The crisis is getting very intense
I'm afraid of an yank invasion but that will start a world war. A civil war is more likely but it's far away for the moment.
Venezuela coup general
Wonder what will happen if a coup and civil war DOES happen
Am I wrong or do most people feel like there's fuck all a regular person can do about shit like this? You could go march with a sign or talk to everyone you know about how fucked up US imperialism is, but what does it even accomplish? I just hope that the Venezuelan people don't get wiped out and can assert some kind of control.
The far-right trail into the US via central america tends to insert around Guyana and cut along the north coastline. It pops out of Mexico around Nogales and cuts through Vegas and Reno to enter Truckee and Ashland.
So… that's what this is really about.
You're not wrong.
Nothing. The best thing to do would be to organize strikes in the event of war or intervention, but we are far away from that kind of power and the most vocal "anti-imperialists" have been more concerned with building media profiles for folks like Abby Martin and Ben Norton or sending Brian Becker's kids to college than organizing with other workers to pull something like that off. Calls for "solidarity" with no material aid or action and hashtags like #handsoff don't mean shit so don't treat them like necessary stands against burger imperialism, as some of our cousins have been doing.
The way I see it in the short term they either get fucked hard if the coup is successful, squeezed into paste by social democracy's failure, or push to get concessions from the state.
It does nothing, especially considering where people from here are from; we are all either from US puppets (my case) or from the US, so what would the average person from our countries care if we do a march protesting?
Nah. Sabotage actions.
- grease goes down the drain
- dental floss and "flushable" wipes go down the toilet.
- concrete goes on the railroad tracks
- rubble and glass go in the highway. "oops."
- cotton string goes in salt water. when it and the weather are dry, it gets bola'd around the power lines.
…etc. al Jazeera has a list of countries "in need of mass sabotage action."
Now, go out there and derail some fucking trains. For the next ten years.
America won't invade, Brazil will on their behalf meanwhile Bolton goes for Cuba.
Don't sell the US government short, they're incredibly clever. Bolonsaro will get his own war to justify "reorganizing" their economy around a more exploitationist model (eg ripping out the Amazon) while the CIA settles an old score. Russia might fight Brazil directly but won't intervene in Cuba, however the Kremlin will take note of how the US handles Cuba and reflect that exact same treatment onto them in Western Ukraine. Which is ultimately what all this builds to: Crimea.
To add insult to injury, figure that all the antiwar/anti-imperialist voters in America were the ones who put Obama into the White House ten years ago. He sold us out, proving that the Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans. The only option is to vote Green, even if it is in vain.
The same thing happened in 1916 when all the anti-war/anti-imperiast people supported Woodrow Wilson who then promptly got the U.S. involved in WWI on a pretext.
So did we all do something horrible in a past life to be born on this earth or what?
True, and look at the results of that: three Republican Presidents who thought they could continue ignoring the working class (in particular attempts to legalize Unionization) and ignoring market regulation (in particular religions of high-er frequency trading wrought by the phone network). It all melted down in 1929, which resulted in a fucking New Yorker winning the Dem primary and going on to become President. And overseas, the economic meltdown caused unironic fascists to gain control of Germany.
The same will happen again, eventually Trump will leave Iraq (even if it means bombing Iran in the process) which will cause a third insurgency that leads to either a full ISIS mideast or a full secular fash mideast. Meanwhile all the non-talk over North Korea just goes to show how useful nuclear weapons are in stopping American interventions, which will likely lead to proliferation everywhere as everyone moves to hedge their bets against America (no honor among thieves, especially when Brazil and Poland are the two most likely to do so here despite being US allies).
Except this time around we probably won't get another FDR unless Democrats really step up their game. It's far more likely that the Amazon's destruction combined with ocean acidification instigates a major climate crisis that causes another global dust bowl that cripples world powers. In particular look at India and China's existing fight over rivers and water, or desertification in Mexico. Things are going to get a lot worse.
Blame boomers for not trusting nuclear power, the communists and themselves. We live in the ruins of the 60s and 70s where everyone hoped for 100% clean power by 2000. Instead we're burning more co2 than ever meanwhile student loans will push an entire generation into poverty. Things can only get worse before they get better.
This is what I expected when I heard there was a place called Zig Forums. What I got was a bunch of bullshit spam about hating jews/gays/whatever.
Thanks to, well, some of you.
The only thing I'll see happening is that we're gonna have a fuckton of refugees from venezuela. The only thing that can stop a coup d'etat in venezuela is a coup d'etat here in the US, but classcucks are more than willing to die for Trump and his cronies. Just look at patriot prayer, III%s, etc.
You can try putting flyers up and banning people who don't agree with you online, I hear that works out pretty well on Zig Forums
If you don't want spam about gays, jews and women go to leftypol, not leftpol. This place is pretty much just the rejects of leftypol (mostly confused nazis and illiterate anarchists).
I wholeheartedly agree in fact what are you even doing here, why aren't you helping the revolution by arguing about what Marx meant word for word in Das Kapital while posting dickpics in the /leftytrash/ thread at >>>Zig Forums ? Go the proletariat needs you! Leave Zig Forums and never come back for the good of the city!
Not how I remember it. /leftytrash/ isn't shitposting either it's the /soc/ of Zig Forums.
I mean yeah studying only Marx seems shitty.
I wouldn't know. I get my leftytrash from this board.
Pretty dishonest saying only Marx is studied on leftypol. A quick glance at the catalog would prove you wrong.
Studying Marx is important and not done enough on leftypol.
Capitalist detected. We don’t like intellectual armchairs, Jews, trannies or women here. You’re likely in this category if you hate Zig Forums
This board is such a joke that this might aswell not be an ironic shitpost.
I am a Pol Potist, there are no jokes in any of my posts
I'm 90% sure now you're the one being ironic here.
They were right as fuck for not trusting hard water uranium reactors. Accidents or sabotage can cause catastrophic disasters and they breed nuclear weapons material. You can't blame Boomers for some fuck at the Atomic Energy Commission shutting down molten salt reactor research to placate the nuclear-industrial complex.
I must admit I am impressed by the consistency of American liberals. Even after nearly two decades of disastrous interventions all over the globe in this millennium, some of which they even ostensibly opposed, they still retain the imperial arrogance to think that their opinions on the politics of other countries should count for something. Dipshits like Bill Maher and his ilk are lining up to carry water for the Trump administration's meddling.
They're getting really brazen now.
What was the drama?
Venezuelan claims that their county was the "envy of Latin America" before Chavez and Maduro nationalized "most of the economy".
He’s a richfag butthurt about Chavismo
in b4 ban
There is a lot you can do about it. For one you could be actively promoting Chinese and Russian propaganda about this and other events. Of course it isn't much but at the very least it can help us create a sort of cultural counter-hegemony that can eventually be used to justify the replacement of American international institutions.
No surprise such an idiot will post on /v/
Please don't lean into his deliriums of whiteness, the person on that photo is clearly an indio
See, one of these is awesome…
Of course there are morons in every country who don't understand the mechanisms of imperialism and think the US is out to help them.
Why would Jesus appear to soldiers, of all people?
wat? Do people think it would actually start a world war? It would probably be another Vietnam: Americans kill countless Venezuelans but still lose.
You're really so paranoid that you think the United States is going to invade Venezuela? Got news for you, Bucko; The US doesn't give a shit about Venezuela as long as you don't start sending your refugees across our border. As long as you don't invade us with your refugees we won't obliterate you with our nukes and smart bombs.
John Bolton already basically promised Venezuela oil fields to US oil companies.
The US clearly gives substantial shits about plundering Venezuela.
The US tried to coup Venezuela back in 2003, you're either underage or a retard, probably both.
Nobody gives a shit about refugees, that's just how they get braindead racists like you to vote for them. It's about the oil and destroying left-wing governments.
Fuck off, fatso.
The oil can be bought at a fire sale run by a US ally like Brazil, which is exactly what Obama tried to do with Mexico in regards to Pemex (and only failed because of the oil crash combined with increased attacks on oil shipments and pipelines, the recent pipeline explosion in Mexico pretty much killed any hope of a US buyout and is partially why US firms are interested in VZ now).
Again, it comes back to Cuba. That's where the real anger is within the Pentagon, the sheer butthurt at their existence is enough for them to commit troops and bombs. They just need a good enough excuse, and Maduro is good enough especially when Brazil will do all the heavy lifting for free. For the US it'd be an extremely efficient operation that's take less than a week, all they need is about a year of crying about WMDs to justify it. Exactly what Bolton did to Saddam.
Also this, from 2007:
Which side are we on and why?
Venezuela is also the primary force keeping "anti-communist" forces from traveling from the insertion point in Guayana into central America.
So, mostly "and why."
Because Venezuela has a socialist-leaning government that is to be replaced by a staunch anti-communist neoliberal and probably racist government which would allow the US to extract all the natural resources.
I've heard this of all governments mostly because it's true because everyone's a racist, it make's no difference.
The US/Europe start shit in the 3rd-world and fan the flames precisely to launder economic migrant slave labor. Note that in spite of Trump's rhetoric, deportations are down from Obama and visa numbers are higher than ever.
Maduro represents stagnation, decay, and corruption. The US's toadies represent a probable war and following genocide campaign that will devastate the country, as well as the sale of PDVSA to foreign capital, completely depriving Venezuelans of any but the tiniest of crumbs from oil revenue.
Best course of action is to keep depraved foreign meddlers out, and let Venezuelans fix their own country.
Also Christ I forgot Wikileaks existed. It did get co-opted by the feds though didn't it?
There's a conspiracy theory that Assange was assassinated/kidnapped a few years ago, stemming from a failure on his part to properly match checksums on a private encryption key, and "Assange's" activity since then has been by a CIA/MI5/Mossad/KGB/etc. imposter.
I don't lend it much credence myself
Assange straight up booked it regardless but according to some updates, other site staff are government agents or work with them and as such are not reliable sources anymore.
I mean to be fair it's the US government, the same people that made a heart attack gun. If they wanted to they could just alter anything given to Wikileaks even if it's successfully posted and the leaker isn't exposed. If they ever wanted to hide something they would do it by going as far as killing whole families to do so, and the public would never be none the wiser.
Which is why we still shouldn't support America, but Pro American autists in this board will still support it because "We need majority support from a group of patriotic hillbillies who know fuck all about what their government does.
I honestly don't think America is quite that powerful - I'm not sure if Wikileaks has been otherwise co-opted, but I'm fairly confident think Assange is still alive. It's tough to tell with Wikileaks, admittedly. I don't think the US Gov't is at the point of altering old stuff or unpublishing it, but then I can't account for everything they ever put out.
You don't need to be especially not for small cases like these.
Censorship is actually very easy when you have unlimited funds.
It's simple, have your secretary, send your intern, to a local thug in the street, pay him $50 to kill the guy who uncovered your documents about how Bill Clinton slept with an alien, have him cut his breaks, crash in his car while driving his kids to school killing his whole family, pay off the pigs to alter his file, intercept the expose' being delivered to his publisher and burn it. Everyone will never know anything happened. Of course on occasion you get the "Man breaks restraints and jumps off 16 story hospital bed even though the angle couldn't have made it possible." and "Local man shoots self in the back of the head, gets up and puts gun on cabinet." fuck ups but for what it's worth this type of stuff is completely possible.
Technically impossible, due to hashing. Everything on Wikileaks has been mirrored widely in torrents.
In Venezuela die situation is a different than normal. Reading recommendation:
Judging from the Abstract alone, I guess you're right but at the same time how come, which race is privileged and which is poorer?
When I get home I will download the pdf through my uni's library and post it.
I prefer online text over pdf.
oh, in that case I've sent you my university login credentials in a PM you ungrateful cock sucker
The so called Venezuelan defectors.
Why did they not say when it changed?
We're against imperialism. Even if you hate Venezuela, you should oppose regime change that furthers the interests of imperialist capitalism.
Pure idealism
According to Wikipedia the name was changed back in 1999, doesn't say when the military completely changed all their badges.
Yeah but opposing the American regime change doesn't mean we should idolize Maduro like the fucks at r/socialism have been doing.
A question for pro-Bolivarian ppl- what is the response to killings of unarmed protesters and even random people who are not even protesting by the colectivos? I have asked elsewhere and all I get is "yeah but did you know that the opposition kills ppl too?!?". And also what about the popularity of the MUD like the popularly elected national assembly?
Nobody on the entire board, let alone this thread, has done that.
Kautsky wants his ultraimperialism back.
They deserve every beating they get and more
Should the US succeed this can become useful later.
Remember the migrant wave from Guatemala and Honduras?
Despite not being communist, they are actually poorer than Venezuela. Also Venezuela has more inhabitants If the new Miami elites manage to mismanage Venezuela to the point, where a new migrant wave is created, they could actually march to the US, overthrowing Central American governments on the way and finally bring the turmoil to the US.
Ecuadorian here
Literally every single day i come upon Venezuelans selling candy or some shit in the bus while commuting to uni. They aren't white (neither am I), but most of them are very vocal about hating Chavismo. Stop oversimplifying things, not every oppositor is a US shill.
And no you can't do anything about it either way, vocally supporting a fucked up government just because it slightly aligns to your political views on the basis of second-hand information you get in the comfort of your anglo country won't accomplish anything. I agree that Guaidao is most likely a US puppet but Chavismo brought that upon itself by actively persecuting the native opposition. Turns out the anti-imperialist discourse is pretty much a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Their opinion is worth as much as mine, as none of us live in Venezuela. And I think Chavismo is great!
You stupid fuck (or shill). Chavez is himself "native".
Read this:
Are you retarded? Opposing imperialism and forced regime change is not the same thing as supporting the sitting government.
Their opinion is worth more than yours simply because they're actually invested in the country besides a stupid internet argument.
I know, and how does that contradict my argument? I'm saying there are also Venezuelan natives and proles who dislike Chavismo a lot. Also your paper uses sources from 2008, political climate has changed a lot since that, back than Chavez actually had a much larger approval than now.
That's not much of an argument when the existing government simply won't allow a non-forced regime change.
Neither do most governments. That's not an excuse for war.
Please. You can't even define 'imperialism' besides 'West baaaaaad fuck wypipo'
Most governments in the western world won't ban the majority of opposing candidates from their elections unlike the PSUV regime did in 2018
An international war maybe not, but it's way more than enough ground for a civil war
What about the interests of the Venezuelan prole though?
The conditions of actual workers are irrelevant when you could operate within radlib idealism.
Low wages? Open borders!
Rampant crime? Fuck the police!
All races suffer? BLM!
They just don't even allow opposing candidates in the first place. Most elections are just for show.
You have to go back.
would you mind providing evidence to that statement being true in the majority of the west?
go back to your cesspool tankiddies >>>Zig Forums
So you do deny imperialism exists, do you deny it's a problem, or are you just a spooked nationalist?
Not what happened. The "opposing candidates" boycotted the legitimate elections themselves.
This post is definitely LARP-y to the point of contrarianism. Democracy exists throughout most of the world, corrupt though it may be at times.
Meanwhile in one particularly prominent Western government, the two main political parties regularly collude together to keep third parties off the ballot and tie up their resources in court challenging petition signatures.
If they cheated then why did Maduro recognise the results?
Also 7,728,025 elected to 5,625,248, still shows that the MUD is not as unpopular as some people make it out to be.
So you are saying that Nicar Bermúdez deserved to be shot dead just for standing outside her home minding her own busnesses? That sounds like pro-cop tier bootlicking
Nobody deserves to be shot and killed other petty stuff like that. Defectors getting killed I can understand but unarmed protesters and nonprotesters doesn't make sense to me. Beatings I can also understand but looters and petty arsonists shouldn't be shot dead in the streets by motor-bike gangs.
You must be seriously elite if violent crime is not a thing in your environment. Very few workers are lucky like you are.