely bypassed with Nordstream II and now they are falling all over themselves to niggerize their country to appease the judeo-American government and secure oil shipments from Nigeria.

I can not even read, would you repeat?

There are more niggers and arabs in Russia than Poland.

Not for long. Alliance with the US means your country must niggerize. No one escapes it.

Doubt that, less nigger in Germany and Japan than Russia.

Not even close to accurate. UK, France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Canada. Poland's fate is already sealed. As if anyone in Russia gives a shit about your apple farms.

Ok, user, stay in Russia.

This is not true

it's not.
Goal of a war is to move the fighting to enemy territory.
They are a militia focused on defending territory from guerilla operations that government imported ukrainians (over a million now, baste Neocohens nationalists zionists from PiS), or in future muslims (after all, democracy might finally win, and (((marxists))) from PO might get back into power) could lead in cities.
Muh russia is a recruitment drive because they can't advertise it as >Join militia, you'll get to shoot nigger hordes invading europe

Nothing apparently.

dups btfo

Le 56% slavic face