Operation Spic Stomper


All men of good character need to show up at our border ARMED and ready to KILL ALL INVADERS. MODS - It is not illegal to defend our nation, rather it is our duty.

They are openly displaying their flag which is a declaration of invasion and therefore war. Trump did not stop the Easter caravan, they are all here now. Trump has given amnesty every time it was asked of him. This is up to us. We are facing cataclysmic displacement when all of South America learns, like they did in Easter hence the larger size of this invasion, that they can just stroll on in, with NOTHING TO FEAR, and instantly receive the whole gamut of welfare.

ITT discuss their entry points (they break into smaller groups which makes them easier for us to handle) and any intel on the convoy.


As of now the caravan is 4,000+ strong and their is nothing stopping them. If they make it in, the size of these convoys will increase until every beaner that wants to can make it into our homeland.



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Other urls found in this thread:


Pretty sure it is illegal to murder random brown people without a proper due trial you idiot
That's a declaration of war that no representative of either state is going to recognize

Kill yourself you fucking doormat.

It's our human right to defend against invaders, period. I guess your solution is just to let em all in and fuck our wives huh nigger?

Sorry the only thing allowed here is "vote GOP and wait for Trump to start actually doing something"

Kike filled first post.

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You seem to have a frightening misunderstanding about how this works. You're killing unarmed civillians. Even if we were to go back to a time before this country was fucked in that regard it would still be considered a declaration of war against Mexico, are you willing to fight an actual war against an actual army? For some reason I doubt it. The only reason it wouldn't be considered a declaration of war now is because diplomats and law enforcement would bury your dumb ass

but dude it would be so cool… just imagine killing people like moonman except in real life… all the anime bitches would cream…

Nice argument.

These caravans walk straight into the border guard posts and demand entry with cameras on them. That's how they get in due to optics of being poor, starving women and children and all that bullshit. They are not the stragglers who wander across the desert or pack into trucks trying to stay hidden. Militias would be put down by your own government before a single bullet was fired just to avoid bad PR for the US which its enemies (particularly those within) would use against it.

If you want to use a militia for something to dissuade migration it would have to be something subtle and that would allow the government to be the 'good cop' in the situation. Better to take your militia and investigate local businesses that hire illegals and bust their Home Depot gangs with legally-prepared evidence of the hiring. Most of them come over for economic purposes and benefits, and by cutting those off most will leave on their own without blood having to be spilled. And if you do like the idea of bloodshed, realize that your militia's efforts would rub the gang members the wrong way and removing them from power in verified and legal self-defense would do literally everyone a favor.

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Me and my friends are going to the border, and will continue moving. I swear, I'm getting married this year with the first waifu-tier woman I see. Houses are cheap in Mexico too, Aryan Colonialism 2.0 imho.


Zig Forums is a board of peace.

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I did something similar last year, I met my wife in Honduras and soon bought a house. I come back to the US every year around fall just for some contracting work, but I live there most of the time. The "neighborhood" is rural because me and other guys wanted to be off the grid, but this has benefits as we pretty much using American money to build a mini ETHNOSTATE!! There is nothing the dollar cannot buy.

My advice to you and all other Zig Forumsacks f you want to marry and libe in Central America: Come in small groups (3-ish up to 10 or 15) and do all the legal stuff beforehand. Once here, make an off grid house with your friends as your neighbors.

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They are not civilians, they are an invading army.

that's what israel says about gaza

You're pretty retarded, even for a fed.

army = weapons, uniforms and state support
paramilitary = weapons and uniforms
partisans/terrorists = weapons
unarmed invaders = illegal aliens

Illegal aliens can only be met with violence if they violently resist deportation.

You might be able to argue that you can legally escort them back to the border, but you cant just shoot them anymore than you can shoot someone who's student visa expired yesterday.

You forgot to change your ip for the last few posts, pal.

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You think basic bitch reverse psychology works on us you fucking idiot.

Kill yourself.

Just form a private mercenary company for legality sakes.

No, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and calling you a fed who's here trying to incite violence. The other option is that you're literally retarded.

So they could come back and retake the land?

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Why do you insist on being suck a kike and reposting that pic regardless of the countless times that you're reminded that everyone in that pic was from cuckchan?

What do you think the cartels are? Even the average spic crossing the border is sent by Mexico and other shitholes governments. It is a nothing short of an invasion.

Civilians don't carry military-grade weapons, schlomo.

I had some Zig Forumsack friends that did the same thing last year, pretty much these caravans are a Chad magnet. The first one with chad genes (decisive, good built, and money) goes there and hooks up with young girls before going to retire down south.

sage this thread, everyone here is a shill

I'm not trying to incite violence you civcuck negro worshiper.
Its funny that you have to stick to that narrative in order to shame anyone that speaks against it. And to deflect from the fact that I proved your statements to be lies.

Kill yourself faggot I got permabanned for pointing out you /hwndu/ HALFBREEDS have been shitting up the board.

HWNDU was banned here within a week and literally everyone at their meetups were cuckchan anons that never even posted here. The only person at HWNDU that was actually an user here was the guy that actually said the 14 words on camera right next to Shadilay and you'll notice that he's absent from all of their cancerous meetup shit.

Meant to say Shia.



are they in Washington DC or something?

they should carry the US flag for the lulz

Video proof I can't embed because its in another thread. Armed uniformed beaners marching in sept 2018

nice dubs

I'm not a kike shill. In fact you know what? Go ahead and start shooting random spics at the border, I encourage it, go ahead and see how far you get. That would be truly entertaining to watch

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Cool, I want to go out wih other Zig Forumsacks… can I join?


That's nice, I've never even gotten a gf but I want to get married and start a family. I want to raise my sons to be real men and my daughters to wait until marriage until they have sex. The problem is the GYNOCENTRIC LAWS, you cannot do anything I've said in the US or Europe. Wymyn's rights is worse than any jew.

oh, that's what you meant -.-

So, how much is a house there? I want a concrete house with 5 rooms and 5 bathrooms; also a large kitchen (at least 20x20) and a backyard big enough to farm.

I don't know what the shooters will get, but I'm sure the immigrants will get citizenship…

New Law: would you get shot for a greencard?

and fill it with spiclets?

You can't grant citizenship to a corpse bro

I've heard these countries don't have mandatory diversity in neighborhoods, so you can pretty much live in a 100% ethno-neighborhood. Now I'm jealous, why is every Zig Forumsack with money going to live comfy and off the grid while I stay here?

Can we do like a kickstarter and do like a Zig Forums group that goes to one of these countries? I don't have much money, but I'll work hard once I get there. I do agree with going in groups as we'll be safer that way as well as be more able to get money and work done. But once we start making out houses, I would love to have you guys as my neighbors; furthermore, we can make it to be that our sons and daughters marry each other.

can't we take their weapons? I wanna get some

great idea. nuke em.

It's either us or them. SHOOT EM ALL!

last i heard they were busy fighting cartels
not to mention that the cartels are the ones sending them over the border illegally, so they are not civilians but are effectively criminals and hostile to our nation and therefore an undeclared enemy

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Nice tits.

Is it cool to hate JP now? I thought Zig Forums liked this guy. I'm kinda out of the loop.

Trump is solving all of this.


fact of the matter is, it SHOULD be legal to waste the bastards, but it's not

Why did you post this here as well

Two things wrong with this:

Why would you think that? He despises tribalism and says whites shouldn't organize for our own collective good even if other races do. He's mainly popular with civnats and lolbergs.

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slide it

Has always been a psyop by civcucks to shame people away from radicalism and action.
They'll go from calling you a fed to saying ZOG will arrest ZOG in the same breath.
Juse Peterstien is a well known fed asset and deradicalization agent.

He's not wrong.

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If it doesn't matter, why not go out for some target practice?

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Bump for justice. We are rooting for you burger bros.

If that was his goal, hes completely failed. The people who are capable of being radical aren't attending his talks with his kike handler (((Rubin))).


The law is only as good as the people that enforce it.

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The fed in the black hoodie is pissed off he has to babysit those retards. kek.

you misspelled unlawful enemy combatants.

It would quite literally spark off Civil War II in the US.

Bean dip.

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If youre a moron.

Invaders, they're civilians in their own country. 'illegal alien' and 'undocumented' are newspeak words, our forefather would have never used them.

Shut up jew

armed men are FORCING people to join the march

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Tell the niggers that beaners are coming to steal their section 8 and welfare and these niggers might do a drive-by on the whole border

Don't worry Trump cut Mexican immigration and added African and Muslim immigration, yes Muslim.

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this makes so much sense when you see how everyone reacts when it involves doing anything irl. At least half the posts are "nice try FBI" to talk as many people out of meeting up as possible. even if its not any form of organized protesting or attention whoring. the "taking a walk" thing for example. That has zero risks if you are just walking around in your home town. none. yet it was met with tons of shilling against it, makes me think all the non whites dont want to be excluded.

Yes you are, newfriend

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Is it me or do a lot of these beaners look middle eastern?

Yes, but you will never do anything. Ever. At any time. For any reason.

Reported for supporting white genocide and actually thinking your statement is true.

Reminder that you are lying and no number of hopped IPs is going to make us believe you.

I have a white nationalist uncle who got married in Asia, he has 10 honorary Aryan children and he taught me many things. Asia is very competitive but many countries in Latin America have very hot girls there, best of all they are actually true conservatives.

Don't fall for the tradthot, wymyn only say what you want to hear. Actions/omissions speak louder than words.

Lemme guess: no mention that he takes lobotomy pills?

you're not going to do shit, and neither is anybody else, don't LARP like a faggot


Ha. I wonder if Trump bans all imports from Mexico, because he has the authority to do that, if Mexico will stop them.

Threads like this get me coming back. Seriously though, the Great Removal must happen.

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there is only one solution to halting the invasion caravan. a cell of you must travel to Narcostan, and rent lodging in the path of the invading army. then you must acquire weapons and tactical gear and also the supplies to assemble IEDs. then you must construct dozens or hundreds of grenade sized IEDs. you should easily be able to do this by reaching out to the nearest cartel who runs the city you are visiting.

then you must record a video of yourself saying "Ashadu an la ilaha illa illa-ilah, wa ashadu anna muhammadan rasul ullah."

that transforms you into a Muslim. next, you must say your pledge of Bayah allegiance to Amir al-mumineen Caliph Ibrahim Abu Bakr Baghdadi (may Allah preserve him). that transforms you into a soldier of ISIS. you must then post your video to an ISIS channel on Telegram. there are so many ISIS channels on Telegram, that you can just pick one. the brothers will notice you and record your declaration.

finally, you must join the caravan of invading spics, and bring all of your guns and weapons. hand out your grenades and IEDs to any young military age beaners that you can recruit. don't tell them you're ISIS, just say it's for self-defense of the caravan.

now comes the hardest part. you have to wait a week until some McMuffin back at Langley notices your post to Telegram and puts you on the Kill Matrix and selects you for targetting. you should probably also send a threat of terrorism against America directly to the CIA's contact us web page, since McMuffins are lazy and shitty at their jobs and might not notice your Telegram Bayah.

finally, you just have to wait for the CIA's MQ-9 Reaper drone to find you in the caravan and to loiter over you for days from 60,000 ft. to help the process go faster, brandish your weapons and test detonate some of your bombs within sight of the drone.

Hellfire missiles will be fired at you and the caravan until everyone is confirmed dead. congrats, thanks to your heroic sacrifice, you just saved America from invasion and you ensured no further caravans will be permitted because of the fear of ISIS.

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Good luck with that. I honestly hope many people will stand up at the border, and machinegun down beaners & other various squatemalans who try to come in.

But that is just as unlikely to happen, as any of you randomly shoot, or kill in other ways any random shitskin which is already within border. Here is why:
If somone is alone, their excuse is they have noone to do it for, if someone have family & kids, or just gf, their excuse they can't do it because someone depend on them, or it might hurt their own family, old people's excuse, that they have barely any time left, and boomers are just npc's. Only people who actually might do something, are those who lost someone, do it out of revenge, or those who are suicidal anyways, but most of those too just fall back into the excuse that they have noone left to do it for.

Spooks would never take the bad press of firing hellfire missiles on a caravan with women and kids in sight of media attention.

If you could manage to get IEDs, why not just use them faggot? All you need to do, is get a big truck, fill it with explosives, park it next to the road where the caravan will go, and go boom, you can get 75%+ casualty, if truck is big enough, and you have enought explosives in it. Better yet, get yourself a Browning m2, mount it on back of pickup truck, get a buddy to drive, and just get in front of caravan, mow down these fuckers (would fit well for the sandnigger style you were going for). But try to be smart, and never announce anything, to anyone, spooks fail with false flags all the time, you would too.

I remember why I stopped coming here, never any good news. Fuck Trump, I thought he would be the one to fix the demographics.

Same. Shit's fucking depressing. But i still hope one day i'll see the death of the zionist empire and of the post-WW2 world order.

Theres a smarter way to do this, its desert right? Find watering places and contaminate them with dead animals, i assume anywhere that does not have a river nearby would be super effective, leaving contaminated food drops under the guise of concerned liberals could work too, do a scorched earth policy on their supply points and let the desert and sickness handle the rest.

The solution is so simple. Identify the individuals directly involved in the planning of these hordes, and neutralize them. And then neutralize their replacements. And so on.

kek, talk about wrong.

for me personally, this is Trump's final test. Pass or Fail, no middle ground. Stop them.

shitlibs are doing water caches for them. it's not a secret where they put them.

The caravan will get through just like last time. Nearly all of them will apply for asylum and disappear in the US while the application is pending. Nothing will come of this.

He already had this "test," and the asylum seekers entered and applied for asylum. How many "tests" do you need?

Then compromising them might even create distrust between the traitors and smugglers, i guess you have to a hard guy to be a mexican human trafficer, losing a friend to death by diarreha and dehydration tend to make people sour, imagine the media reporting that nazis are posing as leftists in the border region, could be effective.