One of the most based Christians alive.
Listen lmao:
His documentary on jews:
One of the most based Christians alive.
Listen lmao:
His documentary on jews:
Other urls found in this thread:
When you marry a Black man to a White woman you've already lost.
/r9k/ is the only board i respect anymore tbh. They're the only ones who were smart enough to swallow the blackpill.
You need to try a little hard next time you try to sell us the “BASED CHRISTIANITY” horse shit.
Oh looky here!
holy shit you faggots are such bluepilled cucks
oh look you got it already.
I just came here to observe that Andrson is an afrophile race denier.
on a side note, pastor Anderson took a DNA test and it turns out he has a high percentage of Ashkenazi ancestry.
shills storming the thread like clockwork trying to prevent people from listening to him
No, he's a race-mixer.
Interracial marriage is bad.
Quiet down, Jew.
This fucking thread ought be deleted. I've been banned for far far far less on the grounds of 'D&C'.
This. They can't appreciate the thick, sticky semen of the BLACK man. To be redpilled means to help the BLACK man spread his seed to every subhuman wh*te country at any cost.
I hate that shit.
I certainly don't. I did take a DNA test to prove it, to boot.
And not from 23jewme
No amount of constructed philosophy can triumphant over the biological fact of a White Man and White Women producing a White child. Even the most blue-pilled leftist White couple still produces White Children while any miscegenation even on the grounds of anti-Semitism cannot.
Quiet down, Jew.
Race-mixing is bad.
His message about jews is right, but he fucked up when he married the nigger to a white. Not only because blacks fail to meet the standards of righteousness, not only because the father alone chooses a husband for his daughter, but because the "wedding ceremony" is a kiked up mess nowhere found in the Bible and preachers have no business marrying people.
so fucking pathetic, jidf is not even trying to hide it anymore huh?
yeah how dare he marry christians, he should let people fuck and dump each other a million times like everyone else does!
Quiet down, Jew.
Race-mixing is bad.
Your thread will be deleted soon.
Quiet down, Jew.
Promiscuity is bad - race-mixing is worse.
Your thread will be deleted soon.
Shit thread. It’s established that this guy supports racemixing and is proud of having some Jewish ancestry
The alt-right is doomed. Anderson is an amazing leader and yet the basement dwellers of Zig Forums black pill him constantly.
He has none to be proud of.
like trump married his daughters to globalist kikes?
they watch degenerate porn and then get triggered by the sight of marriage in a chuch
Quiet down, Jew.
Race-mixing is bad.
Your thread will be deleted soon.
It was only created to sow division, and everyone can see as much.
Ah, so this is another one of those really shitty raids. I see.
Stop bumping this thread.
Where do you think you are?
Race-mixing is amongst the most degenerative of actions one can take: Yes or No?
lol go away jew
Stop bumping this thread.
purity spiralling is amongst the most degenerative of actions. Yes for No?
but i want to watch the world burn
Why are you responding to a question not directed at you?
Now answer the question:
>Reminder that (((Christians))) are jew worshipers and race traitors.
Its not TRS, its someone LARPing hard to try to create a shitposting argument thread, and sucking at it badly.
Stop bumping this thread. The world isn't burning as a consequence. Stop being a faggot.
jidf is too successful in making nu/pol/ turn their backs on anti-jew stuff.
you homo's are literally sliding a thread about a documentary based on BTFOing jews.
Quiet down, Jew.
Race-mixing is bad.
Your thread will be deleted soon.
It was only created to sow division, and everyone can see as much.
Bump for Christ
Stop bumping this thread.
breddy vague
Stop bumping this thread.
Steven Anderson and E Michael Jones are the top two
Okay, enough of this shit.
This thread has absolutely no purpose.
Mods, you have 5 minutes, then I rock this awful thread into the fucking dirt.
Race-mixing is amongst the most degenerative of actions one can take: Yes or No?
Race-mixing is amongst the most degenerative of actions one can take: Yes or No?
Answer the question, Jew.
Jesus Christ dude I was just going to ignore this thread but now I'll help bump it to spite you you sorry faggot
No you weren't and so I only laugh.
This thread will be deleted soon - but first, I'm gonna rock ths shit out of it.
Stop bumping this thread.
do tell us the collection of degenerative actions that race-mixing in amongst. Then maybe we can help.
That isn't a christian, this is a low-energy raid.
Race-mixing is amongst the most degenerative of actions one can take: Yes or No?
Answer the fucking question, Jew.
Actually, fuck it.
We are so grateful the thread police are here to volunteer out of their busy day to regulate the quality of this board on behalf of the moderation
Kill yourself my man.
With a rock.
We'll mail your corpse back to cuckchan.
Damn right.
Cry more, jew, with your low-energy raid.
You need more rock in your life.
Preferably thrown at you from short range.
Freddie Mercury was a queer who died of AIDs you faggot
With a gas-powered pitching machine.
Yep. God punished the wicked - but not until he rocked out hard!
The alt right should feel right at home with him then.
The alt-right isn't real bro.
Looks like somebody is berry upset.
for(thread==triggering){spam.thread(autistic screeching);}
Suck my rock bruv.
race mixing is degenerate naysayers are jews
How does it feel knowing I can half-assedly spam rock music better than you can spam your awful D&C thread?
looks like the old IFB has been heard from
You sound like a Jew
Bet it feels like a rock to the head.
I'm not even the OP but you're the only one spamming so it looks like you're just sucking yourself off
DId you know Gene Simmons was a Jew?
A Jew worshipping Satan?
Who would have thought!?
Yeah, you're his buttbuddy.
We get it.
Do it in private.
This is a place of rock, not a place of gay jewish antifa's attempting to low-energy raid while trying to suck themselves off.
no i must meme
You aren't memeing, you suck at this.
You can't even pretend to be us well.
But now there is rock.
I can feel your anal clench through the screen. Seriously dude just hide this thread you'll live longer