Start calling them "Jewish supremacists"

I've been thinking Zig Forums, of an effective way to name the kind of Jew that follows the Kalergi plan / Talmud, in a way that is both truthful and somewhat acceptable to NPC people as well.

First, let me explain what I think the problem is with our current way of calling (((them))) out.

"Jew(s)": A very simple term. The problems with it are two-fold: First of all, the word itself includes each and every Jew, even if the context would suggest otherwise. Now, people on Zig Forums may or may not think that there are good Jews, but your average NPC certainly is programmed to think that even if there are evil Jews, they are a minuscule minority, so they will disregard whatever you have to say if you refer to them collectively as "Jews". Second problem is that this word is too simple: it is simply the name of a race, and not a loaded word: it does not speak of the evil these parasites do.

"Zionist(s)": This word has been heavily involved with numerous conspiracy theories, not only true ones but also ridiculous fabrications made up by well-poisoner shills to discredit the opponents of Jewish supremacy. Furthermore, it is not really an English word. It does not carry a definition, even if you know its meaning, the NPC you are talking to may not. It is also not entirely accurate: not all of our Jewish enemies are zionists, and not all of the shabbos goyim that serves them are zionists either. Some are just in for the carnage and profits.

(((echoes))): this one is great to use for inside jokes, and to call out Jews in enviroments that are already at least tolerant to such a thing, but it cannot be used to open up the eyes of NPC's. Furthermore, echoes are simply a way to tell if someone is a Jew, much like the original word they don't really carry a meaning beyond that.

"kike(s)": a racial slur. Acceptable on Zig Forums and similar palces, but will agro NPC's immediately.

So why use the term "Jewish supremacist" instead? First of all, it turns back the kikes' own weapon against them. They spent considerable effort to demonize white supremacism and lump every sort of white nationalism or attempts of self-preservation together with the stereotypical skinheads they so much love to hate. "Jewish supremacism" similar enough to ensure that some of the negative meaning "white supremacism" carries will stick onto it. Secondly, it is an accurate, truthful, and self-defining term. It says that the subject is Jewish, and that s/he strives to establish Jewish supremacy, which in turn implies the subjugation of other peoples. "Zionist" also carries a similar meaning, but it is not really an English word, and is not self-defining. Thirdly, due to its similarity to "white supremacy", if this catches on, I see a good chance that some kikes will sperg out and shoot themselves in the foot, spill the beans by declaring that they have the G*d given right to be Jewish supremacists, because they are superior (in their own mind).

Spread the word.

Attached: the goyim know.png (186x230, 39.27K)

Yeah nope also ((())) is a shit mean just fake-jew, non jew or wannabe incest mud baby/'s

Also refer to the holohoax as a conspiracy theory, since it is one.

Critiquing supremacist standpoints is a fucking loser move

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This term is meant to be used at the very beginning of a red-pilling process, to name this specific kind of kike without immediately agroing an NPC and triggering pre-programmed responses that decry anti-semitism.

Most people see supremacism as condemnable, because it implicitly means the subjugation of everyone else.

Despite the flak you are getting, I think this is a good idea. This needs to be used in conjunction with Jewish Privilege, Jewish Patriarchy, Jewish election tampering, nepotism, etc. The main hurdle here is convincing NPCs that jews and Whites are not one in the same.

I back this 100 percent

This is a fantastic idea. It should be used in normalfag circles. Places where you don't want to show your power level. It doesn't disengage the listener as much as kike, jew!, and zionist. Normalfags don't know what the fuck zionists are. Very well explained OP. Nice.

I don't think that people exactly condemn black supremacists… ordinary people, of course
so why would they condemn kike supremacists if they didn't already hate kikes?

why hasn't this been done sooner

Ever hear the term "gateway drug?"

This is an excellent post. Get ready for the shills to start shitting the thread up

The term Jewish supremacist takes all the cringe and defensive mechanisms out when a normalfag hears it. Some on Zig Forums like to believe that there is no such thing as NPC cognitive dissonance, and once you say the words "it's the dirty kikes," that all NPCism and programming will melt away. The term Jewish supremacist conveys the message without triggering wrong think red flags. A bonus is, once it takes hold, media will be forced to address it and the term will be spread even more.

Calling some jews "jewish supremacists" would be false since it implies that the root of the problem is ideological and not racial. This will only lead to more semantic hurdles that need to be overcome.

Meme it into reality, gents!

Attached: jewish-supremecism.jpg (600x464, 143.96K)

fuck off
truth has nothing to do with dealing with the NPCs They're emotion based, which you know perfectly well, Schlomo

Look up Louis Farrakhan and Elijah Robert Poole at SPLC and co.

Patrick Little does it already.

You fucking shill cunts are everywhere today. Neck yourself.


Attached: 24174.png (457x716, 349.46K)

We're exposing the fuck out of you cunts.
109 countries and counting.
A small territory the size of New Jersey is your last holdout.
You're scattering putting "practical jews" into the ethos like that's going to save you, but you know damned well it won't.
Millenniums worth of cons all collapsing back upon you.

It's a great time to be alive!

Why post this in multiple threads you double nigger?

Two things wrong with this:

jej. Shills have always tried to use that argument to get Zig Forums to cuck out on things.
Now, listen here, you pathetic cuck. Zig Forums is not and never has been about shoveling "gateway drugs" to NPCs, nor should it. So take your shitty strategy back to whatever alt-kike hole you crawled out from.

still not gonna work

Lel, you've really convinced yourself that Zig Forumsacks will buy the shit you're peddling. Truly sad to witness.

Because it's been hammered into people's head that blacks are victims, and as a matter of fact, most blacks are lower class. This makes it hard to imagine them trying to grasp power, and I think the "racism of lower expectations" that is very much a thing amongst NPC's also makes it hard for them to imagine that blacks are capable of organizing, let alone being supremacists.

Jews on the other hand, are well known to be middle to upper class citizens, even with the holohax their victim status isn't really well founded in the minds of people.

I was born ready.

That is a very simple, yet accurate way to descriebe what I meant with all of this.

Let's be honest, it is both. The idological part is founded on the racial part, but "Jewish supremacism" is very much a truthful description of it, as I said it in my OP, it says both that it is Jewish, and that it is supremacism, covering both the racial and the idological aspects.

Yes. Now try it without a typo.

No, we won't give you our IP addresses, fuck off.

OY VEY GOY stay in your echo chamber! Don't even think of trying to influence the world around you, that would be like another Shoah!

I believe a term for this - jew who considers himself racially superior - already exists, but it escapes me at the moment. Code words are effective, which is why the left uses anti-racist and not anti-white.

running out of options
nowhere to go
nobody to help

The world seeks balance which leaves you creatures with a major toll to pay.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-17 'What Our Society Is Made of' Former IDF Soldiers Confess Abuse of Palestinian Children.png (955x500 1.52 MB, 151.48K)


lel, truly sad.

You have to be braindead to put a link in a meme and expect the reader to type that shit out

filter these fucks

they're proof positive the jew hates the idea of jewish supremAcism being meme'd into reality!


Attached: jewish-supremacists.jpg (750x500, 202.27K)

Attached: ISRAEL-PALESTINIAN-MASSACRE.jpg (783x500, 135.88K)

just filter the retards, i dont even bother responding.

This is pretty much "dems are the real racists" tier.

Attached: stop-jewish-supremacism.jpg (600x399, 73.1K)

That is an Israeli Merkava, for fuck's sake…

Attached: stopjewishsupremacism.jpg (750x499, 89.33K)

filtered for exposing yourself jew

Attached: duma-attack.jpg (750x500, 155.35K)

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This is exactly how Dr Duke calls them out.It is very effective and also the truth.The thing is calling them out isn't enough as no matter what you call them they fall back on the anti semite programmed response and have all the msm outlets they control parrot screeching it out in unison.

The solution is to start killing them all one by one starting from the top down until there are none left anywhere and initially will have them running to israel where they will then be contained and have no international influence.

Great, a goatfucker thread.

Attached: greatest-ally.jpg (750x499, 154.31K)

Fuck off Moshe

Hello fellow jew hater!
Join in and contribute, fellow hater of the jews

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Damn this is when the Chans actually make you proud with their attempts at social engineering. If not the best word, the idea and concept itself is valuable enough

What a dumb idea, this is just going to give kikes even more of an ego then they already have AND it'll hurt white people even more

Just dropped the j-pill to my mom about the how Jewish supremacy is causing Harvard to have 57% jewish graduates which is why Asians are being discriminated against. Surprisingly she didn't go into NPC mode.

Attached: stopjewishsupremacy.jpg (500x1923, 342.59K)

Jewish supremacist sounds like something to be proud of. We don't want yet another generation of greedy, entitled, selfish Jewish brats, thank you rabbi.

bump for great tactics

Attached: pat-toomey.jpg (715x499, 84.76K)

I like this idea. Could penetrate into the NPC mind.

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the jew taught us well.
Hit them in the feels

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It starts sounding like you're a white supremacist trying to reason. Don't use Jewish language.

You are so kind!
Thank you so much for concerning yourself with my time, user. I know you're looking out for me. I guess I'll just stop now.

First the pathetic attempt to start a meme war with the Saudi Arabia and now this shit. We are not your personal internet crack commando you damn retards.

Attached: cia niggers.webm (640x360, 366.75K)

Are you looking out for the anons, user?
Is that what you're doing?

I fucking hate you yids as much as you hate us. Get that through your fucking head. I'm not calling on anyone, I will do this by myself! Fuck off back to your shithole cave you fucking kike wanna be jew fuck

I've been calling them jewish supremacist for 5 years guy. Why do you millennials keep re-inventing the wheel what gen x already made. You're wasting time, resources and energy. Look, listen up ok… stop trying to be a 'legend' and instead be a foot solider. We don't need you sitting around all day trying to come up with the next new big idea. No. We need you to put already established ideas into action.

Let's get going, ok guy. Great…

Attached: 1528328499334.png (240x232, 51.47K)

really kind of you to come in and tell us to focus our efforts elsewhere "legend"
might you suggest where that somewhere might be?

No? Didn't think so.

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Checking dem sweet trips

Funny everyone talks about NPC's only continues along the comfortable path

fuck you kikes. I will fight you alone if I have to. You can censor, hide, obscure, shift, slide, threaten and even use force. I will still go at you.

Attached: Josh_Gottheimer.jpg (500x751, 116.27K)

Do you even know what a meme is? The stuff you post in here won't even make it out of this thread. Your heart may be in the right place, but you should definitely examine your head because it is in a place of eternal darkness.

here you go
thank you for your great concern

Attached: jackie-rosen.jpg (741x500, 102.77K)

I am curious to see the next angle of attack you guys choose. If nothing else, it is amusing!

So many jews in US politics
I don't guess I'll ever run out of material

Attached: russ-feingold.jpg (640x450, 72.32K)

Jews aren't a race, kikel.

They are a TRIBE.

Agree its been around but I like the angle of using it when dealing with npcs. It's an unnecessary tautology for people who can wrap their heads around what the jewish religion is. I think it could be effective against shabbos like Peterstein or Hagee (who argue their superiority on iq or religious ground) because they are cucks. If they don't cuck and double down, they just out themselves further. Have noticed with the jews you are likely to see on tv or meet through work, they are quick to qualify their jewishness with a claim they know nothing about the religion at all or don't subscribe to it. This is likely done to fit in and not be seen as a jewish supremacist.

I like it, why do Jewish supremacists get to own all the banks, media corporations? We need redistribution for fairness and diversity in Israel! Using all of their rhetoric and removing white supremacy with Jewish supremacy should bypass most of the brain filters they’ve installed on the goyim

Looks like their next goldenboy here.

Attached: Jason-Kander.jpg (889x500, 87.3K)

Spend some time on Zig Forums, nigger

Attached: imgonnagetinshitforthis.jpg (309x774, 79.97K)

Contribute something. Don't be a jew and just tear down everything. It's disgusting behavior and we can't allow any of our own to fall into that shit.

You should at least be goddamn correct.

The angles we need to use

The point is draw focus to an image. Visual implanting is a powerful weapon in the information war. Once something has been seen 7 times it takes root in someones mind.
Rules of advertising 101

Attached: jewishsupremacism.jpg (521x500, 48.95K)

And my point is that the meme should be goddamn correct, or jews are gonna point it out and your memes lose power.

no it doesn't
if they point it out, that draws attention to it.
you're thinking logically. You need to understand the audience being catered to does not think with logic.
Having kikes point out fallacies in a meme that is otherwise true, brings attention to the truth in the meme.
Welcome to fuck-o world! Where you have to allow yourself to become unreasonable to reason with people.


Attached: jewishsupremacy.jpg (500x581, 188.7K)

Yeah, attention on how fake it is, dude.
Or you can fix the image with a true Abrams or point out it's the Merkava, an actual tank of the IDF.

or you can contribute…
there is that, you know?

Memeing is an art and you're a butcher.

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Here's one.

Attached: Meme Creator_1539829654828.jpg (879x881, 311.56K)

Not gonna work, NPCs respond to tone, not to the words themselves. If you say it with contempt, then it is recognized as a slur to them.

The root of the problem is ideological. The problem ideology being Judaism itself, a fundamentally supremacist system of belief. It's not necessary to spell this out explicitly to begin with. It can be useful to talk of "Jewish Supremacists" without elaborating further on their Talmudic motivation - it's not a lie, and it is more digestible to normies. There is plenty of evidence to point to, which can later be supplemented with reference to the Talmud to demonstrate that the "problem group" of Jews is all of them.

The root of the problem is ideological. The problem ideology being Judaism itself, a fundamentally supremacist system of belief. It's not necessary to spell this out explicitly to begin with. It can be useful to talk of "Jewish Supremacists" without elaborating further on their Talmudic motivation - it's not a lie, and it is more digestible to normies. There is plenty of evidence to point to, which can later be supplemented with reference to the Talmud to demonstrate that the "problem group" of Jews is all of them.

The kike media generated hysteria has backfired big-time. While the NPCs follow the program, the PC are realising that is something majorly wrong and are primed for new information.

this has potential!

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Doesn't the jew love to play its enemies against each other?

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A lot of these Reps are out, new ones in. Furthermore, not all of them are Israeli citizens. They could easily become one though

Subversion is not dumb. You take what you can get at any given time, even if it isn't perfect.

It's already been thought of, but yes, it's okay to do that.