mariJEWhana legalized in Canuckistan
Canuckistan aims to tame both 3rd world savages and the next generation of displaced whites that can't even afford to buy a parking spot in cities like Chickouver or PooInTheLooRonto.
Lets see how this works out…
mariJEWhana legalized in Canuckistan
Canuckistan aims to tame both 3rd world savages and the next generation of displaced whites that can't even afford to buy a parking spot in cities like Chickouver or PooInTheLooRonto.
Lets see how this works out…
Slide thread. OP is a npc.
Nice pre programmed response.
how is news about the legalization of the green jew a slide?
I have smoked weed when I was young
it makes you lazy, complacent and paranoid
also weed back in the days compared to jew engineered weed is like comparing 5% alc beer to 80% alc vodga
It's nowhere near as important as the progress we're making with the NPC meme and they're trying to stop our momentum with news that doesn't matter.
so instead of shill we are going to start calling ourselves npcs … dont ruin that meme its good and should be used at appropriate times
No, you're still a shill.
Next step is LSD and heroin sold at my local avondale
White culture is about selfcontrol; dont rape every woman you see, control your emotions and let the truth guide you. What better way than to abolish selfcontrol in a world that praises hedonism and hyperindividualism. Smoke more weed, use more drugs! PARTY!!!
Its disgusting.
And ofcourse its a redtexting faggot shilling for more drugs because 'muh ebil corporations'. Go fuck yourself. Redtexting faggots are shills.
Watcha doing there, Schlomo?
i swear theyre tryna make every zoomer a homo
you know how i know you're not from around here?
Good. After seeing how it destroyed my hometown, I for one welcome the social decay and destabliization that will happen to the snowniggers.
Fuck you canada I hope your yellow ass gets raped to death by an elk.
Because you're not from here either trumpcuck
Dudeleafs will claim victory over the jews for this. I guess this means Canada is now leading the fight to save the white race. 4-leaf chess tbh.
Lot of NPCish prohibition arguments in this thread. That's the first place I saw pilpul from conservative jews. There's a reason lawyers use it. Anyway, know the competition, just don't overdo it. I had one vape bag of this shit called Palm Tree from Tweed. I haven't smoked since the spring.
t. former pot activist, well, when he's not working a government job, you know there are actual anarchists who work for GoC
A fucking leaf
just in time for the 1/4 BILLION binobo invasion man, like whoa
Friendly reminder that Israel has been investing int their own cannabis cultivation for a few years in preparation of this. Don't buy kikeweed retards