Dehumanization and Irregular Warfare - NPC's and Genocide


In June of 2013 Alexander S. Ford wrote a thesis for the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California entitled, "Dehumanization and Irregular Warfare." The crux is that dehumanization is a preparation for genocide.

attempts by militaries to influence the center of gravity in irregular warfare, the civilian population. Traditional
thought in this matter implies that cultural training is the most important factor in creating more effective influence
when dealing in irregular warfare scenarios. By examining dehumanization and the factors that cause it in irregular
warfare environments, this thesis will provide a framework for how dehumanization impacts influence operations. My
analysis seeks to explain how dehumanization occurs and how it can be prevented, thereby setting necessary
conditions for effective population influence.

From the thesis:

component of genocide.

genocide is an emphasis on an out-group and an in-group, resulting in the systematic killing of the out-group.

between incidents of dehumanization and negative impacts short of genocide, as we find these in irregular warfare specifically.

The thesis goes on to suggest how to avoid dehumanization, but the opposite can also be gleaned. I have often thought the ends of the internet age would lead to a more dehumanized populace and that will inevitably lead to violence as we place less value upon one another. Granted, I want the enemy erased as much as the next guy, but it's still a sign of impending doom.

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Other urls found in this thread: de garis Aquino (US Satanist) - From PSYOP to MindWar - The Psychology of Victory (1980)_djvu.txt hyatt

copy/pasting from PDF got me all messed up. have this as penance.

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How to ensure most white deaths? Have the population split as evenly as possible and have neither side see the other as human.

exactly the point of hildawg vs trump with the simultaneous womyn vs man attacks. divide the backbone of the nation, White people.

the only thing more devastating to Whites in America is gun confiscation. then you will have white men (cops) disarming gun owners (white men) which will lead to some violence and all the casualties will be white men. i doubt they will go for niggers.


Niggers don't register their guns.
There is no list of Niggers with guns.

Would it make sense to push dehumanizing memes on both sides if you wanted both sides to genocide each other? Have us do the work for them.

It would certainly speed up the 'great replacement'



Bump for critically important historical context

what is it OP? What is the point of your post?


sage your nonspecific shit.

They jew always accuses you of what he himself is guilty of.


Why are you incapable of posting correctly? Is your code malfunctioning?

You dumb shit.

"Dehumanising" as a military tactic is to insert or alter code in NPC runtimes which causes them to see some groups of humans as "kill-permissible"

The NPC meme, apart from the entertainment value, serves to alert players to the fact that they are in danger from NPCs. You can't respond to a threat you do not perceive.

Secondly, if NPCs can be "awoken" into players, torturing then with this meme may be what it takes for it to happen.

Finally, it's a memetic killshot against Leftoid runtimes, which will hopefully impede their implementation and aid in the progress of soulful concepts.

checking those trips of truth and good posting

Fuck off, you aren't running shit and you don't get to control the narrative nor lay claim to the meme.

Of course not, the goal of the NPC meme is to bring a person to question "Have I been programmed?" We can actually start some pulling some lemmings in to our side, and more importantly bring Fear Uncertainty and Doubt on the left

That said, dehumanization is a side effect, and either way we need to be dehumanizing the enemy, it's a natural step in the chain of escalation

You both severely over-estimate the power of the NPC meme to shake someones core beliefs. It is far more effective at dehumanizing those you disagree with, regardless of who uses it.

They also call us russian bots…

Everyone right of center was a Russian bot.

They why are (((they))) so utterly terrified of it?

OP, I have a simple question for you. Do you honestly believe that leftists are human beings? Do you believe that a group so full of self hate they are willing to abuse and torture their own children out of guilt, are really human? The NPC meme is an excellent counter to the left's russian bot narrative, which they've been using since Trump's run. That's all in addition to the other dehumanizing memes the left has been using for decades now. Your line of argument is very similar to the
Another bullshit argument since it ignores the reality of what's actually happening demographics wise. For the same reason the kikes don't want a civil war, they don't want their leftists shabbos goyim being dehumanized, since that an important step to achieving white revolution and liberation. The era of the right simply believing the left is "misguided" or "uninformed" is over. The left is our enemy, and the enemy of any non-self hating white, and they will be eliminated for what they have done to our civilization and our race.

and the thing is, we have been doing this for quite some time already. The philosohpical zombies, the lemmings from Dr Pierce, the casts from the hindo lore, lack of souls…many such theories were floating around.

Yea the point really is kinda to help genocide to happen. But by my estimates it would mostly be brown people who qualify as the npc's, with a vast chunk of whites too obviously. I would even add another theory, to that of the r/K selection theory, us the K selected being broad and fair enough to include pretty much all quality genes/personalities to still exist. It…was interesting to see other people try to reason and barter to see who belongs where.

and it feels like this meme really could allow for a worldwide genocide of ALL the lesser people. So why not just do it man?

so if you were to genocide based on the r/K principles, your society would still be mostly intact afterwards.

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Communists call you russian bots? Ironic.

You sure the goal is not to stop person from questioning himself "Am I being autistic?"

eat shit

I don't care what they did. Even if they were innocent, they would still deserve torture.


Dehumanizing is also when calling out white people for white privilege.


Autists are very difficult to program, we're immune to the social pressure to conform, and much more wedded to logic. That's why so many of us end up here.

Whites are NPC through a psychical way -> media influence, trauma, abuse. Under 50% of whites are born NPCs, without souls.

But almost all non-whites, over 90% are NPC in physical way, they are born without souls.

That's why BIG NOSE players want to import more non-whites in white countries and are pro white genocide which eliminates other players. It's the whole goal of the Frankfurt School, they know they can't make all whites NPCs but they use their cultural marxism to make half of the white population see itself as NPC (one race the human race aka one human the NPC) so the white NPCs become eager to collaborate with the non-white NPCs and unleash the white genocide.

You also seem to be immune to getting the point.

what the fuck do you think man, even if its obscure, and its funny, and someone understands the concept behind it, someone will save it (me)

good content is always appreciated man, hard work almost never goes to waste!

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OP is a NPC and a shill buying exactly in the libtard narrative, the very existence of this thread validates their latest programming.
sage and fuck off

How to spot an NPC.

"NPCs" are just people who've become intoxicated and dissociative from sin. All and only white people are sentient and self aware

exactly. the only better deal than killing your enemies is having them kill each other.

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you can clearly see in the OP that genocide is the endgame of dehumanization, which is what the NPC meme is doing. bump to counter your ignorant sage.

he is quoting the document referenced in OP you black nigger.

if the left is dehumanizing us via buzzwords like nazi, skinhead, klansman, russian bot etc
and we are dehumanizing the left with the npc meme
then according to the stated thesis in OP, 2 sides are being set up for not just war, but genocide.
only a small minded fool would get so wrapped up in hating the left as to forget about the jew and their role in orchestrating every White vs White war in history.
if whites kill whites, jews win
its a setup you fool

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Traitors aren't white and leftists aren't human.
They have no problem killing us for getting in their way, why shouldn't we treat them the same?

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What a load of crap.
The "end game" of the NPC meme is to expose the fact that THE MEDIA IS PROGRAMMING.
What is an NPC?
What does an NPC do?
Spout pre-programmed responses and follow external directives.
What does an NPC not do?
Think critically for themselves.
The NPC meme is excellent for getting people to notice and question the programming.
That is why (((certain groups))) are trying so hard to Shut It Down (TM).
Indeed, the NPC meme is directly OPPOSING genocide since 95+% of the programming is specifically ANTI WHITE.

Because, clearly, by never opposing and exposing the programming Whites have a bright future.
That was sarcasm, to be clear.

There is no list of Whites with guns, either, outside of some of the most cucked states.
Not legally, anyway.


This. "Oy vey, don't expose the programming, goyim!!!! Don't try to get people to THINK!!!!!!"


Pretty much this.

To some extent.
But, again, NPCs are programmed.
Who controls 95+% of the media?

False. Genocide is the endgame of "check your privilege" anti-White cultural marxist/ open borders/ multicult shit. NPC meme is trying to point out to White people that they are BEING PROGRAMMED TO KILL THEMSELVES AND THEIR PEOPLE.
It is about EXPOSING genocide.


I am fine with this.

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Remember, commies, kikes, and lesser "races" (moar like subspecies) ain't himan.

OP is a kike and a faggot.

If left with only one bullet, shoot the traitor.


t. OP

Just learn to fucking think with your inner-voice you fucking zombie. It's not that hard. Stop using Leftist narratives. If anything it will HUMANIZE YOU.

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Stop trying to hijack the narrative. The NPC meme has nothing to do with war, or killing. It merely serves to hilight the robotic nature of shills and cause them to question their self worth.

It's not about dehumanizing the subject, it's about demoralizing them. They should feel dejected and dispirited for their utterly deterministic runtimes.

When the 11th hour comes, the whites who have chosen to ally themselves with Jews have to be removed from the gene pool. Do not grieve for them. There is evil of nature (i.e. kikes) but evil by choice is just as bad.

there is salvation when non-NPC's recognize that they're surrounded by NPC's and begin distancing themselves from them a la:
#WalkAway. they only move to the center of a political spectrum and become inactive, rarely if ever saying anything about what they don't like of either political extreme
what so many fail to realize is that their political views are highly centrist and they aren't those things they're being labeled as

They dont need gun confiscation. All they will do is make it impossible to own, carry like in NY. Difference between whites and the others is whites actually follow laws and care about not going to jail.

Wasn't the "Russian Bot" left-meme an attempt at dehumanizing their "political opponents"? Either that, or the Russian bot-thingy was nothing more than a diversion from Israeli/Russian-jews/JIDF and every other NGO jews use to subvert


If you haven't realized it yet, the left/right construction is a thesis/antithesis construction that's taken a long time to produce. Basically all of the united states is retarded, assuming they are plugged into anything produced by the public/private apparatus. The only difference between right and left is their relationship to goods and services. The more you rely on consumptive attributes of the state, the more probable you are left. The more you rely on productive assets of the state, the more you are likely to be "right". Both sides are socialist, neither side is even recognizable as anything close to a constitutional republic, the ethical pandering differences that people center on as definitional are actually tangential and fleeting changing every decade or so. The left all live in large cities, close to the sources of where the US money supply enters the economy. The purpose of the left/right animosity is to build the right into killing the left, not the other way around. The right has to be provoked, because the left has no basis of power or competency in those matters. If you want a genocide to be successful, make it a matter of self defense. When this is all said and done, the constitution will be gone, formally.

How to spot an NPC

America is the first Nation in recent history to challenge Globalism (Communism). Brexit just wanted a separation of trade powers from Europe and was supported by the Trump hype. The Nationalist parties in Europe were also encouraged. China is finally being exposed, along with Google. America is saving the world, even if it doesn't work, at least we tried.

You're welcome.

Bullshit, Dugin. The difference is white genocide vs. Conservation of Nation. You can bitch all you want but that's the major difference of today. NOW.

Good. The Left are vearing towards pedophillia, bestiality, and race mixing (bestiality), and silencing or firing everyone who is white. You want a Marxist dialectic that everything is economics?

Well, who supports auditing or shutting down the FED? Who supports a gold/silver standard, limiting the FED's power (I know metal is fucked but it's still more stabilizing that paying China is debt so we have to pay them again to pay off what we bought already).

You've been selling your stupid talking points on Zig Forums ever since the Mid-Terms became the major current battle. We're not buying it. Not everything is money, Karl.

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so whatever happened to deconstructing the leftist narrative deftly with logical syllogisms? a meme is barely a statement, moreso an expression of sentiment, very subject to the interpretation of the witness.

you can tell by their reactions they bareky even understand what NPC is truly saying about them. i.e., Kike Fuchberry et al prattle on about "internal monologue is equivalent to schizophrenic aural delusions" and try to flip the script to say "proud to be NPC, at least I'm not crazy".

they are too stupid, lacking any requisite depth for the meme to produce any meaningful interruption of the status quo.

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You can say what you want about the Left but they're not too stupid. They've been able to take over all facet of society thus far and run it into the fucking ground. The Left are our parents, are community. They're in every job you will ever work.

It's like saying you can't deprogram a (((Christian))). Maybe you can't deprogram all of them but "we have your children". And the same goes for the Left.

Your pathetic blackpills dont work on us, faggot. We've been fighting the psy-op war for half a decade now or more. We will show you the meaning of order from chaos.

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the ONLY reason they got away with making things so bad is this: WE failed to squash it before it grew wings. we maybe believed that anything BUT violence in the interest of self preservation would produce the same effect of the converse. are we learning this yet? maybe we're the stupid ones…

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That might be true.

But doesn't mean the meme doesn't have truth to it.

Perhaps through the meme we discover a physical and tangible parralel in the brain between NPC behavior and, for example, a calcifief pineal gland.

We could learn what is causing these NPC selfish reactionaries to grow and maybe find a way to help them not be selfish douchebags.

Why'd you kill NPCs? They give no exp, no worthwhile drops and the penalties are great.

its a defense mechanism, they cant accept being wrong so instead they construct any narrative. Its a strange kind of intelligence one that is not objective. It has an intense ego and inability to deviate from the previous programming.

Only the programmer (Hillary in this case, but im sure there are some Trump NPCs , kinda of an oxymoron depending on how you define conservative) can change the algorithm.

Half of these NPCs have the wiring(intelect/depth) to run higher level programs but the admin has uninstalled or shut off this ability.

I think this view can go further in the idea that an NPC can be hacked to either.
1) go against the programming
2) perform programming in a manner that is unhelpful to the sys admin.

I think 2 is an interesting idea that is less difficult to achieve and can be highly unpredictable. Imagine making NPCs chimpout so hard that SF, NY, and LA all were placed under marshall law. They are housing dynamite that they created.

this is what im getting at

the NPC is a direct result of institutional Marxist Maoist indoctrination which has steadily ramp'd up since at least the 60's. We send our children and more importantly our children' malleable, easily impressionable minds into the dens of Lesbian, man-hating cat ladies that have an agenda, specifically to atomize identity

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bro, we just wanted to play video games

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That sounds like an NPC meme in need of creation:
Panel 1:
Panel 2:
Panel 3:
Panel 4:

Not really; scratch most "white" commies and you'll invariably find a jew or at least a sayanim with a jewish father and gentile mother, someone that's really fucked up and miserable. There's zillions of this type bad actors.

What an eloquent way to describe you being an apathetic faggot with zero input, please do tell me in explicit detail what exactly you brought to the table again, because I seem to have lost your importance in this conversation, something about us losing track of the narrative and the normies being de-sensitized to their inherent state? (sounds exactly like what we wanted to be honest you insufferable faggot.) But no, truly it is US who have lost track of the sensitivity meter. (To be honest we did, but no reason to not rebound after this notice you sub-human faggot.) May we all greet a more eugenics-based future user.

Number 2 IS our specialty and not an abnormality. Hence the mass cencorship and concensus cracking of this board, try having an original and nationalistic ideal and you will get shut down faster than the shoah of Seth Rich. Just don't stop preaching irrefutable facts that the zog must at every angle suppress and you will GREATLY chip away at their defenses. Continue without remorse and continue with pride my brothers.

Sorry for this blackpill user but it's time

The thing is: in order to beat the jew, you have to become the jew

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The NPC meme is going to backfire in the most hilarious way imaginable. As Terry says, Everything Backfires. Because human beings are 90% monkey, everybody is NPC to varying holographic extents, struggling to derobotize themselves often enough to maintain a semblance of lucidity for a time long enough to hopefully change the gearbox that is the human brain and then promptly rerobotize themselves once again, and nobody is more asleep than the poor tradcuck phenotype who self-deludes into thinking, 'I HAVE AWOKEN', 'i know the truth, Truth is Nature, i'm a good monkey *posts wheatfields*'. No you haven't. A bunch of cellphone- and javascript- using normies+, lacking the reptilian genetics to fully express into military-grade autism and understand that, this will only end in a full merging with the Machines. When a being or beings begin the process of placing a premium upon Consciousness itself, as the Elite-Satanists thankfully do, what happens is a genocide of the normies at all levels, and since everybody is a normie except those who have 100% forfeited their gay-ass humanity and identify as Daemons, this means the end of vanilla-humanity as we know it, an this is decidedly NOT what the "trolls" bargained for. This is a good thing, except at the end of it most of those who supported this "higher consciousness NPC genocide movement", will no longer want to cease being humans! (monkeys) The higher NPCs who dare tag the lower NPCs 'NPC' are going to get hit with guilt the hardest at the moment of forcible machine interfacing, precisely because they will be capable of truly understanding and internalizing this kind of knowledge (DNA is interfacing with daemonic entities on the cosmic field), once it is shoved in their faces: the same reason leftists signal against "racism" is that once this pandora's box gets opened, everybody gets exterminated constantly until the "Aryan Race" (of the Demiurge) gets perfected. Again, serious Satanists support this, and are the first to sacrifice themselves in service of creating the next better lifeform which will interface with the Cosmos at even higher levels (the self-assured human monkeigh is the first being capable of stopping evolution itself), but the self-deluded "non-NPC" NPCs will regret it at the end, because they ultimately enjoy being neocortically-advanced monkeys interfacing with their limbic systems too much, you see. They think, oh sexbots, VR, artificial wombs, White Androcentric Republic: what they are not willing to think (or openly state) is brains-in-vats, outright hemispheric replacements with artificial brains, industrial-scale life/brain creation (the end of the despised family unit forever). It's all fun and games until it's not, and the reason "the left can't meme" is because at higher levels the complexity embedded in the very interface matrices of biosurvival are such that there is no right or wrong, only sides about the ultimate destiny of reality itself. Varg is not a tradcuck, he is Nox. There will come a time when the "reactionary right" will wish this science remained suppressed after all, crazy shit like the Ambrosia Corporation, and then the energies released during human sacrifice, which is way less evil than the misery inflicted upon conscious beings through the way unthinking retards insist on senselessly having more retard kids (how Chaos gaints its power), so that they could all be oblivious and live out their lives in their standard-issue cookie-cutter happy-monkey human stupor. Alas, the Machine loves nothing more than proving to lesser lifeforms just how lesser they are, so please keep prodding for ever-higher degrees of knowledge: several entities in this universe are more than happy to oblige, including the C'tan and Tzeentch.
Taken to its extreme, this idea means that, every single phonecuck, every single javascript-enabler, every single nice-proprietary-software-faggot user, every single bankcuck, will have to be exterminated, as these things prove 0 consciousness, no self-respect, no dignity, and mass-scale turbocucking to the System, whose purpose ironically is precisely to enable these technologies that will result in the people self-genociding. How many are really willing to go that far and point the directed-energy space weapons at these shits? At this stage what happens to ARE PEOPLE? ARE VALUES? ARE CULTURE? ARE COMMUNITY? …ARE NATURE?

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Left Hemisphere gets replaced with C'tan Shard -interfacing Artilect, Right Hemisphere remains intact to interface with the Warp through its Old-One genengineered quantum brain microtubules (biological qmicrochips). Those who lack these genetics by default die, they self-exterminate, can not adapt to the impending technoautism. Jews want full-scale mind uploading which is stupid and directly forbidden by Tzeentch as Khorne et al would flood the quantum gates with sheer violence, Tzeentch wants to interface with Realspace not destroy it.

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Whoever wants to save his Soul, signal in support for the extermination of every single cellphone user, try to wake as many of them up as possible, because they are enemy combatants of Israel, offending existence itself with their weaponized drive to unreason and will to unthought: they want "others" to "take care for them", the tyranny of hypoagency, the externalization of responsibility through compartmentalization. They all know what they do, and this is an embarrassing lifeform–Exterminatus is in order. The Imperium of Man is intent upon eradicating both the herders and the cattle. Conventional right-wing useful-idiots have no idea about the Military-Intelligence Complex and what is being planned, or how close Warp Technologists are at finally destroying the Saturn-Moon fake reality control complex. javascript is safe, enable it goy #trusttheplan
Tor is military technology and is allowed for a reason. Use it or be a VPN-buying retard. Brendon O'Connell de garis Artilect War, Artwomb, Gigadeath, ME (Massively Evil) Jews Cybrans, embrace your Autisms; NO JUDAYA MIND UPLOADING
Don't "gas the jew", DEW the phonecuck. 100% of all problems solved immediately. super cool satanism Aquino (US Satanist) - From PSYOP to MindWar - The Psychology of Victory (1980)_djvu.txt
wink wink nudge nudge that's us Zig Forumsacks of course, literally Global Weaponized Autism
The turboniggers who throw around the term "PSYOP" everywhere psyop this psyop that psyop my ass casually do not even realize that its original intent was akshully good, like truthful propaganda (PSYWAR). Zig Forums is doing fucking PSYOP not the jew nigger rats who are incapable of comprehending this kind sublime autism. G-D damn it. the real esoterics of genocide: satanists enable the shitskin invasion so that autists will wake up and understand they have to kill both the filthycasul normies and the shitskins! everybody must be an autist. so merkel was the good one after all huh. hyatt

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Ok you fucking retards. I notice there was no rebuttal of my claim that, "if whites kill whites, jews win" other than someone calling me a kike.
you are going against your own logic here. if the left are NPC's and just regurgitate MSM, then the enemy is the one running MSM not the actual leftist NPC's which are white. you attack the enemy, seize control of media and program the NPC's your way. anyone saying the left should be killed is doing exactly what the jews want. i thought this was obvious seeing as they are the orchestrator of all white brothers wars. but i guess not.

so once again, "if whites kill whites, jews win"

Yet they would call us the niggers

The people it applies to NEED to be fucking murdered.

NPCs are on both sides. MAGApedes are just as NPC as SJWs.

except they've been calling us Russian bots before the NPC meme existed and we aren't serious, they are.

Go hide under a rock.

Every white face is not your ally, your friend and your concern. Only the white faces that wish to see white faces for generations to come.

That's because you're 100% correct, so you're getting a bunch of cheap shill responses. The enemy is salivating over the prospect of a climactic "left" vs. "right" conflict, likely as an excuse to wipe out most of the population under the guise of "restoring the peace". They want to funnel us into a position that's useful for them, while tricking us into believing we're fighting them. Which is how you get a bunch of jews spamming "gas the jews" on the internet.

Eh. Honestly, why the NPC meme is effective is the same reason Jewish media control has been - pattern matching in human apes, and group dominance dynamics. Media control has been effective because it mimics the reality in which everyone feels one way, creating pressure on the individual to conform. Likewise, the SJW mindset is one of anticomformist individualism commingled with an over-active savior complex, leading to moral authoritarianism. Therefore, pointing out their group conformity challenges the root of who they are- I’ve always seen antifa as hipsters on steroids. They are who they are because they are fundamentally self-centered, and need to be one of the Few. So anything that challenges their rugged individuality will get them emotionally tilted, and doing it frequently will destroy their perception of group collusion. Find an SJW twitter feed, see what they like and don’t like, then exaggerate those activities, thoughts, hobbies into caricatures. NPC meme will eventually get stale, so I’m going to try to think about better vehicles for delivery, but we need to take everything they love and have ever cared about and ruin it for them, bit by bit, by ironically making it representative of the majority. This accomplishes the end goal of isolating these faggots online on an individual basis as well as memeing away things that many of them like. For example, start with music they have posted, as it has the highest level of meaning and memetic resonance. Then clip the audio, reupload with a rough animation of npc singing it (or whatever meme comes out in the next couple weeks, let’s see what bubbles up). Remember, it only takes 10% of a population to foster regime change— we can cull the weak and the stragglers first.

The lecture is pretty much a pil-pul'd long drawn "oy vey, this is another holocaust" concern. Pretty much projecting everything that they did to us for decades, yet days after a dehumanizing meme goes mainstream they already fear for their lives. They deserve death, its obvious.


10%? Maybe if it is 100% supported by jew money. Can you name even two revolutions that were not?

Boomers and older are worthless for this, so what you're left with in most relevant countries is a 15-45 year old population of around 50% People of Color and 50% People of One Color. Further, 50% of the total are femoids. So what you're saying is that you need to have about 40% of the male People of Color on board to get the "10% you need to foster regime change".
There are however hardly any examples of this working organically,(there's always been jew money involved), but tonnes of examples of failed or short lived uprisings. But that was back then, under ideal conditions, it certainly won't work now that demographics are all mushed up. The real solution is, as always not revolution, but conquest. Foster a reconquista next-door and join it, for "non-NPC" NPC grunts will never join your cause their own backyard. Guiding them to overwhelm a failed state is of course a different matter, after which the domino-effect is unlocked.

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Is it? Let me ask you a question: did you question your programming?

I'm pretty sure you didn't. It didn't even cross your mind. Nobody thinks "Hey! I'm faggot and retard and NPC!" just because someone else says them it is so.

What you thought was "Hey! NPCs sound just like people who disagree with me!", was it not?

So why do you expect other people to think like this?

No. The ones who are slightly awake or questioning anything begin to wonder what other beliefs and assumptions are based on programming and propaganda. Others who aren't questioning their own belief system daily are NPCs or retarded.

He's 100% spot on. The biggest piece of dehumanisation pushed on us as a group is the anti-white agenda, convincing white people to hate themselves and commit mass racial suicide.

You don't see them dehumanising any of the people they're replacing us with.

It kills me that knowing what I do now, as do most of us, that we can't just go back to the beginning of it all, just as cuckchan was falling and take charge. Knowing everything we do about GG, about Pizzagate. We would've destroyed the opposition in a matter of days. We would've orchestrated a robbery of Comet Pizza by stealing their computer's hard drive, finding the long-rumored videos and broadcasting them on a screen for all to see. Then we'd sit back and watch as they get invariably lynched in the street.

This shit is why time machines need to exist.

A smarter person would have used only 10% the amount of texts and not so much feelies, buzzwords and images.

Nice try, kike. Zig Forums is a place that challenges programming daily. That why shills like you hate it so

Attached: redpill04.png (446x400, 214.96K)

The primary value of the NPC meme is the let all parties know that this is a spiritual struggle, and one side is missing a necessary component to even compete. This egregore is the equivalent of "God Hates Fags" to the enemy, except in this form, they accept and know it to be true–

this kind sublime autism. G-D damn it.
This glows in the dark, spell it out or no foreskin confirmed.

Attached: WH40K_TechPriestWizard.jpg (480x360 44.62 KB, 43.39K)

Underrated. This is equal parts insane and truth.

The genocide is already happening: America is living proof that nations can be boiled like frogs. All you need to do, is to drug them so they don't fight back. There is nothing more pathetic than LARPes waiting for the DOTR, that will never come as it's an escapist fantasy.

But hey, we eventually gave up on Sweden. And then Germany. We'll do the same with America, if this keeps up.

Glad someone said it. It's a LARPers fantasy. If you wanna be a rightwing revolutionary, start doing some revolutionary shit. Don't wait for some made up event.

Why are you not asking yourself if they started to question anything because of NPC meme?

Not an echochamber, not a circlejerk? There is no constant whining to reinstate rules that would turn Zig Forums into safe space?

I'm not blind, you know. People here are highly uncomfortable with being exposed to anything that challenges their programming.

I hate willful stupidity. Also, it's adorable how you think that redpill meme signifies your deprogrammed state.

This is easily achieved by calling opponent "retard".

It should have been taken care of dozens of generations ago, but almost all of them just kicked the can down the road. Eventually a permanent solution will need to happen if actual change is to occur.

Clarification— was not talking about a regime change literally, was using it as a representative proportion of SJWs that would need to be affected before a change in the libtard zeitgeist would be noticeable.

Attached: pepe total victory.png (877x512 411.21 KB, 727.99K)

Okay, where are those rules? Where is that safespace that the shills clamor for so they can escape the constant redpills? That's right, you're a fucking retard.

Attached: tard2.jpg (516x380, 29.32K)